Best Python Training Institute in Noida

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Best Python Training Institute in Noida


Python Mentors play a greater role in a Training institute, the level of learning, development of trainee’s skills are exclusively based on their mentors. To become a recognized professional in the field of IT development in such a competitive world, the trainees should have not only the credentials but also they should also be well-equipped with the well-versed professional development skills, expertise, knowledge, and caliber. In the wish-list, there is no doubt that the Techavera Noida is the Best Python Training Institute in Noida . – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Best Python Training Institute in Noida

Python training company in Noida
Python Training in Noida Python Training
Institute in Noida
Pytho n M e ntors pl ay a greater rol e in a Trai
ni ng i nsti tute, t he l evel of
l earni ng, devel opment of trai nees s kill s
are excl usi vel y based on
thei r mentors. To become a recog ni zed professi
onal i n the fi el d of I
devel opment i n s uc h a competi ti ve worl d,
the t rai nees s ho ul d have
not o nl y the crede nti al s but al so they sho
ul d al so be well -equi pped
wi th the wel l -versed professional devel opment
ski ll s, experti se,
knowl edge, a nd cal i ber. In the wi sh -l i st,
there i s no do ubt t hat t he
Techavera Noi da i s the Best Pytho n Trai ni ng
Insti t ute i n Noi da
TECHAVERA NOIDA re nders t he TECHAVERA NOIDA re nders t he Python Training Institute in Python Training Institute in Python Training Institute in Python Training Institute in Python Training Institute in
Noida whi ch meets t he l atest IT standards a nd provi des the 100 whi ch meets t he l atest IT standards a nd provi des the 100 whi ch meets t he l atest IT standards a nd provi des the 100 whi ch meets t he l atest IT standards a nd provi des the 100 whi ch meets t he l atest IT standards a nd provi des the 100 whi ch meets t he l atest IT standards a nd provi des the 100
pl acement s upport wi th t he wel l -recogni zed IS O certi fi cati on. In pl acement s upport wi th t he wel l -recogni zed IS O certi fi cati on. In pl acement s upport wi th t he wel l -recogni zed IS O certi fi cati on. In pl acement s upport wi th t he wel l -recogni zed IS O certi fi cati on. In pl acement s upport wi th t he wel l -recogni zed IS O certi fi cati on. In
addi ti on to t hi s, i t oftenti mes provi des a wi de array of sustai nabl e addi ti on to t hi s, i t oftenti mes provi des a wi de array of sustai nabl e addi ti on to t hi s, i t oftenti mes provi des a wi de array of sustai nabl e addi ti on to t hi s, i t oftenti mes provi des a wi de array of sustai nabl e addi ti on to t hi s, i t oftenti mes provi des a wi de array of sustai nabl e addi ti on to t hi s, i t oftenti mes provi des a wi de array of sustai nabl e
trai ni ng, devel opment, a nd pl aceme nt servi ces i n no ti me i n trai ni ng, devel opment, a nd pl aceme nt servi ces i n no ti me i n trai ni ng, devel opment, a nd pl aceme nt servi ces i n no ti me i n trai ni ng, devel opment, a nd pl aceme nt servi ces i n no ti me i n
comprehe nsi ve, consi stent, a nd co h erent way. comprehe nsi ve, consi stent, a nd co h erent way. comprehe nsi ve, consi stent, a nd co h erent way.
Techavera, t he Pyt ho n Ed ucati o n Tr ai ni ng I nsti tut e i n Noi da, was Techavera, t he Pyt ho n Ed ucati o n Tr ai ni ng I nsti tut e i n Noi da, was Techavera, t he Pyt ho n Ed ucati o n Tr ai ni ng I nsti tut e i n Noi da, was
founded a nd devel oped i n the year o f 2013, IT or no n -IT based
company, offeri ng more t ha n 250 m ul ti pl e courses wi th a goal to company, offeri ng more t ha n 250 m ul ti pl e courses wi th a goal to
provi di ng the trai nabl e, devel opabl e, and recr ui tabl e servi ces i n no provi di ng the trai nabl e, devel opabl e, and recr ui tabl e servi ces i n no provi di ng the trai nabl e, devel opabl e, and recr ui tabl e servi ces i n no provi di ng the trai nabl e, devel opabl e, and recr ui tabl e servi ces i n no
ti me i n the co mpre he nsi ve, consi stent, a nd q ual i tati ve manner.
Trai ners, at Tec haveras wel l -certi fi ed
Python- Trai ning Institute in
Noida, are havi ng more t ha n 10 ye a rs of
experi e nce, a nd are ski ll ful
eno ug h t o sor t t he real -ti me errors or
hurdl es, and ma nage t he real -
ti me proj ects. The Perso nal i ty development
ski ll s, i ntel li gence, and
academi c status are a few of t hose t hi ngs w
hi c h li e on trai ners
ha nds. If yo u are trai ned wel l i n your
profil e then y o u ca n do e xce l l ent
i n your f ut ure ti me and k nowi ng i ts val ue
techavera al ways puts t hei r
efforts to gi ve you t he best.
Techavera has a n effi caci ous team of skill ful
trai ners w ho are al ways
ready there to di rect thei r trai nees i n the
rel i abl e, requi red, and
rel evant way. T here i s well -facili tated l ab
whi ch i s well -furni shed wi th
a number of l atest i ndustry reso urce s li ke
equi pment, tec hni ques, a nd
software or hardware tool s. The Pyt ho n-Trai ni
ng Co urse pay i s
cheapest. To get t he detai l ed i nform ati on
abo ut t he Pyt ho n -Trai ni ng
Course Co nte nt, yo u need to gi ve yo ur eyes
at t he co nte xt w hi ch i s
gi ven bel ow
  • An Introduction to Python
  • Introd uctory Remarks abo ut Pyt ho n
  • A Bri ef Hi story of Pytho n
  • How pytho n i s di ffer from other l anguages
  • Pytho n V ersi ons
  • Instal li ng Pyt ho n
  • IDLE
  • Getti ng Hel p
  • How to exec ute Pyt ho n program
  • W ri ti ng your fi rst program

