Title: World%20Innovation%20Forum*%20(*Modesty%20is%20everything)%20%20EVERYTHING%20YOU%20THOUGHT%20YOU%20KNEW%20ABOUT%20INNOVATION%20IS%20WRONG*%20(*Except,%20of%20course,%20what%20the%20other%20presenters%20have%20said/will%20say)%20Tom%20Peters/New%20York/0524.2006
1World Innovation Forum(Modesty is
what the other presenters have said/will
say)Tom Peters/New York/0524.2006
2In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had
warfare, terror, murder, bloodshedand produced
Michelangelo, da Vinci and the Renaissance. In
Switzerland they had brotherly love, 500 years
of democracy and peace, and what did they
produceSource Orson Welles, as Harry Lime, in
The Third Man
3the cuckoo clock.
5 If you dont like change, youre going to
like irrelevance even less. General Eric
Shinseki, Chief of Staff. U. S. Army
6It is not the strongest of the species that
survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change. Charles Darwin
7The most successful people are those who are
good at plan B. James Yorke, mathematician,
on chaos theory in The New Scientist
8We are in a brawl with no rules. Paul Allaire
10Sams Secret 1!
11Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre
successes.Phil Daniels, Sydney exec
12In Toms world, its always better to try a swan
dive and deliver a colossal belly flop than to
step timidly off the board while holding your
nose. Fast Company /October2003
13Nelsons secret Other admirals more
frightened of losing than anxious to win
15What We Know For Sure About InnovationBig
mergers by large dont workScale is
over-ratedStrategic planning is the last refuge
of scoundrelsFocus groups are counter-productive
Built to last is a chimera (stupid)Success
killsForgetting is impossibleRe-imagine is a
charming ideaOrderly innovation process is an
oxymoronic phrase ( Believed only by morons
with ox-like brains)Tipping points are easy to
identify long after they will do you any
goodFacts arentAll information making it to
the top is filtered to the point of danger and
hilaritySuccess stories are the illusions of
egomaniacs (and gurus)If you believe the
cause effect memoirs of CEOs you should be
institutionalizedHerd behavior (XYZ is hot)
is ubiquitous and amusingTop teams are
DittoheadsStatistically, CEOs have little
effect on performanceExpert prediction is
rarely better than rolling the dice
17Smashing Conventional Wisdom Blitzkrieg in fact
emerged in a rather haphazard way from the
experience of the French campaign, whose success
surprised the Germans as much as the French. Why
otherwise did the High Command try on various
occasions, with Hitlers backing, to slow the
panzers down? The victory in France came about
partly because the German High Command
temporarily lost control of the battle. The
decisive moment in this process was Guderians
decision to move immediately westward on 14 May,
the day after the Meuse crossing, wrenching the
whole of the rest of the army along behind
him. messed up traffic, little close air
support, random heroics by some small bits of
Guderians forces, Guderian not a disciple of
the WWI-derived strategy of indirect
approach Source Julian Jackson, The Fall of
18 False AttributionsGerman
citizenry low morale, no appetite for war3rd
Republic government rather well regardedFrench
Army in good shape, surprisingly well armed,
decent strategy (in dozens of simulations, French
usually win)Blitzkrieg not usedGermans very
vulnerableLousy French intelligence and luck
perhaps determinant (intelligence information
tends to be sifted to reinforce received ideas
rather than to overturn them)Many plausible
competing hypothesesSource Julian Jackson, The
Fall of France (cf Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Fooled
by Randomness The Hidden Role of Chance in Life
and in the Markets.)
19First-level Scientific SuccessThe smartest guy
in the room winsOr
20First-level Scientific SuccessFanaticismPersist
ence-Dogged TenacityPatience (long
haul/decades)-Impatience (in a hurry/do it
(Grant-ian) EnthusiasmDriven (nuts!) (Brutal?)
