Title: Orthodontics and 18 weeks
1Orthodontics and 18 weeks
- Eric Rooney
- Consultant in Dental Public Health
- Cumbria and Lancashire
Cumbria and Lancashire
2Strategic approaches
- Short term fixes, long term planning
- Understanding the whole system and the patient
pathways - Teams and Networks
- Doing things differently
3Short term fixes
- Large waiting list in hospital
- PCT and Trust agreed to move waiting to primary
care - PCT Procured fixed term contract with existing
providers - Quality standards
- New players in the market
4Long term planning case starts
5Long term planning -Assessments
6Understanding the whole system and patient
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13Teams and Networks
- PCTs and Trust/s
- Booking and Choice
- Clinicians
14Morecambe Bay Orthodontic Clinical Network
- Consultant Orthodontist
- Consultant in Dental Public Health
- Specialist Orthodontic Practitioners
- PCT Commissioners
- (more than 1 PCT)
15Network referral form and pathways
- Developed by clinicians
- Piloted in supportive practices
- Signed off by PCTs
- Being issued to all practitioners with Network
and PCT branding
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18Specialist practices
- Referrals accepted
- For child patients (lt 18 years)
- Assessment of malocclusion and advice
- Treatment of moderate malocclusions patients
under 18 - Overjet 6.5-9mm
- Moderate/severe crowding (gt4mm contact pt
displacement) - Hypodontia involving only 1 tooth in any quadrant
(not 8s) - Crossbites with gt2mm displacement on closure
- Partially erupted teeth, impeded eruption
- Overbite complete to soft tissues /- trauma
- Lateral or anterior open bite lt4mm
- Treatment of mild malocclusion with IOTN 3, AC
gt6 - Contact point displacement 2.5-4mm viewed
occlusally - Overjet 4-6mm, incompetent lips
- Relocation transfers from specialist practice
19Doing things differently
- Review existing pathways
- Redesign if necessary
- Identify key control points
- Work as teams to develop and agree the pathway
and protocols and guidelines - Commission according to the pathway design
20North Cumbria
- Hospital based
- New specialist appointed
- Patients from existing hospital assessed waiting
list - Further specialist provision planned
- Hospital waiting list (18 weeks issue)
- Traditional model creates provider waiting list
- New approach required
- Be clear before tendering process
21General Dental Practitioner
Patient referral guidelines
18 weeks
Hospital Consultant
Advice only
Specialist Practice
Not ready
No treatment required
Specialist Practice
Suitable for primary care
Require Consultant led care
Case Starts
Case Starts
PCT Orthodontic waiting list
Hospital Consultant led service
Specialist Practice
Case Starts
Case start
22Each table to consider
- Main challenges for providers commissioners in
meeting the 18 weeks target - AGREE 3 KEY CHALLENGES
- Main steps/solutions to help meet the 18 weeks
23Feedback from previous event
- Manchester Event 11th March 2008
- Birmingham Event 17th March 2008
- Key Challenges
- Batching and waiting lists (long short term
issues) - Clarity over rules and process
- Capacity issues (resources, training quality)
- Communication issues (incl patient perception
and collaboration between trusts and PCTs)
24Feedback from previous event
- Manchester Event 11th March 2008
- Birmingham Event 17th March 2008
- Key Solutions
- Introduction of Clinical networks involving
primary and secondary care commissioners and
providers - Clarity via production of the pathways,
supplementary information, examples of good
practice and improved IT (e.g. choose and book) - Investment in and improved commissioning of
workforce / training - Sharing good practice of achievements elsewhere
using additional resources wisely in long short
term to support waiting list reduction. - Additional training for SpRs and increased
recruitment where needed (e.g. commissioning of
new providers and improved skill mix), and
training for GDPs re referrals and their
engagement in the production of local referral
protocols. - Improve communication and collaboration, inc. a
national coordinated approach re patient