Title: Microsoft R
1Microsoft RD uncovered
- Olivier EZRATTY
- Innovation Strategies Consulting
- oezratty_at_hotmail.com, http//www.oezratty.net
- July 2006
- Microsofts business overview
- Microsoft RD processes
- Microsoft innovation challenges
3Microsoft business overview
- Portfolio breadth, role of platforms and
ecosystems, company organization, innovation
4Technical Consulting
Technical Support
Books and Courseware
Internal IT
Software Applications Tools
Internet Services
Hardware Reference Designs
Operating Systems
Internet Hosting
Media Centers Ultra Mobile PCs Tablet PCs
5Microsoft Products Portfolio
- Windows
- Windows XP
- Windows XP Tablet PC
- Windows Media Center
- Windows Embedded
- Windows Automotive
- Windows CE
- Internet Explorer
- Windows media Player
- Windows Desktop Search
- Windows Defender
- Servers
- Windows Server
- Windows Small Business Server
- SQL Server
- BizTalk Server
- SMS Server
- Virtual Server
- Developer Tools
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Team System
- Office
- Access
- Communicator
- Excel
- FrontPage
- InfoPath
- Live Meeting
- Office Live
- OneNote
- Outlook
- Powerpoint
- Project
- Publisher
- Small Business Accounting
Windows Games Flight Simulator Combat Flight
Simulator Age of Empires Age of Mythology Zoo
Tycoon Fable Dungeon Siege Rise of Nations Kings
and Myths Halo RalliSport Challenge Freelancer Imp
ossible Creatures MechWarrior MechCommander Board
Games Train Simulator Return of Arcade
XBOX games Halo Shadowrun Mass Effect Crackdown Fo
rza Motosport Gears of War Too Human Viva
Pinata Kameo Perfect Dark Zero Project Gotham
Racing Fable Conker MechAssault Blix Sudeki RalliS
port Challenge CounterStrike Project Gotham
Racing Crimson Skies Grabbled by the
Ghoulies Midtown Madness Shenmue Tao Feng Brute
Force MechAssault Blood Wake Quantum
Redshift Azurik Fuzion Frenzy
Home Encarta Money Streets and Trips Digital
Image Suite MapPoint Pocket Streets Works Microsof
t TV Hardware XBox XBox Wireless Controler XBox
Memory Unit XBox Headset Xbox Wireless Networking
Adapter XBox Live Keyboards Mouses MSN Live Messe
nger Hotmail Search Spaces AdWords Premium Music
Source http//www.microsoft.com
6Market share or penetration
Product Category Market Adoption
7Revenue mix
FY06 revenue mix in and B. Source Microsoft
Reports Fourth Quarter Results and Announces
Share Repurchase Program
8Revenue and profit growth
FY06 vs FY05 revenue and profit growth in
m. Source Microsoft Reports Fourth Quarter
Results and Announces Share Repurchase Program
Available on http//www.microsoft.com/msft/downlo
9Microsoft top level organization
CTOs lt120 p
Field 28000 p
Product Divisions 30000 p
- Sales / marketing
- Services
Microsoft Research 850 p
- Platform services
- Windows
- Server tools
- Live MSN
- Business
- Office
- Business Solutions
- Entertainment devices
- Xbox, games
- Media Center
- Mobility, hardware
Functional 8000 p
- Mathematics
- Development optimization
- Scalable computing
- User interfaces
- Nanotechs
- HR
- Finance
- Legal
- IT
- Operations
Estimated headcount as of June 2006, various
internal and external sources used
10RD geographical split
San Francisco
11RD budgets
Budgets in m. Not all Fortune 500 shows up here.
Only high tech and pharmaceutical market leaders.
Sources budgets in m, 2004 financial results
published on company investors relations web
sites. Microsoft data relates to FY2005 ending
june 2005.
12Incremental or disruptive innovations
- Disruptive innovations
- Relational databases
- Spreadsheets
- GUI and Xerox Star
- Electronic publishing
- Web browser
- Incremental innovations
- GUI improvements
- Word spellchecker
- Commonplace in software
- Based on customer feedback and competition watch
13Innovation and integration
- Parallel hardware and software integration
- Integration must create real user value
- Many integration combinations
- Integration and complexity trade-offs
- Interoperability and legal limits to integration
14Exploding Platform Ecosystem
ADSL modem Wifi, Bluetooth Smartphones and
PDAs DVD drives Digital cameras Digital
camcorders MP3 players TV screens HDTV Hifi
5.1 USB discs External disk drives Smartcards Mult
i-core processors 64 bits processors Tablet PC
Color printers Multi-function printers Scanners Jo
ysticks Microphone Loudspeakers CD-ROM drives 32
bits CPUs USB connectivity
PC peripherals
BW printers Network cards Mouse
Printer sharing File sharing Modems
Mainframes connectivity Local networks Web Newsgro
ups Electronic payment Online music Messaging Inst
ant messaging Calendaring
Wifi connectivity Blogs RSS Mobile
messaging Mobile calendering Visio-conferencing IP
TV VOIP Home automation
Communication tools
15Windows innovations categories
- GUI evolutions
- Information organization
- Search
- Digital convergence
- Mobility
- Communications
- Reliability
- Security
- Deployments
- Internationalization
- Upgrade easiness
- Certification
- Developer tools
- New hardware support
- Interoperability standards (XML, IP V6)
16Microsoft Innovation Process
- Growth and innovation drivers, leadership and
management culture, research and development
organization, partnering with the ecosystem,
external growth
17Microsoft key growth drivers
- Share and value gains
- Server, desktop
- Beyond the PC
- Mobility, living room, games
- Up in the applications foodchain
- ERP and CRM for small businesses
- Advertising revenue
- Search, Live!
