Title: Chongqing Dedicated Server (1)
1(/) Dedicated Server in Chongqing Choose
Dedicated Server fr m(moailutorsalBese_at_hsotstiDng
ueltdrasioc.coam)ted Server in Chongqin Data
Center Get Lowest Latency Rate When our Dedicated
Server in Chongqing Customer Visit Your ssion
Critical Application (https//hostingultraso.com/w
o g
Y Mi
Server Location
Intel Pentium E5300 2.6 Ghz 2 cores
Hard Drive
1 250 GB (HDD SATA)
483.20 See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/chon
Server Location
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.5 Ghz 4 cores
Hard Drive
1 500 GB (HDD SATA)
See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/chongqing-ch
2Server Location
Intel Xeon X3220 2.4 Ghz 4 cores
Hard Drive
1 500 GB (HD
584.00 See Details (/ded
Server Location
Intel Dual Xeon E5405 2 Ghz 4 cores
Hard Drive
2 73 GB (HDD SAS)
See Details (/dedicated-server-detail/chongqing-ch
ina-dedicated-server-4 Dedicated Server in
Chongqing Why choose Dedicated Servers? The best
part of having a dedicated server for your
website means that your site will be the only one
accessing the entire server. So the server
conkgurations wonÃÂÂt be shared with other
sites, unlike in shared servers. Every dedicated
server has its own set of hard drives, bandwidth,
and RAM conkgurations. Hence, your potential
clients will have the best possible experience
while surkng through your site if you choose a
dedicated server. Now, the information shared on
your website has to be valuable to your visitors
to create engagement. This type of server will
also provide the assurance of stability and
versatility to your business site. Business and
Technology in Chongqing Chongqing, the largest
city proper in the world, is a mega-city of the
PeopleÃÂÂs Republic of China. Some of the top
companies have set up their headquarters in
Chongqing such as Loncin Holdings, Chongqing
Broadcasting Group, and C C Land. The city is one
the krst few to build and test run the 5G
networks in China.
3There are 119 cities in which you can access our
dedicated servers. That is one of the primary
benekts of having a service from us. These 119
cities are spread across several countries around
the globe including Chongqing in China. We want
to be your local international server. The city
also has its own data center for colocation. We
keep our data centers under tight security. There
are several levels of security installed in
order to keep the premises safe. There are photo
badge a personnel, mantraps, and CCTV Camera
Systems. An alar emergencies. Why choose
Dedicate Chongqing?
iometric access, 24x7 onsite security y(smteamilti
nd b m s
Servers in (https//hostingultraso.com/webform/con
d ne
On what stage your business is currently will
primarily determi whether you should choose
dedicated servers in Chongqing or not. If your
business is attracting a lot of visitors
regularly and you know your business has been
growing as well, choosing a dedicated server
would be benekci from Chongqing, you should
deknitely consider a dedicated ser
(ytoeulr0b0u1s3in2e3s4s1. N2o9w45, i7f )most of
that trafkc is within the megacity. As long as
incoming trafkc
al for ver
is less, shared servers will do the job well. But
for the situation mentioned above, choosing
dedicated servers would actually give assurance
to your business. It will ensure that your
website doesnÃÂÂt freeze when a chunk trafkc
enters your site. Note one thing where your
business is located is unimportant when it comes
to choosing a dedicated server. Rather, it is
mostly dependent on where your consumers are
from. Also, having a dedicated server will
assure you that your potential clients will have
the best experience when they visit your
website. Become the local international server
for your business is our main aim. Hosting
UltrasoÃÂÂs dedicated hosting services are
available in 119 cities across several countries
around the globe including Chongqing in China.
We assure you to provide the lowest latency rate
if and when your clients visit your site. The
information that we have provided regarding our
servers on our website is well-planned and
curated. It is done so to make sure that you knd
the right server for your business with ease. A
visit to our website will tell you that there is
no shortage of options when it comes to choosing
server conkgurations. But even then, if what you
need is not available in the already provided
choices, please contact our help team. Based on
your necessities and wants we can custom-tailor
the server bundle. The team comprises of expert
professionals including billing staff, a
technical team, and sales executives. They are
available 24x7 at your services. You will be
assisted with any queries you may have or any
problems you may face regarding dedicated servers
and their conkgurations. You will mainly receive
email support from us. The dedicated hosting
service we provide is by far the most
accommodating, authentic, and one of the best in
the market. What are the types of Operating
System provided? H o s t i n g U l t r a s o p r
o v i d e s v a r i o u s t y p e s o f o p e r a
t i n g s y s t e m s a n d y o u c a n c h o o
s e b a s e d o n w h a t y o u w a n t t o h a v
e . T h e s e i n c l u d e
4CentOS Cent OS
A free and community-supported computing
platform, CentOS is a Linux distribution
platform. This distribution platform is compatibl
th RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux).
e wi
Ubuntu Ubuntu (https//hostingultraso.com/webform/
orm is Ubuntu. This platform is based
Another open source and free Linux distribution
p on Debian.
