Title: Trendymami - 26 Moving Tips To Make Your Life Easier
126 Moving Tips To Make Your Life Easier
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3- Moving tips are much needed during this stressful
time. Just last year, my husband and I decided to
make the big move from our tiny apartment in San
Francisco to our brand new home in the Napa
Valley after finding out that we were expecting a
beautiful now 5-month-old. - Now imagine me trying to get everything together
while pregnant. So many boxes, labels, fragile
china, and lots of furniture to be lifted into a
moving truck, and only so many hands to do it. - Since my husband and I are pretty meticulous when
it comes to our stuff, we wanted to find ways to
make packing as efficient, organized, and easy as
possible. And of course, we didnt want anything
damaged! So after some searching, I found some
moving tips, tricks, and products that made our
30-mile move a million times easier.
4Lifting, shifting, moving, and carryin
51. Slide everything you want
- Furniture like sofas and tables are heavy, so
its easier to slide them across. We tried using
some DIY sliders made from foam mats, but they
just werent doing the trick. Luckily, we found
these great furniture sliders these great
furniture sliders from Super Sliders with pretty
durable rubber foam to help us move the dresser
and couch to the truck.
62. Lifting made easy
7- Wanting to keep labor costs as small as
possible, I found this ingenious lifting and
moving system from Shoulder Dolly (which kind of
looks like something a bodybuilder would use!).
All we did was take the straps over our shoulders
and buckled the belt in front of us. There was
then another strap attachment that went under the
thing we were lifting. That way, wed get extra
help from the strap to help us move all of our
heavy things. No movers needed!
83. Move the heaviest items into the truck first
9- This is one of the most useful moving tips I can
give you. Items will be less likely to shift the
closer they are to the cab, since theyre
sandwiched by other items. Make sure these first
items are the heaviest, such as sofas and tables.
Packing bigger items first will also ensure you
know how much space realistically have in your
moving truck (and if you need to rent something
bigger). - If youre moving across the country,
internationally, or for whatever reason would
rather replace large furniture items than take
them with you, check out HSN which offers amazing
deals on home essentials (and flexible payment
104. Pack items from the same room together
- We save a ton of time by packing all our kitchen
stuff next to each other. When we needed to cook
our first breakfast, we knew exactly which boxes
needed to be pulled out. Our friends and family
who helped us pack benefited too They knew
exactly where everything needed to go. - 5. Place heavier items in smaller boxes
- Whats harder than lifting a box full of heavy
things? Lifting a big box of heavy things. Trust
us, we learned this one the hard way. Once we
realized what we were doing wrong, we placed
heavy items such as books, decorative
centerpieces, and heavier electronics into
smaller boxes so the box would be easier to
11Padding and storage - 6. Learn to love labeling
- The key to not wasting a few hours searching for
stuff is labeling the stuff in the first place.
Buy at least five rolls of different colored
electrical tape or these pre-printed label tapes
that make your life SO MUCH EASIER. - Once youve labeled by room, you can even get a
bit more specific. Write the boxs contents in
marker on the box. For example, after youve
labeled the yellow tape kitchen and slapped it
on the box, write dishes and utensils below the
label for your fork and knife box.
127. Use shrink wrap instead of duct tape
- We realized how much duct tape we were wasting
when we went through two rolls in a heartbeat. I
got some shrink wrap from Ultra that had a huge
stretch factor perfect for wrapping boxes with
fragile things inside. We werent wasting tons of
tape, we used less wrap then we thought we would,
and it was pretty strong as it wrapped around all
our boxes. - 8. In fact, just say no to duct tape
- Theres a reason why its called duct tape and
not packing tape! Packing tape is the stuff that
comes in rolls with a special handle to make
application to boxes much easier than peeling
duct tape. Plus, its super sticky and you can
reasonably write on it (perfect for labeling). If
its good enough for UPS or the post office, then
its good enough for your fragile belongings.
139. The hanger trick
- Taking off hangers from your clothes and then
putting them back is one of those annoying tasks
you never think of when moving. Instead, take
your clothes down from your closet hangers
included and place them in a large garbage bag.
Make sure the tie part of the bag is facing
downward. Then, poke a hole through the top of
the bag with the hanger.
1410. Fill that fridge
- If youre taking larger items with you like the
fridge or the washing machine, you can place
smaller items inside. - 11. Protect your mattress with a mattress bag
- The bed however was very tricky. We really
couldnt figure out a way to lift and move the
mattress and tie it to the top of my car without
risking damage to the mattress. We found
this mattress bag online to protect the bed. Who
even knew there was such a thing? The mattress
bag made moving the bed downstairs and to my car
a lot easier.
