Bob Fairbairn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bob Fairbairn


Many points of comparison, between model output and project plan, make it: ... Unofficial data, expert opinion, context logic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Bob Fairbairn

Use of Expanded Input and Output Sets in a
General Parametric Cost Model
Bob Fairbairn
SSP (Subsystem Phase model)
  • Collection of development cost modules
  • General model type, with substantial logic,
    calibrated to data
  • Modules mechanical, electronic, chip, software
    (COCOMO II))
  • In formulation and use for several (last 12)
  • Successive versions of model used on variety of
  • Including un-manned space projects (GIFTS, GLAST
    , MRO, SIM, assorted instruments), and manned
    (Transhab, SS Prop Module)
  • Is an ongoing development project, not static
  • Key distinguishing characteristics
  • Developed from detailed, sub-project-level data
  • Uses relatively large input set,
  • Including number-of-instructions-type size
  • Produces granular output for analysis
  • Hours, staffing levels and dollars by function,
  • In discrete phases and uniform time units,
  • Both resource and time output at WBS level of

Goals of Cost Modeling
  • General
  • To provide as much useful information about cost
    and schedule as possible, in order to support
    project planning and to maximize return on
  • Next level
  • To maximize use of available definition
  • To provide detailed cost and schedule output,
    with many potential points of comparison for
  • To model the process as faithfully as possible
  • To provide useful feedback to the modeler
  • To maximize understanding of model results
  • To make the modeling process as systematic as
  • To minimize analyst judgment in the process

Original motivation for change mass-based
  • In practice, observed many cases where cost
    should be less sensitive to weight than model
    results indicated
  • Logic, experience tell us that mass is not an
    ideal predictor of cost
  • Mass was originally used because it was available
  • In the global (large-mass-range) domain, there is
    often a positive correlation between mass and
    cost, but
  • In the local (small-mass-range) domain, results
    are inconsistent
  • Correlation may be insignificant (no
    relationship), or even negative (inverse
  • The need to use log-log regression to obtain a
    good fit should be a warning sign
  • Log-log r2 is misleading
  • Error in original units is the relevant measure
  • Observed that other parameters appeared to be
    more related to cost than mass
  • Also true for fabrication costs when material
    cost excluded

Supplementing mass in traditional, mass-based CERs
  • Introduce more variables, multivariable
  • Some improvement (mass has a smaller effect on
    cost), but still many problems, e.g.
  • Power function often retained as the functional
  • Mass often still has a significant effect (large
    exponent value)
  • Which in turn diminishes effects of other
  • Dependence between parameters conflicts with
    assumptions of independence, produces poor
    regression results
  • How frequently do analysts check for dependence
    between assumed independent variables?
  • Effects of new parameters are not modeled well by
    multivariable power functions and other
    convenient functional forms

Supplementing mass in mass-based general models
  • Add relevant parameters, logic.
  • Get "families" of cost-to-mass curves, with
    complexity or scale factors (intercepts)
    determined by new parameters
  • Does not solve the mass problem
  • Exponent on weight, typically 0.7 /- 0.2, makes
    its effect significant,
  • thereby reducing the effect of other parameters
  • Result analysts have to do separate calibrations
    for many cost elements
  • Much more than would be necessary if equations
    were modeling the process well
  • Effectively reduces general-ness model
  • Additional Problem existing calibrations are
    mass dependent
  • Because calibration (complexity) values were
    obtained for a given mass i.e., have
    mass/complexity pairs
  • Makes calibration values suspect for like
    equipment with different mass,
  • Inhibits ability to estimate new equipment

Cost vs. Mass Curve
Cost a(massb) showing effect of exponent in
typical mass-based power function
More on mass-based general models
  • Strong non-linearity of equations with respect to
    size parameter limits capability to model at
    lower WBS input levels (see plot)
  • Mass has been eliminated in some general models
  • Example PRICEM