(R.F!A.)Scrounge (gets the logistics-infrastruc
ture bit)Master of Politics (internal-external)T
actical GeniusPursuit of (Oceanic)
Excellence!High EQ/Skillful in Attracting
Keeping Talent/MagneticProlific (ground up more
pig brains)EgocentricSense of
History-DestinyFuturistic-In the
MomentMono-dimensional (Work-life balance?
Ha!)Exceptionally IntelligentExceptionally
Clever (methodological shortcuts/methodological
21Containerization Malcom McLean
22LessonsNeed-drivenA thousand
tiontrial ERRORLoooong time for systemic
adaptation/s(many innovations) (bill of lading,
standard time)Not Plan-drivenThe product
of Strategic Thinking/PlanningThe product of
focus groups
23Innovations Secrets Revealed Get mad. Do
something about it. Now.
29Franchise Lost! TP How many of you 600
really crave a new Chevy?NYC/IIR/061205
30Deutsche Bank Moves Half of Its Back-office Jobs
to India/ headline/FT/0327 500 of 900 Research
JPMorgan Chase30 back-office by 12.31.07
31New Economy?!Genentech09, Amgen09 gt Merck09
32New Economy?!Sergey Larry gt Harvard/370
34Forbes100 from 1917 to 1987 39 members of the
Class of 17 were alive in 87 18 in 87 F100
18 F100 survivors underperformed the market by
20 just 2 (2), GE Kodak, outperformed the
market 1917 to 1987.SP 500 from 1957 to 1997
74 members of the Class of 57 were alive in 97
12 (2.4) of 500 outperformed the market from
1957 to 1997.Source Dick Foster Sarah
Kaplan, Creative Destruction Why Companies That
Are Built to Last Underperform the Market
35I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs
seeking escape from life within huge corporate
structures, How do I build a small firm for
myself? The answer seems obvious Buy a very
large one and just wait. Paul Ormerod, Why
Most Things Fail Evolution, Extinction and
36A pattern emphasized in the case studies in this
book is the degree to which powerful competitors
not only resist innovative threats, but actually
resist all efforts to understand them, preferring
to further their positions in older products.
This results in a surge of productivity and
performance that may take the old technology to
unheard of heights. But in most cases this is a
sign of impending death. Jim Utterback,
Mastering the Art of Innovation
37ForgetgtLearnThe problem is never how to get
new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how
to get the old ones out. Dee Hock
38The difficulties arise from the inherent
conflict between the need to control existing
operations and the need to create the kind of
environment that will permit new ideas to
flourishand old ones to die a timely death. We
believe that most corporations will find it
impossible to match or outperform the market
without abandoning the assumption of continuity.
The current apocalypsethe transition from a
state of continuity to state of discontinuityhas
the same suddenness as the trauma that beset
civilization in 1000 A.D. Richard Foster
Sarah Kaplan, Creative Destruction (The
McKinsey Quarterly)
39But what if former head of strategic planning
at Royal Dutch Shell Arie De Geus is wrong in
suggesting, in The Living Company, that firms
should aspire to live forever? Greatness is
fleeting and, for corporations, it will become
ever more fleeting. The ultimate aim of a
business organization, an artist, an athlete or a
stockbroker may be to explode in a dramatic
frenzy of value creation during a short space of
time, rather than to live forever. Kjell
Nordström and Jonas Ridderstråle, Funky Business
40F500 Exodus1970-1990 4XSource The
Company, John Micklethwait Adrian Wooldridge
(1974-2000 One-half biggest 100 disappear)
41Exit, Stage Right CEO departure rate,
1995-2004 300Source Booz Allen Hamilton
42The Bottleneck Is at the Top of the
BottleWhere are you likely to find people
with the least diversity of experience, the
largest investment in the past, and the greatest
reverence for industry dogma At the top!
Gary Hamel/Harvard Business Review
43When asked to name just one big merger that had
lived up to expectations, Leon Cooperman, former
cochairman of Goldman Sachs Investment Policy
Committee, answered Im sure there are success
stories out there, but at this moment I draw a
blank. Mark Sirower, The Synergy Trap
44Not a single company that qualified as having
made a sustained transformation ignited its leap
with a big acquisition or merger. Moreover,
comparison companiesthose that failed to make a
leap or, if they did, failed to sustain itoften
tried to make themselves great with a big
acquisition or merger. They failed to grasp the
simple truth that while you can buy your way to
growth, you cannot buy your way to greatness.