15- If youre thinking of getting a new mattress, you
might want to check out Purple, Nectar, Tuft
Needle, Beautyrest, Serta, Saatva,
and Molecule for great deals on super high
quality mattresses! Plus they can ship it right
to your new place!
1612. Heavy duty totes for everything
- With so much stuff, we didnt have time to unpack
all the things we put in the van. Since our
rolling bags already had silverware and China in
them, I found these nifty, heavy-duty totes from
Earthware where we packed up pretty much
everything we needed for the first night
clothes, shoes, toiletries, laptops, books, and a
sleeping bag for each of us.
1713. Ziploc bags
- My husband and I were surprised at all the little
things we had. As in really little things, like
screws, nails, and little trinkets. Pack a lot of
Ziplocs so that you have enough to spare when
these unexpected little things pop out, or you
need to reassemble your shelf when you move
in.14. Use Cushion Sheets - Heres one of the many moving tips to protect
your items during the move. For Fragile objects
such as photoframes, glass wear, and dishes these
cushion sheets make you feel sure that no crack
is ever gonna happen to them, if you tend to get
paranoid, place 2 sheets between the items
instead of one.
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1915. Bubble Wrap Never Gets Old
- A must for wrapping furniture corners, TVs,
electronics, Fragile objects. - 16. Use Massive Plastic Bags to Prevent Scratches
and Avoid Dust - For keeping Sofas, loveseat, and all your other
big furniture's clean during transportation and
prevent scratches and dings, use big plastic bags
all around them.
2017. Use Blankets for the Big Items
- A easy and fast alternative to Bubble
Wrap, Moving Blankets are perfect to cover
tables, TVs, Mirrors and other bigger objects.
Theyre easy to put on and take off and they will
prevent scratches and hits. - 18. Use a Dolly if youre doing things yourself
- If you decided that you can do things yourself
without a moving company, a dolly will be
definitely helpful to move the big bulky items.
2119. Protect the corners
- Protects photos, diploma, all sorts of frame
corners from getting scratched and dinged up with
this Frame Corners Protectors.
22The (not so little) detailS - 20. Donate
- This is one of those moving tips that will make
your life easier and many other lives better.
Places like Goodwill will take your gently-used
stuff, and youll get a tax write-off after you
drop them off. Alternatively, you can also call
up a donation company to pick them up from your
soon-to-be-former home. We donated some of the
board games we had and got some great tax
write-offs in return. The best of both worlds!
2321. Change your address
- This is one of the moving tips that might seem
obvious, but youd be surprised how easy it is to
forget to do this when you have a million things
going on. We noticed the err of our ways when our
Amazon Prime shipment didnt come in after a
week! Turns out Amazon still thought we lived at
our apartment. If you dont want your fancy new
drone to be shipped to the wrong address, then
plan ahead! - 22. Cancel all your subscriptions
- This one might also seem like a no-brainer, but
its also something you can easily forget. Make
sure your TV, internet, electricity, utilities,
and online shipping subscriptions to your old
address have been canceled and youve asked for
your records to be transferred to your new
address. Pay particular attention to local and
federal government services, as many of them
(such as the DMV) require you to register your
new address within a certain time period (e.g.,
within the next 10 days). Many online services
make this service easy on their website or their
mobile app.
2423. Stop buying food
- My husband and I are foodies, so the worst thing
you can say to our faces is no food! Its one
of the moving tips that everybody tends to
forget. But all that food is going to waste if
you dont stop buying it before your move. Plan
to stop buying food at least a week before you
move to ensure you finish everything. My husband
and I lived on ramen noodles more times than wed
like to admit, but it was worth it! Ramen gets a
bad rap anyway. Its delicious! - 24. Make copies of your important papers
- I know this is one of the moving tips that might
sound like making your move even more tedious
than it should be. But you cant risk losing the
only copies of your familys birth certificates,
passports, social security cards, pay stubs, tax
returns, mortgages, car payments, and the like.
If it can get lost or damaged, then its best to
make copies of it. If youre not willing to waste
that much paper, you can turn your documents into
PDFs and place them on a flash drive or a cloud
service. Alternatively, take advantage of
services that will offer paperless, digital
versions of your important documents.
2525. Give favors in return
- Whats the best way to anyones heart? Pizza!
Theres really no reason why you cant thank all
the people who helped you move with a few pizzas
and some drinks on your dime. The day of the move
my husband stepped out for a bit to call some
pizza and soda in, and we had a makeshift lunch
in our front lawn while we sat on boxes. Hows
that for a first meal at the new place?! Its a
story well always remember, and the least we
could do for our family and friends who decided
to help us with the move. - In just a little over a day, my husband and I
were able to move everything into our new humble
abode. And I did it with a baby on the way! Just
goes to show you anyone can move efficiently and