Collision%20Detection%20Design%20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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To avoid creating a huge array, I chose the second method: 1st ... Use in sports medicine & surgery. To study impact of DNA change on bone formation/ growth ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Collision%20Detection%20Design%20

Collision Detection Design Final Project Topic
  • Brandon Smith
  • November 5, 2008
  • ME 964

contact_data Allocation
  • Possible ways to allocate the contact_data array
  • Allocate contact_data N(N-1)/2
  • Allocate contact_data n_contacts
  • To avoid creating a huge array, I chose the
    second method
  • 1st Kernel Call
  • Find the number of contacts.
  • 2nd Kernel Call
  • Calculate the contact_data for each contact.

Kernel Call Setup
  • The total number of contact tests is
  • n_tests N(N-1)/2
  • The total number of concurrent threads is
  • n_concurrent_threads N_SMs BLOCKS_PER_SM
  • Each thread will perform several tests
  • n_test_per_thread n_tests /
    n_concurrent_threads 1

Collide Kernel Indexing
  • Given the block number and thread number, a range
    of test numbers (ki,kf) are generated
  • thread_id bxTHREADS_PER_BLOCK tx
  • ki tests_per_threadthread_id 1
  • kf ki tests_per_thread - 1
  • Given a test number k, the indices (i,j) can be
  • k ( (j-1)2-(j-1) )/2 I
  • k lt (j2-j )/2

Body 1 2 3 4 j
1 1 2 4 7
2 3 5 8
3 6 9
4 k
Collide Kernel Contact Testing
  • __global__ function calls __device__ test to
    actually perform the contact test
  • In the first pass it simply tests for contact
  • In the second pass it calculates contact_data.
  • atomicAdd is used to count the number of contacts
  • Keeps one contact tall for all concurrent threads
  • No need for condensation of results from each
  • Hassle to compile
  • nvcc.exe -ccbin "C\Program Files\Microsoft
    Visual Studio 8\VC\bin" -c -arch sm_11
    -D_CONSOLE -Xcompiler "/EHsc /W3 /nologo /Wp64
    /O2 /Zi /MT " - I"C\CUDA\include"
    -I"C\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA
    CUDA SDK\common\inc" -o Release\collide.obj

Final Project Monte Carlo Radiation Transport
  • Objective
  • Compute radiation flux or derived quantities over
    a spatial/temporal domain.
  • Method
  • Follow the life of individual particles through
    the domain.
  • Quality of Results
  • Statistical error is proportional to
  • Difficult to get even particle distribution
    across the domain
  • Many particles are required to achieve low
    statistical error

Example Fusion Reactor Shielding
  • The GPU Advantage
  • Increase the number of simulated particles
  • Decrease statistical error

Tasks during a Particles Life
  • Birth particles are created at a source
  • Ray-cast the distance to the next surface is
  • Collision the particle interacts with matter
  • Next volume the particle crosses a boundary into
    another material
  • Death if the particle is absorbed, it is killed.

Existing Fortran Code
  • Geometry
  • 3-D geometry supporting boxes and spheres
  • Physics
  • Only neutral particles (neutrons, photons)
  • No energy dependence
  • No time dependence
  • Materials
  • Simple materials (only a few isotopes)
  • Sources
  • point, line, area, volume
  • Results
  • mesh tallies and volume tallies

Potential for Parallelism
  • Usually we can assume each particle is
    independent, unless
  • criticality, weight windows, etc
  • Each thread could calculate independent particle
  • embarrassingly parallel
  • When enough particles are simulated, condense the
    results from each thread

Implementation Challenges
  • Current code is in Fortran 90
  • 1700 lines
  • Has anyone tried F2C?
  • Designed for Fortran 77
  • Particles are tracked on a large mesh
  • 1 M mesh elements, accessed once per particle
  • Mesh will need to be in global memory
  • Mesh will be accessed with an atomic function for
    data sharing?
  • Ensure that random numbers are not repeated
  • Use a pseudo-random number generator for each
  • Each thread will need a different random seed
  • Check to ensure sufficiently large stride
  • Could schedule rendezvous to check for solution
  • Stop simulation once statistical error falls
    below a set value ( 5 )

ME 964 Project ProposalVikalp Mishra
Collision Detection
  • Aim
  • Solve collision detection problem given N rigid
    spheres in 3D space
  • Approach
  • Brute Force
  • Compare each sphere with every other sphere
  • O(n2)
  • If distance between centers is
  • more than sum of radii ? No collision
  • Less than sum of radii ? Collision
  • When collision detected
  • compute normal and object IDs

Final Project Bone FEA
  • Title
  • GPU based Finite Element Analysis of Femur
  • Femur
  • Thigh bone Bone between hip and knee joint
  • Longest/ strongest bone in the body

Why study femur ?
  • To better understand bone mechanics/ properties
  • Across species
  • To understand the impact extent of injury under
    various loading
  • Use in sports medicine surgery
  • To study impact of DNA change on bone formation/
  • Improve the process of cloning to develop better
  • To study effect of nutrition cycle on bone

