Defense against pathogens, tumour immunology, transplantology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Defense against pathogens, tumour immunology, transplantology


Defense against pathogens, tumour immunology, transplantology Martin Li ka – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Defense against pathogens, tumour immunology, transplantology

Defense against pathogens, tumour immunology,
  • Martin Liška

Extracellular microorganisms
  • Typically bacteria or parasites
  • For defense against extracellular microbes and
    their toxins, specific humoral immune response is

Humoral immune response
  • Recognition of antigen by specific Ig, bound in
    cell membrane of naive B lymphocyte
  • The binding of antigen cross-links Ig receptors
    of specific B cells and then biochemical signal
    is delivered to the inside B cell a breakdown
    product of the complement protein C3 provides
    necessary second signal
  • Clonal expansion of B cell and secretion of low
    levels of IgM

Humoral immune response
  • Protein antigens activate CD4 T helper cells
    after presentation of specific antigen
  • T helper cells exprime CD40L on their surface and
    secrete cytokines ? proliferation and
    differentiation of antigen-specific B cells,
    isotype switching, affinity maturation

Phases of humoral immune response
Effector functions of antibodies
  • Neutralization of microbes (incl.viruses) and
    their toxins
  • Opsonization of microbes (binding to Fc receptors
    on phagocytes at the same time, stimulation of
    microbicidal activities of phagocytes)
  • ADCC (Antibody-dependent cell-mediated
    cytotoxicity) IgG opsonized microb is destroyed
    by NK cells after its binding to IC
  • Activation of the complement system (classical

Defense against extracellular pathogens (bacteria
and unicellular parasites)
  • a/ non-specific (innate) immune system
  • - monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, complement
    system, acute phase proteins (e.g.CRP)
  • b/ specific (adaptive) immune system
  • - antibodies (opsonization, neutralization)

Defense against multicellular parasites
  • Production of IgE ? coating and opsonization of
  • Activation of eosinophils - they recognize Fc
    regions of the bound IgE, then they are activated
    and release their granule contents (MBP,ECP,EPO),
    which kill the parasites
  • Th2-lymphocytes support this type of immune

Intracellular microorganisms
  • Initially non-specific immune response
    (ingestion by phagocytes)
  • Some microorganisms are able to survive inside
    phagocytes (e.g. some bacteria, fungi,
    unicellular parasites, viruses) they survive
    inside phagosomes or enter the cytoplasm and
    multiply in this compartment
  • The elimination of these microorganisms is the
    main function of T cells (specific cell-mediated

Processing and presentation of antigen
  • Professional antigen-presenting cells
    macrophages, dendritic cells, B lymphocytes (they
    express constitutionally class II MHC)
  • a/ exogenous antigens e.g. bacterial, parasitic
  • - hydrolysed in endosomes to linear peptides ?
  • presentation on the cell surface together with
  • II MHC to CD4 T lymphocytes

Processing and presentation of antigen
  • b/ endogenous antigens e.g. autoantigens,
  • foreign antigens from i.c. parasites or
  • tumorous antigens
  • hydrolysed to peptides ? associated with class I
    MHC ? presentation on the cell surface to CD8 T

T cell-mediated immune response
  • Presentation of peptides to naive T lymphocytes
    in peripheral lymphoid organs ? recognition of
    antigen by naive T lymphocytes
  • At the same time, T lymphocytes receive
    additional signals from microbe or from innate
    immune reactions ? production of cytokines ?
    clonal expansion ? differentiation ? effector
    memory cells ? effector cells die after
    elimination of infection

T cell-mediated immune response
  • TCR (T cell receptor) T cell antigen-specific
  • - TCR recognizes (together with co-receptors -
    CD4 or CD8) the complex of antigen and MHC
  • a signal is delivered into the cell through
    molecules associated with TCR and co-receptors
    (CD4 or CD8) after antigen recognition

