Title: Short Course: Biostratigraphy in Integrated Basin Studies Department of Geoscience, University of Os
1Short Course Biostratigraphy in Integrated Basin
Department of Geoscience,
University of Oslo, March 6-10, 2006 Sequence
Stratigraphy Principles, classification and
terminolgy Johan Petter Nystuen
2Sequence Stratigraphy
- A tool for interpretation of dynamics of basin
sediment infill - A tool for predicting sedimentary facies, source
rocks and reservoir rocks - Applies for all types of sedimentary basins
- Optimal use presupposes knowledge of geological
processes in time and space
3What is a sequence?
A sequence is a succession of genetically
related strata that can be delineated
chronologically and spatially, and which
possesses some characteristic property that
defines the sequence as a particular product of
the total geological history, with respect to
events and processes.
Nystuen 1998, p. 33
4.genetically related strata
- Succession of strata deposited during one set of
external (extrinsic, allogenic) and internal
(intrinsic, autogenic) factors, like - Constant, rising or falling base level
- Same type of sediment availability
- Same range and type of transporting and
depositional energy conditions - Same type of depositional environment
5can be delineated chronologically and
- Means that we need some kind of surface that is
of the same age, or approximately of the same
age, through the whole area it can be followed. - Candidate surfaces
- Biostratigraphically defined surface
- Stratigraphic surface of same depositional age
- Seismic surface supposed to represent a
depositional surface
6........some characteristic property..
- Similar sedimentary facies or facies
association - Similar biofacies association
- Bounded by same type of stratigraphic surface
below as above - - Subaerial erosional unconformity
- - Transgressional surface
- - Maximum flooding surface
- - Ravinement surface
7..particular product of the total geological
history with respect to events and processes.
- Means that the sequence tells about an event or
episode in the infill history of a basin, as - An episode of fall-and-rise of base level
- A tectonic episode
- A climatic episode
- A period of change in sediment population, or
other environmental characteristics
8- Sequence stratigaphy stratigraphic surfaces
- Subaerial unconformity sequence boundary (SB)
in the Exxon systematics - Equivalent conformity marine surface being
time equivalent to the youngest part of the Exxon
SB - Flooding surface (FS) surface representing
increase in the water depth - Maximum flooding surface (MFS) surface of
maximum relative sea level (sequence boundary in
genetic stratigraphic sequences) - Transgressive surface (TS) maximum surface of
regression (sequence boundary in
transgressive-regressive sequences, T-R) - Marine ravinement surface (MRS) Erosional
surface formed by marine processes during
transgression or regression
9A classic Exxonian type of sequence boundary
below fluvial sandstone overlying open-marine
shale (Lower Cretaceous Helvetiafjellet Formation
above Upper Jurassic Janusfjellet Subgroup,
10Sequence stratigraphy applied on outcrops
Where is the sequence boundary? Flooding surface?
Transgressive surface? Maximum flooding surface?
Parasequences? Time lines?
11Seismic stratigraphy the classic sequence
stratigraphic discipline..but, how to use it?
Top lap? Onlap? Downlap? Erosional truncation?
Time lines? Clinoforms? Lithofacies? SB? FS? MFS?
Depositional environment?
12Sequence stratigraphy applied on well logs
Is there any sequence here? Sequence boundary?
Transgressive surface? Flooding surface? Maximum
flooding surface? Parasequence? Parasequence
set? Systems tract?
