Title: Maximizing Your Networking Connections
1Maximizing Your Networking Connections
New Mexico Chapter American Marketing Association
- August 20, 2009 -
- Stacy A. Sacco, MBA
- (505) 489-2311
- sasacco_at_aol.com
- www.sasacco.com
2Presentation Outline
- See Networking as a Process
- Maximize Your Connections
- Tips and Techniques
- Basic... Networking 101
- Advanced... Its Chess, Not Checkers
- Measure Your Results
- Build Long-Term Relationships
3The Marketing Mix
Networking can be formally considered an
integral aspect of promotion, one of the 4 Ps
in the traditional Marketing Mix framework
Source Borden, N.H. (1965), The Concept of the
Marketing Mix, in Schwartz, G., Science in
Marketing, John Wiley Sons, New York, pp.
4Think Process
Consider using the PDCA Cycle to improve your
networking skills with the ultimate goal of
maximizing the quantity of qualified sales leads
that you meet
Source The PDCA Cycle was originally developed
by Walter Shewhart, the pioneering statistician
who developed statistical process control in the
Bell Laboratories in the 1930's. The concept was
later refined by quality management guru W.
Edwards Deming in the 1950s, and is now known by
many as the Deming Wheel'.
5Networking Defined
In the context of sales and growing your
business, networking can be broken down into two
constituent components
NET (noun) - Suspects - Prospects - Customers
- WORKING (verb)
- - Sales Pipeline
- A.I.D.A
- 6-Step Sales Process
66-Step Sales Process
1. Prospecting - The Sales Pipeline 100
gt 10 gt 1 - Research organizations,
mailing lists, Internet links, etc. with
the highest propensity to uncover qualified
prospects - Key information includes the
Decision Maker, Needs, Budget and
Timeline 2. Approach - Make an
appointment - Always have an objective in
mind - ABCs of Selling --- Always Be
Closing 3. Presentation - Present your
proposal - Listen actively - Talk
benefits 4. Meet Objections -
Anticipate and welcome objections -
Document scripts of best responses - Feel,
Felt, Found 5. Close - SPIN questions
Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-Payoff
(Source SPIN Selling, Neil Rackham,
McGraw-Hill, 1988) - Various types
Assumptive, Balance Sheet, etc. - 85 of
sales are lost because reps dont ask for the
order 6. Follow-up and Service - The most
important part of any sale
7AIDA vs. Key Sales Building Blocks
Awareness Interest Desire Action
I.D. Decision Maker Do they have the authority to
purchase your products/services? Establish
Need Do your products/services meet their
needs? Budget Do they have the money to
purchase your products/services? I.D.
Timeline Are they ready to buy?
Step 5 - Close the Sale!
8Stages of Learning
Since networking is a learned skill, to attain
the highest levels of performance, i.e.,
unconscious competence, you need to practice
Source Attributed to various sources including
Thomas Gordon, Gordon Training International,
Skills Development Ladder, 1974.
- Population 1
- Worldwide 6,800,000,000
- United States (lt 5 World Pop)
300,000,000 - New Mexico (lt1 US Pop) 2,000,000
- Albuquerque MSA (Est. 2008)
845,913 - Growth (net of migration, deaths and births)
45/Day - Businesses 2
- New Mexico (2006) 45,940
- Albuquerque MSA (2006) 23,560
- Employers Statewide with gt150 FTE 183
- Number of Fortune 500 HQs located here None
- Organizations 3 (statewide)
- Non-Profit Community Service Groups
500 - Professional Associations
322 - Economic Development Orgs (State, City, etc.)
221 - Chambers of Commerce
75 - Toastmasters International Clubs
50 - Leads / Sales Tips Groups
Sources 1 - UNM Bureau of Business and
Economic Research, www.unm.edu/bber 2 -
Various Sources NMBW Book of Business Lists,
AED, NMDOL, etc 3 - Various Sources UWCNM
2-1-1 online directory, Dr. Barbara LeMaire, etc.
