Natural Selection Outline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Natural Selection Outline


QG model: any pleiotropic alleles that affect multiple components of fitness ... 'Pleiotropic' overdominance model ... Pleiotropic model I ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Natural Selection Outline

Natural Selection Outline
  • Introduction what is natural selection?
  • Stabilizing selection
  • Genetic variation for fitness
  • Estimation of fitness
  • Interplay of forces on genetic variation

Natural Selection Outline
  • Introduction what is natural selection?
  • Stabilizing selection
  • Genetic variation for fitness
  • Estimation of fitness
  • Interplay of forces on genetic variation

Natural selection has two outcomes
  • Stasis
  • Change

Natural selection is a systematic change in
allele frequency
  • Dq q1 - q
  • s is the strength of selection

Detecting selection in nature
  • manipulation of populations or of individuals
  • estimating selection coefficients change in
    gene frequency from parents to offspring, among
    cohorts, etc.
  • the comparative method traits in unrelated
    species living in similar habitats
  • association of gene frequencies with selective
    agent across a gradient in either space or time
  • selection history can be read in the sequence of
    the gene

Fitness profile
  • A fitness profile is a plot of fitness against
    phenotypic value, expressed as standard
    deviations from the means.
  • Dotted line fitness
  • (1) directional selection for high values major
    component of fitness
  • (2) stabilizing selection intermediate optimum
  • (3) very weak selection nearly neutral

Neutral characters
  • Test for neutrality by perturbation test
    artificially select away from mean, then relax
    selection. If character is neutral, it will not
    return to its previous value
  • May not work if allele frequencies greatly
    altered, inbreeding occurs, etc.

Natural Selection Outline
  • Introduction what is natural selection?
  • Stabilizing selection
  • Genetic variation for fitness
  • Estimation of fitness
  • Interplay of forces on genetic variation

Intermediate optima causes
  • Real stabilizing selection there is a causal
    relationship between the trait and fitness, and
    the optimum phenotype is intermediate
  • Apparent stabilizing selection genes affecting
    trait have pleiotropic effect on fitness

Apparent stabilizing selection I
  • If individuals with extreme phenotypes are less
    fit because they have more deleterious mutations
  • If mutations with large effects on the trait also
    have large effects on fitness

Apparent stabilizing selection II
  • Example clutch size in birds. Bigger clutches
    yield more offspring, but require less well
    provisioned eggs which yield lower quality
  • Negative genetic correlations between fertility
    and viability could result in intermediate
    optimum for trait

Natural Selection Outline
  • Introduction what is natural selection?
  • Stabilizing selection
  • Genetic variation for fitness
  • Estimation of fitness
  • Interplay of forces on genetic variation

Genetic variation for fitness
  • Roff and Mousseau surveyed heritabilities in a
    variety of species and found moderate to high
    heritabilities for quantitative traits
  • Life history traits tend to have lower
    heritabilities than morphological traits,
    probably because they are more closely related to

Natural selection operates on fitness
  • Fitness is the target of natural selection
  • Fitness is the individuals contribution of
    offspring (alleles) to the next generation
  • Different metric traits contribute different
    amounts to fitness, and can be arranged in a
    hierarchy reflecting the extent of the traits

Hierarchy of traits contributing to fitness
Relative fitness
  • The fitness of an individual relative to the
    population mean is its relative fitness.
  • E.g., contributing 100 offspring sounds good
    unless an average individual in the population
    contributes 200!
  • Relative fitness

Fitness of a population
Fitness includes the environment
  • Fitness includes not just the genes but the
  • The fitness of a gene is defined by the
    environment in which it is found
  • Part of the environment is genetic (i.e. the
    organisms interacting with the focal individual),
    and thus the environment can also evolve

Major components of fitness I
  • Constant selection reduces VA, thus causing low
    h2, because VE remains high
  • Directional dominance causes VNA, thus we have
    inbreeding depression