133 main types of sequences
- A Bounded by surfaces of maximum transgression
(MFS) genetic stratigraphic sequence
(Galloway model) - B Bounded by surfaces of maximum regression
(TS) transgressive-regressive sequence (Embry
model) - C Bounded by subaerial erosional
unconformites and their correlative conformities
(SB) depositional sequence (Exxon model)
143 Main types of sequences
Helland-Hansen 1995
A Genetic stratigraphic sequence B T-R
sequence C Depositional sequence
4 Forced regressive systems tract, or Falling
stage systems tract (FSST) 3 Highstand systems
tract, HST 2 Transgressive systems tract, TST 1
Lowstand systems tract, LST
15Eustacy Global sea level Relative Sea Level
Sea level relative to datum plane Water Depth
Relative sea level Accumulated
sediment Accommodation space available for
sediments to accumulate Sediment supply Total
volume of sediments input to the basin A/S rate
of Accommodation versus rate of Sediment supply
16Accommodation Space available for sediments to
accumulate Accommodation is controlled by base
level and equilibrium profiles that in turn are
controlled by eustacy and tectonics Geomorphologic
base level (or ultimate base level) sea level,
control the geomorphology of continents Stratigrap
hic base level controls accumulation of
sediments below theoretical energy surfaces
called equlibrium profiles
Coe 2003
17The alluvial equilibrium profile (graded stream
profile) Represents the base level of alluvial
systems. Incision, sediment by-pass or
accumulation as response of fall in relative
sea-level depend on slope of the elongated
alluvial profile in relation to the slope of the
emerged shelf
Coe 2003
Emery and Myers 1996
18- Stratigraphic base level in the marine
environment is controlled by a series of
equilibrium profiles from the littoral zone down
to the abyssal plain - Note
- The importance of sea-level mean high tide and
sea-level mean low tide for the foreshore
morphology - The importance of fairweather wave-base and
storm.wave base for the shoreface to offshore
shelf morphology
Coe 2003
19Walthers Law in Sequence Stratigraphy Morpholog
y of paralic depositional environment from
coastal plain to open shelf
Superposition of facies belts during normal
regression of paralic depositional systems
Reineck and Singh 1975
20External or extrensic control mechanisms on
sequence formation in marine environment
21Hierarchies of stratigraphic sequences and
cycles The concept of repated sequences of
various time orders (cycles) depends on the
paradigm that recurrent sea level fluctuations
are controlled by long-term and short-term
factors like Tectono-eustacy (long-term) Milanko
vitch variables Glacio-euastacy (short- to
long-term) Orbital variables (short-term) Others
Coe 2003
22Main extrensic factors controling sequence
TECTONICS Global tectonics Time range in the 10
to 100 Ma order, world-wide to
regional Local teconics Time range of Ka to some
few Ma, local effects EUSTASY Tectono-eustasy 3
Ma 400 Ma Glacio-eustasy 100 ka
1600 ka Non-glacial orbital climatic forcing 20
ka 100 ka CLIMATE Sea- and lake level Time
range of Ka to Ma Sediment discharge
23Relationship between global sea-level cycles and
hydrocarbon potentials
24- Part of the global (eustatic) sea-level curve,
from Haque et al. (1988 and 1989) - The eustatic curve shows long-term and
short-term sea-level fluctuations - The coastal onlap curve shows coastal sediment
encroachments recorded in various basins - Application of the curves as an instrument of
global correlation presupposes that events of
eustatic sea-level changes result in similar
types of sedimentary response, independant of
structural basin type and impact of other
controlling factors as regional and local
tectonics, regional and local variation in
climate, sediment discharge, etc.
25Modeling of sequence stratigraphic cyclicity as a
function of rate of eustatic change and rate of
26The Exxon sea slug diagram - type 1 sequence
in a basin with a shelf break
Van Wagoner et al. 1988 and 1990
27Exxon sea slug diagram Type 1 sequence in a
basin with a ramp margin
Van Wagoner et al. 1988 and 1990
28Exxon sea slug diagram Type 2 sequence in a
basin with a shelf break
Van Wagoner et al. 1988 and 1990
29The Exxon sea slug diagram and the
corresponding chronstratigraphic diagram
(Wheeler diagram) Note that open spaces in the
chronostratigraphic diagram represents hiati,
time inervals of no deposition or deposition
followed by erosion
30Parasequences fundamental building stones of
Coe (2003) above and Van Wagoner et al. (1988) to
the right
31- Parasequences Facies, fossils and boundaries
- Siliciclastic strandplain succession
- Deltaic succession
- Intertidal to supratidal carbonate ramp
succession - HWM High Water Mean
- LWM Low Water Mean
- FWWB Fair Weather Wave Base
Coe (2003)
32Parasequence sets and architectural and
stratigraphic style
Van Wagoner et al. 1990
33Stacking pattern of parasequences as function of
rate of Accommodation to rate of Sediment supply
(A/S) and
changes in relative sea level
Coe 2003
34Correlation of parasequence sandstone bodies
between wells (A) to (D) Method A
Chronostratigraphic correlation Method B
Lithostratigraphic correlation
Progradational parasequence set
Retrogradational parasequence set
Van Wagoner et al. 1990
35The Exxon type of sequence cyclicity
36Shoreline movements Normal regression basinward
movement of shoreline when rate of sedimentation
gt rate of accommodation Forced regression
basinward movement of shoreline due to fall in
sea level Transgression landward movement of
37Shoreline trajectories Helland-Hansen 1995
A 1
A 2
C 2
38Forced regression (or falling stage) Plint
(1988) A. Slow fall in relative sea level
shoreline moves seaward realtively slowly B.
