Title: Solar Radiation Solar radiation is the primary natural energy source of the Earth'
1Solar RadiationSolar radiation is the primary
natural energy source of the Earth.
- Solar radiation mainly emanates as
electromagnetic radiation from the surface of the
sun (photosphere). It is originated by several
nuclear fusion processes in the interior of the
2The solar irradiance incident on a given plane on
the earths surface is determined by
- sun-earth astronomy
- (Physical (radiative) properties of the
sun, sun-earth distance) - solar geometry
- (latitude, declination, solar time,
azimuth and tilt angle of receiving surface)
- extinction processes in the atmosphere
- (absorption and scattering by air molecules,
water vapor, air mass) - available radiant flux at the surface (direct,
3Fundamentals of Solar Radiation
- Sun is a sphere comprised of layers of gases that
radiates energy to the solar system at an
equivalent blackbody temperature of 5760 K - Generally accepted that energy generation is a
H2 to He thermonuclear reaction - 1.5 x 1017 kWh falls on the land of earth, but
only small fraction of this can be used
4Thermal Radiation Fundamentals
- Thermal radiation a kind of electromagnetic
energy which all bodies emit because of
temperature - Solar Radiation - 0.1 to 3 µm
- Thermal Radiation 0.1 to 100 µm
5Beam Radiation, Gb, Ib, Hb
- direct solar radiation that is received on
surface which has not been scattered by
atmosphere - Diffuse Radiation, Gd, Id, Hd
- solar radiation received on a surface after
scattering by the atmosphere has changed it
direction - Total Solar Radiation, G, I, H
- sum of the beam and diffuse components of solar
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7- The Core
- The Sun's core has a tremendously high
temperature and pressure. The temperature is
roughly 15 million C. At this temperature,
nuclear fusion occurs.
8- The Radiative Zone (or radiation zone)
- The next layer out from the core is this zone
which emits radiation. This radiation diffuses
outwards. The temperature ranges from 15 million
C to one million C.
9- The Convective Zone
- In this next layer, photons continue to make
their way outwards via convection (towards lower
temperature and pressure). The temperature ranges
from one million C to 6,000 C.
10- The Photosphere
- This is the lower atmosphere of the Sun and
the part that we see (since it emits light at
visible wavelengths). This layer is about 300
miles (500km) thick. The temperature is about
11- The Chromosphere
- This reddish layer is an area of rising
temperatures. The temperature ranges from 6,000
C (at lower altitudes) to 50,000 C (at higher
altitudes). This layer is a few thousand miles
(or kilometers) thick.
12- The Corona
- This is the outer layer of the Sun's
atmosphere. The corona extends for millions of
miles and the temperatures are tremendous,
reaching one million C.
13Basic properties of the Sun
- distance from Earth 150,000,000 km
- mass 300,000 x mass of Earth
- volume 1,000,000 x Earth
- gravity on the surface 28 x Earth
- luminosity (total energy output) 4x1026 watts
- surface temperature 6,000 K
- composition 71 H (hydrogen), 27 He (helium)
14Sun Earth Relationships
- The earth is nearly spherical with a diameter
of about 7,900 miles (12.7 x 103 km). It makes
one rotation about its axis every 24 hours and
completes a revolution about the sun in a period
of approximately 365 1/4 days. The earth
revolves around the sun in a nearly circular
path, with the sun located slightly off center of
the circle. The earth's mean distance to the sun
is about 9.3 x 107 miles (1.5 x 108 km).
15- The suns rays striking the earth are not
exactly parallel. The included angle (2?s) is
about ½ degree, as shown figure.
16Sun Earth Relationships
- Around January 1, the earth is closest to the sun
while on around July 1 it is most remote, about
3.3 farther away. Since the intensity of solar
radiation incident upon the top of the atmosphere
varies inversely with the square of the earth-sun
distance, the earth receives about seven per cent
more radiation in January than in July.
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19The earth's revolution about the sun
- At the winter solstice (sun directly overhead
Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 S)) (around December
22) the North Pole is inclined 23.5 degrees away
from the sun. All points on the earth's surface
north of 66.5 degrees north latitude are in total
darkness while all regions within 23.5 degrees of
the South Pole receive continuous sunlight.
(24-hr darkness above Arctic Circle, 24-hr
daylight below Antarctic Circle )
20the sun's rays at time of winter solstice
21The earth's revolution about the sun
- At the time of the summer solstice (sun directly
overhead Tropic of Cancer (23.5 N)) (around
June 22), the situation is reversed. At the
times of the two equinoxes (around March 22 and
September 22), both poles are equidistant from
the sun and all points on the earth's surface
have 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of
darkness.( 24 hours of daylight above Arctic
Circle and 24 hours of darkness below Antarctic
Circle )
22the sun's rays at time of summer solstice
23- Declination, ds the angle between the earths
equatorial plane and the plane of its revolution
around the sun. The Earth's axis of rotation is
tilted 66.5 degrees with respect to its orbital
plane around the sun and its axis of rotation is
inclined 23.5 degrees from the perpendicular,
with respect to this plane.
24 -23,45º ds 23,45º
26- Slope ß
- the angle between the plane of the surface and
the horizontal, also called the tilt angle 0º
ß 180º
27- Zenith Angle, ?z
- the angle between the beam radiation and the
vertical also the angle of incidence on a
horizontal surface.
28- Surface Azimuth Angle, ?
- the deviation of the projection on a
horizontal plane of the normal to the surface
from due south, east is negative and west is
positive -
- -180º ? 180º
- Table of surface azimuth angle
30- Solar Azimuth Angle, ?s
- the angle between south and the projection of
the beam radiation on a horizontal plane, east is
negative and west is positive.
31- Solar Altitude Angle
- angle between the horizontal and the line to
the sun (or the suns rays), the complement of
the zenith angle.
- Experimental determination of the energy
transferred to a surface by solar radiation
requires instruments that will measure the
heating effect of direct solar radiation and
diffuse solar radiation. There are two general
classes of solar radiation measuring devices.
33- The instrument used to measure direct normal
- or beam radiation is referred to as a
- pyrheliometer.
34- The other instrument, called a pyranometer, is
able to - measure total radiation within its hemispherical
field - of view. A pyranometer can also be used to
measure - diffuse radiation alone by shading the sensing
- element from the suns direct rays.
35- Dünyaya günesten gelen enerji, Dünyada bir
yilda kullanilan enerjinin 20 bin katidir. - Günes, 5 milyar yil sonra tükenecektir.
36- Günes isiniminin tamami yeryüzeyine ulasmaz, 30
kadari dünya atmosferi tarafindan geriye
37- Günes isiniminin 50si atmosferi geçerek dünya
yüzeyine ulasir. Bu enerji ile Dünyanin
sicakligi yükselir ve yeryüzünde yasam mümkün
olur. Rüzgar hareketlerine ve okyanus
dalgalanmalarina da bu isinma neden olur.
38- Günesten gelen isiniminin 20si atmosfer ve
bulutlarda tutulur.
39- Yeryüzeyine gelen günes isiniminin 1den azi
bitkiler tarafindan fotosentez olayinda
40- Dünyaya gelen bütün günes isinimi, sonunda isiya
dönüsür ve uzaya geri verilir