Affiliate Profit Mentor Tricks

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Affiliate Profit Mentor Tricks


Become a Super Affiliate with this insider trick. You can use this little known technique to earn 4 figures in just one day. Discover how top affiliates make a living online, and why newbies still struggle to make a couple of hundreds per month. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Affiliate Profit Mentor Tricks

Generate Huge Commission Checks!
Affiliate Profit Mentor Tricks Vol. 1
How to Become a Top-Selling Affiliate In
Any Affiliate Program
By Franck Silvestre
The Affiliate Profit Mentor
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If You Can Give Away Free eBooks, Reports,
Mini- Courses, Articles and Multimedia
Training, You Can Receive Big-Time Affiliate
Month After Month... Automatically!
Sign up free at the FREE Affiliate Marketing
The information presented herein represents the
view of the author as of the date of
publication. Because of the rate with which
conditions change, the author reserves the right
toalter and update his opinion based on the new
conditions. The report is for informationalpurpos
es only. While every attempt has been made to
verify the information provided in thisreport,
neither the author nor his affiliates/partners
assume any responsibility for errors,inaccuracies
or omissions. Any slights of people or
organizations are unintentional. If
adviceconcerning legal or related matters is
needed, the services of a fully qualified
professionalshould be sought. This report is not
intended for use as a source of legal or
accounting advice.You should be aware of any
laws which govern business transactions or other
businesspractices in your country and state. Any
reference to any person or business whether
living ordead is purely coincidental.
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How To Generate More Sales,Profits And
Commissions ForANY Affiliate Program
With Incentive Marketing
Discover how YOU can create an unfair advantage
over all otheraffiliates, even if you don't have
a large mailing list, high-traffic website or
industry-wide influence, by using exclusive free
incentives to pull in profits like never before!
The average affiliate is desperate for some
serious training in affiliate marketing. This
series is forall affiliates who want more than a
couple of banners, a handful of classified ads
and anoccasional rah-rah speech.
This series is for you.
Let's get started with a question that is going
to define what you learn in Volume 1...
Why do some affiliates sell more than others?
It's not a trick question. Go ahead and think
about it just for a second. In fact, grab a pen
andsome paper and jot down a few ideas. I'll
lt5 Minute Break -- Seriously, make your listgt
OK, so you've got your list, right? If nothing
else, you made a mental list. And what are some
reasons that you came up with for that question
"why do some affiliates sell more than others?"
Did you respond with any of these answers...
? Some affiliates sell more because they have
a ... large mailing list.
? Some affiliates sell more because they have
a ... high traffic website.
? Some affiliates sell more because they have
a ... well known reputation.
? Some affiliates sell more because they have a
...large advertising budget.
? Some affiliates sell more because they have
an ... influential network.
? Some affiliates sell more because they have
an ... unfair advantage.
Your list probably includes one or more of those
answers.And you're not alone.
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And you're also not incorrect. These are all
plausible answers that explain why some
affiliates sellmore than others.
I want you to review that list again. And I want
you to examine it, because there is an
importantcommon denominator in there that I want
to point out.
Do you see it?
In EACH of the above listed reasons, the
affiliate has a competitive edge over the average
affiliate. Whether it is a large list or a high
traffic website, the fact remains that many top
affiliatesaren't competing on a LEVEL playing
field. They have something that the majority of
affiliates donot have advantage.
Now, here's the deal, my friend. I can't wave a
magic wand and get you a large mailing list. I
can'tsay "Abracadabra" and create a traffic jam
at your website. And I can't suddenly catapult
yourreputation to an exclusive "Who's Who"
But, I can help you create an advantage.
And that's what I want to share with you in Super
Affiliate Strategies Volume 1. I want to
teachYOU (yep, you!) how to create an advantage
over other affiliates. I'm going to show you how
tocreate an exclusive offer that is ONLY
That's an advantage.
It's an advantage because it can't be found
anywhere else. It's an advantage because,
ifsomeone wants to take you up on your offer,
We'll get to that.
Offline marketers have been doing it for years --
and it works great!So, why not follow their lead
and use the same techniques online?A handful of
folks are doing it, and sales are coming in like
Let me give you an example from the real world.
Suppose you are looking to purchase a new carand
you visit several different dealerships.
All of them have the EXACT same car that you are
interested in purchasing. All are priced at
theEXACT same price. Every factor is the same
...except for one.
One of the dealerships offers you an incentive.
If you purchase the vehicle from him, he will
throwin a year's supply of gasoline!
Now I ask you, which of the dealerships are you
going to make your purchase from?If you chose
anyone but the dealer offering the free gasoline probably shouldn't be on the road driving!
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Obviously, with all factors the same, you would
want to make your purchase from the dealer
whooffered you MORE value for your money.
Affiliate programs are kind of like car
dealerships - at least in one regard. Every
affiliate in aparticular program offers the
EXACT same product at the EXACT same price. All
factorsconcerning the affiliate program are
basically the same for every affiliate.
So, who's going to make the sale?
The one who offers the added incentive, that's
The one who creates the advantage, the exclusive
Why should anyone buy through YOUR affiliate link
when there are potentially thousandsof other
affiliates promoting the same offer? Do you think
it's because you promoted the offer FIRST? You
might be surprised...
Just a couple of days ago I received an email
from one of my regular customers. He thanked
mefor sending him an email about a new product
that I had begun promoting. He explained that
hewas just about to buy the same product from
someone else when he received my email.
