Title: Introduction to Parasitology Student Lab Division of Medical
1Introduction to Parasitology
- Student Lab
- Division of Medical Technology
- Carol Larson MSEd, MT(ASCP)
23 Categories of Parasites
- Protozoa (single celled)
- Worms
- Nematodes roundworms
- Trematodes flatworms, non-segmented
- Cestodes tapeworms, segmented flatworms
- Ectoparasites
- Flea, mosquito, fly, lice
3Videotape Discussion
- Means of transmission
- Groups at risk
- Methods of control prevention
- Roles of medical technologist
4Means of Transmission
- Fecal-oral
- Direct (person to person)
- Food, water
- Encysted larvae in meat, fish
- Insect vectors
- Sexually
- Penetrate skin organism in soil water
5Other Factors in Transmission
- Political social changes
- Economy (third-world)
- War
- Refugees
- Behavioral patterns of living
- Dietary habits
- Customs, traditions
6Videotape Discussion
- Means of transmission
- Groups at risk
- Methods of control prevention
- Roles of medical technologist
7Groups at Risk
- 3rd world countries
- Refugees
- Exposure to insect vectors
- Lifestyles
- Customs related to raw meat/fish
- Farmers and others handling animals
- Multiple sex partners / homosexuals
8Groups at Risk
- Immunocompromised patients
- AIDS patients
- Transplant patients
- Lymphoma and other cancer patients
9Videotape Discussion
- Means of transmission
- Groups at risk
- Methods of control prevention
- Roles of medical technologist
10Methods of Control Prevention
- Adequate inspection of food products
- Changes in dietary habits
- Cook food thoroughly
- Improvement of sanitation
- Boil or filter water
- Changes in farming practices
- Livestock care handling
11Methods of Control Prevention
- Avoid insect bites
- Insecticides
- Destruction of breeding sites
- Chemoprophylactic drugs
- Education of the public
- Hand washing
- Avoid walking barefoot in endemic areas
- Avoid swimming in endemic areas
12Videotape Discussion
- Means of transmission
- Groups at risk
- Methods of control prevention
- Roles of medical technologist
13Roles of Medical Technologist
- Diagnosis
- Develop tests
- Implement (perform) tests
- Evaluate tests
- Investigation
- Education
14In Summary
- Means of transmission
- Groups at risk
- Methods of control prevention
- Roles of medical technologist
15Parasitology Stool Specimens
- Student Lab
- Division of Medical Technology
- Carol Larson MSEd, MT(ASCP)
16Specimen Types
- Stool (feces)
- Duodenal material
- Sigmoidoscopic material
17Specimen Collection
- Fresh specimen
- Liquid
- Examine within 30 minutes for trophs
- Formed
- Can store in refrigerator for 24 hours
- Preserved specimen
- Any delay in examination
18Specimen Collection
- Number of specimens
- If first specimen negative, collect up to two
more specimens - Time between specimens
- Every other day
- Why?
19Specimen Collection
- Container
- Rejection Criteria
- Labeling
- Barium
- Urine
20Specimen Collection
- Preservatives
- 10 Formalin
- One vial fixatives
- Safety
- Follow standard precautions
21Fresh Specimen - Four Steps
Routine OP Examination
- Macroscopic Examination
- Microscopic Examination
- Direct examination wet mounts
- Concentration procedure
- Permanent staining procedure
22Macroscopic Examination
Routine OP Examination
- Fresh specimen
- Appearance
- Consistency
- Color
23Microscopic Examination
Routine OP Examination
- Ocular micrometer calibration
- Direct examination - wet mounts
- Scan on low power, evaluate on high power
- Saline
- Motility
- Iodine
- Stains internal structures
24Microscopic Examination
Routine OP Examination
- Concentration procedures
- Formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation
- Recover all ova, cysts and larvae
- Very junky preparation
- DO NOT recover trophs
- Zinc sulfate flotation
25Microscopic Examination
Routine OP Examination
- Permanent stains
- Wheatleys Trichrome stain
- Iron hematoxylin stain
- Modified acid fast stain
26Preserved Specimen - 3 Steps
Routine OP Examination
- Microscopic Examination
- Direct examination wet mounts (iodine only)
- Concentration procedure
- Permanent staining procedure
27Testing of fecal specimenspreserved in formalin
and PVA
Wet mount (helminths, protozoa) Immunoassay
(Giardia, Cryptosporidium) Chromotrope stain
Specimens in 10 formalin
Wet mount (helminths protozoa) Direct mount
(epifluorescence Cyclospora, Isospora) Acid
fast stain (Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora,
Isospora) Direct immunofluorescent assay
(Giardia, Cryptosporidium) Safranin
stain (Cyclospora)
Formalin-ethyl acetate concentration
Specimens in PVA fixative
Trichrome stain (protozoa)
28Other Tests for Intestinal Parasites
- Collection techniques
- Immunological / Serological techniques
- Molecular techniques
29Other Tests for Intestinal Parasites
- Collection Techniques
- Scotch tape preparation
- Entero-test (string test)
30Other Tests for Intestinal Parasites
- Serologic Techniques
- Direct and indirect immunofluorescence
- Indirect hemagglutination
31Other Tests for Intestinal Parasites
- Molecular Techniques
- DNA probes
- Flow cytometry
32In Summary
- Specimen collection transport
- Macroscopic examination
- Microscopic examination
- Wet mounts
- Concentration
- Permanent stains
- Other tests