Faster fall in relative sea level shoreline
moves seaward at an increased rate C. Relatively
stable sea level shoreline moves seaward at
reduces rate D. Rapid rise in relative sea level
shoreline moves rapirdly landward
39- Highstand Systems Tract HST
- Theoretical relative sea-level curve
- Detail of relative sea-level curve with times t0
to t7. Decreasin rate of accommodation is
indicated by decreasing space between dashed
horisontal lines - (c) Typical geometry and features of the HST
along a margin with shelf break - Typical geometry and features of the HST along a
ramp margin - Note (c) and (d) are to scale
Coe (2003)
40- The Sequence Boundary (SB) (Exxonian type)
- Interval (t7 to t16) on the theoretical relative
sea-level curve during which the SB forms - Geometry and features of the SB along a margin
with a shelf break. Falling stage sediments that
may have formed are not shown - Chronostratigraphic diagram from t0 to t22
showing features in time corresponding to those
of the depth-distance diagram in (b). Hemipelagic
and pelagic sediments that may have been
deposited are not shown. The correlative surface
will pass through these
Coe 2003
41The Sequence Boundary(SB) Exxonian type,
continuous (d) Geometry and features of the
SB along a ramp margin. Falling stage sediments
that may have formed are not shown (e)
Chronostratigraphic diagram from t0 to t22
showing features in time corresponding to those
of the depth-distance diagram in (d). Hemipelagic
and pelagic sediments that may have been
deposited are not shown. The correlative surface
will pass through these
42- The Falling Stage Systems Tracts (FSST)
- Interval (t7 to t16) on the teorethical sea-level
curve during which falling stage sediments have
been deposited - Detail of the sea-level curve and FSST sediments
deposited during the interval t7 to t16. Note
that the sediments have been deposited during
first increasing then decreasing rate og
sea-level fall - Geometry and features of the FSST sediments along
a margin with shelf break. t7 - t9 interval
parsequences are deposited downstepping on the
shelf, from t9 sediments were deposited directly
onto the shelf slope and basin floor - Geometry and features of FSST on a ramp margin
Coe 2003
43- The Lowstand Systems Tract (LST)
- Interval t16 to t21 on the theoretical relative
sea-level curve - Detail of the relative sea-level curve and the
LST sediments deposited - Geometry and features of the LST sediments along
a margin with shelf break - Geometry and features of LST sediments along a
ramp shelf
44- The Transgressive Surface (TS)
- Position on the theorethical
- sea-level curve where the TS
- starts
- (b) Geometry and features of the
- TS along a margin with a shelf
- break
- (c) Geometry and features of the
- TS along a ramp margin
- Note that the transgressive surface is coinciding
with the surface of maximum regressions
45- The Transgressive Systems Tract (TST)
- Interval (t21 to t23) during which the TST is
deposited - Detail of the relative sea-level curve and TST
sediments deposited. The curve spans a phase
where the rate in rise in relative sea-level is
higher than rate of sediment supply.
Parasequences show a retrogradational pattern.
Individual parasequences represent short
intervals of shore-line progradation (normal
regression) - Geometry and features of the TST along a margin
with a shelf break - Geometry and features of the TST along a ramp
46- The Maximum Flooding Surface (MFS)
- The MFS starts to form at time t23 and culminate
at time t29. Exact position of the MFS depends on
the balance between in the ratio A/S - Geometry and features of a MFS along a margin
with a shelf break (sediments deposited during
the time of formation of MFS are not shown) - Chronostratigraphical diagram from show the time
represented by the MFS and the associated
condensed section
47The Maximum Flooding Surface (MFS),
continuous (d) Geometry and features of the MFS
along a ramp margin. Hemipelagic and pelagic
sediments that will be deposited in the deeper
part of the basin are not shown (e)
Chronostratigraphical diagram from t0 to t38
showing the time represented b y the maximum
flooding and condensed section
48Shallow-marine to deep marine depositional
environment Biostratigraphic challenges High
resolution chronostratigraphy Biostratigraphic
criteria for identification of systems
tracts Biostratigraphic criteria for
identification of SB, TS, FS, MFS, MRS