Ofcourse, I offered an INCENTIVE - a product of
my own valued at the same amount of the productI
was promoting. He excitedly reported to me that
he was going to purchase from ME instead ofthe
other guy, SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE I had the extra
bonus included in my offer.
A few minutes later his order came in.
Want to outsell other affiliates? Want to outsell
them even though you are all promoting the
EXACT same product at the EXACT same price? Want
to create an advantage that levels theplaying
field with the "big boys" who have the large
lists and large budgets?
Offer MORE!
You need to create an incentive. Some unique and
exclusive reason why folks should orderthrough
YOUR affiliate link and not one of your
Folks tend to think that that whoever gets the
word out FIRST about a new product will make
thesale. That isn't always the case. In fact, it
could be just the opposite.
Research shows that it takes, on average, 7
exposures to an offer before someone actually
makes a purchase. Most folks receive the same,
tired old "product announcement" email from
ahalf dozen or more affiliates in the exact same
24 hour period.
They get home from work and find a slew of
affiliates all wanting to make the sale on the
Who will they buy from? (If they buy at all from
this first batch of offers)
If 5 affiliates send out the standard email that
their affiliate program manager gave them to
sendout as one of the "marketing materials" for
the product, and 1 affiliate sent an email with a
freehigh-quality offer attached for the same
..I'm guessing they'd go with the 1 affiliate who
did things differently.
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What do you think?
You're probably thinking "give me that year's
supply of free gas for my new car!" Right?
You need to create an incentive, an unfair
advantage over your competition. You need
somethingthat convinces folks to buy from you.
Don't worry, you don't have to come up with the
idea on your own. I'm going to provide you
withsome real examples that you can use
yourself. There are only a handful of folks out
there whoare using this information -- so you'll
be getting in on the ground floor.
I can tell you this -- don't waste any time. This
eBook will soon be in the hands of thousands
offolks. And some of them will be your
Don't wait for them to beat you to the punch.
Put this plan into action. There are only 4 easy
steps. Let's get 'em rolling...
Step One gtgt Develop an
exclusive, high-quality free incentive to grab
theattention of your contacts
This is where we will spend the bulk of our time.
This is the most import part of the strategy --
determining what is going to set you apart from
other affiliates and give you that advantage
thatwill help increase your sales and profits.
Step one, quite obviously, is to develop your
incentive. What is it that you want to give away?
Determine what it is that you wish to offer as
your incentive for making the purchase from
YOURaffiliate link.
And not just "another free eBook." Good grief,
hasn't that been beaten to death already?
C'mon,be original. Be YOU -- offer something
that can't be found anywhere else.
It's got to be "high-quality." No junk. Something
that is useful and valuable. Something that
thecustomer would be likely to buy on its own
merits, and would be ecstatic to receive for free
bymaking an affiliate purchase.
After all, two great products for the price of
one is an offer few can resist.
What I want to do here is give you some specific
examples of WHAT you can offer as an
incentive. Here are 9 examples of incentives you
can use to pull in more affiliate sales,
includingsome real folks who are using these
ideas to become top affiliates...
1.1 Graphic Design. Are you handy with the
graphic design software? Why not offer a
freegraphic design to anyone making a purchase
through YOUR affiliate link.
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Watch this. This is cool. Find a PLR site that
offers monthly ebooks.
Now, here's what you can do. Creates a unique
Then give them away FREE to anyone who joins
through your affiliate link.
Are you handy with graphic design? Offer a free
design for folks who buy through YOUR
Or, maybe you'd like to promote a web hosting
company like the UMC. They pay out 8.40 per
month for every new hosting account you refer.
So, offer an incentive to get more sales. Layout
awebpage design for someone who hosts through
your UMC affiliate link. Offer a set of
webpagetemplates to anyone who joins through
your affiliate link.
Go one step further and offer a free custom
graphic or webpage design for anyone who
ordershosting through your reseller ID.
Just think of the possibilities here. And that's
for ONE category of incentive. There are
1.2 Free advertising. Here's one that just about
anyone can offer -- if they want to. And that is
tooffer some kind of free advertising.
Maybe you'd like to promote www.mynetmarketingland
.com because you earn a nice commissionon
something that sells very easily. So, what do you
do? How about this...
"Talk about free advertising -- if you order the
Affiliate Profit Mentorthrough this link, then I
am going to give you FOUR 100 FREEclassified
ads in my upcoming newsletter."
Voila. You've created an incentive. An advantage.
A reason for someone to purchase the
AffiliateProfit Mentor through YOUR affiliate
link instead of another affiliate's link.
How about offering a free solo mailing to your
entire list? Or, an endorsement mailing? Or,
anentire package of advertising (you could
realistically offer a free package of ads IF the
producthad a large enough commission to justify
You simply offer free advertising to anyone who
purchases a particular product or service
thatyou are promoting. Let them promote whatever
ad they choose. Unless your advertising
staysbooked up -- most ezine publishers don't
have that luxury -- then it's a good use of your
space.You earn a quick commission and you offer
a valuable incentive to your customers.
Or, how about the reverse of this idea Let's
suppose that you sell top sponsor ads to your
ezinefor 40.00, but you and I both know that
sales aren't that great for your ezine ads. In
fact, youhaven't sold one in months. How about
this offer...
"Want a FREE copy of any 40.00 eBook online? For
the next five
folks who order a top sponsor ad in my ezine,
I'll buy you a copyof ANY eBook of your choosing
up to 40.00 in value. Order yourad, send me the
website address of the eBook you want and
I'llbuy it in your name and send you the
download details."