- Geographic / penetration
- Particularly China and India
18Microsoft Innovation Drivers
- Leadership and management style
- Product teams environment
- Big long term quests
- Fundamental research investments
- New products incubation
- Partnering with the ecosystem
- External growth
19Decision making process
- Top to bottom
- Billg memos
- Competition watch
- Product reviews
- Opportunity analysis
- Bottom up
- Customer feedback
- Technical support logs
- Geek ethnocentrism
- Skunk projects
20Successes and Failures
Sales successes Open game Failure or withdrawal
Desktop MS-DOS Windows 3.0 et suivants Multiplan, Word Office, Access, Project Visio MapPoint Tablet PC Windows XP Embedded MS-Mail Windows 1.0 et 2.0 OS/2
Servers Windows Server Exchange SQL Server SharePoint Server BizTalk Server Commerce Server Architecture .NET OS/2 LAN ManagerArchitecture DNA
Tools Basic Visual Basic Visual Studio QuickPascal Visual Basic for MS-DOS
Business Applications Business Solutions MS Finance MS Tax
Mobility and new medias Pocket PC Windows CE SmartPhone MSTV WebTV
Consumer Encarta Flight Simulator Money XBOX Windows Media Center MSN Bob Magic Schoolbus Smart Displays
Hardware Mouse Keyboard Joysticks Windows Sound System
21Microsoft Research
- MSR brain trust
- Research partnerships
- Joint MSR/INRIA lab
- Publications
- Patents
- TechFest
22 Themes
- Algorithms and theory
- Hardware development (including nanotechs)
- Human-computer interactions
- Machine learning, adaptation and intelligence
- Multimedia and graphics
- Search, retrieval and knowledge management
- Security and cryptographics
- Social computing
- Software development
- Systems, architectures, mobility and networking
See list on http//research.microsoft.com/research
23 outcome examples
- Windows Media Codecs
- Cryptography libraries
- ClearType
- Tablet PC concept and ink management
- Speech recognition in Windows Mobile
- Chinese and Japanese Input Method Editors
- Spot watches
- Word automatic language recognition
- Grammar checker in Word
- Email mining in Outlook
- Junk mail filters
- Answer wizards
- Smart Tags
- Antipiracy technologies
Tools and support
- TCP-IP V6 implementation
- Datamining in SQL Server
- TerraServer and SQL Server scalability showcase
- SkyServer and .NET Web Services showcase
- Microsoft knowledge base automated translation
- Security code audit tools
- Automated bug detection tools
24Product Groups Organization
- Team jobs
- Developers only 1/3rd of product teams
- Team size
- 5 to 60 developers per component
- Up to 30 components per product
- Special roles
- Lead Architects
- Business Managers
- Hardware reference designers
- Ethnologists
- User Interface designers
- Marketing in a separate division
- Usability labs
Approximate product team HC split with enterprise
25Development process tools
- Processes
- Specifications
- Yearly Engineering Conference
- Developer Security Training
- Software build process
- Alpha Beta Testing
- Internal IT dog-fooding
- Tools
- Automated Testing Tools
- Automated Security Audit Tools
- Automated User Interface Localization
- Windows Error Reporting database
26Organizational Innovation Drivers
- Hiring and staffing
- Risk culture
- RD budgeting
- Industry collaboration
- Incubation
- Acquisitions
- Standards creation
- Bureaucracy
- Installed base
- Hierarchy
- Interdependencies
- Unbalanced aged pyramid
- Badly managed acquisitions
27Product lifecycle
lt2 years
2-6 years
3-10 years
Service Packs
Major releases
Large accounts
Other customers
Involved parties
28Technology Evangelism
- Feeding the ecosystem
- Driving killer apps creation
29Growth strategies
- Internal growth
- RD
- Hiring and staffing
- gt90 of historical growth
- India / China new RD labs
- External growth
- Merger and acquisitions
- Investments
- Joint ventures
- Technology IP acquisitions
- Joint innovation with customers and partners
- Startup programs
30External growth track record
Investment type Server and tools Windows Desktop Business Solutions Mobility Consumer MSN
Acquisitions Placeware, Connectix, Flash Communications, Network Courrier, Softway, Zoomit, Valence, VXTreme, LinkAge, Cooper Peters, Intersé, NetCarta, ResNova, eShop, Active Views, Giant, FrontBridge, ProClarity, AssetMetrix, Whale Communications, Softricity Entropic, Dimension X, Colusa, Giant, FrontBridge, Alacris, FolderShare, Winternals Visio, Powerpoint, Project, Vermeer, Groove, Media-streams.com AG, iViews Great Plains, Navision, SMS SNTC, Sendit Rare, Ensemble Studios, Digital Anvil, NetGames, Bungie, Access Software, Fasa Interactive, Bruce Artwick, SofImage, WebTV, LionHead Hotmail, Vinciniti, Mongo Music, Driveoff.com, Jump Networks, Comparenet, LinkExchange, Firefly (Passport), Teleo (VOIP), MotionBridge, Onfolio, Massive, Vexcel
Acquired IP NetIQ, NatSystèmes, Panorama, Prologue, Citrix, Unveil Technologies FinJan General Magic
