Title: The Great Depression
1The Great Depression
2The Great Depression
- In the 1930s the United States went into a severe
economic state.
3Causes of the Great Depression
- People over speculated on stock and the market
crashed people bought lots of stocks using
borrowed money that they could not repay when the
market crashed - The Federal Reserve System failed to prevent the
collapse of the banking system - World-wide depression which lead to high tariffs
(tax on goods coming from other countries).High
tariffs discouraged international trade. - Surplus of goods (too many products available and
not enough buyers) -
41920s American Spending
- Between 1925 and 1929, Americans borrowed money
and purchased more stock.
5Stock Market
6October 29, 1929Black Tuesday
7What is the immediate effect of Black Tuesday?
Banks close!
8Banks Close
- There was a run on banks because people tried to
get their money out. - Banks closed because there was no money to give
to people because money was uninsured and banks
were not regulated well.
9Value of Stocks
- The stock market crash hurt many Americans
because their stocks became worthless.
10What is life like during the Great Depression?
- High unemployment One quarter or 25 of people
lose their jobs - A large number of people become homeless and
hungry - A large number of banks and businesses failed
- Farmers incomes fell to low levels
- Businesses failed during the Depression because
- Banks asked for repayment of loans
- Customers became unemployed and could not
purchase consumer goods - Banks foreclosed on many businesses
- Even before the Great Depression farmers faced
economic hard times. - Farmers would face the hardest economic times
during the Depression.
13Dust Bowl
- The southern Great Plains suffered an
environmental disaster and became known as the
Dust Bowl - Causes were drought, overgrazing, and
overplowing. - As a result, massive dust storms called black
blizzards continued for years. - Thousands of Dust Bowl farmers went bankrupt and
lost their farms. Many migrated to California.
14President Herbert Hoover
15Where could a person or family get aid during the
Great Depression?
soup kitchens bread lines Salvation Army
16 President Hoovers Response
- President Hoover believed that the Great
Depression was only temporary and that prosperity
was just around the corner. - Hoovers refusal to provide funds for the
unemployed during the Depression was based on the
belief that private companies and volunteers
should provide for the unemployed. - Shacks were called Hoovervilles to show Hoovers
17Where did people live during the Great
18President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
19The New Deal
Agriculture Adjustment Administration
- paid farmers not to grow crops
- Roosevelt encouraged farmers to produce less and
gave them money. - Dust Bowl Relief
- New Deal reforms provided farmers with low-cost
loans to help them keep their farms.
22Social Security Act
- Money given to people over 65 and the disabled
Civilian Conservation Corp
- provided jobs to young men, planted trees, built
bridges and parks, set up food control
Tennessee Valley Authority
- built dams to provide cheap electricity in
southern states
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- insured the savings accounts in banks approved by
the governmentyou will always be able to get
your money out of the bank you put it in
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
- gave relief to needy and unemployed
Public Works Administration
- built ports, schools and aircraft carriers
28Major Features
- Farm assistance programs
- Social Security
- Federal work programs
- Environmental improvement programs
- Increased rights for labor
29Depression Ends
- True prosperity did not return to America until
factories geared up production for World War II.