Jim Collins/Time/2004
45Spinoffs perform better than IPOs track record,
profits freed from the confines of the parent
more entrepreneurial, more nimble Jerry
Knight/Washington Post/08.05
46Market Share, Anyone? 240 industries
Market-share leader is ROA leader 29 of the
time Source Donald V. Potter, Wall Street
47 Market Share, Anyone? 240
industries Market- share leader is ROA
leader 29 of the time Profit /ROA
leaders aggressively weed out
customers who generate low returns
Source Donald V. Potter, Wall Street
48I dont believe in economies of scale. You dont
get better by being bigger. You get worse.
Dick Kovacevich/Wells Fargo/Forbes/08.04 (ROA
Wells, 1.7 Citi, 1.5 BofA, 1.3 J.P. Morgan
Chase, 0.9)
49Scale?Microsofts Struggle With Scale
Headline, FT, 09.2005Troubling Exits at
Microsoft Cover Story, BW, 09.2005Too Big
to Move Fast? Headline, BW, 09.2005
50While many people big oil finds with big
companies, over the years about 80 percent of the
oil found in the United States has been brought
in by wildcatters such as Mr Findley, says Larry
Nation, spokesman for the American Association of
Petroleum Geologists. WSJ, Wildcat Producer
Sparks Oil Boom in Montana, 0405.2006
51Almost every personal friend I have in the world
works on Wall Street. You can buy and sell the
same company six times and everybody makes money,
but Im not sure were actually innovating.
Our challenge is to take nanotechnology into the
future, to do personalized medicine Jeff
52More than 1 RD spending, last 25 years?
55Bacteria. (Left tail limits.)Productivity of
small.Failure rate of Big Mergers.Failure rate
of Big Companies.Terrorists.Galbraith vs Hayek.
56Theres A and then theres A.
58What We Know For Sure About InnovationBig
mergers by large dont workScale is
over-ratedStrategic planning is the last refuge
of scoundrelsFocus groups are counter-productive
Built to last is a chimera (stupid)Success
killsForgetting is impossibleRe-imagine is a
charming ideaOrderly innovation process is an
oxymoronic phrase ( Believed only by morons
with ox-like brains)Tipping points are easy to
identify long after they will do you any
goodFacts arentAll information making it to
the top is filtered to the point of danger and
hilaritySuccess stories are the illusions of
egomaniacs (and gurus)If you believe the
cause effect memoirs of CEOs you should be
institutionalizedHerd behavior (XYZ is hot)
is ubiquitous and amusingTop teams are
DittoheadsStatistically, CEOs have little
effect on performanceExpert prediction is
rarely better than rolling the dice
59Characteristics of the Also ransMinimize
riskRespect the chain of commandSupport the
bossMake budgetFortune, on Most Admired
Global Corporations
60Under his former boss, Jack Welch, the skills GE
prized above all others were cost-cutting,
efficiency and deal-making. What mattered was the
continual improvement of operations, and that
mindset helped the 152 billion industrial and
finance behemoth become a marvel of earnings
consistency. Immelt hasnt turned his back on the
old ways. But in his GE, the new imperatives are
risk-taking, sophisticated marketing and, above
all, innovation. BW/2005
61Immelt is now identifying technologies with
which GE will systematically set out to build
entirely new industries StrategyBusiness, Fall
62Analysts preferred cost cutting as long as
they could see two or three years of EPS growth.
I preached revenue and the analysts eyes would
glaze over. Now revenue is in because so many
got caught, and earnings went to hell. They said,
Oh my gosh, you need revenues to grow earnings
over time. Well, Duh! Dick Kovacevich,
Wells Fargo
63CROChief Revenue Officer
64 EXCELLENCE. 4/40.
67Decentralization is not a piece of paper. Its
not me. Its either in your heart, or not.
