Title: AMC of of Fire Fighting System
1Annual Maintenance Contract of Fire Fighting
- AMC of Fire Fighting System is essential for the
safety of the occupants of a building that all
the Fire Life Safety Equipment installations
are checked tested frequently maintained
properly. Arrangements should be made for the
annual inspections tests of the following to be
carried out by competent persons, for any defect
to be lodged the necessary action taken. At
least once a year or in six months, all systems
shall be thoroughly inspected and tested for
proper operation by competent personnel
2Why you should choose us?
- A Fire Fighting System is the most important for
the buildings with the aim to protect human life
and property.The requirements of different Fire
Fighting Equipment installations , Fire
Detection Alarm System, Fire Pumps Fire water
reservoirs etc. suitable for Mercantile Buildings
of different sub-divisions such as Industries ,
Companies , Schools , Hotels , etc.
Annual Maintenance Contract of Fire Fighting
JP Fire Services Help you in Annual Maintenance
Contract of Fire Fighting System (AMC) Services
at Various Locations in Delhi NCR with Fire Alarm
System For More Visit - https//jpfireservices.c
om/ E-mail us - mail_at_jpfireservices.com Contact
us - 91987175069 / 011 - 29963573 Feel Free to
Visit our Office at JP House, 222, RPS
Colony, M. B. Road, Madan Gir, New Delhi -
Contact us