This lecture concludes the examinable material - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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This lecture concludes the examinable material


2-4 PM, 4 Feb. Provisional exam time. 10 December Geometry of the Universe ... Given n crates of different weights, are t trucks, each of which can carry a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: This lecture concludes the examinable material

This lecture concludes the examinable material!
  • Plan
  • 12 December Encryption/begin review
  • 5 January No tutorials! (but study!)
  • 9 January Mock exam, be prepared
  • 12 January Discuss mock exam
  • 16 January Final review session
  • 2-4 PM, 4 Feb. Provisional exam time
  • 10 December Geometry of the Universe
  • 6 PM Portland David Wands

11. P, NP and NP - Complete
  • So far we have focussed on two kinds of problems
  • Solvable and unsolvable problems
  • Solvable problems can be split into three
  • Tractable (possible and practically solvable)
  • Intractable (possible but impractical)
  • Those which seem to be intractable, but which
    may possibly be tractable

What do we mean by intractable?
  • A problem is said to be intractable if it is
    impossible to solve with a polynomial-time
  • Definition
  • A polynomial-time algorithm is one whose
    worst-case time complexity is bounded above by a
    polynomial function of its input size.
  • That is, if n is the input size, there exists a
    polynomial p(n) such that
  • W(n) ? O(p(n))

  • Examples of various kinds of problems
  • I Tractable (polynomial-time algorithms found)
  • sorting
  • searching a sorted array
  • matrix multiplication
  • shortest path
  • optimal binary search tree problem
  • II Apparently intractable (but not proven so)
  • Travelling salesman problem
  • Knapsack problem

  • Known to be intractable
  • III Proven intractable (super-polynomial)
  • Fibonacci sequence
  • Tower of Hanoi
  • IV Undecidable (no algorithm can ever exist)
  • Halting Problem
  • Problems equivalent to the halting problem
  • Post correspondence problem
  • Equivalence problem
  • Hilberts tenth problem
  • Tiling problem

Tower of Hanoi
Move the rings one at a time, transferring the
whole stack to another post, never placing a ring
on one smaller than itself
A simple recursive solution is known, but it
takes 2n 1 steps, so is solvable but intractable
Knapsack Travelling salesman
  • Decision problems
  • A decision problem (also called a test) is one
    whose outputs are just yes or no.
  • Most problems can be written in decision form,
    which is useful to define complexity classes
  • Travelling salesperson decision problem
  • Given n cities, the pairwise distance between
    them and a number K gt 0, is it possible to
    complete a round trip in less than K miles?

  • Complexity classes
  • Decision problems can be separated into various
    complexity classes
  • The simplest of these is P
  • Definition
  • P is the set of all decision problems that can be
    solved by polynomial-time algorithms

  • What kinds of problems are in P?
  • Determining if a key is in an array,
  • or if a key is in a sorted array
  • 2. Decision problems corresponding to
    optimization problems for which we found a
    polynomial time algorithm.
  • What are not in P?
  • The proven intractable problems are the only ones
    we know for sure.

  • A related complexity class NP
  • This class contains problems whose solutions can
    be verified in polynomial time
  • Consider the Travelling Salesperson problem
  • If someone claimed that they had a solution to
    some instance, then we can check this quickly
  • That is, for a particular graph and a particular
    number d, we can test if a particular tour
    takes a distance less than or equal to d.
  • An algorithm to do this would look like

  • function verify(Gweighted_digraph
  • d number
  • Sclaimed_tour) boolean
  • begin
  • if S is a tour and the total weight of the edges
    in S is d then
  • verify true
  • else
  • verify false
  • end
  • end

  • Nondeterministic algorithm
  • Think of the solution as two stages
  • 1. Guessing Stage (nondeterministic part)
  • Make a guess at a solution, either out of
    thin air or by waving a magic wand
  • 2. Verification Stage
  • deterministic algorithm which checks if the
    guess is a solution, definitely halting in every
    true case .

Non-deterministic decision problems
  •  A non-deterministic algorithm "solves" a
    decision problem if
  • 1. For any instance for which the answer is
    "yes", there is some string S for which the
  • verification stage returns "true".
  • 2. For any instance for which the answer is "no"
    there is no string for which the verification
    stage returns "true".

