Title: Truck Maintenance Tips to Prevent Accidents
1Truck maintenance tips to prevent accidents
A poorly maintained truck can easily result in an
accident. Proper maintenance and servicing are
the keys to keeping accidents at bay in the best
possible manner. Here are a few truck maintenance
tips that can come in handy for you.
3Check the electrical system
A bad battery may leave you stranded and a faulty
battery may cause your truck to stall or operate
incorrectly during the drive. Check the terminals
of your battery periodically to find out whether
they are corroded or not. Look for cracks in the
wiring. If you find one, change them ASAP.
4Check the wiper system
Clear visibility is a must for safe driving. You
need to ensure that your wiper blades remain in
top notch condition during the time of your
drive. Wiper blades have a tendency to wear out
over time. So keep a tab on them and look for
cracks. Replace if you find any.
5Check on your tires
Rain, ice, snow and other winter weather
conditions can make your truck driving more
dangerous. Remember, tires are your first line of
defense as far as avoiding accidents are
concerned. Its therefore important for you to
check on the tires and their tread depth
periodically to ensure they remain in a tiptop
6Check your brakes
Apart from tires, brakes also play a mighty
important role in ensuring truck safety. This
fact is especially true in wet, icy or snowy
weather. Worn brake pads may result in a
catastrophic brake failure which, in turn may
lead to a potentially deadly accident. So pay
special attention to it.
7Check hoses and belts
Rubber gets a bit more brittle over time. So pay
attention to any signs of wear such as cracks,
frayed belts or soft spots. These issues are
dangerous and may result in extensive engine
damage which, in turn may result in a disastrous
truck accident.
8Replace air filter
A dirty air filter may result in poor engine
performance and poor gas mileage. So make sure
you get them professionally cleaned at least once
every six months for an improved driving
9Designed and Compiled by Houston
Office Baumgartner Law Firm 6711 Cypress Creek
Parkway Houston, TX 77069 P (281) 893-0760 TF
(866) 758-4529 www.texas-truckaccidentlawyer.com