  • In past
  • Experiments were done to study bone behavior /
    material properties
  • Test performed
  • Fracture test
  • Bending test
  • Torsion test
  • Experiments on mouse / pig
  • Costly and time consuming
  • Only one experiment per sample possible
  • Alternative
  • Capture bone geometry and material properties
  • Use computational tools for various analysis
  • Saves time/ money

Typical approach
  • Given
  • CT scan data of bone (geometry)
  • Material property distribution
  • Loading scheme
  • 3 or 4 point loading / Torsion test / Bending

Use of FEA
  • Use Finite Element Method
  • To capture geometry
  • Physical properties
  • Hexahedral elements
  • Tetrahedral elements
  • Formulate FE problem
  • Use boundary conditions to define element level
  • stiffness matrix (Ke)
  • load vector (Fe)
  • Assemble elements in global matrix (Kg, Fg)
  • Solve FE problem
  • Obtain deflection (u Kg-1Fg)
  • Compare with experimental results
  • Verify model

  • Bone geometry is complex
  • Large number of elements required
  • For pig bone 0.5 1 million elements (coarse

GPU based approach
  • Potential for GPU based computation
  • Same set of computation for each element
  • Stiffness matrix computation (Ke)
  • Load vector computation (Fe)
  • Different data sets for each element
  • SIMD
  • Approach
  • Use GPU for element level computation
  • Account for 67 of total time
  • Use CPU for global matrix inversion
  • Compare results with MATLAB based model

ME 964 Midterm and Final Projects
  • Saigopal Nelaturi

CUDA Collision detection
  • Problem Given n spheres in 3d space, compute
    all pair-wise collisions
  • Approach Brute force algorithm with quadratic
  • Idea every pair of spheres can be tested
    independently, and in parallel

Task Parallelism pseudo code
Final Project
  • Constructive operators in SE(3)
  • SE(3) is the group of 4x4 rigid transformation
  • Point in SE(3) matrix
  • Set in SE(3) set of matrices
  • Can devise operators using Boolean algebra and
    matrix multiplication (group operation)

How to compute workspace? Position orientation
of coordinate frame on coupler Use set
formulation in SE(3) Intersection of
sets Embarrassingly parallel process! Many
other applications in design/geometric modeling/
motion planning
  • For very large sets of 4x4 transformation
    matrices , implement
  • Intersection pairwise comparison between
  • Convolution pairwise multiplication between
  • Show some workspace computations (hopefully in
  • If possible, implement
  • Deconvolution combination of pairwise

Midterm Project
  • Ram Subramanian

The Task
  • To solve a collision detection problem Given an
    arbitrary number of rigid spheres with known
    radii, distributed in the 3D space, To find out
    which spheres are in contact/penetration with
    which other spheres.

The Algorithm
  • One pass over array to determine collisions.
  • One pass over all the collided bodies to compute
    the values of collision required.
  • Two Kernel Calls.
  • O(n.(n-1)/2)

  • Every Thread gets a Reference body (Body A) and a
    Comparison body (Body B).
  • Each block has 512 threads (assumption 1).
  • Each row in a grid has 512 blocks (assumption 2).
  • Total number of threads is n(n-1)/2.
  • Compute the index value with the thread ID and
    block ID.
  • Using this index value and the number of bodies
    (using the div and mod) the index of the Body A
    and Body B, respectively, can be determined.

Final Project - Image Processing on the GPU
  • Goal Implement Image Processing Algorithms for
    the GPU. Eventually have an image processing
    library for the GPUs using CUDA
  • Motivation Most image processing tasks involve
    operating on individual pixels or a region of the
    image. Many of these tasks are embarrassingly

Proposed Implementations
  • Harris Corner Detector

Motivation This is an algorithm used in the
first stage processing of
many other Image Processing
and Computer Vision algorithms
(e.g. 3D reconstruction, Scene Stitching,
Object Tracking,
Visual Servoing, etc )
Ambitious Goal
Implement an image stitching algorithm or 3D
reconstruction algorithm that will stitch two
images together using the Harris Corner detector.
Harris Corner Detector
  • At every pixel in the image place a window
    (larger the better, e.g. 5x5) call it W
  • Assume either 4 or 8 neighborhood of the current
    pixel position
  • Slide the window to each neighboring pixel,
    giving W1, W2 Wi (where i 4 or 8)

Harris Corner Detector Contd..
  • Compute the sum of squared differences (SSD)
    between W and each Wi
  • A Corner is detected when all SSD values are
    below a given threshold set by user (or the
    smallest value is below a given threshold).