Simplified effect of varying WBS level
If exponent on mass 0.7 and we model at lower
level with average of 5 new elements per 1 old
(mass approx 20 of original element), and no
other changes, average cost increase is 62.
Effect varies with exponent size.
Inverse Example Light-weighting
  • Degree of light-weighting (structure, optics) is
    often a design trade variable and typically has a
    large effect on cost and schedule that is
    inversely related to mass
  • With typical mass-based CER, results as mass
    varies are probably opposite to the observed cost
  • Use of non-mass parameters (hog-out, material,
    etc) may help, but effect of mass is (always?)
    opposite to observed cost trend, therefore
  • Effects of non-mass parameters must be
    exaggerated to compensate, or
  • Calibrations are needed, but are only good for a
    specified of light-weighting
  • Worse still if of light-weighting was not
    specified in calibration data
  • Material costs may also be off unless separate
    materials algorithm uses original, un-machined
  • Poor equation logic with respect to size limits
    the value and applicability of sensitivity
    analysis, ideally a key benefit of parametric

Brief history of development (1)
  • Identified a potential alternate size parameter
  • Experimented with number of parts (NP) from
    mechanical data
  • First np-based engineering equations
  • Started with engineer's rule of thumb for hours
    per drawing, adapted to full parameter set with
    NP as primary variable
  • New equation, using NP data from mechanical
    drawing sets, modeled labor hour trend in data
  • Tested as alternate algorithm in existing models
  • Long period of use, development, refinement
  • Learned to estimate, developed guidelines for NP
  • Expanded use of NP in models
  • Adapted approach to electronics (number of pins)
  • Eventually used NP relationship as core
    engineering equation, developed general model
    around it

Brief history of development (2)
  • Gradual realization of need for a new parameter
    for mechanical
  • Went back to drawing set data, "counted"
    instructions in drawings
  • Number instructions sum of dimensions, parts
    list entries, and special instructions (notes)
  • Developed guidelines for avg. number of
    instructions per part
  • For model input, use
  • guidelines (as complexity categories, or estimate
    drawing size)
  • database (recorded technical definition)
  • expert judgment (engineers)
  • Use of two parameters simplifies, improves process

Brief history of development (3)
  • Decompose output into phases integrate with
    schedule calculations
  • Realized that much informal data exists to
    support allocation of cost to phases, as for
    software models
  • Started with conceptual prototype, gradually
    refined still refining
  • Used standard development phases and simple
    assumptions to calculate resources per unit time
  • Simple level-of-effort assumptions, applied at
    low level, were determined to be more appropriate
    than distribution spreading functions used
    traditionally for high level calculations
  • Composite sum results vary with input
    assumptions sometimes differ significantly from
    results obtained with traditional higher level
    functions, but in a reasonable way, according to
    schedule assumptions
  • Modeling of effect of schedule constraints on
    cost profile now possible

Brief history of development (4)
  • More detail in output leads to more input changes
  • Allocation of prototypes, other associated
    parameters to phases
  • Probably more to go in this area
  • Beginning of common element database
  • So far a collection of elements from prior work,
    organized in subsystems as originally used.
  • More sophisticated approach not yet defined
    structure needs to be considered carefully
    because much relevant information is in subsystem
    context (above element level).

Model Description Input
  • Modules mechanical, electronic, chip, software
  • Subsystems basic unit of module
  • Elements basic unit of subsystem
  • Subsystem-level parameters
  • all schedule related parameters, by phase
  • labor rates, overheads,
  • global factors
  • for recording data, calibration, schedule
  • Use sometimes indicates areas of algorithm
  • Element-level parameters
  • Size parameters
  • num parts/pins/gates, number instructions per
    part (mechanical)
  • mass for structural material costs
  • Other parameters
  • engineering and design levels
  • material description, tolerances, other
    fabrication detail
  • number of units, including prototypes per phase
  • integration and test difficulty, make-buy
    decisions, design integration

Model Description Input, mechanical
Model Description Input, board
Model Description - Output
  • Basic model output is at the subsystem level and
    consists of
  • Hours, dollars and staffing levels
  • By functional elements
  • In discrete phases and uniform time units
  • More granularity in input yields more detail in
  • Detailed comparison by function, phase and time
    is possible at lowest subsystem level
  • Output is accumulated at higher levels
  • Hours or staffing levels, dollars
  • Summary and by month

