Title: Get Liverpool Sports Training For Football
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2Ever Dreamed of Training like Professional
Footballer then come and Join NexGen Academy
3 Join Liverpool Sports Academy
4Nexgen Academy Alternative Education Provision
We also provide 5 days curriculum which includes
Math ,English and PHSE and also Sports
Training.. For this Liverpool Sports Training
5We have 24 years experience of working in
professional football, local communities , other
sports and also managing successful projects,
managing successful teams and developing players
who have gone on to bigger and better things.
Sportsperson Education and Training
6We are an official partner of the Shankly Family
Contact Us
KGV Sports Complex, Longview LaneHuyton,
Liverpool L36 7UN Kirkdale Community Centre238a
Stanley Road, Kirkdale, Liverpool, L5
7QP Telephone Kevin Lynch 07736683513or Hugh
Shacklock 07515637130 nexgenacademy.org.uk