Title: How to Overcome Cybersecurity Challenges in Digital Marketing
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How to Overcome Cybersecurity Challenges in
Digital Marketing
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Digital marketing is the flow and extension of
online ecommerce.
However, the way it works has opened much more
room for new security threats.
Cybersecurity in the age of digital
transformation has the ability to ruin your
business's marketing efforts. In fact, the world
loses a staggering 6 trillion to cybercrime
damages annually.
Every online enterprise has to contend with the
possibility of a security breach.
Here are some tips to help you overcome
cybersecurity challenges in digital marketing.
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2Contents hide 1 Tips to Overcome Cybersecurity
Challenges in Digital Marketing 1.1 1. Backup
Data Regularly 1.2 2. Use An Encryption
Certificate 1.3 3. Employee Security
Education 1.4 4. Identify Security Risks 1.5
5. Use Strong Passwords 1.6 6. Use a VPN 1.7
7. Hardware and Network Monitoring 1.8 8.
Enhance Operational Security 1.9 9. Protect
Critical Assets 1.10 10. Digital Hygiene 1.11
11. Implement Two-Step Authentication
Tips to Overcome Cybersecurity Challenges in
Digital Marketing 1. Backup Data Regularly
The loss of marketing data can end up costing you
a lot of money.
Data loss can occur at any time and for all kinds
of reasons. There are also many situations that
may result in data loss, such as hard drive crash
or damage, a ransomware attack, or a malware
The main reason for data backup is to access
important files if you ever lose important
marketing data.
3Ensure backups are taken frequently and on a
regular schedule.
A proper backup copy is stored in a separate
system or medium.
That means your backup system needs to be
situated in a different location than your
Backups can actually be a competitive advantage.
A regular backup can get back up to 100 files.
It can also protect sensitive marketing data in
the event of a system malfunction.
Make sure it will keep running throughout the
Nevertheless, not all backup devices and
technologies are the same.
Some users prefer to back up their data on
off-site servers, while others prefer on-premise
and cloud storage locations.
also Read Earn Money Using Digital Marketing 2.
Use An Encryption Certificate Public-key
encryption uses two keys, one private and one
public. However, SSL Certificates do not dictate
what key size is used. Once the client receives
the certificate, it confirms the certificate's
authenticity. Installing an SSL certificate and
using it for HTTPS encryption varies. For
instance, symmetric encryption uses the same
private encryption key for encrypting. Advertisers
can make use of this certificate for signature
3. Employee Security Education
4Employees are the weakest part of your marketing
cybersecurity system. Cybercriminals are too
often able to gain access due to employees'
negligence, hence reinforcing the need for
continuous employee education on
cybersecurity. For employees to be able to spot
and prevent security breaches, they should be
informed about good cybersecurity practices and
understand that they play a big role in the
organization's cybersecurity strategy. Managers
have a range of tactics to deploy to educate
employees. Clearly communicate the potential
impact of a cyber incident on your business.
Employees should be educated on your data
incident reporting procedure. They should also
learn how to take a step back and think things
through. Of course, cybersecurity education will
necessitate some investment. This also requires
an ongoing commitment from CISOs and other
company leaders.
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4. Identify Security Risks Cybersecurity threats
are becoming harder to both prevent and detect.
The biggest challenge is in the very first step
identification of the risks.
A marketing cybersecurity risk assessment
identifies various security threats. As a result,
your company can identify suitable controls for
5addressing the risks.
Every business must plan for cybersecurity risks
in their supply chain. A risk framework helps
identify an organization's risks and measures
risk impact. Consequently, your cybersecurity
team should interview the organization's
executives and examine their written statements
of cybersecurity risk. Start by updating your
risk register with cyber risk quantification and
by making it useful for decision making. That is
important because stopping a DDoS requires
identifying malicious traffic and halting
access. Additionally, conduct background and
security checks for all employees.
also Read Importance of Social Media Marketing
Strategy in Business 5. Use Strong
Passwords There's always the possibility that
someone may try to steal your marketing
information. These attacks can be aimed at your
marketing accounts, credentials, content, or
vital information. The key to securing your
digital marketing information is to have strong
passwords. Passwords are the digital keys to your
marketing data and networks. Therefore, make an
easy to remember, yet hard to crack, password. A
strong password should look like a series of
random characters. You could substitute a zero
for the letter 'O' or '' for the letter 'G' Use
a password that has at least 16
characters. Reusing a password can compromise
multiple accounts. Instead, change it
regularlyonce every three to six months. This
will lower the chances of them being compromised.
