Search Engine Optimization(SEO), How your business can thrive online with SEO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Search Engine Optimization(SEO), How your business can thrive online with SEO


Investing in SEO, however, can seem daunting. Businesses are keen to know that the time and investment they make will give them a solid return now and in the future. Here are tips every business owner needs to know about the importance of SEO. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Search Engine Optimization(SEO), How your business can thrive online with SEO

How your business can thrive online with SEO
Consumers today see life as less comfortable than
digital. Based on research by Accenture, an
estimated 94 of B2B buyers say they search
online before purchasing. Products that do not
take action and use the power of SEO will fall
behind and lose the most significant value they
can invest in their business. In the B2C
sector, online world domination can also be seen
by business owners. In 2015, Statista reported
that global e-commerce is expected to reach
4.5 trillion by 2021, well by 2021, and global
e-commerce is already closing at 5trillion. In
addition, GE Capital Retail Bank reports 81 of
people say they research online before deciding
to buy something.
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The digital world also influences local
businesses in local searches. An LSA-Acquisio
report has shown that 75 of mobile searches lead
to store visits within 24 hours.
Todays consumers view the internet as an
integral part of their shopping experience. It
doesnt matter if they buy online or in person
they use the internet to learn more about
existing products and businesses. The digital
market, therefore, cannot be overlooked by any
Investing in SEO, however, can seem daunting.
Businesses are keen to know that the time and
investment they make will give them a solid
return now and in the future. Here are tips every
business owner needs to know about the importance
of SEO.
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Understanding the fundamental principles of SEO

Search engine optimization defines a strategy
that covers almost every aspect of site design
and content development. When done successfully,
it creates a unique user experience for the
consumer, further building their trust in the
company. The primary purpose of SEO is to show
your value to search engines. Once they know your
worth, your pages will be heavily linked to
relevant content questions. The value of SEO
comes from its ability to help customers find it
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How search engine performance works

Google reads websites that are available online
with their spiders. These groups look for
information that shows them the titles and
relevance of the content on each web
page. Spiders cannot read. This means they will
look at specific policies and check with the
local organization for clues about the sites
value. Here are some of the SEO features that
form the basis of any strategy.
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Aspects of Search Engine Optimization
1.Mobile optimization

After all, SEO would not be complete without a
discussion of mobile usability. Google has
noticed that more searches are now happening on
mobile devices than desktops. In response, they
have renewed their demands to improve mobile
performance. Google released its update called
mobilegeddon in 2015. According to the renewal,
non-mobile sites will be harmed by positions.
Mobile readiness can take a few different forms,
including having a designated site or using a
responsive design to customize the site to any
screen size.
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Therefore, if your website has desktop and mobile
versions, the one that will be indexed is the
mobile site. So if you have an unresponsive
mobile site, you will lose many traffic and
conversions for your business. To be successful
in this mobile-first world, products need to use
mobile SEO to ensure that their content is
well-created. The site is expected to be very
easy to navigate with your fingers. It should
also load correctly and on time on mobile
devices, make it easy to read, and avoid any
hijackers or other text types that might disturb
the mobile user experience. To make full use of
mobile, products should focus on building sites
for mobile users rather than creating a site that
works on their devices.
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 2.Keyword optimization
Keywords are often mentioned when people discuss
the importance of SEO. Keywords refer to the
terms you type, trying to match your target
audiences keywords in search. It is essential
to understand, however, that single keywords are
not enough. Google does not want to see a text
full of endless repetitions of the same keywords
and phrases.
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These semantic terms give Google better insight
into what you are discussing in this article and
the level of depth it provides. Content that does
not use many related keywords can be viewed as
shallow and does not offer the value that
customers want to see.
Instead, Google wants to see high-quality
keywords, as well as semantic keywords. Semantic
keywords refer to other words you can use when
discussing a particular word. For example, if you
are writing about how to plant a garden, you
may see words about seeds, fertilizers, sites,
and different types of vegetables or flowers.
Text like this contributes to the users negative
self-esteem because of its poor readability.
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3.Site Errors
Site errors also have a negative impact on SEO.
Site errors disrupt user information and make it
difficult for visitors to find the content they
want to see. Google looks down on these types of
errors and will damage page ranks. A simple site
test will look like this and tell you any
mistakes you may have on your site. You can run
this site test with a variety of different
programs, but we recommend that you hire an SEO
company to review your site so they can prepare
it for you as soon as possible.
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4.  Site construction and planning
Google and its algorithm also monitor site
layout. A clear sitemap makes it easier for
Google to navigate your website. It is also
helpful to ensure that the spider does not miss
any of the site pages while scanning the
domain. A clear and easy-to-navigate site map
also contributes to user experience. When users
can easily navigate your entire space, they
better share content. It also improves their
conversion skills and becomes a paying
customer. Part of the construction of the site
also includes the loading speed of the site.
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Winning your Competition with SEO

The most common objections businesses make
concerning SEO are related to time and
investment. It might take a few weeks to a few
months to see real results from the SEO program,
making it difficult to find investment resources
to use right now. Fortunately, there are other
business results for products that I can see
right from the start of SEO. While the most
important results can take time, the positive
changes seen in SEO can benefit customers, and
therefore the business, right from the start.
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1.Improved visibility as aid levels improve. As
brands fix bugs on their sites and select
specific keywords they want to do for your
content, they will begin to get better rankings.
While they may not enter the top of the SERP
ranks right away, they can still increase their
visibility and begin to see an improved
environmental performance. 2.Better engagement
with site users. As products begin to pay
attention to the importance of SEO and thus begin
to clean up their websites, it will improve user
experience. It will be easier for people to move
around the website and find what they need. This
will enhance your site reputation. It will also
improve user engagement and encourage more lead
conversion to customers. 3.It has improved the
user experience. Clearing site errors will help
eliminate duplicate content, errors, or
redirecting. This will also enhance the user
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SEO is Vital Now and will be even more in the
Future see why

