Title: Fire Safety Plan
1General Fire Safety By Impact fire and Safety
Appliances Pvt. Ltd.
2Most Common Causes of Fire
- Faulty or misused electrical equipments
- Build up of rubbish or waste material (Poor
Housekeeping) - Smoking
- Cooking
- Heating appliances placed near Combustible/Flammab
le materials - Unsafe Storage and use of Combustible/Flammable
materials - Unsafe storage and use of hazardous materials
- Hot process
- Arson
3Fire Triangle
- 1. In order to ignite and burn, a fire required 3
elements - Fuel
- Heat (a source of ignition)
- Oxygen
- 2. Each element should be present in correct
proportion - 3. A fire can be prevented or extinguished by
reducing anyone of these elements below the
critical level, i.e. - Shutting of gas supply (Starvation)
- Cooling for fire with water
- Smothering flames with fire blankets (Suffocation)
4What is Fuel
- Anything that burns is a potential fuel for a
fire - Duration of the fire will depend on the amount of
fuel available
5What is Heat
- Must be sufficient to raise the fuel to its
ignition temperature - After fire begins to burn, the source of ignition
can be removed as combustion process releases
heat energy to sustain the fire - Amount of heat required depends on the
following- - Combustion point of fuel
- Type of fuel
- Amount of oxygen available
6What is Oxygen
- To sustain a fire, atmosphere only needs to have
16 oxygen (The air we breathe is around 21) - Intensity of a fire depends on the concentration
of oxygen available - Some chemicals releases oxygen when they gets
heated thus adding to the natural supply
7Sources of Fuel
- Combustibles
- Paper and Cardboard
- Plastics and Rubber
- Textiles and Soft furnishings
- Wooden Items
- Waste products
- Flammables
- Flammable liquid based products
- Flammable liquids and solvents
- Flammable chemicals
- Flammable gases
8Sources of Ignition
- Cigarettes, Matches and Lighters
- Naked Flames
- Faulty or misused electrical equipments
- Fixed or Portable Heaters (Electric, Gas,
Oil-filled) - Hot Processes
- Cooking Equipments
- Lighting Equipments
- Obstructions of Equipments Ventilation
- Arson
9Sources of Oxygen
- Main sources is in the air around us
- In an enclosed building, oxygen is provided by
natural airflow through doors/windows or
mechanical air conditioning/ air handling
systems - Further additional sources can be found in -
- Oxidizing Chemicals
- Oxygen supplies from cylinders storage and piped
10Hazards and Risks
- Hazards Anything that has the potential to
cause them - Risks The chance of that harm occurring and
11Hazards Created by Fire
- Flames and Heat
- Smoke and other products of combustion
- Reduced oxygen
- Structural damage to a building
- Collapse of a building
- Exposed Electrical Cables
- Intense heat can cause serious injuries/death
- High temperatures can melt clothing into skin,
causing severe and deep burns - Breathing in superheated air causes rapid and
severe lung damage followed by unconsciousness - Exposure to excessive heat can cause
physiological effects such as heat stress
13Smoke and Products of Combustion
- Incomplete combustion produces a variety of
by-products, many of which are toxic and/or
corrosive - Smoke is the most cause of death in case of fire
- Injuries/death due to inhalation
- Irritation of the eyes can reduce visibility
- Digestive problems and poisoning if swallowed
- Respiratory and circulatory systems affected, if
inhaled - Poisoning if absorbed by the skin
- Many gasses produced by the fire are highly
toxic, e.g. carbon monoxide
14Reduced Oxygen
- Oxygen deficiency can occur in 2 ways
- Fires consume large quantities of available
oxygen - Fires produces large quantities of other gasses
that displaces oxygen - Low oxygen levels can result in disorientation
and irrational thinking, which makes escaping
more difficult - At worse, unconsciousness and death can occur
when the brain gets starved of oxygen
15Structural Damage and Collapse
- Heat can have a serious impact on the structure
of the building - Burning
- Spilling
- Melting
- Expansion
- If a building collapses, the people inside may be
crushed or injured - Partial collapse may obstruct escape routes
- Fire can cause damage to electrical cables,
leading to short circuits or exposing live
electrical conductors - Exposed wires can cause electrocution through
direct contact or contact with water
17Fire and Smoke Spread
- Convection
- Conduction
- Radiation
- Direct Flame Contact
- Main mode of heat transfer in a developing fire
- Heat transferred by the movement of warmed
particles in a liquid or a gas - As particles are heated, they becomes lighter and
less dense than air and this rises in atmosphere - Heated molecules eventually cools becomes denser
and sinks - Repeated process results in convection currents
- Heat transferred through matter from particle to
particles - Particles in heated substance gain kinetic energy
and move faster - These particles than interacts with others
particles nearby, transferring heat to them - The process continues as thermal energy is
transferred from hotter parts to cooler parts
- Uses electromagnetic waves to transfer heat
- Heat Transfer by radiation can occur over massive
distances Radiation is how we receive heat from
sun - Heat radiation can pass through transparent
barriers such as glass - For significant level of heat to be radiated, the
temperature of the heat source
21Direct Flame Contact
- Combustible or flammable materials can come into
direct contact with flames, and the fire may
travel along, up or through he material
22Fire Control Measures
- Preventative
- Passive
- Active
- Managerial
23Preventive Control Measures
- Should always be considered first
- Better to reduce the risk of fire starting than
to deal with the consequences
24Preventing Ignition
- Adopt safe working practices when undertaking hot
work - Provide safe ways of discarding cigarettes
- Allow smoking only in designated area and
prohibit it in all areas of fire risk - Limit the use of open flames
- Use suitable electrical equipments and test it
regularly - Ensure that all electrical equipments are well
ventilated - Control Arson
25Reducing Risks from Fuel
- Reduces the amount of flammable material in the
workplace to the minimum required for the
operation of the business - Where possible replace flammable material with
less flammable alternatives - Follow safe working practices when working with
flammable substances - Ensure Safe storage, transportation and handling
of flammable materials - Ensures that waste products are stored in an
appropriate place until cleared - Ensure that paint, wall coverings, textiles and
furnishings are fire resistant.
