Title: How to Fix your Audi Q5 Hard Shifting Automatic Transmission
1How To Fix Your Audi Q5 Hard Shifting Automatic
2The sole purpose of a transmission is to convey
engine power to the driveshaft.
3To do so, a manual transmission relies on the
input provided by the driver.
4However, an automatic transmission works by
itself without any external interference.
5Having a hard time shifting is one of the signs
of a defective transmission.
6Listed below are some of the most common reasons
behind hard shifting in Audi Q5.
7What Causes Hard Shifting Transmission In Audi
8Low Transmission Fluid
9Running low on transmission fluid can cause
shifting-related issues in your Audi Q5.
10Hard shifting, jerking, and slipping are some of
those issues.
11Besides, low fluid can result in transmission
vibration in a vehicle.
12Overused Transmission Fluid
13Transmission fluid lasts for 60,000 to 100,000
miles and needs to be changed thereafter.
14 That said, if you dont change it on time,
the transmission might exhibit strange behaviors.
15Hard-shifting is one of those behaviors.
16Bad Torque Converter
17Torque converter links the engine with the
18 Its purpose is to transfer the rotating power
of the engine to the transmission.
19 A faulty torque converter might make it hard to
shift gear in your Audi Q5.
20Damaged Gears
21The transmission is a very complex piece
of equipment made of numerous small components.
22Damaged gears can adversely affect the
transmission operation.
23 Even they could make the transmission shudder
and frequently shift between the gears.
24 Hard shifting is another characteristic of
having damaged gears in your Audi Q5.
25How to fix hard shifting in your Audi Q5?
26 Simply change the transmission fluid on time.
27If the problem is something else, then contact a
technician immediately.
28Wrapping Up
29 Hard shifting in your Audi Q5 is not a good sign.
30 Efforts should be made to fix the issue on time
to avoid further complications.