  • Pyt hon Basics
  • Pytho n ke ywords a nd Ide nti fi ers
  • Pytho n stat eme nts
  • Pytho n i nde ntati on
  • Comments i n pyt ho n
  • Command l i ne argume nts
  • Getti ng us er i np ut
  • Exerci se
  • Variables and data types
  • Introd ucti o n
  • Vari abl es
  • Data types
  • Numbers
  • Stri ngs
  • Li sts, tupl es Di cti onary
  • Exerci se

  • Lambda
  • Cl osures
  • Exerci se
  • Modules and Packages
  • Modul es
  • Importi ng mod ul e
  • Standard Mod ul e - sys
  • Standard Mod ul e - OS
  • The di r Func ti on
  • Packages
  • Exerci se
  • Exception Handling
  • Errors
  • Run Ti me Errors
  • Handl i ng IO E xcepti ons

  • Inheri tance
  • Method o verri di ng
  • Data hi di ng
  • Exerci se
  • Regular Expressions
  • Introd ucti o n
  • Match f uncti o n
  • Search f uncti on
  • Groupi ng
  • Matchi ng a t Begi nni ng or E nd
  • Match Obj ects
  • Fl ags
  • Exerci se
  • Socket programming
  • W hat are sockets?
  • PYTHON-Tr ai ni ng at Noi da i s especiall y ai
    med to ai d the trai nees so as to provi de the
    best P YTHON-Trai ni ng Noi da i n no ti me i n
  • comprehe nsi ve, concrete, a nd i nter a cti ve
  • The P YTH ON-training at Noida i s excl usi vel y
    desi gned to beat t he curre nt IT mark et.
  • The P YTH ON trai ners are wel l -equi pped wi th
    the tec hni cal skill s,
  • knowl edge, a nd e xperti se.
  • Techavera s P YTHON -Trai ni ng I nsti tute Noi
    da offers t he e xcel l ent
  • servi ces rangi ng from t he IT trai ni ng to
    devel opment to t he pl acement servi ces.
  • The trai nee wo ul d have t he si mpli stic trai
    ni ng mod ul es so as to
  • comprehe nd t he co ncept i n a n effect i ve