Additionally, typing your passwords into
unfamiliar sites is a bad habit. A strong
password protects your emails, files, and other
marketing content. Passwords you can't remember
are useless, but you need to choose a long enough
6Using a password manager will also help you keep
track of your passwords.
Most password managers will auto-update whenever
you set a new password.
also Read Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing 6.
Use a VPN A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel
between you and a remote server by scrambling
data when it's sent over a Wi-Fi network. The key
to a VPN is that it lends you a temporary IP
address. This means that people will see a
different IP address. Essentially, your VPN
serves as an anonymous middleman that makes it
impossible to know the origin of anything you
type. VPNs shield your marketing activity from
search engines, advertisers, government entities,
or your internet service provider. VPNs can also
get past regional restrictions for certain
marketing campaigns. Some VPNs block malicious
websites, ads, and trackers.
also Read Why Choose a Career in Digital
Marketing? 7. Hardware and Network
Monitoring Your network not only supports the
company, but it is also the company. Network
monitoring is an essential part of digital
marketing cybersecurity. It is the best way to
ensure that an organization monitors network
health and proactively troubleshoots
issues. Monitoring allows marketing teams to know
what is going on in their network and maintain a
high performance IT infrastructure for your
organization. Network monitoring has to be
designed to meet the needs of a particular
environment specifically.
It also needs to filter out unnecessary data
flooding your security monitoring tools. This can
eliminate redundancy and prevent potential
7As companies grow, so does the number of
endpoints on the network. Similarly, the value of
appropriate technical support cannot be
overstated. Your network team needs to detect,
isolate, notify, and correct faults encountered
in the network. It should also look for devices
that support vital business functions. This means
that you should acquire any required resources.
also Read Top SEO Tools 8. Enhance Operational
Security Operational security is a risk
management process that focuses on preventing
your adversaries' access to your digital
marketing information. The key is to identify
what this information is and to deny or mitigate
an adversary's ability to compromise it. To
develop an effective operations security program,
an organization should clearly define
responsibilities and authorization. This step
also includes identifying any potential lapses in
the marketing process. Limit the exposure of the
information about your marketing activities and
attempt to determine what risks you might
face. 9. Protect Critical Assets Not every
asset is as important as another. The idea that
some assets are extraordinary must be at the core
of an effective marketing cybersecurity
strategy. Critical assets are the business's
resources essential to running digital marketing
operations. Critical asset protection requires
the company to tackle false positives. Therefore,
the company should deploy both advanced data
protection and threat detection and response.
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810. Digital Hygiene
Maintaining good digital hygiene will safeguard
your digital marketing efforts.
When it comes to digital hygiene, you must focus
on keeping sensitive data organized, safe, and
secure from theft.
This also includes hardware, software, and
If you're not using a program or app, don't leave
it just sitting there.
Use safe browsers and HTTPS connections whenever
That way you'll know that communication between
you and that page is encrypted.
also Read Ecommerce Marketing Strategies 11.
Implement Two-Step Authentication A password can
be hacked through the use of brute-force
techniques. What you need is a second way to
verify yourself.
Besides, an extra step of security never hurt
9This second way is two-factor authentication.
Two-step authentication involves the generation
of a one-time password from a shared secret key.
The secret key can be a passcode that was sent to
your mobile phone and email.
You can also use a more secure authenticator app
instead. Final Thoughts Digital marketers are
faced with numerous challenges. Cybersecurity
tools on their own are not sufficient protection
for your digital marketing data and operations.
And preventative measures using software and
other methods can only go so far. Failing to
apply digital safety could mean damage to the
brand. Therefore, a broader security strategy is
needed. At the same time, secure backups are the
best strategy to prevent critical marketing
operations. Aviv Digital is one of the leading
digital marketing training institutes in Calicut,
Kerala. Our globally recognized certification
programs include advanced SEO training, SEM, SMM,
Email Marketing, and Inbound Marketing courses.
We also provide detailed online classes for
digital marketing courses. For more details
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VIPIN NAYAR Head Digital Marketing at
Avivdigital.in f
Vipin Nayar is the Digital Marketing Head at
Acodez and HoD of Digital Marketing at Aviv
Digital. As a Social Media, SEO SEM expert with
over 9 years' experience in online marketing, he
uses his keen insight into customer behavior to
formulate innovative strategies that help clients
enhance their online presence open up new
business avenues. His in-depth knowledge and rich
experience in this discipline is an added
advantage to the budding aspirants who get the
best training from one of the most favored
industry experts. View all blogs
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