Title: Vedic Science in Telugu and English
1Phone 914040055422
Vedic Science in Telugu and English
2About Vedic Science
Vedicrays wants to impart ancient Vedic knowledge
given to us by great sages who lived in
India.Vedicrays provides Vedic science, Hindu
Puranas, Moral stories, Astrology and Health tips
in Telugu and English.
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4 Vedicrays provides Ancient indian vedic
science,Vedic science and maths tricks,Vedic
jyothishyam and science.Indian Vedic science
educates us on many concepts such as astrology,
high end technology, religion, traditions and
culture. Vedic science knowledge is scientific
and information is valid for modern age too.
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Flat No T8 ,Fourth Floor, Ballad Estates,
Tarnaka, Hyderabad - 500 017, India. ph 91 40
400 33 593.
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