T cell-mediated immune response
  • APC exposed to microbes or to cytokines produced
    as part of innate immune reactions to microbes
    express costimulators that are recognized by
    receptors on T cells and delivered necessary
    second signals for T cell activation
  • Activated macrophages kill ingested bacteria by
    reactive oxygen intermediates, NO and lysosomal

Function of Th1and Th2 lymphocytes
Activation of T lymphocytes
Mechanisms of resistance of intracellular
microbes to cell-mediated immune response
  • Inhibiting phagolysosome fusion
  • Escaping from the vesicles of phagocytes
  • Inhibiting the assembly of class I MHC-peptide
  • Production of inhibitory cytokines
  • Production of decoy cytokine receptors

Defense against intracellular pathogens (bacteria
and unicellular parasites)
  • Intracellular bacteria (Mycobacteria, Listeria
    monocytogenes), fungi (Cryptococcus neoformans),
    parasites (Plasmodium falciparum, Leishmania)
  • Specific immune response is necessary

Anti-viral defense
  • Viruses may bind to receptors on a wide variety
    of cells and are able to infect and replicate in
    the cytoplasm of these cells, which do not
    possess intrinsic mechanisms for destroying the
  • Some viruses can integrate viral DNA into host
    genome and viral proteins are produced in the
    infected cells (e.g. Retroviruses)

Anti-viral defense
  • a/ non-specific (innate) immune system
  • - monocytes/macrophages, NK cells, interferons
    (IFN-g ? activation of macrophages, IFN-a ?
    antiviral activity, activation of NK cells)
  • b/ specific (adaptive) immune system
  • - T cells, antibodies (e.g. neutralization of

Tumor immunology
  • Tumor antigens
  • Mutant proteins (the products of carcinogen- or
    radiation-induced animal tumors)
  • Products of oncogenes or mutated tumor suppressor
    genes (Bcr/Abl fusion protein)
  • Overexpressed or aberrantly expressed self
    protein (AFP in hepatomas)
  • Oncogenic virus products (HPV products in
    cervical CA)

Tumor immunology
  • Mechanisms of defense
  • The principle is formation of cytotoxic T
    lymphocytes clone (CTL) specific for tumor
  • The cooperation of naive CD8 T cells and APC
    (co-stimulation) and T-helper cells of the same
    antigenic specifity (cytokines) is required
  • APC enables formation of antigen-specific CD8 T
    cells and CD8 T cells cross presentation

Tumor immunology
  • Ig, activated macrophages and NK-cells also
    participate in anti-tumor-defense
  • Immunotherapy of tumors aims to enhance
    anti-tumor immunity passively (by providing
    immune effectors) or actively (vaccination with
    tumor antigens or with tumor cells engineered to
    express co-stimulators and cytokines)

Tumor immunology
  • How tumors evade immune responses
  • a/ lack of T cell recognition of tumor
  • - generation of antigen-loss variant of tumor
  • mutations in MHC genes or genes needed for
  • b/ inhibition of T cell activation
  • - production of immuno-suppressive proteins

Transplantation immunity alloimmune reaction
  • Recipients T cells recognize donors allogeneic
    HLA molecules that resemble foreign
    peptide-loaded self HLA molecules
  • Graft antigens are recognized
  • a/ Directly donors HLA molecules on graft APC
    bind peptide fragments of allogeneic cellular
    proteins (different from that ones that
    recipients APC bind)? they are recognized by
    recipients T cells as foreign
  • b/ Indirectly graft antigens are presented by
    recipients APC to recipients T cells

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Transplantation immunity - alloimmune reaction
  • Antibodies against alloantigens
  • They can react with HLA molecules or with another
    surface polymorphic antigens
  • Especially the complement binding antibodies have
    harmful effect (cytotoxic)
  • Possible presence of preformed antibodies (e.g.
    after blood transfusion, repeated pregnancy)