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Do you see what happened there? You used free
advertising to increase your sales. You buy
the40.00 eBook through YOUR affiliate link at
whatever website the customer provides you with
--probably earning you a 50 commission (most
eBooks offer a 50/50 split on profits). So, you
stillearn 20.00 on ad space that was just
sitting there otherwise.
Free advertising is a great incentive to get
folks to buy through your affiliate link.But,
there's more...
1.3 A Service. I already mentioned graphic design
in a separate category, simply because agreat
many people have this talent (or can easily
arrange for it) and it is in such
demand.However, graphic design isn't the only
service incentive you can offer. How about
Proofreading / Editing. Everyone who does
business online needs a proofreader.
Everyone. Whether it is to proofread a sales
letter or an ezine article or a solo mailing ora
full-length eBook, we ALL need someone to check
for grammatical and typographicerrors. Are you
able to proofread for others? Then, why not offer
that as a FREE servicefor folks who order a
product through your affiliate program link?
Think of all the productsyou can promote and
offer your proofreading as a free bonus incentive
------gt Anyproduct or service that requires the
user to write a single word! That's a lot of
Review. Do you have valuable experience in
critiquing materials? Why not use that asa
freebie to those who purchase through your
reseller link? Offer a free critique of
thecompleted sales letter for anyone who
purchases the Affiliate Profit Mentor through
yourlink. Or, offer to review someone's
completed eBook if they order through your
referral.You can offer advice for the first 4
issues of a new ezine, if the publisher buys a
copy ofAffiliate Profit Mentor by clicking on
your affiliate link. See how this works? You can
apply it to dozens of different product offers by
reviewing things like sales letters,classified
ads, solo mailings, webpages, eBooks, reports,
eCourses, newsletters,proposals, contracts, etc.
Setup. One of the biggest challenges facing
many folks online deals with setting upthings.
Either they don't have the time or they don't
have the knowledge. Here's whereyou come in. If
someone buys a product through your referral,
then you set things up forthem. If they order
hosting, then you could upload their webpage
files and verify theirorder links. If they order
an autoresponder service, then you can ensure
that theirmessages are formatted properly. If
they order a javascript, then you can insert it
intotheir HTML code for them. The possibilities
here are unlimited.
The great thing about providing a free service
for someone is the fact that the only thingyou
are really investing is your time. Which means,
you would be trading time forcommissions earned
from your special offer. Most folks would gladly
trade an hour oftheir lives for 25.00 - 50.00
in commissions earned.
Think about the potential here. You begin
making a service offer -- doing something you
enjoydoing anyway -- and folks start taking you
up on it. You spend a few hours each week,
earning25.00 - 50.00 per hour in commissions
from the affiliate program you promoted.
What happens when your offer becomes more and
more mainstream and you begin making it formore
and more affiliate programs and you have more and
more people accepting your incentiveand ordering
through your affiliate program.
It could lead into a full-time position of
providing the services and skyrocketing your
income. Let's say that you average working 60
minutes per sale -- it would only take 35-40
salesper week to become full-time status.
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And 35-40 sales X 25-50.00 commission per sale
A potential of 2,000 / week or a
bonafidesix-figure income online each year
through affiliate programs...simply because you
began offeringa service.
Now, I realize that those numbers sound
far-fetched. So does earning 200,000 a year
with19.97 eBooks, but that's a reality for me.
So, don't let the potential seem unreachable.
Is it realistic to expect such numbers. Probably
not. But, let's say you earned half of that or
1/4 ofthat... most folks FAIL online, so earning
25,000 a year working part-time, doing something
youenjoy would be a tremendous success.
The point I want to make is this the opportunity
is here. If you can provide a service, then there
isno reason why you can't earn greater affiliate
commissions because of it. I can't promise you
acertain dollar amount of income and I won't
give you unrealistic expectations. The average
personwon't see this thing through.
And they won't see anything but average
commission checks.
If you want above average income in affiliate
marketing, then you've got to be an above
averageaffiliate. And that means applying the
things you learn -- and sticking to it.
The potential is here. Few will grasp it. But,
those that do will pull in a decent income
doingsomething they love doing.
And that is precisely the goal.
Sorry, I don't mean to give you the "rah-rah"
cheerleading speech. I'm not a coach and I
don'tdeliver motivational speeches.
OK, so maybe I do deliver them. And maybe this is
the perfect time for one.
Stop right there and analyze that statement
carefully and let it sink in -- "I will separate
myselffrom other affiliates."
You ARE going to be different. You are going to
give yourself an advantage over other
affiliates.You are going to do something they
aren't doing, offer something they aren't
...and profit in ways they aren't profiting!
Got it?
Rah-rah, go team. Pep talk is over. Let's move
A service of some kind is a great incentive to
boost sales. proofreading, editing, graphic
design,webpage creation, setup, etc. etc.
What do you do well? How can you provide it as a
free service? Get started.
1.4 Free Domain Registration. One of the largest
monthly commission that I receive comes fromthe
hosting company that I promote (and use), The
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I earn 8.40 per month for each customer that I
refer to them. Im not going to tell you how much
Iearn monthly from these guys, but its enough
that I am going to continue doing what I am
doingto get new customers.
I decided that I needed a unique approach. Being
a well known affiliate program, I knew that
there would be thousands of others out there
promoting them just like I am. How would I get
thecustomers instead of the other affiliates?
