Title: Migrate to Magento: Tips and Tweaks
1Tips and tweaks on Migrating to Magento!
- Paul Ryazanov
- Director of marketing
- QuartSoft Corp.
- T. 380 (95) 140-07-16
- pr_at_quartsoft.com
- quartsoft.com
Oleg Cherevatyy Commercial Director Cart2Cart
product oleg_at_shopping-cart-migration.com shoppin
2Reason for migration?
3Migrate from
4Migrate to
5Migration plan
- Analyze current store - Prepare webhosting -
Customize Magento - Verify SEO - Data migration -
Store launch - Post migration
6Migration plan
- Analyze current store - Prepare webhosting -
Customize Magento - Verify SEO - Data migration -
Store launch - Post migration
7Analyze current store Pros and cons of current
- Features you dont use anymore - Features you
are using - Features your customers want -
Usability report
8Analyze current store Analyze traffic
- Traffic report (for 3-6 recent months) -
Countries sending traffic (you may want to add
languages in Magento)- Paid and organic traffic
9Analyze current store Report from Search engines
- Traffic from different SE - Keywords rank in SE
and position - PR of current website - PPC
campaign data
10Analyze current store ROI
- Amount of sales report - Repeated sales -
Average bill - conversion
11Analyze current store Link report
- Sitemap - Internal links and cross linking -
Incoming links
12Migration plan
- Analyze current store - Prepare webhosting -
Customize Magento - Verify SEO - Data migration -
Store launch - Post migration
13Prepare webhosting Hosting requirements
- VPS - Apache 2.x, Nginx - PHP 5.2.13
(safe_mode off)- MySQL 4.1.20 (InnoDB storage
engine)- Ability to run scheduled jobs
(crontab)- Ability to override options in
.htaccess files
14Prepare webhosting Access requirements
- Domain control panel - Hosting control panel -
15Prepare webhosting Webhosting Settings
- Magento installation- SSL certificates-
Specific server settings (memory_limit no less
than 512Mb, separate server for
static/database is recommended)
16Migration plan
- Analyze current store - Prepare webhosting -
Customize Magento - Verify SEO - Data migration -
Store launch - Post migration
17Customize Magento UI Design
- Improve design keep good and do the best-
Use the Magento Theme- Utilize Magento
templates- Transfer a couple of products,
content to test
18Customize Magento Core Modules Configuration
- Shipping module (USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL and
other)- Payment gateways (PayPal, Google,
Authorize.net, Moneybookers)- SEO components
(Friendly Url, Meta, Permalinks)
19Customize Magento Add-On Modules Configuration
20Customize Magento Canonical URL for Magento
This extension adds the new canonical links to
the head of your Magento pages http//www.magento
21Customize Magento MetaRobots
There's no easy way to control meta robots tags
to Magento pages, unless of course, when you
install this module. http//www.magentocommerce.c
22Customize Magento Google AdWords Conversion
This module integrates Google AdWords Conversion
Tracking into Magento. It will add the conversion
tracking code to the onepage checkout success
page. http//www.magentocommerce.com/magento-conn
23Customize Magento Social Booster
Everyone knows how social media optimization
(SMO) is highly important for the site. Nowadays,
when millions of people are connected in social
networks, share news, images, articles and just
chatting, the next major challenge for online
business is to leverage all this to develop the
business. http//www.magentocommerce.com/magento-
24Customize Magento Data Feed Manager
Create csv, txt and xml data feeds for any search
engines, shopping engines or market
places. http//www.magentocommerce.com/magento-co
25Customize Magento OneStep Checkout Extension
This OneStep Checkout extension will increase
your sales by combining 6 steps in checkout
process to 1. http//www.magentocommerce.com/mage
26Customize Magento Gift Certification
Allow your customers to purchase and use Gift
Certificates. http//www.magentocommerce.com/mage
27Customize Magento Magento Optimization
28Customize Magento Speedster
Speed up your store by combining, compressing and
caching JS and CSS. http//www.magentocommerce.co
29Customize Magento HTML Minification
Simple and light extension which minifies HTML.
It reduces html document size by approx. 10 -
15. http//www.magentocommerce.com/magento-conne
30Customize Magento Nitrogento
Nitrogento is made to Boost Magento page load
time through many optimization mechanisms. http/
31Migration plan
- Analyze current store - Prepare webhosting -
Customize Magento - Verify SEO - Data migration -
Store launch - Post migration
32Verify SEO Content
- Keep optimized content- Create more valuable
pages- Check Meta Title and Description- Alt
tags for images
33Verify SEO URL Migration
- SEO friendly URLs- 301 redirect from old URLs
to new ones- Custom 404 error page (track
non-linked URLs)- Robots.txt file (make sure its
open for bots)
34Verify SEO Migration to a New Domain
- Point domain to new hosting - Verify ownership
google webmaster- Handle the www vs. non-www
issue- Protect folder with .htaccess /
robots.txt (until you are ready to go live)
35Verify SEO Final Steps
- Install Google Analytics- Submit a sitemap to
Google Webmaster Tools- Set up the domain
36Migration plan
- Analyze current store - Prepare webhosting -
Customize Magento - Verify SEO - Data migration -
Store launch - Post migration
37Data migration What to move
Products and images - attributes,
configurable products - downloadable,
bundle, virtual and group products-
Categories and images - Customers- Orders- and
38Data migration Potential problems
- Manual data transfer is time consuming -
Password encryption- Different structure-
Missing fields- Incomplete transfer- Duplicate
data- Language and charset- Currency and taxes
39Data migration Transfer process
- Research existing structure- Link old
architecture with Magento structure- Prepare
migration script(s)- Organize test transfer-
Verify migrated data - Run live migration once
you are ready
40- Manual data migration will take weeks or even
months Cart2Cart is an automated shopping cart
migration service, allowing to move all your
store data from over 37 other shopping carts to
Magento in only several hours or days. - Major Benefits
- Fully automated data migration of products,
- categories, customers, orders, etc.- Migration
Price Estimator - Free Demo Migration -
Assisted Migration Service
41Migration plan
- Analyze current store - Prepare webhosting -
Customize Magento - Verify SEO - Data migration -
Store launch - Post migration
42Store launch Final testing
- Step off and back in few days- Verify website
functionality (emails, forms etc.) - Verify
data- Make sure payment gateway switched to
43Store launch Activation schedule
- Set date and time- Estimate downtime (if any)
and deadline - Announce at old website -
Notification to customers
44Store launch Activation process
- Update domain TTL to 1 hour- Backup old data
and files to subdomain- Stop modifications and
checkout at old website- Migrate data- Setup
redirect / switch NS to new site- Notification
to customers
45Migration plan
- Analyze current store - Prepare webhosting -
Customize Magento - Verify SEO - Data migration -
Store launch - Post migration
46Post migration Post-migration monitoring
- Check pages in Google are properly linked-
Check all files are there- Check report of 404
pages and fix issues if any- Monitor PR -
Monitor traffic- Monitor ROI- Talk to customers
and get feedbacks
Bonus from QuartSoft Buy one extension and
get another one for free http//www.magentocomme
rce.com/magento-connect/developer/QuartSoft Bonu
s from Cart2Cart 5 off for data migration
with Cart2Cart Coupon code C2C-5PRES
49Happy Migration! Happy E-commerce!
- Paul Ryazanov
- Director of marketing
- QuartSoft Corp.
- T. 380 (95) 140-07-16
- pr_at_quartsoft.com
- quartsoft.com
Oleg Cherevatyy Commercial Director Cart2Cart
product oleg_at_shopping-cart-migration.com shoppin