  • Facili tator of the P YTHON -trai ni ng I nsti
    tute at N oi da al ways tri es to provi de all
    ki nds of tec hni cal requi rements w hi c h need
    to be ava i l ed i n order to ful fill all the
    real -ti me essenti al s
  • Hi ghl y cond uci ve -cum-c hargi ng e nvironme
    nt o ne ca n have i n t he ambi ence of t he
  • The worki ng professi onal s or corporate cli
    entel e can p ut up t hei r
  • queri es to o ur corporate fac ul ty.
  • 24x7 l ab faci li ti es, the trai nees are compl
    etel y free to access the l ab illi mi tabl y.
  • The smart P YTHON cl asses Noi da are exci ti ngl
    y equi pped wi th the di gi tal pads, W i -Fi
    connecti vi ty, li ve racks, and proj ectors. The
  • PYTHON cl asses at Noi da are custo mi zabl e as
    per candi d ates
  • desi red ti mi ng.

The smart l abs are eq ui pped wi th the hi -fi
equi pments, a nd hi gh-
end tool s.
The trai nee s ca n opt for t he maj or, mi nor,
or onl i ne l i ve proj ects
as per thei r co nve ni ence a nd eas e.
The P YTH ON Co urses are a n effi cac i ous
source of l earni ng as
these co nt ai n t he wel l -defi ned numb er of
course mod ul es whi ch are speci all y desi
gned wi th t he hel p of communi cati ve, pi
ctori al charts, graphs, a nd di agrams. The P
YTH ON Courses co nte nt i s combi ned, merged
wi th t he l eadi ng i ndustry ve ndors.
14. 15.
A greater so urce of assi stance i n to days
cogni ti ve era. An ease of accessi bili ty as
the fastest the metro st ati on
conveya nce i s all -avail abl e i n front o f
the tec hav era i nsti tute.
16. 17.
The trai ni ng f ee affordabi li ty. PYTHON T
utori ng Noi da, at techav e ra, i s the most s
ui tabl e spot
to vi si t as the metro stati on i s ri ght in
fro nt of t he t ec havera i nsti tute. For
those w ho are l i vi ng at the di stant pl ace
will fi nd t he P YTHON - trai ni ng Noi da as
the most s ui tabl e spot. 18. Manage abi li ty
as every si ngl e department s uc h as
HR, accounti ng, l ab, trai ni ng cl asses,
manageme nt or l ots more i s ano nymo usl y
systemati zed.
The trai nee s ca n have t he si l ent/di scussi
on zo ne as per t hei r
desi re and ease.
20. 21.
Extra ti me sl ots (E.T.S) for practi cals are
absol utel y free. There are a number of payme nt
o pti ons t h at o ne ca n go for
cash, credi t, c heq ue, debi t card, and net ba
ners, at Tec haveras P YTHO N tutori ng i nsti t
ute i n Noi da, have the l ong-ser ved a nd ha
nds -o n e xperi ence i n t he tec hni cal fi el
  • Get the e xpert co ns ul tati on at your fi nger
    ti ps.
  • The trai ners are hi ghl y certi fi ed, quali fi
    ed, and profi ci ent experts w ho have 8 e
    xperi ences i n t he t ec hni cal domai n.
  • Get the sm art co ns ul tati on wi thi n a least
    possi bl e ti me frame.
  • The trai ners have worked i n t he wel l -know n
    co mpa ni es li ke IBM, HCL, Bi rl a, sapi ent,
    Agi l ent technol ogy, TCS.
  • They are q ui te co nnecti bl e wi th the hi ri
    ng HRs of t he m ul ti nati onal compani es.
  • Techavera i s t he Best P YTHON Tut oring Center
    in Noida , a nd i s provi di ng a wi de array of
    pl acement servi ces i n di fferen t part of t he
    worl d i n the s hortest possi bl e ti me.
  • Techavera assi sts the j obseekers to i mprovi
    se/update t hei r resume
  • j ust to meet t he c urre nt sta ndard of t he
    market i n t he best possi bl e manner.
  • Pl acement trai ners co nd uct t he PD S
    (personal i ty devel opment
  • sessi ons) to t he j obseekers so as to get the
    de si red j ob shortl y.
  • Techavera has bee n dedi catedl y pl aci ng i ts
    stude nts i n t he rep uted IT-fi rms li ke TCS,
    HCL, IBM, sapi ent, or Bi rl a.
  • For More Inf ormati on Yo u ca n Vi si t -
    http//www.te c havera noi da.i n/best -pytho
    n-trai ni ng-in- noi da.php
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