  • The complexity class NP
  • A polynomial-time nondeterministic algorithm is a
    nondeterministic algorithm whose verification
    stage is a polynomial-time algorithm
  • Definition
  • NP is the set of all decision problems that can
    be solved by polynomial-time non-deterministic

  • Everything in P is in NP!
  • Equivalently,
  • P ? NP,
  • since if it is possible to construct a
    polynomial solution then we can use the same
    algorithm to check any proposed solution.
  • Does NP P ?
  • We don't know, but theres a 1,000,000 prize if
    you can find the answer!
  • No one has found any problems in NP which are
    definitely not in P, or proved that all problems
    in NP are also in P

  • NP-complete the hardest problems in NP
  • In 1971, Cook discovered that a number of open
    problems were among the hardest in NP
  • If a polynomial time algorithm were ever found
    for one of these problems, then there would be a
    polynomial time algorithm for every problem in
  • Logical Truth (CNF satisfiability problem)
  • Given a statement in logic (in conjunctive normal
    form) can we assign truth values to the
    variables so that the entire sentence turns out

  • Any problem that is one of these hardest problems
    is said to be NP - complete.
  • NP-complete problems are all effectively
    equivalent in the sense that if any one of them
    is in P, then they all are.
  • If any NP-complete problem is ever shown to have
    a polynomial algorithm we could deduce that P
  • In fact it is conjectured that P ¹ NP.

  • NP-complete examples
  • Logical (CNF) satisfiability
  • Travelling salesperson
  • Knapsack problem (0/1 version)
  • Hamiltonian path problem
  • Map coloring problem
  • Timetabling problem
  • They all admit unreasonable, exponential-time
    solutions, but none of them are known to admit
    reasonable ones.
  • Moreover no-one has been able to prove that any
    of them require super-polynomial time

  • NP-complete examples
  • 0/1 knapsack decision problem
  • Given a collection of objects, each of which has
    a value and a weight, can a value of at least V
    be achieved without exceeding a total weight W?
  • From trying to choose treasures to stuff into
    your knapsack, assuming you can only carry so
    much weight.

NP-complete examples
  • Bin-packing problem
  • Given n crates of different weights, are t
    trucks, each of which can carry a load w,
    sufficient to transport the weights?

  • NP-complete examples
  • Hamiltonian paths
  • Given a graph consisting of points and edges, is
    there a path along the edges such that every node
    gets visited exactly once, except the first node
    of the path which is equal to the last one.
  • (Notice that if we want a path to pass through
    all edges exactly once, a Euler path,it is a
    different story.)

  • Which of the graphs below has a Hamiltonian path?

  • NP-complete examples
  • Colouring Maps and Graphs
  • Given a map can we colour it using only three
    colours? We must avoid having adjoining areas of
    the same colour.
  • Given a graph what is the least number of
    colours we need to colour it so that no two
    neighbouring nodes can be the same colour?

  • NP-complete examples
  • Timetabling decision problem
  • Given a list of subjects and students enrolled
    in them, as well as the number of time slots
    available, is it possible to timetable the
    subjects so that no student has a clash?
  • Other examples
  • Some well known games fall into this category,
    including Tetris, Minesweeper and the 15 puzzle.

How are NP-complete problems equivalent?
  • Every NP-complete problem is polynomially
    reducible to every other.
  • Given two problems, a polynomial-time reduction
    is an algorithm that runs in polynomial time and
    reduces one problem to the other.
  • If we have an input X to the first problem and
    want a yes or no answer, we can transform X
    into an input Y for the second problem in such a
    way that the seconds problem answer for Y is
    precisely the first problems answer for X.

  • Is your problem NP-complete?
  • To show that a new problem A is NP-complete, all
    we need do is establish a polynomial reduction of
    A to a problem already known to be NP-complete
    and then to reduce another such problem to A.
  • The first reduction shows that A cannot be any
    harder than NP-complete and the second shows it
    cannot be any easier than NP-complete.

  • Examples of reduction
  • The Hamiltonian circuit problem (HCP) can be
    reduced to the Travelling salesperson problem
  • For any given path diagram, one can find an
    equivalent map of cities for the travelling
    salesperson problem
  • Basic idea associate each node with one city,
    and if a path exists between two nodes, then
    assign a very short distance between the
    corresponding cities. (See notes for details.)