10 www.sasacco.com
- The New Mexico MARCOM Job Bank
- Current Job Openings
- Job-Hunting Resources
- Job-Hunting Websites
- Largest Employers in New Mexico (with 150 FTEs)
- Local Job Fairs
- Recruiters and Employment Agencies
- For People New to New Mexico
- Local Directories
- New Mexico Directory of Professional Associations
- Small Business Owners
- Small Business Service Organizations
- Workforce Development and Training Programs
- Special Interest Groups
- Anasazi Fields Winery Adventures
- Arts and Entertainment Links
- Local Speakers, Trainers, Coaches and Consultants
- Marketing Associations
- New Mexico Dance Links
11Which Groups Should You Target?
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SPIRITUAL Church, Political...
COMMUNITY Nonprofits, Service Grps..
SOCIAL Hobbies, Interests...
CUSTOMERS Prospects, Clients...
INDUSTRY Career, Peers...
PERSONAL Health, Well-Being...
12Where I Focus My Time...
SPIRITUAL Church, Political...
- Albuquerque Center for Spiritual Living
- - Up With People Intl Alumni Association
- - Albuquerque Intl Folk Dance
- Aerospace Contractors Association
- ABQ Chamber Armed Forces Committee
- AED Quarterly Luncheons
- Quality New Mexico (Sr Examiner)
- - American Marketing Association
- - NM MARCOM Mixer and JobBank
COMMUNITY Nonprofits, Service Grps..
SOCIAL Hobbies, Interests...
CUSTOMERS Prospects, Clients...
INDUSTRY Career, Peers...
PERSONAL Health, Well-Being...
13Working the Room Strategies
- No Plan
- Basically meet other attendees randomly without a
plan except to connect - Meet someone standing alone or in a line, etc.,
etc., etc. - Find a chair as fast as you can and sit down,
dont attempt to meet anyone - Proactive Prospecting
- Ask to see the roster and identify 2-3 people to
meet based on who they work for, industry they
represent, etc. - Have someone point them out and go over and
introduce yourself on your own - Advanced Techniques
- Its Chess, Not Checkers
- Call President or other board member ahead of
time to ask them who they think you should meet - Dont introduce yourself... have someone,
especially a board member introduce you - Time your introduction to when everyone is
sitting down to eat, so you sit with them - Start at the front of the room and ask attendees
at the reserved tables if they have an extra
seat open... especially companies or org youre
targeting - Adapt your responses to match the Personality
Style of the person youve met - Frank Crocetti Story
14Worst Case Scenario
Tactic 1 Find a Person Standing Alone
- Situation Tactics
- Easy to meet
- They are typically happy to meet you
- You say, I see youre alone too?
15Worst Case Scenario
Tactic 2 Attaching Yourself to a Group
Bar, Buffet or Registration Table
- Situation Tactics
- Wait until they break up and get in a line
- Start conversation with one person
- Join their circle when they regroup
16Worst Case Scenario
Tactic 3 The Full Frontal Assault!
- Situation Tactics
- Hard to break into conversation
- Stand at perimeter and look at one
- person to get their attention
- You say
- Hi, I wanted to introduce myself
- So are you all members?
17Four Behavioral Styles
18Your Doodle Personality
19Personality Styles and Temperament Types
20Communication Guidelines
21Basic Tips Techniques
- Arrive early.
- Review the attendee roster/list when you arrive
to target specific people you would like to meet.
When appropriate, invite guests to attend whom
you would like to know better, whether work
associates, clients or prospects. - Place your nametag on your right side... it's
easier to read when shaking hands (since most of
us are right-handed). - Actively greet others rather than wait for
someone to approach you. Have one of the
associations leaders introduce you, otherwise
meet someone standing alone. - Give a strong handshake. It conveys confidence
and sincerity. - Prepare an elevator speech, a 20-30 second
description of yourself and your work. Make it
simple and talk benefits in the eyes of your
prospect. - Listen actively... ask questions and don't
interrupt or talk about yourself too much. 2
Ears/1 Mouth, use them proportionately. - Remember names (be present!). Create map of
everyone at your table on the back of the agenda
so youll have their names readily available. - Manage your business cards. Place your cards in
one pocket and place the ones you receive in
another pocket. Note any key points you discussed
or any follow-up items on each card. - Follow-up on any promises, call backs, etc.
within 24 hours.
22Determine Your Value in Your Prospects Eyes
- Profits Revenue Costs
- Your value is a factor of how much you can help
to increase your prospects revenues or decrease
their costs.
