Title: Elite Training System — Doged Collars (Dog Shock Training Collar)
1Elite Training System??Doged Collars (Dog Shock
Training Collar)
2Elite Training System??Doged Collars (Dog Shock
Training Collar)
Thousands of satisfied customers have left many
positive Doged collars reviews out of their
personal experience of using our dog collars for
training their dogs. The Elite Training System is
best suited for our customers looking for a
reliable, high quality, cost effective indoor
remote training system.
3Elite Training System??Doged Collars (Dog Shock
Training Collar)
- Primarily designed for training in townhouses,
apartments and houses with small to medium sized
backyards. It comes with our 30 Day Money Back
Guarantee, 1 year warranty and unlimited support. - 3 modes for training (Shock, Vibration Tone)
- Control up to 2 dogs with 1 remote
- Includes Remote Control Shock/Vibration
Stimulation Collar - 100 levels of shock
- 100 levels of vibration
- 100 levels of vibration
- 900 feet range
- Adjustable collar to fit dog sizes from 10 lbs to
120 lbs - Ideal for call and training pet dogs
- 1 Year Warranty and much more... Read Now...
4Elite Training System??Doged Collars (Dog Shock
Training Collar)
- Designed to solve the following problems
- Not listing to basic commands (Sit, Stay, Come)
- Barking Howling
- Jumping
- Running Away
- Nipping bitting
- Chewing Digging
- Leash Pulling
5Elite Training System??Doged Collars (Dog Shock
Training Collar)
In order to enter our catalogue of remote
training products, each manufacturers product
must pass our quality assurance tests to ensure
it safe for both you and your pet. Failing any of
our tests bans the manufacturer from selling with
us. Poorly manufactured products can short
circuit or even exploded while in use or
charging. The obvious results are harm to your
dog, damage to your home or harm to you. An
example of battery explosion from a low quality
remote trainer is shown to the right.
6Elite Training System??Doged Collars (Dog Shock
Training Collar)
In designing our products, we work closely with
Veterinarians to ensure our product is effective
and safe for all dogs. The recommendation of all
vets we consulted with has been, the remote
training system must have 3 modes of stimulation
with varying degrees of intensity. The reason
for 3 is because you MUST start with the least
intense stimuli, that being vibration, and work
your way up to static stimulation (if needed) to
find the right correction setting that fits your
dogs tolerance. A shock/static collar without a
vibration stimuli can be very dangerous and a
vibration collar without shock/static can be
ineffective. The best remote training collars on
the market have Tone, Vibration and Shock/Static
stimulations because it is the best and safest
way to train a dog. We guarantee that you can
train you dog in 30 days with our product.
7Elite Training System??Doged Collars (Dog Shock
Training Collar)
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