William Shakespeare - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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William Shakespeare


Marriage and family ... Masks, Tricks, and Deceit What plan might Don Pedro and Claudio create to make Benedick and Beatrice fall in love with one another? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare
  • Life and times
  • Language
  • His works (plays and sonnets)
  • Historical context

April 23, 1564-April 23, 1616
  • Born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon (center of
    England). It is said that he was born on April
  • 1 of 8 childrenhis parents (John and Mary) lost
    two children before William was born

His early years
  • It is believed that he went to junior school and
    then on to Stratford Grammar School by the age of
    seven, where he studied Latin and Greek
  • William probably saw his first plays as a boy.
    Accounts show that traveling actors appeared in
    Stratford more than thirty times.

Marriage and family
  • Married Anne Hathaway at age 18 - she was 26
  • They had three children together Susanna, Judith
    and Hamnet - son).
  • Shakespeare apparently left for London while his
    family stayed behind in Stratford.
  • The Lost Years 1586-1592
  • (we are not really sure what he was doing)

His writing years
  • Shakespeare became an actor and a playwright by
  • He worked with the theatrical company known as
    the Lord Chamberlains Companylater called the
    Kings Men, when King James came to the throne
    and supported the company by being its patron.
  • Shakespeare wrote a total of 37 plays and 154
    sonnets (14- line poem with a specific rhyme
    scheme) in his lifetime. None of his plays were
    published until seven years after his death.
  • Shakespeare also coined many words and
    expressions such as catch a cold, pomp and
    circumstance, assassinate, lonely, and
    the green-eyed monster.

Shakespeare and Theater
  • The Theatre was the first public playhouse
    built in London (only 20 years before Shakespeare
    began writing). Shakespeare and the acting
    company performed there until 1599 when their
    lease expired. Then they built the Globe Theater.

His Theater
  • Called The Globe - opened in 1599. Shakespeare
    referred to it as the Wooden O as it was a
    large, round theater made from wood.
  • Plays were performed in the afternoon - no
    artificial lighting.
  • Probably accommodated an audience of 3,000 from
    all social classes.
  • The groundlings paid a penny to get in and
    stood on three sides of the stage. Upper classes
    sat or stood in tiers covered from rain.
  • Worked with limited props the outcome of each
    play depended solely upon Shakespeares words,
    the actors talents, and the participation of the

His Theater (cont.)
  • Three stories high, three-level seating
  • Octagon-shaped
  • Had a thatched roof
  • Large platform stage that projected into the
    audience pulleys and trap doors
  • No fancy sets, basic costumes
  • All parts were portrayed by males
  • Eventually burned in 1613, was rebuilt, but later
    torn down in 1644. A new Globe Theater stands

The Globe / Wooden O today
  • Outside of the new Globe Theatre
    (opened in 1997)

Touring the Globe Theater
  • Lets take a quick virtual tour of Shakespeares
  • http//www.shakespeares-globe.org/virtualtour/

About the plays
  • Because he wrote nearly four hundred years ago,
    some of Shakespeares language poses problems for
    modern readers
  • Much of Much Ado is written in iambic pentameter
    (five sets of an unstressed syllable followed by
    a stressed syllable)
  • Thou WILT be LIKE a LOVer PRESentLY,
  • and TIRE the HEARer WITH a BOOK of WORDS
  • He wrote comedies, tragedies, and histories, and
    sometimes romance (types of plays)
  • His plays were meant to be seen, not read

Shakespeares Plays
  • A few of his 37 plays include
  • Macbeth
  • Hamlet
  • Julius Caesar
  • The Taming of the Shrew
  • Othello
  • A Midsummer Nights Dream

Five-Part Dramatic Structure
Act III Crisis or Turning Point
Act II Rising Action/ Complications
Act IV Falling Action
Act I Exposition/ Introduction
Act V Climactic Moment/ Resolution (denouement)
Much Ado About Nothing
  • Genre Romantic Comedy
  • Setting In Messina, on the eastern tip of
  • The men have returned from war and its time to

The Characters
  • Beatrice and Benedick Long-time verbal sparring

The Characters
  • Claudio wishes to marry Hero, Governor Leonatos
    daughter. Alas, he is too shy to approach her.

The Characters
  • Don Pedro The leader of the soldiers. Claudio
    enlists his aid in wooing the fair Hero.

The Characters
  • Don John The bastard brother of Don Pedro. As
    a villain, he is determined to make trouble and
    spoil anyones happiness if he can.

The Characters
  • Dogberry The bumbling sheriff of Messina. With
    his constable Verges, they add humor and wit to
    the play as they become involved in the drama.

The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603)
  • Named for the reigning Queen, Elizabeth I. She
    assumed the throne after her older half-sister,
    Mary, died. Elizabeth became Queen at age 25.
  • Full of ambition, achievement, promise.
  • English drama was developed at its highest.
  • Bubonic plague (Black Death) closed theaters for
    time periods
  • Renaissance (rebirth) of thought, art, and vision
    for England.

Elizabethan Age continued
  • London center of everythingbooming town
  • Theater was a true common denominatorall
    social classes intersected in the theatre. It was
    the main source of entertainment of its day.
  • Elizabeth was succeeded by her cousin, James,
    when she died in 1603.

Some Elizabethan Words
Archaic Word Modern Meaning
Owes Owns
Wot Know
Good morrow Good morning
Good day Afternoon greeting/parting
Good eve or eventide Good evening
God ye good den God grant
I bid you adieu Goodbye
By your leave With your permission
Shrift Confession
Get Ready!
  • Place your Much Ado characters bedroom on your
  • Prepare to share it with a small group
  • Introduce your character
  • Explain who your character is
  • Show the objects in the room and explain what
    they represent about your characters personality

Please respond in your Reading Section
  • What do you think might go wrong with Don Pedros
    plan to disguise himself as Claudio and ask Hero
    to marry him?
  • At the ball, how might Beatrice and Benedick act
    toward each other when each is wearing a mask?
  • 3. Because we know Don John is a villain who has
    vowed revenge on Don Pedro, what do you think he
    might do to spoil Don Pedro and Claudios plans
    for the masked ball?

Stop and Say Something
  • Read the script aloud
  • Stop at the stars in your text to discuss the
  • Every member of the group will say something
  • Example starter phrases
  • -I wonder -I bet that
  • -I think this means -This character
  • -Im confused by -I feel

Choose Your Character(s)
Don Pedro Beatrice Hero, Ursula Claudio Baltha
sar, Borachio Benedick Margaret
Antonio, Don John
Write a Summary
Somebody Wanted But So
Leonato Hero to be married and happy Antonios servant reported the wrong info. He told Hero to prepare for a proposal from Don Pedro
Write a Summary
Somebody Wanted But So
Act II Masks, Tricks, and Deceit
  • What plan might Don Pedro and Claudio create to
    make Benedick and Beatrice fall in love with one
  • How might Don John try to ruin the upcoming
    wedding between Claudio and Hero?

Get Organized!
Use the list on the side board to organize your
folder. Folder check tomorrow!
Why a Masquerade?
Talk with your partner and jot down a list of
things that were able to happen because
characters were wearing masks. (Reading Section)
Tricks and Deceit
Who plays tricks in Much Ado? Who wears a
mask? What are they hiding?
Choose Your Roles
  • Recorder
  • Timekeeper
  • Materials Manager
  • Taskmaster

How Has Your Character Worn a Mask?
  • Three relevant quotes to show how they
  • have tricked or been tricked by others
  • Explanation of what this reveals about your
  • character
  • Simile and picture of the simile
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