JV or investments Avanade, Commerce One Corel Lernout Hauspie, Apple Lots cablos, telcos and mobile operators, Digex TMM/TAK, Dreamworks SKG, Inprise MSNBC, RealNames
31Microsoft Challenges
- Success and failures, business challenges, Vista
and Google case studies, competing with open
source, innovations marketing challenges
32Microsoft challenges
- Engineering challenges
- Products complexity (Vista)
- Product delays (Vista, Office 2007)
- Software revenue models
- Open source competition
- Google competition
- Organization challenges
- Talent drain
- Organization complexity
- Legal challenges
- Limits to software integration
- IP protection and litigations mitigation
- Marketing challenges
33Windows history
Longuest delay between versions
34Vista delays
- Way too complex product
- Track record of exec in charge
- Desynchronization with licensing
- Learned lessons
- Complex technology management requires
businessmen - Align product roadmap with business roadmap
- Prefer modular software design
35Software Licencing Models
Open Source
36Competing with Open Source
- Non traditional competition
- Challenges software business models
- Challenging intellectual property grounds
- Software with many so-called benefits
- Microsoft response
- Evangelize fundamentals of software publishing
- Continue to heavily invest in RD to make a
difference - Communicate on value and TCO
- Debunk some open source myths
- Improve software interoperability and standards
endorsement - Embrace but not extend
- Shared Source licences and tools
37Software vs Advertising
Internet Advertising gt 25B With gt45 on search
Worldwide advertising revenue gt 550B
Online ads
TV gt 160B
Source based on IAB Internet Advertising Revenue
Report, April 2006, 2005 data.
38Competing with Google
- Situation
- Google and search new darlings in town
- Microsoft Internet assets not well valued
- MSN lagging behind with search but leading with
communication tools (IM, Hotmail) - Software as a service trend
- Internet advertising market growing faster than
software market - Challenged traditional software revenue models
- What should they do ?
39Marketing Challenges
- Product portfolio complexity
- Customer and partners segmentation
- Ecosystem drive vs spin communication
- Consumer vs enterprise schizophrenia
- Global strategy vs local execution
- Software development is becoming a real
industrial process - Size matters but its a growing management
challenge - Innovation still comes from small teams or
companies - Business model innovations as important as
technology innovations
- Bibliography and speaker bio
42On innovation strategies
43On Microsoft
44Olivier Ezratty bio
- Olivier Ezratty has 20 years of experience in
software research and development, marketing and
business development. He started his career in
1985 at Sogitec, a wholly owned subsidiary of
Dassault Aviation, where he was a software design
engineer then project manager and group manager
of a development team working on custom
electronic publishing projects. He then became an
early adopter of the Windows platform, starting
projects on its initial 1.0 release. - Starting in 1990, he then acquired at Microsoft
France a broad experience in all dimensions of
marketing products, channels, customer,
communication and public relations. He launched
the first version of Visual Basic in 1991 as well
as Windows NT in 1993, and a bunch of partner
programs. All these are now IT industry
standards. Olivier Ezratty became Chief Marketing
Officer of Microsoft France in July 1998. He
reengineered internal and external communication
tools, charter, processes and vendors, reshaped
its public relations including starting dealing
with government institutions, managed customers
and partners transition to Year 2000 and Euro,
consolidated its call centre and telesales
operations and also launched Windows 2000 and
Office 2000. - In May 2001, Olivier Ezratty became Director of
the Developer and Platform Evangelism Division
which he created and staffed for the France
region. This organization of 50 is chartered
with driving the adoption of the Microsoft
enterprise platform by software developers, IT
professionals, software vendors, as well as with
the computer science academia and research. He
launched the .NET platform, new partnerships
with the best universities, research
organizations and local software vendors, as well
as initiated the first strategic .NET projects
with large accounts across many industries. - Since June 2005, Olivier Ezratty is coaching and
consulting for innovative high-tech start-up and
in the venture capital community. He also
delivers conferences and speeches on innovation
strategies, digital convergence and management. - Olivier Ezratty graduated from Ecole Centrale
Paris in 1985, MsC in computer science.
oezratty_at_hotmail.com 06 67 37 92
41 http//www.oezratty.net