Title: Microprogrammed Control Unit
1Microprogrammed Control Unit
Control Memory Sequencing Microinstructions
Microprogram Example Design of Control
Unit Microinstruction Format
2Control Unit
- Initiate sequences of microoperations
- Control signal (that specify microoperations)in a
bus-organized system
groups of bits that select the paths in
multiplexers, decoders, and arithmetic logic units
- Two major types of Control Unit
Hardwired Control in Chap. 5
- The control logic is implemented with gates,
F/Fs, decoders, andother digital circuits - Fast operation.
- -Wiring change(if the design has to be modified)
Microprogrammed Control in this Chapter
- The control information is stored in a control
memory, and the control memory is programmed to
initiate the required sequence of microoperations - Any required change can be done by updating the
microprogram incontrol memory. - -Slow operation
3Control Word
The control variables at any given time can be
represented by a string of 1s and 0s.
Microprogrammed Control Unit
A control unit whose binary control variables are
stored in memory (control memory).
The microinstruction specifies one or more
A sequence of microinstruction
Dynamic microprogramming Control Memory RAM
- RAM can be used for writing (to change a writable
control memory) - Microprogram is loaded initially from an
auxiliary memory such as a magnetic disk - Control words in ROM are made permanent during
the hardware production.
Static microprogramming Control Memory ROM
4Microprogrammed Control Organization
Control Memory
A memory is part of a control unit Computer
Memory (employs a microprogrammed control unit)
- Main Memory for storing user program (Machine
instruction/data) - Control Memory for storing microprogram
5Control Address Register
Specify the address of the microinstruction
Determine the address sequence that is read from
control memory Next address of the next
microinstruction can be specified several way
depending on the sequencer input.
Sequencing Capabilities Required in a Control
- Incrementing of the control address register
- Unconditional and conditional branches
- A mapping process from the bits of the machine
instruction to an address for control memory - A facility for subroutine call and return
Control data register
Hold the microinstruction read from control
memory Allows the execution of the
microoperations specified by the control word
simultaneously with the generation of the next
6Selection of address for control memory
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8Conditional Branching
9Mapping of Instructions
10Mapping of Instructions to Microroutines
11Microprogram Example
12Machine Instruction Format
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15Symbolic Microinstructions
16Symbolic Microprogram- Fetch routine
17Symbolic Microprogram- Indirect routine
18Symbolic Microprogram
19Binary Microprogram
20Design of control unit
21Microprogram Sequencer
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24Microprogram Sequencer
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