26Reducing Risks from Oxygen
- Keep windows and doors closed (Balanced against
employee comfort) - Use compartmentation and self-closing fire doors
- Close off ventilation systems when not in use
- Prevent or strictly control oxygen rich
27Passive Control Measures
- Building features that prevent the spread of
smoke and heat, e.g. - Permanent escape routes
- Refuges with communication system
- Fire resistance features, fittings and décor
28Active Control Measures
- Systems/Devices that provide early warning of
fire, control smoke movement or suppress or
extinguish a fire in its early stages - Require some sort of operational
(Manual/Automatic, Electrical/Mechanical) to
perform function. Examples - Automatic Fire Detection System
- Manual Call Points And Alarm System
- Portable Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets
- Sprinkler Systems
- Sub-dividing a building into separate fire
compartments in order to - Provide a safe refuge to people within the
building, where it is not practicable to
evacuate everyone at once - Assist fire- fighting operations
- Minimize property damage
30Managerial Control Measures
- Support and active and passive measures, e.g.
- Develop Fire Safety procedure
- Undertake training and fire drills
- Develop maintenance systems for safety
equipments/fittings - Undertake regular fire safety inspections
- Require vigilance by those responsible for fire
safety - Use Signage to identify escape routes and high
risk areas
31Means of Escape
- Building features and Fittings that enables
people to move from a place of potential damage
to place of ultimate or relative safety in an
event of fire. - Should take in to consideration
- Time takes to move people
- Time it takes for a fire to endanger the escape
route - The distance people have to travel to a place of
safety - Features might include
- Structural protection from a fire spread or
collapse - Fire Resistant paints and textiles
- Fire doors and self closing devices
- Signage and emergency lightings
- Ventilation Control System
32Fire Door Features
- Self closing device or door release mechanism
that operates if the fire alarm gets activated - Solid rebate or intumescent strips and cold smoke
seals to prevent flames and smokes passing
through the gaps - Viewing panels should be fire resistant glass
- Constructed from or coated with fire resistant
material - Clearly identifiable with appropriate safety
signage - Easy to open
- Well lit
- Properly maintained
33Travel/ Distance Capacity
- Travel Distance How far people have to travel
to reach an exit, usually measured to a storey
exit or another fire compartment or protected
area - Exit Capacity How many people can pass through
the exit in a given time.
34Emergency Lighting
- Used when main power supply is failed
- Should operate automatically and be sufficiently
bright to allow people to evacuate the premises
quickly an safely - Degree of illumination depends on nature of
premises and its occupants - Exit Doors and escape routes
- Intersections of corridors
- Emergency Exit Signage
- Stairways
- Changes in Direction/Floor level
- Windowless rooms
- Fire Fighting equipments
- Fire Alarm Call Points
- Equipments to be shut down in an emergency
- Lifts
35Protected Escape Routes
- Separated from the other parts of the building
- Constructed from the fire resistant material
- Sterile Places
36Fire Safety Signs
- Safe Condition Signs
- Green Rectangle with white symbols/text
- Show Directions to areas of safety and medical
assistance - E.g. Emergency exit signage
- Fire Equipments Signs
- Red Rectangle with white symbols/text
- E.g. At manual call points or next to fire
extinguishers - Mandatory Signs
- Blue Circle with white symbols/text
- Action must be taken
- E.g. Sign instructing that fire door is kept shut
37Fire Safety Signs
- Hazard Signs
- Yellow Triangle with black outline and
symbols/text - Warn of Danger
- E.g. Flammable Substance sign
- Prohibit signs
- Circle with red outline and red line from top
left to bottom right - Behavior likely to result in danger is forbidden
- E.g. No Smoking Sign
38Fire Detection
- Important to detect the fire as soon as possible
after it starts and to warn other people in order
to prompt their evacuation - In small premises, fire may be detected by
building occupants - In some premises, fires may be detected
automatically by devices that reacts to the
presence of, for example, smoke, heat or carbon
monoxide gas.
