Getting a CS Account - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Getting a CS Account


Step 1: Go to any CS Department computer with a login screen and type in the ... home directory which is always identified as a tilde ( ~) and your user name. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Getting a CS Account

Getting a CS Account Step 1 Go to any CS
Department computer with a login screen and type
in the username of newacct Password of
newacct Step 2 Follow Directions. If you are
registered in a CS course, it will allow to get
an account.
Basic Unix
  • Working in Unix
  • This lesson will work for both Unix and Linux
  • Unix is case sensitive so be careful about
    typing. Use lowercase most of the time.
  • Topics Covered
  • Commands
  • Editors
  • mail
  • compiling programs
  • File manipulation
  • HINT By a cheap unix book.

Getting Started
  • Login Demonstration
  • Use the delete key to erase a character,
    backspace does not always work.
  • Change Password demonstration
  • running telnet demonstration.
  • To logout type exit R

Other Useful commands
  • CTRL-U Erase input line
  • CTRL-S Pause output from a program
  • CTRL-Q Restart the output from a program
  • CTRL-D Places an end-of-file character at the
    end of some files.
  • CTRL-C System Interupt

Unix Commands that you will find useful
  • Basic Command Format
  • command options(s) filename(s)
  • options Options are often single letters
    preceded by a dash ( ex -aldwes)
  • filenames There must be spaces between the
    command, options and filenames. Filenames must
    match the file name and path exactly.

List Files or List Structure
  • Function Lists the files and directories.
  • Examples
  • ls
  • ls al
  • ls al chapt1.txt
  • ls al .txt
  • Too many options to list. For more detail in
    Unix type man lsR

Directory and File Structures
  • Files are organized into directories in unix.
    When you login you are placed in your home
    directory which is always identified as a tilde (
    ) and your user name.
  • example gaitrosd
  • Change to Home directory
  • cd gaitrosd

Basic Unix Commands Dr. Whalley
  • 1. newacct (creating an account)
  • 2. logging in
  • 3. logging out
  • 4. changing password (passwd)
  • 5. printing (lpr -Pmajors or lpr -Ppclab)
  • 6. checking status of print job (lpq -Pmajors)
  • 7. remove job from print queue (lprm -Pmajors)
  • 8. e-mail (pine, reading messages, composing

Basic Commands Part II Dr. Whalley
  • 9. editor (pico)
  • 10. list files (ls)
  • 11. remove files (rm)
  • 12. rename files (mv)
  • 13. copy file (cp)
  • 14. examining files (more, cat)
  • 14. make directory (mkdir)
  • 15. remove directory (rmdir)
  • 16. compiling a C program (g)
  • 17. putting jobs in the background ()
  • 18. using a source level debugger (ddd, gdb)

  • 1. newacct (creating an account)
  • Note It is required that you get a computer
    science account for this class.
  • How to get a new CS account
  • a. Go to the Computer Science majors lab. It's
    room 006 in the basement
  • of Love Building (across from the
  • b. Find a Linux machine or Sun Sparc station.
    Most of them are on the
  • left side of the lab as you enter the room.

  • c. Type "newacct" for the login and "newacct" for
    the password.
  • d. Follow the instructions that are given to
  • e. Ask for help from the lab monitor if you
    have problems.
  • or
  • a. Find a machine that is on the internet.
  • b. Telnet to
  • c. Type "newacct" for the login and "newacct"
    for the password.
  • d. Follow the instructions that are given to

logging in
  • 2. logging in
  • From a Linux machine or Sun Sparc station in
    the CS lab Type in your login name and password.
    That's it!
  • From a Windows NT machine in the CS lab
  • a. Type in "majors" for the username
    and leave the password field blank.
  • b. Another screen will come up. This is
    where you type in your login name and password.

logging in
  • c. Click Start (in the lower left hand corner of
    the screen).
  • d. Click run.
  • e. Then type Xwin32
  • f. Once again type in your login name
    and password.
  • From another location
  • a. Make sure the machine is connected to
    the internet.
  • b. Telnet to
  • c. Type in your login name and

logging out
  • 3. logging out
  • There are three command method can log off
    from Unix
  • a. use 'logout' command
  • b. use 'exit' command
  • c. Press the control key and the 'd' key at
    the same time (CTRL-D)

Changing Password
  • 4. changing password (passwd)
  • Use the 'passwd' (no quotes) command to change
    your password. (Actually
  • on our system, you can accomplish this by
    rlogining into "nu", e.g.
  • "rlogin nu". This will put you into the
    'passwd' program automatically.)
  • Follow the on screen instructions to complete.

  • 5. printing (lpr -Pmajors or lpr -Ppclab)
  • There are two printers you can use to print
    out your program (the file
  • containing source code). One is the laser
    printer in the majors lab and
  • the other is the dot- matrix printer outside
    the lab.
  • The command to print a file to the laser
    printer is
  • lpr -Pmajors ltfilenamegt
  • The command to print a file to the
    dot-matrix printer is
  • lpr -Ppclab ltfilenamegt

Checking Print Status
  • 6. checking status of print job (lpq -Pmajors)
  • Use the command 'lpq -Pmajors' to check the
    status of Majors lab printer.
  • Use the command 'lpq -Ppclab' to check the
    status of Majors lab printer.