Immunologically privileged tissue
  • In allogeneic transplantation, some tissues are
    rejected less frequently (e.g. CNS, cornea,
  • The mechanisms of protection from the immune
    system separation from the immune system
    (haematoencephalic barrier) the preference of
    Th2- and suppression of Th1-reactions active
    protection from effector T cells
  • The privileged status is not absolute (see MS)

Types of transplantation
  • Autologous within the same individual (e.g. a
    skin graft from an individuals thigh to his
    chest) that is, they are not foreign
  • Syngeneic in genetically identical individuals
    (e.g. identical twins) that is, they are not
  • Allogeneic (alloantigens) in genetically
    dissimilar members of the same species (e.g. a
    kidney transplant from mother to daughter) it is
  • Xenogeneic (heterogeneic) in different species
    (e.g. a transplant of monkey kidneys to human)
    it is foreign

Immunological examination before transplantation
  • HLA is the most important
  • MHC genes are highly polymorphic there is a
    great number of gene variants (alleles) in the
  • MHC haplotype a unique combination of alleles
    (at multiple loci) encoding HLA molecules, that
    are transmitted together on the same chromosome

HLA typing
  • 1/ Sera typing identification of specific class
    I and class II HLA molecules using sera typing
  • - less time-consuming method, however, also less
  • 2/ DNA typing human DNA testing by PCR
  • - low resolution (groups of alleles), high
    resolution (single alleles)
  • - more time-consuming method, however, also
    highly accurate

Transplantation immunity - tests
  • Mixed lymphocyte reaction T cells from one
    individual are cultured with leukocytes of
    another individual ? the magnitude of this
    response is proportional to the extent of the MHC
    differences between these individuals
  • Cross match preformed antibodies detection test
    (donors serum is mixed with recipients
    lymphocytes in the presence of complement
    proteins ? if preformed cytolytic antibodies are
    present in serum then the lysis of donors
    leukocytes occurs)

  • rejection of the graft by recipients immune
    system, which considers it as non-self
  • Hyperacute rejection (minutes)
  • mediated by preformed antibodies (natural or
    generated after previous immunization) ?
    complement fixation ? endothelial injury
    activation of haemocoagulation ? thrombosis of
    graft vessels ? accumulation neutrophils ?
    amplification of inflammatory reaction
  • Acute rejection (days or weeks)
  • mediated by T cells (? graft cells and
    endothelial injury) and by antibodies (thes bind
    to endothelium)
  • Chronic rejection (months or years)
  • mediated by alloantigen-specific T cells ?
    cytokines, stimulating growth of vascular
    endothelial and smooth muscle cells and tissue

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Graft versus Host reaction (GvH)
  • donors T cells, present in graft recognize
    recipients tissue antigens as non-self and,
    therefore, they react to them
  • 1/ Acute GvH days or weeks after
    transplantation ? liver, skin and intestinal
  • 2/ Chronic GvH moths or years after
    transplantation ? chronic vascular, skin, organs
    or glands inflammation ? replacement of
    functional by fibrous tissue, disorder of grafts
    blood circulation ? loss of tissue function

Therapeutic approaches of GvH prevention and
  • The selection of an appropriate donor
  • Immunosupression the development of coexistence
    is possible later
  • Donors T cells replacement from the graft

Maternal-foetal tolerance
  • Th2-type responses in mother
  • Protective effect of hormones hCG, estrogens
  • Specific placental (Bohns) proteins
    immunosuppressive effect
  • Blocking antibodies
  • Sialomucinous membrane between mother and fetus

Rh incompatibility
  • Mother Rh-/Foetus Rh delivery ?
  • senzitization (anti-D antibodies) next
  • pregnancy (Rh incompatibility) ? anti-D IgG
  • pass through the placenta into foetal
  • circulation ? destruction of foetal
  • erythrocytes ? hemolytic anemia
  • Prevention administration of anti-D to Rh-
  • mother after delivery of Rh child
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