Title: Traditional Building Retrofit
1Traditional Building Retrofit Health-warning
required?The Midlands HeritageSkillsHUBAn
Information Portal Promoter of Traditional
Craft Skills
- Connects people, projects initiatives and seeks
to highlight the importance of traditional
building skills in a modern, low carbon,
sustainable environment
3Retrofit What does it mean to you?
- Insulating a building?
- Installing Renewable Energy Systems?
4Old buildings work differently!
- Solid wall construction - Its all about movement
of moisture ventillation
- Diagram courtesy of Picketts Conservation
- Weblink to article http//www.countrylife.co.uk/p
5Letter to the Times
- We are seriously concerned that the drive to
promote the complete thermal upgrade of pre-1919
buildings, could be storing up expensive future
problems for both building fabric and human
health - Sent by SPAB, with signatories from, English
Heritage, Historic Scotland National Trust, Kevin
McCloud, Churches Conservation Trust, The
Victorian Society others
6Some statistics(courtesy of NHTG 2008 Review)
- 5million pre 1919 buildings in England
- 500, 000 listed buildings
- Repair Maintenance budget worth 4.7billion
(2008) - Lack of knowledge among stock-holders encourages
inappropriate maintenance
7Old Buildings- Breathability, Repair Maintenance
8Old Buildings are nothing but trouble!
- Loss of knowledge on how they work
- Lack of repair and maintenance
- Inappropriate materials used for upgrade,
repair maintenance - Lack of skilled craftsmen
- Apparent high cost
- Throw-away society
- Red tape (listing etc)
9Assessment First!
- Buildings need to be examined to establish
whether existing materials and usage are causing
problems. - Problems need to be fixed, prior to further
intervention - Possibility that more problems, particularly with
moisture will develop through lack of
10A Standardised Approach to Insulation Retrofit?
- Will a standardized approach take into
consideration the different requirements for old,
more complex buildings? Current data modelling
software (eg WUFI) is not able to provide
accurate information for solid walled buildings - NOS for Energy Performance Inspectors will
certain buildings be outside the scope to achieve
the qualification? - Who will pick up those areas that standardised
techniques can not assess and advise? - Could this offer an opportunity for conservation
building surveyors?
11One size doesnt fit all
- Are the insulation upgrades we are making or
plan to make going to render a building either
more energy efficient or have any other
sustainable benefit ? - Will the selection of insulation products include
natural breathable - Will Green Deal Funding allow for and ensure the
most appropriate solution is used?
12Causing Conflict? Retrofit, Conservation
13Big players (eg BQ) already driving agenda
- http//www.yougen.co.uk/blog-entry/1724/Moneyisn'
14Ongoing Research Be Informed
SPAB Technical Day October 18th 2011Newbury,
Berks, 100 http//www.spab.org.uk/builders-profe
ssionals/ Bringing together current research
from SPAB, English Heritage, Historic Scotland,
CAT. Looking at insitu U-values, actual real life
air-tightness, air quality, moisture levels and
energy usage. Modelling of upgraded buildings
will be compared to theoretical modelling
15Beware the Cowboys!
- Are we creating another perfect opportunity for
disreputable companies to offer services and
products that will severely damage our pre1919
building stock?
16Uncomfortable Truths? 4 Main Hurdles
- The vested interests of manufacturers of
non-appropriate materials and the possible
toxicity of things like phenolic insulation - Lifestyle changes required to make less
intervention a realistic option - The drive for energy performance at the cost of
all else. Insulation being the first thing on
most peoples minds - Relatively high cost of 'natural' materials (but
increased use will cut prices)
17So before we really get going
- For thousands of people, regular maintenance has
proved much cheaper than having to remove
replace mass-produced unfixable features that
are supposed to last forever, but merely lowered
the propertys value after making it ugly for
thirty or so disappointing years. - Take Action Early
- Watch Out for Decay
- Keep it Original
- Dr Jonathan Foyle, Chief Executive,
- World Monuments Fund Britain
- www.maintainyourbuilding.org.uk
18Interesting reports, blogs articles
- http//www.spab.org.uk/advice/energy-efficiency/
- http//www.countrylife.co.uk/property/article/5291
terials.html - http//www.homebuilding.co.uk/feature/how-insulate
-old-houses - http//huntwriter.com/?p1289
- http//www.bath-preservation-trust.org.uk/index.ph
19Cathie Clarke HeritageSkillsHUB
Coordinator Cathie.clarke_at_emcbe.com 07590
808060 http//www.emcbe.com/heritage.htm