SIDEBAR Read that last paragraph again. Go
ahead. Read it and then come back to
That's where you are at right now. There are
hundreds, even thousands of other affiliatesout
there promoting the same product or service that
you are. How will you get thecustomers instead
of other affiliates?
That's the heartbeat of what we are examining in
this first volume of Super Affiliate
Strategies. How do give yourself an advantage
over the others promoting the same offer.You
don't want folks to order through you by chance
-- you want an "ace in the hole" thatgives you
the upper hand.
A marketer was doing something, and I thought it
was very clever. He decided to begin
offeringFREE domain registration from his
website. Anyone, for as many domains as they
wanted, couldget a free one year registration
...IF they agreed to host that domain at through
his affiliate link.
It cost him almost 10 to register a domain. So,
he had an investment for each new customer.
Itcost him 10 per customer -- which many would
say is waaaaaay too much to recruit a
But, here's the logic.
First of all, he immediately earned 10.00 when
the customer payed for their first month of
hosting through his affiliate link, and the
second month rolls around and he earns another
Now, hes actually profited from the investment.
Each month that the customer continued to host
with them, he continued to earn 10.00. Nowthat
initial investment is looking pretty good! o)
Bottom line Lots of hosting accounts earning him
10.00 each, PER MONTH. Why? Because ofa
DIFFERENT approach. He tried something unique
that no one else was offering. Sure, it costhim
a little going in, but it paid off quickly and
will continue to pay off for the lifetime of
Not a bad tradeoff.
So, there's what he did. Now, that's important to
me, but not to you. What's important to you
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So, what are you going to do?
Offering the same free domain registration
package that he did is still a GREAT idea for
someonewho wants to take it on. I don't know of
anyone else doing it. Should be some easy
Find yourself a quality hosting company that pays
a nice commission each month, preferably onewith
a great hosting package and no setup fees. And
then get to work promoting your incentive.Don't
worry, I'll show you how to do that in a later
chapter. o)
SIDEBAR I recommend the UMC (It's not a 2-tier
affiliate program, so I don't earn a pennyif you
start recruiting new members -- I just happen to
think it's a top-notch company anddon't have any
problems promoting it even if I'm not going to
earn a commission)_______________________________
And, this idea isn't reserved just for hosting
affiliate programs. There is another twist to
thisincentive that you can use for just about
ANY affiliate program...
1.5 Cash Rebate. My, my, my -- how the ideas fly
when I think of this incentive. This one is
likeCampbell's soup...
Mmm. Mmm. Good!
I was actually first clued-in to this incentive
just a few short months after I graduated high
schoolmany years ago.
There was a hot new MLM company on the rise -- I
won't mention any names. And a guy that
Igraduated with came over to a well known
marketer's apartment and wanted him to jump in
thenetwork in his downline.
He ranted and raved about the benefits of the
program and how much money he could make andhow
this was going to be the one to grab our fortunes
He also mentioned that it cost 297.00 in order
to join.
...He didn't have 297.00 for this sales kit and
sample products and all that stuff.
"Don't worry about it," his friend said. "I'll
pay your way in for free. It won't cost you a
thing to join."
His friend was willing to shell out nearly 300
in cash for him to join. And let me tell you the
truthhere, it wasn't because they were old high
school buddies and he wanted to cut him a break.
It was because he was willing to invest in him on
the front end, knowing that he'd earn
hisinvestment back and then some in just a short
amount of time.
You see, if he joined and then recruited anyone
else into the program, he would earn 100.00
perperson that he recruited when they ordered
their 297.00 kit. All he needed was for him to
findthree willing folks and his investment was
And then the money would really work for him. He
would earn a monthly commission on thethings he
bought each month AND a monthly commission on the
things the folks he recruited
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bought each month and all new distributor kits
and membership fees and monthly dues for 7levels
deep for every soul that came into his downline
through him.
That initial 297.00 investment in him is looking
pretty good now, huh?
What a tremendous, tremendous incentive -- and a
tremendous, tremendous way to get new
sales from hesitant folks, because you are taking
their risk away. You are removing their
excuseand providing them with a no-brainer
safety net.
Let's apply this tactic online by giving you some
real life examples. You'll find that this
strategy is especially effective in promoting
MONTHLY fee-based programs such as eBook
clubs,hosting, autoresponders, tracking tools,
There is a super affiliate right now who is
offering this He is involved in a monthly
program thatprovides a fresh new eBook that
members can sell with reprint rights.
He earns 20.00 per month, per customer he
refers. It costs the customer 29.97 to join.
Here iswhat he does...
He offers to reimburse the first month's fees to
anyone who joins the program through his
affiliatelink. That is, he sends them the entire
29.97 back to the new member. 20.00 of that was
hiscommission and the other 9.97 comes from his
own pocket.
So, he's down 9.97 in investment for the new
BUT, when month two rolls around and the customer
stays in the program, this super affiliateearns
his 20.00 commission
...and is now UP 10.03 for the new member.
And now he's going to earn 20.00 per month for
as long as the member remains active! Whichcould
be one more month or it could be years.
Tremendous opportunity.
SIDEBAR Learn this truth about MONTHLY fee-based
programs...the majority of folks arehesitant
about joining additional programs or services
that require ongoing fees. Theconversion rate
for affiliates who promote programs that are
billable every month issignificantly smaller
than the conversion rate for one-time purchase
The reason is because people are reluctant to
make a commitment for more monthlyexpenditures.