Output, subsystem level, by phase
Output, subsystem level, by month
Output, summary level, by category
Output, summary level, staff level by month
Model Description Algorithms (1)
  • Sources
  • Data from a variety of sources
  • Collected at as detailed a level as possible
  • Resources, schedule, definition (including
    drawing sets)
  • Interviews with project personnel
  • Expert judgment
  • Interviews with engineers in area of expertise
  • Other models, cost analysis literature
  • Secondary and generic algorithms,
  • logic (schedule, integration), etc.
  • Model maturity
  • Mechanical module is most developed and unique
  • Board module less well developed but has long
    heritage of use
  • Chip module less mature, not a primary tool, used
    to integrate estimates from other sources
  • Use of COCOMO II for software, with some
    adaptations for compatibility with other modules

Model Description Algorithms (2)
  • Core Engineering Equations (Mechanical)
  • Linear function of size parameters (num parts,
    num instructions per part)
  • Num drawings num parts num instructions/part
    unique fraction assembly drawing factor
  • (1 detail drawing per unique part, plus assembly
  • check on process is engineers estimate of
  • Eng base num drawings fab cplx fac platform
    fac eng level calibration fac
  • fabrication complexity factor is much less
    influential than in mass-based models because
    size parameters are dominant
  • Board, chip modes are similar
  • board mode uses number of pins for size parameter
  • chip mode uses number of gates or transistors

Model Description Algorithms (3)
  • Core Fabrication Equations (Mechanical)
  • Linear functions of size parameters (num parts,
    num instructions per part, surface area)
  • Complexity factors (relative cost per size unit)
    are nonlinear functions of precision, material
    (machinability index), hogout, assembly
    difficulty, surface finish, spec level
  • unit fab num instructions/part num parts
    non-unique learning fac cplx fac yield fac
    calib fac
  • unit surface finish surface area cplx fac
    yield fac calib fac
  • protos fab unit fab protos protos learn fac
    eng level fac
  • prod fab unit fab mfg qty mfg learn fac
    eng change fac
  • material cost cplx fac (matl) mass hogout
    fac yield fac
  • (Board, chip modes are similar in concept)

Model Description Algorithms (4)
  • Optics algorithms
  • Parameters and algorithms added for optics
    sub-model within mechanical module
  • Surface area (size), surface finish, number
    optics elements, optics complexity
  • Core engineering equation derived from optics
  • non-linear with respect to surface area
  • moderate maturity
  • Shares common fabrication equations with
    non-optics mechanical elements
  • linear with respect to surface area
  • Secondary equations
  • Use output from core equations
  • From linear factors to slightly complex
  • Eng and fab sub-categories, tooling, material,
    learning factors
  • project management, QA, etc.

Model Description Algorithms (5)
  • Integration and test algorithms
  • IT calculations done with composite parameter
    sets drawn from contributing elements
  • similar in concept to early PRICEH IT, but with
    more user control through new parameters, to
    specify test levels for different assemblies and
    phases (needed to complement level of input
    granularity and model testing approach of
  • Next-level Systems Engineering/PM
  • For higher level SE effort to coordinate
    requirements and designs of separate project
    elements coming from different organizational
  • Uses composite of lower level elements, similar
    to IT
  • May be used at any assembly/WBS level where
  • Typically used at project system level or at
    point where products from different organizations
    are being integrated

Model Description Algorithms (6)
  • Schedule algorithms
  • core equations based on power function of effort,
    similar to COCOMO
  • also some logic real complexity is in number of
    phases and depth of subsystem definition
  • Resource profiles are determined by accumulation
    of lower level, discrete phase output
  • not by applying theoretical functional forms to
    high level output
  • accumulate costs at activity level and bubble up
  • sensitive to nuances of current schedule input
    set and input depth
  • Probability distributions
  • Model currently has 3-case output, with
    probability distribution calculation off-line
  • LMH input for selected set of parameters
  • May add Monte-Carlo simulation with inputs in
    form of probability distributions (reuse code
    from earlier model versions)