Brian Joffe/BIDvest
69Ninety percent of what we call management
consists of making it difficult for people to get
things done. Peter Drucker
70TP/BW on BigCo Sin 1 too much talk, too little
71Execution is the job of the business leader.
Larry Bossidy Ram Charan/ Execution The
Discipline of Getting Things Done
72Execution is a systematic process of
rigorously discussing hows and whats,
tenaciously following through, and ensuring
accountability. Larry Bossidy Ram Charan/
Execution The Discipline of Getting Things Done
73We have a strategic plan. Its called doing
things. Herb Kelleher
74 This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is
amazing how few oil people really understand that
you only find oil if you drill wells. You may
think youre finding it when youre drawing maps
and studying logs, but you have to drill.
Source The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian
O G wildcatter
75 You only find oil if you drill wells.
Source The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian
O G wildcatter
76Never forget implementation boys. In our work
its what I call the missing 98 percent of the
client puzzle. Al McDonald
78Realism is the heart of execution. Larry
Bossidy Ram Charan/Execution The Discipline
of Getting Things Done
79GE has set a standard of candor. There is no
puffery. There isnt an ounce of denial in the
place. Kevin Sharer, CEO Amgen, on the GE
mystique (Fortune)
81????????Work Hard gt Work Smart
82This adolescent incident of getting from
point A to point B is notable not only because
it underlines Grants fearless horsemanship and
his determination, but also it is the first known
example of a very important peculiarity of his
character Grant had an extreme, almost phobic
dislike of turning back and retracing his steps.
If he set out for somewhere, he would get there
somehow, whatever the difficulties that lay in
his way. This idiosyncrasy would turn out to be
one the factors that made him such a formidable
general. Grant would always, always press
onturning back was not an option for him.
Michael Korda, Ulysses Grant
83He who has the quickest O.O.D.A. Loops
wins!Observe. Orient. Decide. Act. / Col.
John Boyd
84 EXCELLENCE. 4/40.
86Summary/The SE22 Origins of Sustainable
87 SE22/Origins of Sustainable
Entrepreneurship 1. Genetically disposed to
Innovations that upset apple carts (3M, Apple,
FedEx, Virgin, BMW, Sony, Nike, Schwab,
Starbucks, Oracle, Sun, Fox, Stanford
University, MIT) 2. Perpetually determined to
outdo oneself, even to the detriment of
todays winners (Apple, Cirque du Soleil,
Nokia, FedEx) 3. Treat History as the Enemy
(GE) 4. Love the Great Leap/Enjoy the Hunt
(Apple, Oracle, Intel, Nokia, Sony) 5. Use
Strategic Thrust Overlays to Attack Monster
Problems (Sysco, GSK, GE, Microsoft) 6. Establish
a Be on the COOL Team Ethos. (Most PSFs,
Microsoft) 7. Encourage Vigorous
Dissent/Genetically Noisy (Intel, Apple,
Microsoft, CitiGroup, PepsiCo) 8. Culturally as
well as organizationally Decentralized
(GE, JJ, Omnicom) 9. Multi-entrepreneurship/Many
Independent-minded Stars (GE, PepsiCo)
88 SE22/Origins of Sustainable
Entrepreneurship 10. Keep decentralizingtireles
s in pursuit of wiping out Centralizing
Tendencies (JJ, Virgin) 11. Scour the world for
Ingenious Alliance Partners especially
exciting start-ups (Pfizer) 12. Acquire for
Innovation, not Market Share (Cisco, GE) 13.