23W.O.W. Sales Process
W. Identify your Prospects needs... Who, What,
When, Where, Why? O. Identify the OPPORTUNITIES
to meet their needs with your products and
services W. Create WIN/WIN solutions!
24Promote Yourself as an Expert
- Get Published
- Write for club newsletter, local newspapers, etc.
- Use article to get into
- closed doors
- Talk about trends, quote experts, etc.
- Create media event
- Industry competition awards
- Business Pulse Survey
- Create personal website or blog
- www.dukecityfix.com
- Google Blogs
- Publish an eBulletin
- K.I.S.S. - One page, bullets, links, etc.
- Provide useful information (so it goes viral)
- Start Group
- Meet Up
25Sample eBulletin dw turner advisor (monthly)
July 2009
CLIENT FOCUS Se Habla High End TVIt seems
everyone has their horror stories about the most
offensive or voyeuristic things they routinely
run across on American television. At least in
English, American viewers have also had
educational and thought provoking alternatives
over the years, many of them on public
television. Unfortunately for Spanish language
viewers in the U.S., the content has not been so,
err, uhh, diverse ... until now. Thanks to High
Definition, there's now a lot more elbow room for
some overdue niche programming. Vme (pronounced
Veh Meh), is quality television for the Corazon,
Mente y Animo. Like English language public TV,
Vme has very limited commercial time and a wealth
of content for viewers of all ages. 40 major
U.S. markets now carry Vme, available in either
cable, broadcast, or both, as well as via
satellite service providers. Check out their
Web site www.vmetv.com for more, or consult your
local guide for the right station. And be sure
to spread the good palabra.
WELCOME FROM DWT Happy holidays to our American
readers celebrating Independence Day. And a
hearty ahoi to our bretheren in the Czech
Republic ("Checkia" to its friends) as well,
where early July commemorates the contributions
of not only reformer Jan Hus, but Saints
Methodius and Cyril as well. This month we sink
our well maintained teeth into a couple of
milestone anniversaries in the critical health
field of modern dentistry, and introduce our
readers to the long awaited advent of serious
American Public Television, en Español --
gracias a Dios. And in 40 major markets, no
less. We also feature a piece by Dave Mulryan
(formerly of Mulryan Nash in the Big Apple) on
the virtues of harvesting market share during
economic downturns. As always, thanks for
reading. Salud, Douglas W. Turner
26Promote Yourself (cont.)
- Serve on Boards
- Volunteer for high profile positions
- Membership Development
- Newsletter/Website Editor
- Use position to get in doors
- Speak on Industry Topics
- Volunteer to speak
- Talk about
- Industry trends
- 6 Step Selection Process
- Tips Techniques
- Join Toastmasters www.district23.org
- AMA Resources
- Nationwide
- www.marketingpower.com
- 75 Professional Chapters
- 250 Collegiate Chapters
- 38,000 Members
- Local
27Keep Track of Your Contacts
- Create a personal profile for each target
prospect - ACT! or GoldMine CRM Software
- Microsoft Office Outlook (customized)
- Collect pertinent information
- The MacKay 66 Customer Profile
- At a Minimum
- Name
- Company
- Phone
- Email
- Where you met them?
- Next steps?
28MacKay 66 Customer Profile www.harveymackay.com
Customer 1. Name? Nickname? 2. Company name 3.
Address? Home address? 4. Telephone Business
Home 5. Birth date Place? Hometown? 6.
Height (approx.) Weight (approx.) Education 7.
High school? Year graduated? College? Year
graduated? 8. College honors? Degrees? 9. College
fraternity/sorority? Sports? 10. College
extracurricular activities 11. If customer
didn't attend college, is he/she sensitive about
it? 12. Military service? Discharge rank?
Attitude toward being in the service? Family
13. Spouse's name and occupation 14. Spouse's
education 15. Spouse's interests 16.
Anniversary 17. Children, if any, names/ages
18. Children's education 19. Children's
interests (hobbies, problems, etc.) Business
Background 20. Previous employment (most recent
first) Company, Location, Title, Dates? 21.
Previous positions at present company? Title?
Dates? 22. "Status" symbols in office 23.
Professional/trade 24. Offices held or honors
25. What business relationship does he/she have
with others in our company? 26. Who are they?
27. Is it a good relationship? Why? 28. What
other people in our company know the customer?
