Title: Top 10 Features to Consider When You Rent a Laptop
Features to Consider When You Rent a Laptop Blame
it on the declining sales of the PCs or the
gaining popularity of the mobile technology, but
the laptops havent seen much of an overhaul of
late. Of course, the technology is developing,
there is no denying that. However, it seems to be
happening vertically- in terms of better devices
like tablets, smartphones etc not in the
direction of developing the existing laptops or
desktops. One might as well keep his primitive
laptop which is five years old (five years is
equivalent to Stone Age where technology is
concerned) with him instead of exchanging it for
big bucks for a mere faster processor in return.
We, at Laptop Rental UAE rent laptops, to meet
all kinds of needs of the customers including the
latest laptops from top brands at most customer
friendly costs. Here are a few tips on the top
ten features you should be looking for in your
latest laptop.
2USB Type -C/Thunderbolt 3 ports
The number of USB ports means lots of
connectivity, charging the phones, transferring
data etc. However, the latest laptops offer the
USB type-C ports that do a lot more than that.
These ports are capable of sending the data and
electricity as well, which means charging the
laptop, connecting to external monitors and data
transfer can take place with a single wire.
Moreover, flipping the cables upside down doesnt
make any difference, plugging it in on either
side works. The latest crop of high-end laptops
also has the thunderbolt 3 ports in which the USB
type-C connectors can work, however with doubled
speeds while data transfer or powering up two 4K
monitors at the same time.
Bring higher resolution screens to the table A
1920x1080 pi resolution is a minimum you should
go for if possible reach out for the 4K that is
the unbelievable 3840 x 2160 resolution.
Do not compromise on an OLED Display Enjoy the
RGB colour gamut of the OLED display that brings
out the best contrast ratio making the pictures
on the screen better than real life.
Make sure Intel Kaby Lake CPU is on the
cards Make sure that the 7th Generation Intel
Core Processors, unofficially known as the Key
Lake are part of the game. They are not just for
faster processing speeds, but also ups the
battery life and also have the ability to play
the 4K video.
3SSDs is another consideration Solid State Drives
boost the processing speeds of the computer by
taking the load off the CPU. They are literally
300 percent faster. These non-spinning drives are
less prone to physical damage and are capable of
opening your favourite applications within a
matter of seconds.
Add NVidia Pascal Graphics to the list If you are
one of those who wants to play the Virtual
Reality games on your laptop, then do not cut
back on this feature. You need a gaming rig with
the NVidia Pascal chip. Look for NVidia GTX 1050
to 1080 on the bare minimum.
Consider a 2-in-1 PC 2-in-1 PCs are highly
adaptable laptops that give you the ease of
working with a laptop with the keyboard and the
mouse pad and the portability of the tablet that
goes flat when required. Go For8GB RAM or
More More the RAM, the efficient it is while
multi-tasking. You keep multiple windows open
still the system will not slow down. The key is
to have 8GB or 16 GB if affordable.
At least 802. 11ac Wi-Fi
Newer laptops with 802.11ac Wi-Fi_33 gives at
least 3 to 10 times higher speeds than the older
Wi-Fi_33 standards.
4Infrared Cameras, a must-have
If you have the infra-red built in camera like
the Real Sense 3D, then you might as well log
into your Windows 10 laptop by mere staring at
the screen with its feature called Windows Hello.
Why not make the best use of it with the built-in
infrared camera aboard. For more details on
laptop rentals in Dubai, contact us today at