Strategies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Strategies Presented by: Amanda Burleson Anne Donadio Cynthia Townsend The Writing Process Writer s Workshop (3-5) Writer s Workshop Outline Mini-Lesson (5-10 min.) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Strategies

  • Strategies

Presented by Amanda Burleson Anne
Donadio Cynthia Townsend
The Writing Process
  • Usually includes five steps
  • Prewriting (generating ideas, mental rehearsal
    for writing)
  • Drafting (writing in process)
  • Revision (additions and improvements to ideas
    organization, focus, voice, word choice, and
    sentence fluency)
  • Editing (cosmetics and error detection)
  • Publication (public sharing of product)

  • Writers move back and forth among the first three
    stages as they begin to recognize a need to
    rework their written thoughts.
  • Every step of the writing process does not have
    to be used for every piece of writing. Not every
    piece of writing needs to be taken to the final
    stage of publication. Teachers might focus on
    prewriting and prewriting and first draft,
    reserving the other stages for work that will be
    more formally evaluated (Danielson).
  • When students become more familiar with the
    writing process then they are more likely to use
    the five steps of the writing process, and
    hopefully will become better at including the
    steps when they write.

  • Successful writers may go through many if not
    all, of these steps in an order that makes sense
    for their work. Sometimes students are just
    ready to write. Brainstorming and story-mapping
    an idea that is ready to be written may just suck
    the life out of it before the students start
    writing. Often, given the freedom an flexibility
    to do so, students write something and then in
    revision, back up and create a whole new draft
    based on what they discovered was important from
    their first attempt. Writing is not a linear
    process. Never has been never will be.
  • p.22 61 Traits of Writing
  • What vocabulary do we want to use for each step
    of the writing process at Cove Creek?

Writers Workshop
(K-2) Materials Teacher-made journals, spiral
notebooks, pencils, big erasers, markers, colored
pencils, dictionaries, word wall Oral Language is
very important in helping students plan their
ideas. Teacher models what is expected. Teacher
teaches mini-lesson. Expectations build
throughout the year when new concepts are taught.
The students are expected to apply these learned
strategies. Students are expected to write for
the entire Writers Workshop time.

Students take risks in writing and work to get
writing down on paper. Teacher/Student
Conference Teachers give feedback on written
work. Teacher asks questions to help the student
think about their writing. From these questions,
the students make decisions about changing their
work. Students revise their work, finding ways
to make their work better (polish). Editing
checklist should be posted in the classroom.
These lists change as the year progresses and
different skills are taught. A piece is
finished when the student has completed the
checklist. Students can share their work and
celebrate their success!
  • (3-5)
  • Writers Workshop Outline
  • Mini-Lesson (5-10 min.)
  • A mini lesson can be a whole class or small
    group lesson. It can be as simple as guided
    writing from a story, or how editing marks are
  • Status of the Class (2-3 min.)
  • Status of the Class provides the student and the
    teacher with information about how the students
    work is progressing.
  • Writing (20-40 min.) and Conferencing
  • Students may write in various modes. The
    teacher conferences with students to help them
    with the revision and editing. Some teachers use
    peer conferencing during this time, however for
    this piece to be successful the teacher must
    model expectations. If peer editing is included
    TAG is a great strategy to use. Tag stands for
    Tell one thing you liked about the story, Ask
    one question, and Give a suggestion.
  • Sharing (10 min.)
  • The Authors Chair may still be used to share a
    published book. Published works can also be
    shared in pairs, or by allowing students read
    published works to themselves.

Organization-One teacher said, I have a poster
with library pockets for each student. In each
pocket I have 3 cards, redWork in progress,
YellowIllustrating, GreenPublishing. Some
teachers record the status of the class, but this
is a great visual for status of the class that
students can be responsible for. Decide on your
requirements for publication Front Cover
typically a piece of colored construction paper
with title, authors name, and illustration (This
information can be completed after the book is
written and revised) Title Page with title,
authors name, and illustration (may be optional
if student is writing a longer text) and date
of completion. Dedication Page Story Pages in
order with page numbers, with optional
illustrations. Back Cover usually a piece of
colored construction paper (can include an
Authors page and self portrait or student photo
on the inside).
  • Topic Ideas For Mini Lessons
  • -topic selection -add details
  • -what to do when your stuck -peer editing
  • -narrowing your focus -peer revising
  • -leads/hooks -endings/closings
  • -voice -story sequence
  • -audience -beautiful
  • -conventions language
  • -quality illustrations during publishing -expandi
  • -sentence fluency vocabulary to
  • -grammar sharpen descriptions
  • -visual details -describing with
  • -dialogue accuracy
  • -condense story -expand story/par
  • -transition words story
  • -linking sounds and actions -alliteration
  • -metaphors -synonyms
  • -similes -personification