Their reason to be online as a netrepreneur is to
That's a big stumbling block to overcome. It
doesn't matter how "valuable" the offer is, alot
of folks just won't part with their money on an
ongoing basis without some convincing.
You convince them by removing their excuse, by
eliminating their risk offering a ZERO COST TO THEM opportunity to
test drive the product or service thatyou are
That's what the "cash rebate" category of
incentive marketing is all about.________________
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The idea is to offer an incentive that makes it
risk-free for your contacts to make a purchase.
Youtake the risk going in, hoping it will pay
off in the next month
..and beyond.
It's the perfect incentive for folks promoting
any product or service that is billable monthly.
You getthem into the program at no charge to
them -- they get hooked and decide to stay with
theprogram -- you earn income for as long as
they remain active. Nice system.
Here's a classic example the UMC is used by many
online marketers. With an Aweber
membership, you receive unlimited autoresponder
accounts. An unbelievable offer in itself.
Theaffiliate program pays a recurring commission
per month on two levels for every new
customeryou refer.
So, heres how you apply this cash rebate
incentive. You offer to pay a portion of the
first month'sfees for anyone who joins UMC
through your affiliate link.
If the customer stays for the next month, they
pay and you earn your commission.Here's why this
particular program is such a smooth one for
incentive marketing...few folks quit after the
first month.
Why? Firstly, because it is such an incredible
system and offers so much for such a small fee.
Itwould almost be foolish to cancel the darn
thing for tools that every netrepreneur uses.
Secondly, most of the members will end up joining
the affiliate program and start promoting
itthemselves. If they refer a few members, then
their own monthly fee is canceled out
incommissions. So, why quit something that isn't
costing you anything.
Finally, and most importantly it's too much
trouble to quit. They have their autoresponder
messages imported into the system. They have
leads who have subscribed to their mailing
lists.They have input their subscription forms
on their webpages. They have began advertising.
Itwould be a great big hassle to move all of
that to some other system, and it would be darn
nearinsane to simply cancel the account and lose
all of that. So, they stay, as you and I would
I'll be honest with you, I'd rather pay the fee
each month than to go to the hassle of moving it
somewhere else, even if someone was offering the
entire package for half the price. Once
thingsare in place, we simply don't like to move
them. That's why folks seldom change
hostingcompanies, as well. They've loaded all of
their files and they are comfortable with the
service andso they rarely leave.
And you have income pouring in month after month
because of INCENTIVE MARKETING. Youtake away
their risk on the front end, they love it and
begin profiting from it themselves and
haveinvested their time and energy into setting
things upand they stay with ya!
There are many ideas on how you can work this
idea into your affiliate marketing... Pay the
first month's membership dues.
Cover any setup fee costs. (I.E. some hosting
packages have a one-time setup fee)
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Pay for any enrollment or evaluation fees.
(I.E. Weight loss programs) Cover the cost of
shipping and handling. (I.E. If it is a tangible
good) Pay for the reproduction charges. (I.E.
Cassettes, CDs, manuals, etc.)
Cover any certification tuitions. (I.E. If they
require specialized training to participate)
Pay any annual renewal fees for life. (I.E. Some
programs require a small yearly fee)We could go
on and on here if we wanted to.
The point again is to make it RISK-FREE for the
potential customer. Why should they order
through your affiliate link instead of someone
else's? Because it's not going to cost them
anythingif they order through YOU!
There's your advantage.
I've experimented with this quite a bit myself
and with folks on my team, and the results
aresubstantial. In the overwhelming majority of
cases, the folks who join through these
risk-freeoffers remain active for, on average, 5
months. That's AVERAGE.
I've got many folks on my UMC clientele list who
have been with me over a year now...and they
show no signs of quitting anytime soon.
That's income that lands in my checking account
every month without a bit of additional work
onmy part. I do NOTHING but cash the commissions
when they come in.
Is this kind of incentive an advantage? I say
"yes" every time I send the money into my
bank.Actually, it's more like "Yes!!!" as I jump
in the air and click my heels together.You get
the idea.
Remove the risk and you'll add more customers to
your list.And more monthly income to your bank
1.6 Free Products. This idea is related to the
previous one, except it works with just about
anyaffiliate program offer, not exclusively for
recurring billing programs.
The idea here is the "up-the-ante" by adding
value to an affiliate program offer.
You didn't really think the "offer" was based on
what the affiliate program product or service
itselfis, did you?
Learn this truth right here ----gt Affiliate
program success isn't up to the guy at the top,
it's up toYOU. You are the wheels that turn the
big machine. You are the fuel that keeps the
motorrunning. You are the one in charge of your
success or failure.
Http// Affiliate
Profit Mentor Club
Don't ever forget that.
The offer that the owner of the affiliate program
places on the table doesn't have to be the
onethat arrives in front of the eyes of your
contacts. Remember, you want an advantage. You
don'twant your contacts to see the same thing
that every other affiliate's contacts see.
You are going to be different, because you have
an incentive.Same affiliate program product or
service -- different offer.
You see, when someone buys XYZ product through
your affiliate link, they are going to get
something more than just the XYZ product. You
will have put together an exclusive free
productthat raises the value of the purchase,
thereby changing the offer entirely.
Let me give you an examples to understand the
concept here in a way you can apply it
Example 1
Let's suppose you are promoting my Affiliate
Profit Mentor that shows folks how to makemoney
with affiliate marketing.
What does every person need once they start
affiliate marketing? They need a website.Offer
to pay for their first month of hosting (through
your recommended hosting company)and youll end
up getting both the up front sale and recurring
commissions as well.