Midterm and Final Projects
  • Toby Heyn
  • ME 964
  • 11/06/08

Midterm Project
  • Spatial Subdivision
  • Partition space into uniform grid (cells)
  • For each object, determine which cells the object
  • Objects can only collide if they occupy the same
    cell or adjacent cells

Midterm Project
  • Construct Cell ID Array
  • Each thread determines the cell IDs of the cells
    its sphere occupies, loads into Cell ID Array
  • Sort Cell ID Array
  • Radix Sort Algorithm
  • Create Collision Cell List
  • Scan sorted Cell ID Array, look for changes in
    cell ID
  • Write Collision Cell List with Cell ID Array
    indices, number of objects in the cell
  • Traverse Collision Cell List
  • One thread per Collision Cell
  • Each thread checks all collision pairs in the
    Collision Cell
  • Collisions are written to output

Midterm Project
  • Radix Sort
  • Sorts cell IDs in several passes
  • Sorts low order bits before higher order bits,
    retaining order of IDs with same cell ID
  • This helps in a later step
  • Takes 4 passes to sort the 32 bit (4 byte)
  • Makes use of parallel scan operation

Final Project
  • Default final project granular dynamics using
    collision detection from midterm
  • Incorporate midterm collision detection into
    ChronoEngine multibody dynamics engine
  • Simulate Mars Rover with many (millions) of bodies

Final Project
  • ChronoEngine
  • C API
  • Commands for creating simulation environment,
    populating with bodies, creating constraints, etc
  • Uses Bullet for collision detection
  • Has been used to solve systems with 100,000
  • Has a CUDA parallelized dynamics solver (based on
    LCP formulation)

Final Project
  • Each wheel is a union of primitives
  • Terrain consists of 5000 spheres (much too
  • Obstacles
  • Non spherical bodies in wheels
  • Large mass difference between small grain and
    large rover

Final Project
  • Handling non-spherical bodies
  • Represent the surface of the body as a composite
    of smaller spheres
  • New representation has more bodies, but only
  • Maintain same dimensions, mass, inertia properties

Final Project
  • Parallelism
  • Collision detection
  • Many bodies/collision pairs to check
  • Spatial sub-division geometric decomposition,
    task decomposition
  • Dynamics
  • Many equations of motion to solve
  • Geometric decomposition
  • Potentially many non-spherical bodies to process
    in parallel

Final Project
  • Remaining Issues
  • Re-use of data
  • After solving the collision detection problem
    once, can data be reused to reduce the size of
    the problem to be solved in subsequent steps?
  • Automate handling of non-spherical geometry
  • Can an automated method be created to represent
    arbitrary geometry with spheres?

ME 964 Midterm Final Project
  • Justin Madsen

  • Midterm final are the same project
  • default scheme
  • Collision detection method
  • Baraff
  • Brief overview of 2 phase algorithm
  • Ideas for CUDA implementation
  • Ideas for final project
  • Integrating CUDA collision detection with other
    dynamics programs

Efficient collision detection
  • Baraff method
  • Axis Aligned bounding boxes (AABB)
  • Simple yet efficient
  • Only dealing with spheres
  • Can be extended to convex polyhedra
  • (actually dont need bounding boxes for spheres,
    its a special case)

Figure 1. AABB size and orientation depends on
the local coordinate system
Overview of method
  • One dimensional case (x-axis)
  • Sort Sweep
  • Each object has a length along the axis according
    to the AABB
  • Data beginning and end values (b and e) of each
  • Sorted lowest to highest according to these values

Figure 2. Six objects and their AABB axes 1
Determine possible contacts
  • After sorting, collision detection happens in two
  • Phase 1 broad phase
  • Traverse the axis add objects to possible
    contact list when bi is encountered
  • For one dimensional case, when bi added to the
    list, it means contact occurs with all other
    objects in the list

Three dimensional case
  • Phase 1 for 3-D
  • Extend one dimensional contact check by checking
    b and e for values along the y and z axes of the
    other objects in the list
  • If contact check comes back positive for all 3
    axes, add the object to the possible contact
  • Possible because

Need to verify collision
  • Tested positive for collision along all 3 axes

Figure 3. Left to right XY, XZ and YZ axes
testing positive for collision
Verifying collision
  • Phase 2 narrow phase
  • Just because all 3 axes intersect does not
    necessarily mean contact has occurred
  • Remember, checking bounding boxes, not actual
  • Using spheres check distance between spheres vs.
    respective radii

Implementation in CUDA
  • Can parallelize both broad and narrow phase
  • Accomplish this by assigning each object a thread
  • Same method, but requires two broad phase sweeps
  • Sweep 1 determine save number of collisions,
    but dont save collision pairs
  • Do a prefix sum to determine amount of memory and
    memory location to store each collision pair
  • Sweep 2 determine collision pairs and save them
    to the correct memory location

Extending midterm to final project
  • Collision detection to be used for granular
  • Use existing parallel algorithms to determine
    dynamics of a system with many contacts
  • Integrate my collision detection program into
    existing software
  • Bullet, ChronoEngine

  • 1 David Baraff. An introduction to physically
    based modeling Rigid body simulation II -
    nonpenetration constraints. SIGGRAPH Course
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