  • (6-8)
  • Daily
  • Mini Lesson- direct instruction can take whole
    period-on revision strategies/grammar/conventions
  • Status of Class- all students are at different
    places/different pieces
  • Choice of topic and/or genre
  • Conferencing throughout the process-record notes
    in folders
  • Developing editing checklist and post (helps with
    consistency in expectations for writing in all
  • Content is important. Students should be aware
    of their organization, word choice, voice,
    sentence fluency ( as well as conventions)

Writing Across the Curriculum
Writing across the curriculum isnt just a
method of getting students to write who are
afraid of writing. It is also a method of
getting students to learn what they were afraid
of learning. William Zinsser Writing to Learn
  • Provide many opportunities for students to write
  • Guided writing in all areas
  • Math journals
  • Science journals
  • Writers Workshop
  • Literacy Response Journals
  • The key is for students to be writing
  • in every subject area in a variety of ways!

  • R role
  • A audience
  • F format
  • T topic
  • S strong verb

  • Role top math student
  • Audience your classmates
  • Format overhead transparency
  • Topic solve the problem 56 x 22
  • Strong Verb create
  • You are a top math student and your teacher
    has asked you to help your classmates with a math
    problem. Create an overhead transparency to
    demonstrate how you would solve the problem 56 x
    22. Be sure you include each step in your
    process so that your classmates will understand
    how you came up with the correct answer.

  • Role you
  • Audience you and your teacher
  • Format list
  • Topic things George Washington accomplished in
    his lifetime
  • Strong verb compile
  • While studying U.S. geography, you realize
    that one state, our capital city, and towns in
    every state have been named after George
    Washington. You and your teacher decide to
    research things George Washington accomplished in
    his lifetime, in addition to being the first
    President. Compile a list of the top five
    contributions you discover.

  • Role human brain
  • Audience the other organs
  • Format pep talk
  • Topic keep digestion, respiration and
    circulation in tip-top shape
  • Strong verb encourage
  • You are the brain in a human body and you
    notice that some organs are working well to keep
    the body functioning. Write a pep talk to give to
    the organs, encouraging them to keep digestion,
    respiration, and circulation in tip-top shape. Be
    sure to include sound reasoning for your concerns.

  • In 2003-2004 North Carolina implemented an
    analytical scoring model.
  • Now it is possible for a paper to receive scores
    ranged from 4-20.
  • Two assessors determine a score for each
    component then the two content scores are added
    together and multiplied by two. The two
    conventions scores are added together and
    multiplied by one. Finally, the conventions
    score and the content scores are added together
    to determine the total writing score.
  • Those scores are then placed into
  • -Level I 4-7 points (well-below standard)
  • -Level II 8-11 points (slightly below standard)
  • -Level III (at standard) 12-16 points
  • -Level IV (well above standard) 17-20 points.
  • This newly adopted analytical model has two
    components, a 1-4 score scale for content and a
    0-2 score scale for conventions.
  • Therefore rubrics which assess different modes of
    writing should be designed in such a way that
    they have a grammar/conventions component.

Kinds of Rubrics
  • Task Specific Rubrics
  • Task specific rubrics are those that have task
    specific evaluative criteria. These types of
    rubrics are not the best way to assess student
    performance because task-specific rubrics place
    more emphasis on the task as compared to the
  • Hypergeneral Rubrics
  • Hypergeneral rubrics are those that are on the
    opposite end of the spectrum from that of
    task-specific rubrics. Hypergeneral rubrics are
    those that have very broad evaluative criteria.
    These rubrics do not clearly state teachers
    expectations for student performance nor can they
    effectively be used to improve instructional
  • Skill Focused Rubrics
  • Skill-focused rubrics are those that can be found
    on the continuum between general and task
    specific rubrics. Skill-focused rubrics are not
    so specific they dont measure an assimilation of
    skills and yet are not so vague that expectations
    are not clear. The evaluative criteria for
    skill-focused rubrics are skills that are
    instructionally worthy (depth and breadth),
    encourage assimilation of skills learned
    throughout an instructional unit, and make clear
    teacher expectations. In addition, skill-focused
    rubrics provide better information so teachers
    can improve their instruction.  

Steps to Developing A Scoring Rubric
  • 1. Teacher determines learning targets
    centered around the North Carolina Standard
    Course of Study.
  • 2. Determine from work samples if
    possible, what criteria constitutes the best sore
    and what lack of evidence warrants a low score.
    Identify components for success in accomplishing
    the task. Create characteristics of good and bad
  • 3. Design a rubric that is short and
    simple a good range of items varies from 4-15.
    The written and verbal explanations of each
    criterion should be clear and developmentally
  • 4. Decide on how many levels of scoring.
    Each rubric item should focus on a different