With incentive marketing, you will actually be
able to sell more units because of youradvantage
over other affiliates. You can grab a larger
share of the market because ofadding value to
the offer -- which ultimately is going to
increase your sales and profits.
Bear in mind, these are just some examples I'm
not saying you need to use the exact affiliate
programs that I mentioned above. I just want you
to see some real-life application here. You
canAPPLY this theory to virtually any affiliate
program you want to promote.
You can mix and match programs and offers and
create something completely unique that
isunavailable anywhere else online and see your
affiliate commissions soar.
SIDEBAR Here's a crafty tip that I want to pass
on to you before I forget.
Keep an eye out for affiliate program contests.
Affiliate program managers are alwayswanting to
increase revenues, so they often set up contests
to "light a fire" under theiraffiliates and to
generate a quick boost in sales.
Here's where you can really be a "super"
affiliate achiever. Wait and use your
incentivemarketing until there is a contest in
the works. Some programs offer 500 or even
1000cash rewards for top performing affiliates.
You can cash in big-time by waiting until
acontest is going and THEN launch your special
incentive offer.
Not only will you see the results that we've
already been talking about, but you'll also
havea great opportunity to win the affiliate
contest, which will bring in additional bonus
incomefor you, and will usually get you
mentioned in the newsletter and / or webpage of
theaffiliate program as the top selling
More profits and more exposure -- what more can
you ask for?
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Remember this ------gt Depending upon what your
incentive is, you can probably use the
incentive (or at least a slight twist on the
incentive) for several different affiliate
programs.Keep your eyes open for contests and
you could become a top seller in several
1.7 Training. Are you an "expert" in any
particular field? Are you very knowledgeable when
itcomes to a specific function or portion of a
product / service you are promoting? Do you
havespecial insight into a certain aspect of an
offer you can promote?
If you can answer "yes" to any of that, then you
can use the incentive of "training" as your way
ofgrabbing more affiliate commissions. And, even
if you think the answer is "no" read thisanyway.
You might be surprised at your expertise!
Seriously -- read this entire sectionanyway, or
you'll miss something important.
So, why not offer one-on-one consultation for
anyone who buys a particular product or
servicethrough your affiliate link. You've got
several options...
Live chat sessions. You can hold once a week
training sessions live via a chat room atany of
a gazillion places online. Visit your favorite
search engine and search for "chat' tofind a
whole slew of options. Why not provide ongoing
training sessions that areexclusively available
for those who buy through your referral? This is
especially helpfulfor folks who are wanting to
buy and sell eBooks with reprint rights -- you
can provideweekly strategies for building their
businesses, covering different topics each
week.NOTE This would also be a great forum for
recommending other affiliate programs asyou
mention specific needs.
Messenger services. With MSN Messenger and
Yahoo and ICQ and an entire fleet ofother "live"
services, you can be available to answer
questions for your customers on an"as-needed"
basis. When you are online and can answer
questions -- simply turn yourmessenger system on
and they can contact you with help issues.
Email consultation. Another great way to
provide consultation is to allow yourcustomers
to email you with any questions that they might
have. They send theirquestions and you respond
with an answer.
Telephone. Last but not least, I know folks who
actually provide a telephone number fortheir
customers to contact them anytime they have
questions. These tend to be folks whoare
promoting high-ticket items, but it could apply
to any product or service.
Sure, a lot of these are support related issues
that the owner of the product or service will
provide. HOWEVER, nothing adds value quicker to
an offer than for the potential customer toknow
that YOU are there for them anytime they need you
-- that they have someone they knowthey can turn
to if they need some guidance.
You'll find that this can add a lot of
CREDIBILITY to the offer and take away some of
hesitancy that many people have. And, from my
experience, the number of folks who actuallytake
advantage of your training isn't a very large
It DOES add a tremendous value to the offer,
though. Just to have the reassurance that a
safetynet is there, a helping hand is there --
is exactly what some folks are looking for.
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Don't want to deal with folks one-on-one? No
problem. Why not offer some training
MATERIALS(instead of training SUPPORT) as your
Email tutorials. You can offer a free weekly
newsletter that is exclusively for folks who buy
aspecified product through your referral. This
would include ongoing answers to frequently
askedquestions, helpful hints and new ideas for
using the product or service they ordered.
HINT -------gt This would also give you an
opportunity to setup sponsorship ads for each
issue andmake additional product recommendations
for more profits on the "backend."
How about a set of training tips via
autoresponder? Each day -- or every 3-5 days, a
new tip isautomatically distributed to your
affiliate customers. Again, this adds value to
the offer byproviding something that no other
affiliate is offering. Here are some examples of
this in action...
"When you join the UMC through this link, you'll
receive the 10-Lesson eCourse, "How to Use
Autoresponders To Automate YourBusiness and
Skyrocket Your Profits In Less Than 30 Days."
Everythree days, you'll automatically receive a
brand new lesson thatwill teach you how to use
the UMC mailing system to put yourbusiness on
remote control and build new profit streams."
"I've put together a training series of 7 "action
steps" thatanyone can use in order to recruit
new affiliates for anyreseller program. If you
order the Affiliate Profit Mentor through
myreferral link below, I'll give you the
training series at ZEROCOST TO YOU. Franck's
Affiliate Profit Mentor shows you exactlyhow to
profit from an affiliate program -- and my bonus
traininglessons will show you exactly how to
recruit top-producingaffiliates to build an
instant stream of additional income foryour
Do you see the idea here? You can setup your own
incentive training for ANY affiliate
programproduct or service. It's an unbelievable
opportunity to simply further enhance the
existing offer byadding your own bonus that is
exclusively for YOUR customers.