29. Type of connection? Nature of
relationship? 30. What do you feel is his/her
long-range business objective? 31. What do you
feel is his/her immediate business objective?
32. What do you think is of greatest concern to
the customer at this time? 33. Does the customer
think of the present or the future?
29MacKay 66 (Cont.)
Special Interests 34. Clubs, fraternal
associations or service clubs (Masons, Kiwanis,
etc.) 35. Politically active? Party? Important
to customer? 36. Active in community? How? 37.
Religion? Active? 38. Highly confidential/sensit
ive items not to discuss with customer (i.e.
Divorce, AA, etc.) 39. On what subjects
(outside of business) does the customer have
strong feelings? Lifestyle 40. Medical history
(current condition of health) 41. Does customer
drink? If yes, what and how much? 42. If no, is
customer offended by others drinking? 43. Does
customer smoke? If no, object to others? 44.
Favorite places for lunch? Dinner? 45. Favorite
items on menu 46. Does customer object to
having anyone buy his/her meal? 47. Hobbies and
recreational interests 48. Vacation habits 49.
Spectator sports interest sports and teams 50.
What kind of car (s) 51. Conversational
interests 52. Whom does the customer seem
anxious to impress? 53. How does he/she want to
be seen by those people? 54. What adjectives
would you use to describe the customer? 55. What
is he/she most proud of having achieved? 56.
What do you feel is the customer's long-range
personal objective? 57. What do you feel is the
customer's immediate personal goal? The
Customer and You 58. What moral or ethical
considerations are involved when you work with
this customer? 59. Does the customer feel any
obligation to you, your company or your
competition? 60. Does the proposal you plan to
make to him/her require the customer to change a
habit or take an action that is contrary to
custom? 61. Is he/she primarily concerned about
the opinion of others? 62. Is he/she very
self-centered? Highly ethical? 63. What are the
key problems as the customer sees them? 64. What
are the priorities of the customer's management?
65. Can you help with these problems? 66. Does
your competitor have better answers to the above
questions than you have?
302001 Job Aps Report
31Creating Long-Term Relationships
- Connect First, Sell Second
- Get to know the person before trying to sell them
something - What is their Unique Value Proposition?
- Story about poems I wrote for my family and
friends to recognize the positive impact they
each had on my life and others - Uncover Win/Win Resources
- How can you help each other? Look for
- Expertise
- Access to Information
- Connection
- Etc.
- Profits Revenues Costs
- Follow-Up
- Be memorable...
- Send something related to your discussion
- Email article, link, contact referral, etc.
- Consider not taking any business cards
- AED meeting transcripts story
- (Senior Executives from Bank of the West)
32Building Bridges of Love
I once met a lady at a grocery store. She asked
of my choices, my thoughts and my wishes, and
why I selected that soap for my dishes. She
said hi to my children and spoke of her own.
Three boys and a girl theyre now older and
grown. Prior to our chance meeting I felt weary
and cold. But now my day was decidedly
warmer having met the lady with a heart of gold.
What a loving person reaching out when no one
asked, to give a bit of herself making each
moment last. No one paid her to be there to
give me a lift. How could anyone value such a
precious gift? If only everyone cared this
much the world would be a better place. Building
such bridges of love we could unite the entire
human race. To my Mom, who taught me to reach
out to others. January 1, 1995
33Pride is His Guide
I once met a mechanic or should I say an auto
diagnostician. He reminded me of an artist or a
doctor with his concern and predilection. For
others this job was just a job but for this man,
it was much more. He took care to make sure each
step was done and that each was done right. No
matter the time involved or the cost it might
take. Each customers vehicle he treated he
wouldnt forsake. Whether changing a tire
or cleaning a dirty battery post, Hed dab it
with paint and wash it with soap. When asked
why he did what he did? He said he worked from
his heart, and his hands were guided by
pride whether at the end or the start! To my
Dad, who taught me to take pride in the work that
I do. January 1, 1995
34Where Eagles Fly
In a special corner of the sky, high above the
tallest mountain peak, the brilliant sun
reveals the feathered angel that we seek.