Helpful Terms When Writing Rubrics
  • Terms for measuring range and scoring levels
  • -Numeric Scale
  • -BeginningDevelopingAccomplishedExemplary
  • -Needs ImprovementSatisfactoryGoodExemplary
  • -Needs WorkGoodExcellent
  • -NoviceApprenticeProficientDistinguished
  • Concept Words That Convey Various Degrees of
  • DepthBreadthQualityScopeExtentComplexityDegr
  • Accuracy
  • Presence to absence
  • Complete to incomplete
  • Many to some to none
  • Major to minor
  • Circle, bold, italicize words that can vary as
    you complete each level of accomplishment

Converting Rubric Scores to Grades
  • Example

Rubric Websites
  • Rubrics
  • http//
  • Writing rubrics for middle school
  • http//
  • Rubric writing
  •  http//
  • Rubrics for a broad range of modes 2-5 grades.
  • http//
  • Example rubrics for first grade
  •  http//
  • Research writing rubric
  •  http//
  • Kindergarten rubric example
  • http//
  • Rubric template
  • http//
  • A Great RUBRIC resource with tons of links

Graphic Organizers
In order for children to learn effectively,
children need to be active learners. Graphic
Organizers are a great tool for this! Including
graphic organizers in lessons allows the students
to experience excitement in learning to read and
write. They provide a visual representation in
the relationship of facts and concepts within an
organized frame. They also assist in relating
new info to prior knowledge and are helpful in
organizing thoughts for writing. They provide
ample opportunities to integrate content area
material as part of lessons. They come in
various forms and may be utilized before, during
and/or after an instructional activity. -
if used before an instructional activity, it
helps the students predict possibilities
and provides a framework for learning and
assimilating new information -if used
during instruction, it assists in reorganizing
information -if used after instruction, the
graphic organizer encourages the student to
summarize the learning and organize ideas for
writing and elaboration
  • The teacher should always explain the purpose of
    the graphic organizer being taught and model it
    many times prior to asking students to try the
    activity independently.
  • Webbing/Mapping indicates the relationship
    between ideas
  • it helps
    clarify information, stimulate thinking and
  • memory
  • circles and
    lines are used to represent
    relationships between concepts
  • Semantic/Content/Spider Maps may be used to
    learn vocabulary words or to activate prior
    knowledge in brainstorming (main topics, details
    to support main topics)

  • Venn Diagram a compare/contrast structure where
    characters, settings and other types of info may
    be compared through their similarities/differences
  • QARs questions that require the responder to
    differentiate between literal, interpretive and
    evaluative information based on the authors
    and/or readers point of view
  • Story Plan must read an entire story or a
    teacher selected portion of a book.
  • identifies key elements of the story
    including main characters, setting, problem,
    solution, and sequences events in the story
  • assists the students in remembering
    important story facts in an organized manner
  • it is an early introduction to outlining
    and note taking
  • KWL models the active thinking needed when
    reading new material or participating in a
    learning activity. It encourages students to
    think about ideas and to ask questions while
  • K- what they know about a topic
  • W-what they want to know about the topic
  • L-what they learned
  • Timeline used to record/correlate events w/given
    dates and depict correlations

Graphic Organizer Web-Sites
  • http//
  • Excellent graphic organizers for many modes of
  • http//
  • Writing graphic organizers and some rubrics
  • http//
  • More graphic organizers
  • http//
  • Writing graphic organizers
  • http//
  • Includes a variety of graphic organizers and
    suggests the modes in which these graphic
    organizers should be used.
  • http//
  • A site with graphic organizers.
  • http//
  • An excellent cache of graphic organizers!
  • http//
  • More writing graphic organizers.
  • http//
  • This site provides graphic organizers for writing
    in science. 

Model Writing
As with other subjects and content areas, you
have to model writing. If you are writing in
journals then you should provide students an
example of a journal that you wrote. Since
students learn by example, your model will show
them how writers think through the writing
Use a Variety of Writing Formats
List of Writing Formats is from Writing to
Prompts in the Trait Based Classroom Literature
Response by Ruth Culham Amanda Wheeler
advertisement anecdote announcement application bi
ographical sketch blurb board game brochure captio
n commentary consumer guide contest
entry critique Dear Abby Letter debate
definition dialogue diary entry dictionary
entry directions discussion editorial e-mail encyc
lopedia entry epitaph eulogy free verse
poem graffiti greeting card historical account
instructions interview introduction journal
entry last will and testament lecture legislation
lesson plan letter letter to the
editor list map math problem memo menu
monologue motto newspaper article note oration pac
kage copy parody personalized license
plate poems post card poster prediction prophecy p
rebuttal request resume Review screen
play sermon ship log short story skit slogan song
speech stream of consciousness summary survival
telegram telephone dialogue test
questions thumbnail sketch top-ten
list travelogue wanted poster word puzzle
Use Childrens Literature as Exemplar Models
Look for opportunities to provide literature
links for writing, just like in other
content/subject areas. Students use literature
as a form of scaffolding when writing. They are
able to borrow ideas and weave them into their
own writing. Using childrens literature is just
another way to model and inspire different types
of styles, genres and formats writers use.
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