Digital tutorials. You can take the same
concept and simply create an eBook out of your
information. Allow the customer to send you
their receipt for the purchase and you
immediatelygive them download information for
the eBook. There are dozens of ideas here,
10 Highly Effective, Tested Ways to Build Your
Downline for anyone joining an MLM
12 Super Strategies To Convert Browsers Into
Buyers for anyone who buysguaranteed visitors or
any kind of traffic generating product /service.
The Ezine Publisher's Profit Manual How to Sell
More to Your List for anyone whojoins a
list-building service or orders an eBook on
building lists.
Do you see how effective this can be as an
incentive? And did you notice that in each of the
examples above, the free eBook ENHANCES the
product or service that the customer ordered.
Itmakes it BETTER. It IMPROVES the offer. It
adds value to the purchase.
Think about it -- wouldn't someone who joins an
MLM want to have some additional tested waysto
build their downline? That's the first thing they
want to do, recruit new members!
Http// Affiliate
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What about someone who brings in traffic to their
website? Wouldn't they naturally want to knowhow
to make the most of that traffic and sell more of
their offer(s) to those visitors? Of course
And anyone who is interested in building a list
certainly wants to profit more from that list.
These are perfect fits for their respective
products -- and they are incredible incentives
for gettingfolks to buy through YOUR affiliate
SIDEBAR Newsflash Alert! Many people have taught
myself!) that you should give away free eBooks
and eCourses in order to generate leadsand
"upsell" or "presell" the reader to whatever
product or service you are promoting.
While this is still a very effective method of
promoting your favorite affiliate program
...word has gotten out! Folks are creating these
kinds of tools at a break-neck pace. It'stime to
do something different!
A super affiliate constantly adapts and adjusts
existing successfulstrategies and implements new
and improved versions.
NOW is the time to begin offering the incentive
not as a lead generator in an attempt to
upsell the reader to a sale, but rather as an
incentive to convince them to buy the productyou
are promoting in the first place!
With the proper presentation of your incentive
(more on that in anupcoming chapter), there is
no reason why you shouldn't be ableto have folks
begging to buy your recommendation in order to
gettheir hands on your bonus!
Audio tutorials. Audio tutorials have a higher
perceived value than eBook tutorials. So, why
notrecord your training tips and strategies and
share them in a downloadable audio file? You
cangrab some free software at http//
.com to get the job done.
Because of the large size of audio files, I'd
recommend that you limit your recordings to no
morethan 15 minute sessions. This can actually
be a selling point. After all 10 free audio
tutorialssounds like much more than 1 audio
tutorial -- even though the information and time
may beexactly the same.
Same concept as your digital tutorial would apply
for audios.
If the product or service you are promoting pays
a high enough commission to justify it, you
couldreally add value to the offer by
providing the audio tutorials on CD for the
customer to listen toanytime from their home or
vehicle. With duplication costs under 1.00 per
completed CD andburners under 100.00, this
could be an idea worth exploring. Or, you could
even have the entirething professionally
duplicated at under 3.00 per compact disc.
Do you see any other affiliates offering CD
training? Hmmmm.
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Video tutorials. Taking it to the ultimate
training incentive would be a video tutorial.
It's a factthat people learn the best and the
quickest if they can SEE someone actually walking
themthrough the steps. It's much easier to
duplicate something if you can visualize it, as
opposed toreading about it or hearing it
Screen cam videos created with software such as
Camtasia, are becoming more and more
popular online. Download times are a bit slow for
most folks because the files are usually
quitelarge, but with compression becoming much
better and internet connection speeds
increasing,video is definitely the choice of the
This would have the ultimate incentive value to
customers. "Wow, a free 5-video tutorial
setshowing me how to apply these strategies from
the ebook! Sign me up!"
1.8 A Package. A friend of mine has worked this
one to perfection. In fact, he is the TOPSELLING
affiliate in 3 different affiliate programs! Wow.
This guy knows what he is doing.
And what he does better than anyone I know is
using incentives to create affiliate sales. Let
megive you just a typical example of how he uses
incentives to boost his sales. Let's say he
wantedto promote a list building ebook. Here is
an ad that he would publish in his newsletter...
"My good friend Franck Silvestre has just emailed
me and let me know that hes madehis list system
available to the public! This is the closest
thing you can get to an actualone-on-one meeting
with a list marketing expert without spending
hundreds or eventhousands on a personal
And, since his offer is so crazy, I decided to
make it even crazier. When you purchase hiseBook
by Clickhing here lthe inserts his affiliate link
heregt then I'll throw in 1,000 freeleads to your
website (to help start building your list) and a
free copy of my brand neweBook, "How to Earn a
Full-Time Living Online In 3 Easy Steps."
After you make your purchase, just send me your
ticket number and I'll get your freebonus offers
out to you immediately."
Do you see how this works? I mean it works like a
charm. (It's the closest thing to that
magiclamp that you'll find) He offers a few
bonus items to the mix (that won't cost him a
penny!) andimmediately he has created an
exclusive offer that is found nowhere else
It doesn't cost him a penny because he already
owns the eBook that he created and he owns
aservice that provides free leads in exchange
for a contest that he runs.