Beckoned by the lofty view rich in vistas
beyond compare, an eagle explores heights other
would only travel on a dare. Far below, while
mountaineers find security in chalked hands,
knotted ropes and steely pitons, our
cloud-climbing aviator finds his strength in
soaring free, not in holding on. Whether
overcoming gravitys pull, strong winds or
bitter cold, he loves every challenge, flying
ever-higher, proud and bold. With outstretched
wings he rides thermal elevators to upper
elevations, diligently practicing his
technique, increasing his air speed and flight
duration. The eternal wind dancer, he waltzes
with whispering clouds, turning here... dipping
there, completing each pattern with a graceful
bow. The eagle shows us by noble example how to
find a little bit of heaven giving spirited
wings to our heartfelt hopes, ever in pursuit of
personal perfection. To my friends Scott and
Mimi, who were an inspiration to us all,
especially me February 24, 1996
Note Scott Fike was the 2nd President and Mimi
Howard the 3rd President of the Orange County
American Marketing Association which we launched
July 15, 1993. I was the 1st President, and as
such, we basically served as co-founders of the
35Give it back better than you got it.
Several years ago, I attended an Awards Dinner at
Pepperdine University and was blessed to be able
to spend a few minutes one-on-one with the
keynote speaker Jack Kemp. At that time, Mr.
Kemp was running for the Presidency of the United
States. In answering the many questions I asked
about what a political life was like, he told
me the following The problem with politicians
is that they dont realize what their true role
is when I was a young man, I borrowed a friends
car to venture out on my first date. When I
returned the car, I made sure to wash it, fill it
up with gas, and repair the rearview mirror which
had been broken for a very long time. I gave the
car back better than I got it. Thats the
problem with our politicians today in many ways,
we put our goodwill, our tax dollars, and our
government in their hands and they dont always
give it back better than they got it. We need to
hold them to that standard. His words struck
home for me. In a sense, Ive been given many
roles in my life as a husband, a son, a brother,
a manager and having been given those
opportunities I now ask myself did I give it
back better than I got it? Did I make it
better, whether my family, my employer, or my
community? How about you?
36Additional Resources
- Albuquerque Journal Business Outlook, published
Monday mornings, www.abqjournal.com. - Business Networking International, local leads
groups and referral organization,
www.bnisouthwest.com. - Dig Your Well Before Youre Thirsty The Only
Networking Book Youll Ever Need, Harvey Mackay,
Doubleday, 312 pages, 1999. - Duke City Fix, Albuquerque areas most popular
blog, www.dukecityfix.com - Endless Referrals, Bob Burg, McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc., 1998. - Exhib-it! Trade Show Marketing Experts, publishes
list of upcoming business seminars and networking
events, see www.exhib-it.com/pages/seminars.html. - How to Talk to Anyone 92 Little Tricks for Big
Success in Relationships, Lell Lowndes,
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 343 pages, 2003. - How to Master the Art of Selling, Tom Hopkins,
Champion Press, 292 pages,1988. - How to Win Friends Influence People, Dale
Carnegie, Simon Schuster, Inc., 260 pages,
1931. - New Mexico Business Weekly Calendar,
endar. - New Mexico Business and Community Development
Calendar, New Mexico Department of Economic
Development, www.edcalendar.org. - Professional Networking For Dummies, Donna
Fisher, www.dummies.com, 336 pages, 2001. - The Psychology of Selling The Art of Closing
Sales, Brian Tracy, CD, Nightingale-Conant
Production, 2002. - Quality New Mexico, www.qualitynewmexico.org.
- Secrets of Closing the Sale, Zig Ziglar, Berkley
Publishing Group, 410 Pages, 1985. - Strategic Networking, networking events similar
to speed-dating sessions, Ria Botzler,
850-2272, www.sn-nm.com. - UNM Anderson School of Management, hosts speakers
series and other networking events,
www.mgt.unm.edu - Why ABQ? Link to local business events, Tin
Dziuk, (505) 918-0411, tdziuk_at_prusandia.com. - Women on the Fast Track, local leads groups,
37(No Transcript)
38Lets Network!
- Introduce yourself to someone you dont know
- and find out the following information
- Name?
- Where are they from?
- Choose something of personal interest to talk
about - - Hobbies, pets, kids, etc.?
- Assess their personality
- - Personality type?
- - Unique Value Proposition?
- Win/Win Resources?
- - How can you benefit each other?