Remove a print job
  • 7. remove job from print queue (lprm -Pmajors)
  • If you send a job to the printer but then
    decide you don't want it to be printed on the
    majors lab laser printer. The command 'lprm'
  • (no quotes) will allow you to purge the job.
    There are two methods of purging a job

Remove a Print Job
  • To purge all jobs under your loginid, use the
  • lprm -Pmajors ltuseridgt
  • To purge a specific job, you must first
    determine the "print job number" and then specify
    the job number on the lprm command.
  • The job number can be determined by using
    the lpq command. Here is the sequence
  • a. lpq -Pmajors
    Look at all jobs in the print queue

    and find the entry that you want to

    purge. Get your 'job id'.

Remove a Print job (lprm)
  • b. lprm -Pmajors ltjobidgt Specify the job
    id as shown. This will cause only the job
    specified to be purged.

Pine (E-Mail)
  • 8. e-mail (pine, reading messages, composing
  • Use the command 'pine' to read email (a
    message tells you that you have received mail
    when you login). After typing this command,
    "pine" will enter you into an interactive,
    menu-driven mailer. After reading your mail, you
    can save it, reply, delete it, and a variety of
    other functions.
  • See the pine man page for full details.

9 - Pico Basic Text Editor
  • invoke by the unix command
  • pico filename
  • Basic text editor with cursor movements.
  • Mouse does not work in this environment.
  • Always available in unix world.

Commands in pico
  • CTRL g Display Help
  • CTRL f Move cursor 1 character right.
  • CTRL b Move curse 1 character back
  • CTRL p Go back 1 line.
  • CTRL n Go forward 1 line
  • CTRL a Go to beginning of line.
  • CTRL e Go to End of line
  • CTRL v Go forward 1 page
  • CTRL y Go back 1 page
  • CTRL w search for a string
  • CTRL L refresh screen
  • CTRL d Delete character
  • CTRL - Mark text for select
  • CTRL k Cut text
  • CTRL u Paste text
  • CTRL I Insert tab
  • CTRL r insert external file contents
  • CTRL o write buffer to file
  • CTRL x exit pico

List or Directory (ls)
  • 10. list files (ls)
  • Use the command 'ls' to list the
    contents of current directory.
  • To list the contents of another directory, you
    can either "cd" to it and type "ls", or you can
    simply supply the directory name as an argument.
  • For example "ls /etc", would list the
    contents of the directory /etc.

List or Directory (ls)
  • Use command 'ls -al' to list all file with
    detailed attributes.
  • This includes permissions, owner,
    group, date and time of last update .
  • Use the command 'ls -F' to list files
    with a single character attribute.
  • "ls -F" would place a / after
    directories and an after executable files.

Remove Files (rm)
  • 11. remove files (rm)
  • Use the command 'rm ltfilegt' to remove the
    file ltfilegt.
  • By default, it does not ask for conformation
    before wiping out exactly what you tell it to.
    For example, this command would erase all files
    ending in .o', and .out'
  • rm .o .out
  • But be careful, the following command would
    remove all files in the current directory
  • rm

Remove Files (rm)
  • You can remove a directory that you own with the
    "rmdir" command. The directory must be empty
    before it can be removed. Use the "ls -a" command
    to make sure you have removed any hidden files.
  • Remember the rm command is used to delete
    files. Once deleted, a file cannot be restored by

Rename (mv)
  • 12. rename files (mv)
  • Use the command 'mv ltfile1gt ltfile2gt' to
    rename ltfile1gt as ltfile2gt.
  • This command can also be used to move a file
    or a directory to another directory.

Copy files (cp)
  • 13. copy file (cp)
  • Use the command 'cp ltfile1gt ltfile2gt' to copy
    the contents of ltfile1gt into ltfile2gt.

Examine Files (more)
  • 14. examining files
  • Use the command 'more ltfilegt' to examine
    the contents of the file ltfilegt.
  • The command 'more' will display a file or
    files one video page at a time. Use the space bar
    to move on to the next page use the return key
    to scroll one line at a time. There are a bunch
    of other useful functions built into"more", such
    as searching for the next occurrence of a string,
    and scrolling backwards. screen by screen and use
    command 'q' to exit

Make a Directory (mkdir)
  • 14. make directory (mkdir)
  • Use the command 'mkdir ltnamegt' to make a new
    directory ltnamegt.

Remove a Directory (rmdir)
  • 15. remove directory (rmdir)
  • Use the command 'rmdir ltnamegt' to remove the
    directory ltnamegt.

Putting jobs in the background
  • 17. putting jobs in the background Perform
    commands in the background by ending the command
    with a ''.
  • Issuing commands in such a manner is particularly
    useful for long running jobs or ones that provide
    their own user interface window.

Compiling Fortran Programs
  • All Fortran program files must in with a .f
  • Example( hello.f )
  • Type the unix command
  • f77 hello.f
  • The executable is will be a.out.
  • f77 o hello.out hello.f
  • This one puts the executable in hello.out
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