14 React Performance Optimization Techniques for 2024 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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14 React Performance Optimization Techniques for 2024


Master React performance with these 14 cutting-edge optimization techniques. Elevate your web app's speed & efficiency for superior user experiences. Read More! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Date added: 20 December 2023
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Title: 14 React Performance Optimization Techniques for 2024

14 React Performance Optimization Techniques for
  • https//www.ibrinfotech.com/

A well-liked JavaScript package for creating user
interfaces is called React. React JS development
company uses it extensively to create web apps
with great performance. However, maintaining the
performance of these apps can become difficult as
their complexity rises. We'll go over the best
React performance optimization strategies for
2023 in this blog post, which will help you make
your web apps run faster and more
effectively. There are various advantages to
using the React framework. However, one of the
biggest worries among developers is the
performance problems with ReactJS development
company projects. To provide you with tips on how
to boost the performance of your React project,
we have put together some extremely useful
  • How can react performance boost your business?
  • There are some points which can prove that react
    JS web development services are very important to
    hype your business.
  • Component hierarchy- React apps are constructed
    from components that hierarchically arrange
    themselves. Components are reusable user
    interface elements that might be functional or
  • React's virtual DOM- A virtual DOM, a condensed
    replica of the browser DOM, is used by React.
    React js web development services can maintain
    and update the UI more effectively thanks to the
    Virtual DOM.
  • Initial render- React builds the initial Virtual
    DOM tree based on the component hierarchy when a
    React application loads.
  • Reconciliation and diffing- React's
    reconciliation process is triggered by
    modifications made to the props or application
    state after the first render. React JS
    development company uses a diffing mechanism to
    compare the old and new Virtual DOMs.

Now let's discuss 14 React Performance
Optimization Techniques for 2024 1. React
Memo Re-rendering the React components might
cause the apps to run slowly and the user
interface to become sluggish. It also detracts
from the user experience. Therefore, it is
essential to reduce unneeded renders to avoid
such problems a company should be in contact with
reactjs web development services.
2. Lazy loading images Most programmes contain
images. Avoid rendering every image at once if
you wish to optimise an application with multiple
images. It can significantly improve how quickly
a page loads. With the help of a React JS
development company using lazy loading, you may
delay rendering the images in the DOM until after
they show up in the viewport. It aids in stopping
the formation of extraneous DOM nodes. It
significantly improves the performance of React
3. Reselection Without a doubt, Redux and React
function well together. Redux, however,
frequently results in performance problems. The
primary cause is needless re-rendering when the
state varies. Reselect aids memoized selector
construction. Only when there are any
modifications to the data can re-rendering be
permitted by the memoized selectors.
Consequently, it improves React apps'
4. Server-side rendering React js development
company may efficiently solve performance issues
and search engine optimisation with server-side
rendering. It can produce static content in the
browser before sending it to the user's browser.
Site loading speeds can be increased with the
use of server-side rendering. The user sees a
preview of the finished page, however, it will
take some time to load.
5. Immutable data structure Understanding
immutable data structures is simple. The main
concept is to refrain from directly altering an
object made up of intricate data. You should hire
a React JS development company which helps you to
consider duplicating the object with the updated
modifications instead. It makes it easy to
compare the new object with the original and see
the changes. It has triggered a UI update so it
becomes straightforward.
6. Code splitting in React Code splitting is
another useful technique for improving React
apps' performance. When a React js web
development services application is rendered, the
full application code is loaded into a bundle
file by default. Bundling can reduce a page's
ability to process HTTP requests, notwithstanding
its usefulness.
7. Use SETSTATE Function React app performance
can also be enhanced by using the SETSTATE
function. In React, each component has a state
that corresponds to it. A component's state may
alter as a result of an event that the systems
cause or in reaction to user activities.
8. Memoizing react components Memoization is a
perfect optimization technique that includes
retrieving the cached results, storing the
results in memory, and caching a
component-rendered operation. The memoized
component will automatically compare a prop that
is received by a child component.
9. Windowing and List virtualization Rendering
many rows of items in an application is sometimes
necessary. In some situations, the objects might
or might not show up in the browser's viewport.
They are rendered in the DOM, though. React js
development company provides applications whose
performance is frequently impacted by it, this is
where the idea of windowing comes in handy. Only
the content that is accessible to users may be
rendered to the DOM.
10. React Fragments React js web development
services help wrap or group several components
efficiently without adding new nodes to the DOM.
Rendering several components or child elements
inside of a single-parent component is
advantageous. It facilitates the removal of
pointless div usage from the programs. This may
contribute to improving the React apps' speed and
11. Trim javascript bundles Auditing and
trimming JavaScript bundles is essential if you
want to reduce code redundancy. Your React
application may have multiple redundant and
superfluous lines of code. Thus React js
development company helps to analyse and remove
all of these scripts, which can aid in enhancing
the application's performance. Ensure that the
bundled codes are appropriately analysed and
12. CSS animation usage Your React applications
need animations if you want to provide a
satisfying user experience. On the other hand,
there are other approaches to using web
animations. The most well-liked ones are the JS
and CSS animations.
13. Throttling Debouncing Event Action The
number of times the event handlers are called
within a given amount of time is referred to as
the trigger rate. Application crashes may occur
from higher event trigger rates. As a result,
event-triggering optimization is crucial and this
part is to be done with the help of a React js
development company.
14. Dependency optimization Optimising the size
of the React bundle is another well-liked
technique for guaranteeing good React
performance. Fortunately, there are numerous
approaches to reduce the bundle size. The most
popular techniques include compression,
minification, code splitting, and lazy loading.
Additionally, you can optimise the size of the
React package by utilising fewer libraries.
Conclusion In conclusion, it is impossible to
exaggerate the significance of React performance
optimization in 2024. Improving your React js web
development services provide application's speed
becomes crucial as people expect faster and more
responsive experiences and web applications get
more sophisticated. The employee of a React web
development company with expertise in React
performance optimization helps to create a React
web application that runs smoothly. By performing
this you can make sure that this application is
well performed and it has an excellent user
experience. To optimise this technology for web
application development contact the most trusted
company IBR Infotech, this company will help you
to provide your best services under budget.
Thank You
  • Phone - 15035757893
  • Email - contact_at_ibrinfotech.com
  • Website - https//www.ibrinfotech.com/
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