1.Product structure Product design can help
create more substantial organizations. When
people see your brand, colors, and name in the
positive light that precedes you, it can help
build greater trust in hope. SEO and digital
marketing can help make a profit in this
regard. As we discussed earlier, consumers use
the internet to research pain solutions,
products, and services. A strong online presence
will build your brand and increase your market
share. Your site will always appear in search
results for your organization. Customers will
know your name and business. A strong online
presence will cover multiple channels. A complete
SEO strategy will involve using platforms, such
as social media. Your product will be available
to customers throughout their digital lives,
improving recognition and lead.
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2.Better positions in the SERP Your position in
the SERP will play a significant role in the
number of clicks you receive. Focusing on the
importance of SEO in your business will help you
improve your ranking. As Google sees the value
your site offers users in this category, you will
be ranked higher. SEO helps you better
communicate with search engine algorithms. Your
article will highlight search engine spiders. It
will also let you search engines to find out
which questions you will be interested
in. Customers associate high standards in the
SERP with industry leaders. Googles algorithm
carefully sifts through the content to find the
tools that offer the highest value to customers
and works to differentiate content that people
can rely on what they can do. Customers know
that Googles algorithm often returns sites that
will give them a better response. This builds
trust. When you earn some of the top positions in
the SERP, it offers a broad and profitable
platform to promote yourself as an
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3.Extra traffic As you build your standards, you
will be in a better position to improve your
traffic. Acceptable SEO practices include adding
both your articles and meta descriptions to make
your report clear. This lets your customers know
exactly what your piece offers. Customers want to
know if your site will meet their needs.
Improving these features of your site will help
make them click. If you combine these things
with the power ratings of the sites you get for
doing well, you will see an increase in your
traffic levels. More people will visit your
website after that. As people are introduced to
your websites, you can also increase the chances
of people becoming leaders and transforming. The
vitality of SEO cannot be underestimated when it
comes to growing revenue.
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4.Very high percentage of lead conversion SEO
will also relatively increase the percentage of
your traffic that will be tracked. SEO is focused
on understanding what prospective customers want
to see and fulfilling those needs. Creating a
solid SEO strategy, therefore, will lead to a
site tailored to your targeted customers. With
SEO, you can analyze your sales channel and
decide what people want to see in each category.
You will have the ability to calculate your
target customers map in their categories of
customer trips, thus creating the most compelling
content. With content that engages your visitors
better, you will be able to lead your hopes
through an easy sales channel. Customers will
also have the ability to find the content they
want, and you will know how to take it to the
next level. This will cause a higher percentage
of conversions in each category.
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5.Business growth without local boundaries With
traditional marketing, businesses tend to stay
confined to their immediate area. You promote
yourself by direct mail, radio broadcasts, and
large billboards, for example, which is only seen
by people living in your area. With SEO, you have
can swiftly expand your reach across your region.
You can also do business with people across the
country. By understanding the importance of SEO
and building a well-designed site, your page can
be highly ranked in the SERPs for people in many
different areas. When your content is seen as
very relevant by Google, it will appear
regardless of whether that hope lives in the
neighborhood or thousands of miles away. SEO,
therefore, gives your organization excellent room
for growth. You have the opportunity to increase
your audience, which will thus increase your
reach. You will be able to grow your business to
an unprecedented level.
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6.A better understanding of what the consumers
want to see Consumers today are curious to know
that businesses understand their pain points.
They want to work with companies that cater to
their needs. Todays customers want to grow
relationships with businesses and can only be
considered a number. In order to serve these
customers, online and offline, you need to
understand your customers better. This means
getting deeper than pointing people within a
certain age. He wants to know how people act and
why they do certain things. Before SEO and
digital marketing, businesses rely on market
research and the fundamental analysis of their
assets. They have used market research to find
trends in their consumer trends for example,
they will use marketing data to identify which
products and services are most popular. SEO,
however, offers a whole new level of customer
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By using social media, you can listen to and
participate in these customer conversations. You
can get feedback both from those who are
frustrated with your organization and those who
are happy. You can make fair use of this
information in improving your product and offers.
This behavior was challenging, if not impossible,
to follow before the birth of SEO and to measure
these metrics.
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The importance of SEO, and the tracking of a
websites behavior, enhance branding ability to
understand their customers. The consumers desire
for a personalized experience and the feeling
that the brand cares about them as a different
person is excellent. Before SEO and digital
marketing, brands were limited by deciding on
extensive market research and ethical analysis of
their organization. With SEO, however, they can
analyze customer performance at a closer level,
building a much higher product experience. SEO
requires products to invest. Without immediate
results, such as those that a traditional ad
campaign can release, it can be challenging to do
so. As you begin to know more about SEOs
long-term importance to your organization, it
should be easy to take those first steps to
digital success. The longer you invest in SEO,
and the more your commitment grows, the easier it
will be to see how the benefits you get from this
strategy quickly compensate for the efforts you
have made.

016 773 541
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