Title: Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing During Pregnancy
1Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing During
Pregnancy What Expecting Women Need to Know
2- What is non-invasive pregnancy testing?
3NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) Overview
- For couples who are expecting a baby,
non-invasive testing during pregnancy will help
you determine the chances of your baby being born
with some common chromosomal conditions -
- That includes screening for
- Down syndrome
- Edward syndrome
- Patau syndrome
- Turner Syndrome
4What is a chromosome?
- To better understand non-invasive pregnancy
screening, it is helpful to understand what the
test screens for. - A chromosome is a structure that holds our genes,
and our genes determine how our bodies develop
and function, as well as our physical
characteristics. - We all have 46 chromosomes in each of our cells -
23 of which are received from our mother and 23
from our father. However in some instances,
babies may have a duplicated, missing, or
abnormal chromosome which could affect their
physical and intellectual development
5Chromosomal Abnormalities
- A chromosomal abnormality can have a minor or
major impact on your babys development. - Types of chromosomal abnormalities
- Monosomy - when there is a missing chromosome
- Trisomy - when there is an extra chromosome
- Microdeletions - when a part of a chromosome is
missing or defective
6Benefits of Non-Invasive Pregnancy Screening
- First step in combating high rate of chromosomal
abnormalities in India - Can be done early as 9th week of pregnancy
- No risks to mother or baby
- Over 99 accurate
- Differentiates between maternal and fetal DNA
- Results in 10-15 days
- Free genetic counselling available before,
during after test
7Who should get screened with the NIPT?
- Every woman who is expecting can benefit from
prenatal testing. However the test is especially
recommended for the following cases
- Women who received abnormal ultrasound results
- Women older than 30
- Couples related genetically
- Couples with family history of genetic disorders
- Couples with child diagnosed with genetic
8Screening vs Diagnostic Testing
While the NIPT can determine the chances your
baby will be born with a chromosomal condition,
you will need a diagnostic test to confirm the
results and provide a diagnosis.
- Screening Test
- Completed with a simple blood test
- Performed as early as 9th week
- No risk of miscarriage
- Diagnostic Test
- Amniocentesis or Chorionic Villus Sampling
- Generally performed between 10th and 20th weeks
of pregnancy - Small risk of miscarriage
9Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening Test
Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening/Diagnosis
Carrier Screening Test
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