Logical satisfiability
  • The first NP-complete problem discovered by Cook
    was general logical satisfiability
  • Given a logical expression in conjunctive normal
    form, can we find truth values for the
    variables which make it true?
  • Recall conjunctive normal form (CNF) is a number
    of fundamental disjunctions (ors) connected by
    conjunctions (ands)
  • For example,
  • (x ? ?y ? z) ? (x ? ?y) ? (?x ? y ? w ? v)

2 and 3 Satisfiability problems
  • We can consider simpler versions of the general
    CNF satisfiability problem by restricting the
    number of literals in each fundamental
  • 2-satisfiability
  • At most two literals in each disjunction. E.g.,
  • (w ? ?y) ? (x ? ?y) ? (z)
  • 3-satisfiability
  • At most three literals in each disjunction.
  • (x ? ?y ? z) ? (x ? ?y) ? (?x ? y ? w)

How hard are the restricted problems?
  • Cook showed that the general CNF problem could be
    polynomially reduced to the
    3-satisfiability problem
  • Thus, the 3-satisfiability problem is also
  • However, one can show that the 2-satisfiability
    problem is much simpler, and can in fact be
    solved in polynomial time
  • Thus, the 2-satisfiability problem is in P !
  • An algorithm to do this is described in the

Where do we stand?
But if P NP, P would encompass both the NP and
NP-complete regions
  • What lies between P and NP?
  • If P ? NP is true, could there be problems in
    NP - P but not NP-complete?
  • We conjecture that the primeness problem and the
    compositeness problem are examples of such.
  • Why?
  • Because there are polynomial algorithms that
    almost always correctly solve these problems.

The state of NP
  • P? NP ? P? NP-complete Æ
  • We suspect that if P ? NP, then the set
  • NP - (P È NP - complete) is not empty.
  • One problem that may not be NP-complete is
  • Factorisation Problem
  • Given a positive integer n, are there integers
    mgt1 and kgt1 such that n mk?

NP -hard
  • A problem is NP-hard if all NP problems can be
    polynomially reduced to it.
  • So the difference between NP-complete and NP-hard
    is that an NP-complete problem must be in NP.
  • An NP-hard problem need not be in NP.

Why is it helpful to study P, NP, etc.?
  • First, it is generally useful to study what
    problems have been considered before, so we can
    recognise them when we encounter them and not try
    to reinvent a new solution.
  • If we can identify that our problem is
    NP-complete, we know its probably not worth
    looking for a perfect solution.
  • We can then spend our time looking for a solution
    which is not ideal, but which fits our needs.

Other Methods if you cant find an efficient
  • 1. Find a probabilistic polynomial algorithm.
  • This is an algorithm which is correct in all but
    a very small number of cases.
  • Very few problems admit such an algorithm.
  • One that does is the primeness problem. Details
    are in Harel (1987).

  • It is based on the selection of k random numbers
    between 1 and a-1, where a is the n-digit number
    to be tested for primeness.
  • If a is prime the algorithm always answers yes.
  • If a is not prime, then there is a small
    probability that the algorithm will answer yes
    instead of no.
  • This probability is less than 1/ 2 k .

  • By choosing a reasonably large number k of random
    numbers, like 100, this probability is less than
    the probability of hardware failing.
  • Because of this we think of the primeness and
    compositeness problems as being effectively
  • Unfortunately (or actually fortunately) answering
    the question Is N a prime number? is much
    easier than finding the factors of N

  • 2. Restrict the problem somehow to suit our needs
    and then see if this is in P.
  • E.g. consider the bin packing problem.
  • If we make the capacity w of each truck the same,
    the problem is solvable in polynomial time by
    exhaustive search.
  • For the timetabling problem there are polynomial
    solutions in the case when there are less than
    three subjects.

  • 3. Find an approximate solution which is in P.
  • Two types exist.
  • We can find solutions which although not optimal
    will not be too far away in every case.
  • Or we can find solutions which in rare cases are
    wildly wrong but otherwise are very close to
  • For example, the travelling salesman problem
    there are polynomial algorithms which compute a
    route that is never more than 60 longer than the
    optimal route.

A final unsolvable problem The Tiling problem
  • Given a finite set T of tile types, can any
    finite area, of any size, be covered using only
    tiles in T such that the colours on any two
    touching edges are the same?
  • Tiles have a fixed orientation and cannot be

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Another tiling example
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? ?
The end of the exam course-work!
  • Next year we will review and study some
    interesting implications/applications
  • Ask yourself
  • What do you think the main results of this course
  • Why is this course compulsory? If you think it is
    useless maybe you are missing something!
  • NOTE no tutorial tomorrow please come today at
    1pm, 4pm or 5pm.
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