Packages are a great way to offer an incentive to
generate more sales. The great thing about
thisone is, that ANYONE can put together a
tremendous package offer.
Let me explain.
You don't mind, do you? o)
Let's say you put together a package that is a
PRIVATE MEMBER'S ONLY site. In other words,you
setup a member's site that you have password
protected and the only folks who can get inare
the ones who order the product that you are
Put together a member's site that you GIVE AWAY.
Fill it with eBooks and eCourses and reportsand
articles and write a powerful sales letter that
makes the person WANT IT MORE THAN
Http// Affiliate
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talk about how to present youroffer in an
upcoming chapter)
SIDEBAR Light bulbs should be going off in your
head like Roman candles on the 4th ofJuly!
Ideas, ideas, ideas.
Every eBook, every eCourse, every report, every
article -- can all be used to promote
otheroffers on the "backend". This member's area
can be stocked full of goodies, but thosegoodies
can be used to bring in even more profits for
Offer eBooks that can be customized with YOUR
affiliate information. Visit to find articles you can post
in the member's area and link to theauthor's
affiliate program. What a backend!
I do want to point out that you should ONLY
include high-quality, useful materials in
yourprivate member's only area. Don't setup a
pitch-o-rama in there where you have nothingbut
glorified sales letters. That's a NO-NO. You want
to provide high-quality materials thatthe member
can actually use.
Sure, you can make additional offers in the
content -- but the content better be
So, you've got this Private Member's Only area
setup. And you begin offering it for FREE to
anyone who buys whatever product or service you
are promoting as an affiliate. Now, that can bea
powerful incentive if you do it right. Powerful.
If you put it together with high-quality
materialsand write a compelling sales letter
(yeah, a sales letter for a FREEBIE -- we'll talk
later on this),then you should be able to see a
sharp increase in affiliate commissions from your
Why? Because folks would be WILLING to buy the
member's only membership on its own merits
-- and to get it for free by making an additional
purchase is just too good to pass up...two
greatthings for the price of one?!
SIDEBAR Why not just put together a Private
Member's Only site and SELL
memberships? Mainly because (a) There are many of
them out there to compete with thathave
thousands of dollars in high-ticket items
included, (b) If you use free eBooks,reports,
articles, etc. -- most of the authors allow you
to GIVE the materials away, but notsell them.
(c) Chances are, by giving away membership to
increase affiliate commissions,you'll be the
only affiliate making such an offer and can
generate easy sales!_____________________________
Here's another great thing about this idea
------gt You can use the Private Member's Only
site toPROMOTE DOZENS of offers! Think about it.
Let's say you put together a member's only
sitethat is focused on "web marketing." There
are HUNDREDS of affiliate programs you
couldpromote in giving away the memberships as
an incentive! Just setup different pages (more
onthis later) for the various offers and begin
driving traffic to them.
Bottom line ------gt Would you order from someone
who offered nothing but an affiliate link, or
thisguy who is giving you 75.00 in freebies for
grabbing the product through his link?
You aren't the only one! The handful of folks who
are using this strategy are pulling in profits
likea dentist pulls teeth.
Http// Affiliate
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1.9 An exclusive eBook. I'm not going to spend a
lot of time explaining this one. By now,
youeither understand the concept, or you don't.
I'm thinking you do. You look like a sharp one.
The idea is to put together an eBook filled with
useful information -- usually from a mixture of
freearticles and your own added comments -- and
offer it as an incentive for anyone buying
aspecified product or service through your
reseller link.
These kinds of eBooks are easy to put together
and can actually be created in less than an hour.
Another angle of this is to GIVE AWAY the eBook
as a lead generator and then offer
FREECUSTOMIZATION of the eBook as the incentive.
I hope you realize the magnitude of just how
powerful and profitable this strategy can be.
It's abonafide money-maker for those who take
action.I promise you -- sooner or later --
yourcompetition will. Why not beat them to it?
We've discussed 9 different "kinds" or
"categories" of incentives, and numerous ideas
implementing those categories. Now, it's up to
you to determine what your specific incentive
isgoing to be.
But, you're only half done when you've put
together your incentive. As we are going to talk
aboutnext -- "presentation of your incentive is
JUST as important as then incentive itself."
Care to find out more?
Great! I thought you'd say that.
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Step Two gtgt Write a hard-to-refuse salesletter
that makes the visitor want yourincentive as
much as the product you are
I know what you're thinking.
No, I'm not a psychic. I don't have a crystal
ball and I can't see into the future.But, I CAN
almost read your mind.
If you're like most folks, you're thinking "Write
a sales letter for something I'm GIVING
AWAY?"with kind of a puzzled look on your face.
You betcha. You are going to write a sales letter
for your free incentive as if it were a product
youwere selling instead of giving away. Stay
with me now, because this is INCREDIBLY
Here's where most folks make their big mistake
with incentives. They develop a decent
enoughfreebie and then they blow it by putting a
tiny blurb on their webpage that briefly mentions
Learn this ------gt You don't need a blurb on a
webpage to promote your need
awebpage to promote your incentive! That's right
a full page that does nothing but promote
And it starts with a sales letter. I know, I know
-- it seems strange to write a sales letter
forsomething you aren't selling.
But, remember, you ARE selling something -- your
affiliate program offer.
And in order to do that with your incentive
offer, you must CONVINCE the visitor that they
needyour freebie as much as they need the
affiliate program product.
I teach how to do this in the Affiliate Profit
Mentor Club. Click on the link below to join
gtgt Click To Join Today ltlt
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