Major components of fitness II
  • Tend to observe negative genetic correlations
    between major components of fitness in random
    mating populations ( tradeoffs, antagonistic
  • Economic/budget models a total amount of
    resources exists, must be divided among multiple
    components, thus cant maximize all components
  • QG model any pleiotropic alleles that affect
    multiple components of fitness favorably will be
    fixed quickly, eliminating VG. Genes with
    antagonistic pleiotropy remain at intermediate

Major components of fitness III
  • Thus expect positive genetic correlation between
    fitness components in inbred lines, because
    deleterious recessive homozygotes are likely
    pleiotropic with respect to fitness components

Fishers fundamental theorem
  • Increase in fitness at any given time equals the
    additive genetic variance of fitness at that time
  • Recall R h2S weve already established in
    order to have a response to selection, we must
    have non-zero h2

Stable populations
  • A stable population, that is neither growing nor
    shrinking, has a mean fitness of 1
  • In a stable population, absolute and relative
    fitness are the same
  • We can still see evolution in a stable population
    as increasing absolute fitness (nonzero Dq), but
    mean fitness remains 1.

Equilibrium populations I
  • If action of natural selection is constant (i.e.
    environment does not change, no mutation or
    migration), eventually an equilibrium is reached
    with Dq 0
  • Thus is zero, so response to selection is
    zero (Fishers FT) even though selection is still

Equilibrium populations II
  • However, this does not mean VG 0, just that VG
    is non-additive
  • Overdominant genes at intermediate frequencies
  • In an equilibrium population, allele frequencies
    maximize fitness by definition
  • Thus selection on a non-fitness trait reduces
    fitness by changing allele frequencies, unless
    the trait is neutral and unlinked to fitness loci

Natural Selection Outline
  • Introduction what is natural selection?
  • Stabilizing selection
  • Genetic variation for fitness
  • Estimation of fitness
  • Interplay of forces on genetic variation

Fitness is hard to estimate I
  • Because it is the ultimate complex trait
  • Because separating parent fitness from offspring
    fitness is difficult (if a good parent mates with
    a poor parent, the good parents fitness is not
    represented exactly in its offspring)
  • Because measuring fitness of individuals is
    difficult, and thus fitness must be extrapolated
    from multiple individuals

Fitness is hard to estimate II
  • Because measuring total fitness is very difficult
    even in the lab, so fitness is often extrapolated
    from multiple fitness components
  • Because the variance in fitness is very large,
    due to the large contribution of the environment

Strength of natural selection
  • Can measure in two ways, depending on traits
    relationship to fitness
  • Major fitness components are under directional
  • Characters with intermediate optima are under
    stabilizing selection

Correlated responses
  • Response of a character correlated with fitness
    to selection on fitness itself is the additive
    covariance of character Y with fitness
  • Estimating those parameters is nontrivial!

Directional selection I
  • Linear regression of fitness on trait is
  • is the correlated selection differential for the
  • is the selection gradient, or, the partial
    regression coefficient for each of many characters

Directional selection II
  • Standardize across organisms or environments by
    dividing by the phenotypic standard deviation of
    the trait
  • I tells us the intensity of selection, but does
    not predict the actual changes natural selection
    will make in the trait

Stabilizing selection
  • Traits with intermediate optima are under
    stabilizing selection alternatively, traits
    where extremes are deleterious
  • is the strength of selection if stabilizing
    selection, j is negative if disruptive
    selection, j is positive
  • is the variance before selection
  • is the variance in the same generation after

Estimation of relative fitness
  • Depends on competitive measures, such that the
    competitor is standard between genotypes/treatment
    s and thus is an internal control

Natural Selection Outline
  • Introduction what is natural selection?
  • Stabilizing selection
  • Genetic variation for fitness
  • Estimation of fitness
  • Interplay of forces on genetic variation

Forces affecting quantitative variation
  • Selection
  • Genetic drift
  • Mutation
  • Migration

Genetic drift
  • Loss of genetic variation at rate governed by
    effective population size Ne
  • In the absence of mutation and migration, drift
    will eventually extinguish all genetic variation