(tel0013234129457) Debian Debian
Yet another open-source platform that belongs to
the family of Linux is Debian. It is also known
as Debian GNU.
Fedora Fedora
Developed and supported by the Fedora Project
community is Fedora which is also a
Linux distribution platform.
Free BSD Free BSD
A Unix-like platform originated from the Berkeley
Software Distribution ( BSD) is a Free BSD.
Windows Windows Server
5All the operating systems that Windows provides
together are branded as Windows Server. Note that
this doesnÃÂÂt include any other Windows
products. It only includes the operating systems.
dicated Servers
De e?
What are the types of in Chongqing availabl For
Chongqing in China, Asia, we provide you
assembled dedica Chongqing Dedicate In Chongqing,
we provide powerfully-built Intel Xeon, Cor when
it comes to bandwidth, RAM, and hard drives.
erver bundle depending on your demands. (Shtteps
nd Pentium processors. You get multiple options
ted s d e, a
The processors you get include Pentium E5300,
Core 2 Q available to you are 2 GB DDR34 GB DDR3,
and 8 GB D
, Xeon X3220, and Dual Xeon E5405. RAMs
(tel0013234129457) Bandwidth accessible is 5
Mbps Unmetered
uad DR3.
Fair Usage. The hard drive conkgurations provided
are 250 GB (HDD SATA), 500 GB (HDD SATA), and 73
GB (HDD SAS). Apart from this, you can contact us
for other conkgurations. We can assemble it for
you. Two types of IP addresses provided to you
IPv4 and IPv6. One extra IP will be provided for
no additional cost along with the server bundle.
You can always get in touch with us if there is a
need for more IP addresses. Our dedicated
servers are mainly unmanaged servers. So, you
need to either have the right knowledge or hire
the right team to handle all the activities
related to the management of the server. You will
have to self maintain it yourself. Although, our
help desk will help you whenever you have to
clear your queries. The server location is in
Chongqing. There are certain times in the year
when our dedicated servers in Chongqing are in
high demand. Because of that, the server may not
be available sometimes. In that case, if you
really need a server, we recommend you to
pre-book it with a backorder. Then we will
provide you the access whenever it becomes
available. What are the Benefits of Having a
Dedicated Server in Chongqing from Hosting
Ultraso? Hosting Ultraso provides one of the most
effective dedicated servers at very competitive
pricing. The servers are of high quality and very
well-built. We get repeat customers and
long-lasting clients. We can proudly say that
Hosting UltrasoÃÂÂs dedicated hosting service
is one of the most affordable, dependable, and
authentic. We are sure that choosing a dedicated
server in Chongqing from us will be key to your
growing business. Some of the benekts of having
a dedicated server from us Additional IP You
get an extra IP address or Internet Protocol
address for your site. An IP address is a unique
address that every active site has.
6Managed Dedicated Server Both basic and advanced
management services are provided to you for your
dedicated servers when you take those services
from us. Money-Back Guarantee We provide you a
money-back guarantee on the time left on your
subscription if you are not satisked with our
Bitcoin Payment We accept all types of payments
including Bi 24/7 Support Our management team
will always be actively p at any point in
time. IPMI Access Our dedicated servers come
with IPMI (Intellige Operating System You get
to choose from a wide range of oper
knowledge. All in all, if most of your clients
and the related trafkc are from
. d(inmgayilotouasanldeys_at_ouhrobsutsiningeusltsra
thseo.scuopmp)ort you need
tcoin rovi
atform Management Interface). g systems based on
your requirements and your (https//hostingultras
nt Pl atin Cho
ngqing, irrespective of whether your business is
in the city or not, you can choose one of our
dedicated servers to provide the best possible
service for your
(tel0013234129457) 1 323 412 9457
(tel0013234129457) Give us a Call sales_at_hostingu
ltraso.com (mailtosales_at_hostingultraso.com) Send
us Message Live Chat (https//tawk.to/chat/5b784f7
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