Title: High Transfer Rate, Real-time Brain-Computer Interface
1High Transfer Rate, Real-time Brain-Computer
- Machine-based learning techniques towards a
practical spelling device for the completely
- Brain Computer Interfaces brief intro.
- Our system
- Overview, technical details
- Machine learning Support Vector Machines
- Additional Bandwidth Word Prediction
- Results
- Future Improvements, QA
- Demonstration at Psychology Lab
3BCIs the Need
- Locked-in patients
- Example J.D. Bauby, The Diving Bell and the
Butterfly - Persistence of life butterfly
- Extreme physical disability diving bell
4BCIs the Need
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), aka Lou
Gherigs - Degeneration of motor neurons, paralysis of
voluntary muscles - 120,000 diagnosed each year worldwide
- 2000 Canadians live with ALS right now
- Can leave patients locked-in
- Cognitive and sensory functions remain intact
5BCI(1) Slow Cortical Potentials (SCPs)
- Extensive training 3 months using biofeedback
mechanism - Tested on ALS patients, learned to control SCPs
Ref N. Birbaumer et al., The thought
translation device (TTD) for completely paralyzed
patients, IEEE Trans. Rehab. Eng., Vol. 8, pp.
190-193,June 2000.
6BCI(1) SCPs cont.
- Most successful subject artificially fed and
respirated for 4 years - After 3 months of training, wrote letter below
- Took 16 hours to write 2 letters/minute
- Expresses thanks, wants to have a party
7BCI(2) Implants - Cyberkinetics Inc.
- BrainGate Neural Interface System Mkt. cap
45mil. - Control of cursor on PC using implant in motor
cortex - Undergoing limited clinical trials
- Limb movement possibilities
8P300 Spelling Device the P300 Event Related
- Known as oddball or surprise paradigm
- Inherent
9P300 Spelling Device the System
- Non-invasive
- Inherent Response
10P300 Speller Terminology
- Epoch One flash of any row or column
- Trial 1 complete set of epochs - all rows and
columns - Symbol Alphanumeric characters or pictures
11BCI Competition 2003
- Provided pre-collected data for competition
- P300 Spelling Paradigm
- Winners included Kaper et al.
- Used Support Vector Machines
- Achieved high transfer rate with real-time
implementation possibilities
12System Operation
- Steps
- Training (approximate 1hr)
- Provide visual stimuli (flashing of rows/columns)
- Record data with known classification label
- Run data through pattern recognition algorithm
(SVM) - Create customized models for each individual
- Spelling
- Load customized model for individual
- Provide visual stimuli (flashing of rows/columns)
- Record data with unknown classification label
- Run data through SVM classifier
- Sum up decision values
- Feedback most probable letter
- Flexible matrix size
- Flexible matrix contents
- Alphanumeric Characters
- Words
- Symbols
14Display cont
- Random and exhaustive flashing of all of the rows
and columns on display - Flashing cycle 300ms
- 100ms intensification period
- 200ms de-intensification period
- 10 second rest period at the end of each symbol
15Data Collection
- Collect data from DAQ sampled at 240Hz
- 600ms after intensification
- Buffer overlap
- Flexible data collection delay
- Flexible data recording time
16Data Collection cont.
- 10 channels collected simultaneously
- Data from each channel concatenated together
- Data stored into program memory
- Collected until end of a symbol
- Converted to array
- Memory cleared for next symbol
- System is timing critical
17Timing Issue
- Purpose
- Process within 300ms window
- Bottleneck
- Online SVM processing
- Old design 340ms/Epoch
- New design 17.67ms/Epoch
- Requirement
- Pentium4 or equivalent is sufficient
18Matlab Interface
- Why we use Matlab?
- VBMatlab interface using APIs
- Common functions
- Pass matrix array to Matlab workspace
- Get matrix array from Matlab workspace
- Execute command line or script
19Support Vector Machines
- Pattern recognition Algorithm
- SVM used for
- Creating models for different individuals (train)
- Getting discriminant scores (spelling)
- Detailed information covered later
20Score Matrix
21Word Prediction
- Idea predict intended words based on previous
spelling. Similar to cellular phone smart text - Extract top ranked words
- SQL for fast searching
- Dynamic database
- Selection updated on
- the bottom of the display
- Words chosen same way
22System Design
23What is SVM?
- Developed by Vapnik in 1992 at Bell Labs
- Broad applications
- Based on concept of learn from examples
- Key concepts
- Linear Decision Boundary with Margin
- Nonlinear feature transformation
24Basic Concept
- x1, ..., xn be our training data set
- yi Î 1,-1 be the class label of xi then,
- Find a decision boundary
- Make a decision on disjoint test data
25Decision Boundary (linear)
Class 1
Class -1
26Bad Decision Boundary
Class 1
Class 1
Class -1
Class -1
27Good Decision Boundary
- Want to maximize m
- Boundary found using constrained optimization
28Optimization Problem
29After Training
- xis on the decision boundary are called SUPPORT
VECTORS - Support vectors and b defines the decision
30Geometrical Interpretation
31Non-separable Samples
- Use of Soft Margin Separation
- Kernel Transformation
32Soft Margin Separation
33Soft Margin Separation
- Idea simultaneous maximization of margin and
minimization of training error
34Nonlinear Samples
- Some Samples are inherently nonlinear in input
space - No linear boundary is sufficiently accurate
36Kernel Transformation
- Idea map input space into feature space such
that samples become linearly separable
37Gaussian Kernel
38SVM Implementation
- Matlab interface to libsvm
- Kernel RBF with ?? 6.6799e-4
- C parameter 20.007
39SVM Implementation
- Average Method (61.538)
- Multi-Model Method (65.22)
- Concatenation Method (82.418)
- Weighted Concatenation Method
- (max. 86.264)
40Possible Improvements
- Weighted concatenation method
- Customized Kernel Parameters
41Measure of Performance
- Bit Rate
- N number of available symbols
- p prediction accuracy
- t number of seconds taken to choose one symbol
- Letters per minute
- Resulting Transfer Rates
- Without using dictionary
- With using dictionary
43More Accurate Measure
- Resulting Transfer Rates
- Without using dictionary
- With using dictionary
- Mechanism
- Receives a chosen letter from control module
- Appends the letter to current letters in the word
- Searches SQL database
- Return list of most probable target words based
on ranking
45Result Analysis
- Accuracy across subjects
- Accuracy over time, same subject
- Accuracy over number of trials
- Accuracy versus model size
46Accuracy Across Subjects
Date Subject of Trials Accuracy (letters) Percentage
March 26 Jack 15 12/14 86
March 28 Min 15 12/21 57
March 30 Brian 15 19/19 100
March 31st Jyh-Liang 15 26/26 100
April 2 Lucky 15 25/28 89
47Accuracy Across Subjects
Date Subject of Trials Accuracy (letters) Percentage
March 31st Jyh-Liang 3 13/13 100
March 31st Jyh-Liang 2 18/20 90
March 31st Jyh-Liang 1 10/21 48
48Accuracy Over Time, Same Subject
Date Time Change from Model Made of Trials Accuracy (letters) Percentage
March 26 0 15 12/14 86
March 28 2 days 15 19/19 100
March 31 5 days 15 19/22 86
49Accuracy Over Number of Trials
50Accuracy Versus Model Size