39Raising the Alarm
- Shouting Fire
- Breaking Glass at Manual Call point
- PA System
- Whistles
- Bells
- Rotary Gongs
- Klaxons
40Fire Classes
- Class A Organic Solids, Such As Paper And Wood
- Class B Flammable Liquids And Liquefied Solids
- Class C Flammable Gasses
- Class D Metals
- Class F Cooking Fat And Oil
41Extinguishing Fires
- Fires are extinguished by reducing one or more of
the element of the fire triangle below the
critical point - Reducing the heat (Cooling)
- Reducing the fuel (Starving)
- Reducing the oxygen (Suffocating)
42Fires Extinguishers
- Red with identifying labels to indicate type
- Location and number determined by the risk
assessment - Work by breaking the fire triangle
- Use a number of different agents
- Water Cools
- Foam Cools And Provide Barrier To Oxygen Reacting
With Fuel - Dry Powder And Carbon Dioxide Suffocate
43Water Extinguishers
- Red label
- For Fires involving carbon based solid material
(Class A) - Remove heat from the fire triangle (Cooling)
- Water conducts electricity, so should not be used
where there is a risk of electric shock
44Foam Extinguishers
- Cream label
- For Fires involving flammable liquid or liquefied
solids (Class A, B and F) - Form a layer over the burning surface, separating
the fuel from flames (Starving) - Nozzle sprays foam evenly, quickly coating fire
- Can use near but directly on directly on live
electrical equipments (beware water run-offs)
45Co2 Extinguishers
- Black Label
- For fires involving electrical equipments (negate
chances of electric shock) - Can be used on fires involving liquids such as
paints and oils (with caution) - Remove Oxygen from the fire (Suffocation)
- Should not be used in a space restricted enclosed
areas - Ice can form on extinguisher nozzle
- Noisy when discharge
46Dry Powder Extinguishers
- Blue Label
- For all common types of fires including
electrical (Class A, B and F) - Remove Oxygen from the fire interrupting the
chain of combustion and preventing reignition - Extinguish quickly
- Not suitable for use in enclosed space
- Cause excessive damage to electrical equipments
- Best used for outside fuel fire
47Wet Chemical Extinguishers
- Yellow Label
- For use on deepfat cooking fire (Class F)
- Create fine mist that cools flames and prevents
splashing, then create thick that smothers fat
and prevent reignition (Starving) - Only works with animal fats and vegetable oils
48Simple Checks
- Is the extinguisher ready to be picked up?
- Is the pressure gauge reading is in green zone?
- Weight has extinguisher been discharged?
- Are there signs of corrosion/leak/rust?
- Test engineers label Has the extinguisher been
serviced in last 12 months? - Are the safety pins in place and tamper seal
intact? - Are notices of the type/suitability of the
extinguisher displayed next to it.
49Fire Blankets
- Sheets of Fire retardant material placed over a
fire to suffocate - Extinguish small fires before they spread
- Light duty Kitchens
- Heavy Duty industrial settings (Molten
materials) - Should be in the vicinity of fire hazards but in
a position where they can be safely and easily
accessed in an emergency - Must be checked regularly
50How to use Fire Blankets
- Pull the blankets out its case
- Check if the fire is smaller than blanket
- Hold up blanket in front of you by the top
corners and keep your hands tucked behind it - Place the blanket over the fire and smother it
- Do not remove the blanket for half an hour (to
allow the material to cool down)
51Fixed Fire Fighting System
- Hose Reel
- Dry and wet riser
- Sprinkler systems
- Gaseous Systems
- Foam Systems
52Fire Safety Inspections
- Help to ensure that
- Owners and occupiers of building are continuing
to meet their responsibility under the fire
safety regulations - Buildings are fitted with correct fire safety
installations - Those installations are maintained in an
operational conditions
53Fire Wardens
- Competent person who implement the fire safety
measures and give effect to appropriate
procedures to be followed in the event of serious
and imminent danger to relevant persons - Can be called fire marshals or fire stewards
- Need excellent organizational skills, a level of
confidence and calm head - Should have received training
54Day To Day Role Of Fire Warden
- Monitor general fire safety
- Report unsafe practices/conditions
- Reports faults, incidents and near misses
- Discuss evacuations arrangements with staff and
offer guidance on procedures - Remain familiar with escapes routes
- Take a lead role during fire drills
- Feedbacks on fire drills
55Role of fire wardens when the fire alarm sounds
- Wear high visibility clothing
- Instruct people to leave via the nearest route
- Help and Ensure all people leaves the premises
- Shut down dangerous equipments
- Help any person waiting for assistance
- Report to central assembly point
- Communicate with other wardens
- Liaise with fire and rescue services on arrival,
if required
56Role of fire wardens when not in area of
- If not safe to move in area, evacuate to central
points - Report whether or not they have checked their
area, so that someone can be allocated to it and
can be reported to the fire and rescue service