  • Mutation is the ultimate source of new genetic
  • The range of input per generation is denoted by
    VM. Estimates for VM for Drosophila bristle
    traits are consistently in the range of 10-3 VE

Mutation and drift interact I
  • Incorporating variance loss from drift with input
    from mutation
  • In terms of heritability
  • So for VM 10-3 VE,
  • h2 0.002 Ne/(1 0.002 Ne)

Mutation and drift interact II
  • Thus mutation in the absence of selection can
    maintain a large amount of variation, except in
    very small populations
  • Heritabilities of most characters are much lower
    than predicted by the neutral model, so for most
    characters, selection must reduce VG

Joint action of mutation, directional selection,
and drift I
  • Assumptions
  • Mutations affect fitness only via effects on the
  • Additivity
  • Equilibrium response and variance are independent
    of the absolute magnitude of mutant effects, but
    depend on P, the proportion of favorable

Joint action of mutation, directional selection,
and drift II
  • If mutations are equally likely to be positive or
    negative, i.e. P 0.5, then the equilibrium
    variance under this model is the same as the
    mutation-drift model

Joint action of mutation, directional selection,
and drift IV
  • Only advantageous mutations contribute
    appreciably to variation and response, and do so
    during their sweep to fixation
  • This model predicts the maintenance of large
    amounts of variation

Heterozygote superiority models for maintenance
  • Pure overdominance
  • Pleiotropic overdominance
  • Marginal overdominance

Pure overdominance model
  • Stable equilibrium at q s1 / (s1 s2)
  • However, few examples are known

Pleiotropic overdominance model
  • There is some evidence of antagonistic pleiotropy
    for major fitness components

Marginal overdominance model
  • Relative fitness changes according to
    environmental change, temporal or spatial
  • Different homozygous genotypes are favored in
    different environments, leading to heterozygote
    superiority when averaged across environments

Stabilizing selection
  • The most intensively studied model
  • Effect of stabilizing selection is to eliminate
    genetic variation
  • New mutations are unconditionally deleterious and

Multiple loci under stabilizing selection I
  • VG 4nmVS, such that n is the number of loci and
    m is the per locus mutation rate
  • Assume that VS 10 VE (strong stabilizing
    selection) and h2 0.5
  • Predicts that nm 2.5 x 10-2

Multiple loci under stabilizing selection II
  • Thus, for appreciable heritabilities, either n or
    m must be large
  • If n 100, m 2.5 x 10-4, which is too high
  • If m 10-5, n 2500, which seems too high,
    unless a large fraction of the genome affects a
    given trait
  • However, recent surveys suggest stabilizing
    selection may be weak (Kingsolver et al. 2001)

Problems with stabilizing selection model
  • Seems to predict high h2 only with strong
    selection, if a large number of loci affect the
  • If each trait is affected by many loci, traits
    cannot be considered independent
  • If there really are large numbers of independent
    traits, the genetic load is too high, that is,
    too many individuals will fail to reproduce for
    genetic reasons

Pleiotropic model I
  • Apparent stabilizing selection can occur if
    mutations have deleterious pleiotropic effects on
  • Mutations with large effects on the trait may
    also have large effects on fitness
  • Thus individuals with extreme phenotypes are less
    fit because they have more deleterious mutations

Pleiotropic model II
  • Assumptions
  • Equally deleterious mutations with heterozygous
    fitness 1 - s
  • Selection is strong relative to mutation

Pleiotropic model III
  • Given VG VM /s, where s is the strength of
  • Assuming s 0.05 and
  • VG/VE VM /(0.05 VE),
  • Then VM/VE 0.05

Pleiotropic model IV
  • VM/VE 0.05 is higher than observed
  • Alternatively, high levels of VG can be explained
    with this model if individual mutations have very
    small effects, but this only generates weak
    stabilizing selection

Conclusions on maintenance
  • The maintenance of quantitative genetic variation
    remains an unsolved problem
  • Information on the nature of segregating
    variants, via QTL mapping, may help
  • Empirical data on pleiotropy of mutations
    affecting quantitative traits would also be
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