Potential Advantages for Modeling (1)
  • Rich input set, flexibility in WBS level
  • Simplifies the input process
  • Maximizes capability to capture definition and
    data, technical and non-technical
  • Facilitates the decomposition of project-unique
    subsystems into elements more common and familiar
  • Enables input modifications for differences
    between historical data and current definition
  • Normal use of input/output set produces framework
    for data collection and updates common element
  • Improved algorithms
  • Increase confidence that modifications to
    historical data set will result in reasonable
    change in cost maximize usefulness of existing
  • Enhance understanding of modeling results
  • provide lots of feedback for user
  • make training exercises more meaningful

Potential Advantages for Modeling (2)
  • Enhanced capability to cost new technology or
    unconventional elements, for which data is
  • Better algorithms and capability to decompose
    subsystems also make it easier to extend
    historical data sets to new definition
  • Subjects of very low mass may be modeled with a
    different size parameter
  • Input set allows modeling of projects under
    different sets of conditions or with alternate
    strategies, e.g.
  • Explore effects of funding constraints
  • Compare plans high reuse with complications vs.
    new development
  • Input/output depth allows incorporation of
    results from other sources, to integrate system
  • Re-model with calibration to result obtained with
    preferred model
  • Depth of output may improve understanding of

Potential Advantages for Analysis (1)
  • Many points of comparison, between model output
    and project plan, make it
  • Easier to identify where agreement, differences
  • Easier to uncover the relevant cost issues that
    might otherwise be missed or difficult to
  • Easier to measure how well the model is
    simulating the process
  • helps to determine level of confidence in
    estimate and analysis, and thus how to report the
  • More difficult to get agreement by accident
  • (the fewer the comparisons, the easier to get
    false agreement)
  • This leads to
  • Stronger findings, less chance of
  • Failing to identify real problems
  • Finding non-existent problems
  • More feedback for project planning (if they want

Potential Advantages for Analysis (2)
  • Enhanced sensitivity analysis
  • To the extent that the model simulates real
    processes, there is more confidence that as model
    parameters change, cost and schedule will change
    in a reasonable manner
  • Input depth helps to describe the differences in
  • Output depth helps to show the differences in
  • Since mass is not a cost driver, potential
    inverse relationship between cost and mass does
    not cause problems
  • Greater depth of output, especially in schedule,
    enhances analysis at a set point in time
  • Estimates-to-complete reflect a project plan up
    to a point in time, then model the remaining
    effort in time
  • Potentially can complement or enhance earned
    value analysis or improve understanding of EV
    results? (yet to be tried)

Example 1 Time-phased output
  • Spacecraft development cost estimate
  • Chart 1 cum probability curve
  • Chart 2 time-phased probability

Probability Development Cost
With assumed project reserve allocation and
unencumbered use of funds, calculated probability
of completion within plan is 90
Compare Development By Year
Relative to ICE, Project plan with assumed
reserves is significantly lower in early
development, significantly higher in IT,
virtually equal in total.
Example 1 Time-phased output analysis
  • Chart 1 cum probability curve
  • Shows no significant difference between project
    plan and parametric estimate
  • Chart 2 time-phased probability
  • Shows significant difference resources available
    to project in early phases are significantly less
    than levels suggested by cost modeling
  • Difference was mostly explained by externally
    imposed constraints on early funding for project.
  • Review team finding
  • Probability of problems resulting from
    inadequate early definition may be higher than
  • (Project mission success potentially at increased
    risk due to inadequate early funding)

Example 2 Modeling with different assumptions
  • Instrument (Large-Area Gamma-Ray Space Telescope)
    Modeled at end of Phase B and after re-plan
  • Chart 1 project modeled with mostly optimal
  • Minimal constraints primarily development start
    and end
  • Chart 2 project modeled with schedule reflecting
    actual expenditures in early phases
  • Constraints on schedule, input at subsystem
    level, result in subsystem resource consumption
    close to actual levels experienced by project in
    early development phase later phases minimally
    constrained by current project milestones
  • Chart 3 project modeled with new assumptions
    resulting from project re-plan
  • Modeled as in chart 2, but reflecting project
    re-plan in which project negotiated for a later
    launch date and more funding
  • (note that time distribution is different for L,
    M, and H cases)

