Title: Chris David Rosenthal - Possesses Exceptional Management Skills
1Chris Rosenthal
President, Portfolio Manager, Head Trader at
Municipal Portfolio Managers, Inc.
2(No Transcript)
3Chris David Rosenthal has outstanding leadership
skills and decision-making power. His skills and
abilities in bond selection for purchases, sales,
swamps, and overall portfolio construction are
commendable. He is creative in terms of
identifying and recognizing market trends and
4Chris Rosenthal is a great professional in terms
of portfolio management and relationship
management and enjoys great repute in the market.
In addition to it, he designed, launched and
directly responsible for all contents of the
firms quarterly newsletter.
5Chris David Rosenthal possesses the knowledge to
disseminate all market shades and direction to
clients and professional companies. Furthermore,
he additionally gathers and distributes all
notable data to the investment team, underlying
the possible market-moving events and how this
appreciated information can ease the purchase as
well as sale opportunities.
6Chris David Rosenthal has worked with Lehman
Brothers/Financial Services Division, New York,
as a Vice President, Municipal Bond Development.
He participated in multiple roles over 11 years
including Retail Trader, Regional Institutional
Sales, and Trading-Market Liaison.
7Chris Rosenthal also traded and promoted stock
inventory opportunities in civil securities for
an institutional and High Net Worth sales
constrain which totaled up to 20MM per day.
Find out more about him at his official site