Title: Vertigo - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
1Vertigo - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
2What Is Vertigo?
The word Vertigo'' originates from the Latin
language Verto. It means to roam. Vertigo is a
feeling of spinning or a feeling of imbalance.
The patient suffers from this when there is
dizziness or imbalance. This imbalance can cause
nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, or a
feeling of unsteadiness in walking. Dizziness may
increase when the head is moved or
shaken. Vertigo is a common complaint about
doctors in all fields and can affect people of
all age groups. In reality, 20 to 40 percent of
people suffer from vertigo at some point in their
lives, of which 15 percent have diabetes. Vertigo
is a symptom of a disorder in the body, it is not
a disease. Vertigo can be due to many reasons,
such as BPPV, Menieres disease, vestibular
neuritis, labyrinthitis, acoustic neuroma,
otolith dysfunction, vestibular migraine, central
vestibulopathy, or psychogenic disorders. Vertigo
can be diagnosed and cured with the right
treatment. All these diseases have different
presentations and different treatment methods.
The patient can get permanent benefits only after
proper diagnosis and proper treatment.
3Symptoms Of Vertigo
- Patients with vertigo can describe their symptoms
in this way- - Headspin
- Lean-to one side
- Headache
- Feeling unsteady or unbalanced.
- Feeling of falling
- Dizziness
- Some symptoms can be found along with dizziness
in the patient of Vertigo, such as - Hearing
loss, ringing in the ears, or headache.
4Causes of Vertigo
- Meniere's disease These are due to diseases of
the inner part of the ear, due to which the
hearing ability of the patient is affected. It
causes sounds in the ear dizziness for a few
hours. It is caused by the pressure of the fluid
flowing in the inner ear. If not treated in time,
ménire's disease can lead to hearing loss.
Ménire's disease usually affects one ear, but it
can affect both ears in 15 of cases. It can be
treated with dietary changes and medications, and
in advanced cases, intratympanic gentamicin
injection or surgery is required. - Vestibular neuritis Vestibular neuritis is an
infection of the nerve. Vertigo in these patients
usually lasts from hours to several days. With
timely diagnosis and starting exercise, the
ability to balance can be made normal. - Otolith Disorders In this disease, the patient
has a feeling of imbalance or difficulty in
standing upright. Otolith disorders are diagnosed
by subjective visual vertical test and VEMP
(Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential Testing)
test. It is treated with medication to reduce the
sensitivity of the nervous system to a specific
rehabilitation program for otolith disorders. - Continue to Read More Click Here
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