Project Modeled with Minimal Constraints
Results indicate that project budget was
constrained in early development.
Project Modeled with Full Constraints
Modeling with early phase constraints results in
larger difference in FY04.
Project Modeled with Full Constraints After
New project plan with more schedule and funding
is closer to modeled result reflecting re-planned
Compare Modes by Month, Before Re-Plan
FY04 is months 45 to 57 subsystem deliveries 48
- 57 instrument IT 54 - 69 ATLO (only
instrument contribution) 67 - 79 LV IT 79 - 81
launch 81. Large difference in early period (0
28) for project vs. optimal schedule large
difference in 45 - 59 for project vs. constrained
schedule, then project is slightly higher for
instrument IT difference during launch vehicle
IT is due to modeling error.
Compare Modes by Month, After Re-Plan
FY04 is months 45 to 57 subsystem deliveries 48
- 59 instrument IT 54 - 71 ATLO (only
instrument contribution) 68 82 LV IT 83- 86
launch 86-89. Less difference in early period (0
28) for project vs. optimal schedule still
large difference in 46 - 60 for project vs.
constrained and optimal schedule, but then
project is significantly higher for instrument
IT, slightly higher for ATLO.
Compare Model LMH Range by Month, After Re-Plan
Comparing model results for low (10), modal, and
high (90) cases. There are clear phasing
differences after month 44, with the 10 case
peaking first, then the modal, and finally the
90 case.
Compare Project w/ Reserves, by Month, After
Large effect of project reserves is seen from
months 45 to 70 smaller effect from 70 to 84
model 90 is larger from 52 to 62, then project
is higher from 62 to 70. Note subsystem
deliveries at about month 59. Difference in
months 52 - 70 suggests closer examination of
project test plan to review assumptions regarding
test levels at subsystem and system levels.
Advantages for Model Development
  • Rich input set increases the usefulness of
    available definition
  • Capability to define at lower WBS levels allows
    small subsets of projects, for which good data is
    available, to be modeled, thereby increasing
    usefulness of data
  • Deep input set allows more historical technical
    definition to be captured in the model
  • Rich output set increases the usefulness of
    available cost/resources data
  • Many points of comparison allow better matching
    with cost data
  • increase the capability to crosscheck, validate,
    or calibrate results against known quantities
  • Detailed output generates more feedback, exposes
    modeling errors, speeds up model development
  • Use of improved size parameters has resulted in
    more linear functional forms, which have numerous
    advantages for modeling and for development

Practical implications for use of model
  • To use the model well, user must become familiar
    with new size parameters
  • Process is somewhat like instruction count
    estimating in use of software models
  • As with software instructions, process increases
    analysts knowledge of cause and effect in cost
  • Engineers are familiar with these parameters, but
    analyst must also become familiar with them, more
    or less according to level of interaction with
  • Building data base lessens dependence on
    engineers, increases knowledge
  • Initially requires more time to learn a new
  • After learning the process, there is a time
    trade-off spend more time on new size input, but
    less time on calibration or "complexity" values

Author Bias Value of information
  • An analysis is only as good as the information
    that went into it.
  • You don't get something for nothing. If you want
    more confidence in cost and schedule estimates,
    you have to consider more information in the
  • To the extent that you are able to effectively
    include relevant information in your analysis,
    the value of the result increases and the
    uncertainty decreases.

Author Bias Use of Informal Logic
  • Define informal logic (IL) relationship that has
    good basis in informal observation but has not
    been empirically verified
  • Tools that model complex processes necessarily
    supplement empirical knowledge with IL, in order
    to model the complexity of the system
  • Complex models are built around prevailing
  • Weather, economics, etc.
  • Resource consumption (cost) is a complex process
  • Also,cost data (even the best) is not
    experimental data, but really is observation
    (field) data
  • Therefore cost models need to be supplemented
    with IL, and there is a wealth of informal data
    available for this purpose.
  • Unofficial data, expert opinion, context logic
  • Unless you are clueless, plugging a gap with your
    best guess is better than ignoring the issue
    ignoring it amounts to making implicit or unknown
    assumptions about it including it insures that
    you know why you got what you got
  • Progress is made by creating and testing

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