Dont overdo pursuit of synergy (GE, JJ, Time
Warner) 14. Execution/Action Bias Just do it
dont obsess on how it fits the business
model. (3M, J J) 15. Find and Encourage and
Promote Strong-willed/ Hyper-smart/Independe
nt people (GE, PepsiCo, Microsoft) 16. Support
Internal Entrepreneurs (3M, Microsoft) 17. Ferret
out Talent anywhere/No limits approach to
retaining top talent (Virgin, GE, PepsiCo)
89 SE22/Origins of Sustainable
Entrepreneurship 18. Unmistakable Results
Accountability focus from the get-go to the
grave (GE, New York Yankees, PepsiCo) 19. Up or
Out (GE, McKinsey, consultancies and law firms
and ad agencies and movie studios in
general) 20. Competitive to a fault! (GE, New
York Yankees, News Corp/Fox,
PepsiCo) 21. Bi-polar Top Team, with Unglued
Innovator 1, powerful Control Freak 2
(Oracle, Virgin) (Watch out when 2 is
missing Enron) 22. Masters of Loose-Tight/Hard-no
sed about a very few Core Values,
Open-minded about everything else (Virgin)
90FLASH! Innovation is easy!
91The surplus society has a surplus of similar
companies, employing similar people, with
similar educational backgrounds, coming up with
similar ideas, producing similar things, with
similar prices and similar quality. Kjell
Nordström and Jonas Ridderstråle, Funky Business
92To grow, companies need to break out of a
vicious cycle of competitive benchmarking and
imitation. W. Chan Kim Renée Mauborgne,
Think for Yourself Stop Copying a Rival,
Financial Times/2003
93American political life has been overwhelmed
by marketing professionals, consultants and
pollsters who, with the flaccid acquiescence of
the politicians, have robbed public life of much
of its romance and vigor. Joe Klein, Politics
94Consultants have drained a good deal of the
life from our democracy. Specialists in
caution, they fear anything they havent
tested. Joe Klein, Politics Lost
95Innovations Saviors-in-WaitingDisgruntled
CustomersOff-the-Scope CompetitorsRogue
EmployeesFringe SuppliersWayne Burkan, Wide
Angle Vision Beat the Competition by Focusing on
Fringe Competitors, Lost Customers, and Rogue
96CUSTOMERS Future-defining customers may account
for only 2 to 3 of your total, but they
represent a crucial window on the
future.Adrian Slywotzky, Mercer Consultants
97If you worship at the throne of the voice of
the customer, youll get only incremental
advances. Joseph Morone, President, Bentley
98Suppliers There is an ominous downside to
strategic supplier relationships. An SSR supplier
is not likely to function as any more than a
mirror to your organization. Fringe suppliers
that offer innovative business practices need not
apply. Wayne Burkan, Wide Angle Vision Beat
the Competition by Focusing on Fringe
Competitors, Lost Customers, and Rogue Employees
99Axiom Never use a vendor who is not in the top
quartile (decile?) in their industry on RD
spending!Inspired by Hummingbird
100COMPETITORS The best swordsman in the world
doesnt need to fear the second best swordsman in
the world no, the person for him to be afraid
of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had
a sword in his hand before he doesnt do the
thing he ought to do, and so the expert isnt
prepared for him he does the thing he ought not
to do and often it catches the expert out and
ends him on the spot. Mark Twain
101How do dominant companies lose their position?
Two-thirds of the time, they pick the wrong
competitor to worry about. Don Listwin, CEO,
Openwave Systems/WSJ/06.01.2004 (commenting on
102Dont benchmark, futuremark! Impetus The
future is already here its just not evenly
distributed William Gibson
103Employees Are there enough weird people in the
lab these days?V. Chmn., pharmaceutical house,
to a lab director
104 Why Do I love
Freaks? (1) Because when Anything Interesting
happens it was a freak who did it. (Period.)
(2) Freaks are fun. (Freaks are also a pain.)
(Freaks are never boring.) (3) We need freaks.
Especially in freaky times. (Hint These are
freaky times, for you me the CIA the Army
Avon.) (4) A critical mass of
freaks-in-our-midst automatically make
us-who-are-not-so-freaky at least somewhat more
freaky. (Which is a Good Thing in freaky
timessee immediately above.) (5) Freaks are
the only (ONLY) ones who succeedas in, make it
into the history books. (6) Freaks keep us
from falling into ruts. (If we listen to them.)
(We seldom listen to them.) (Which is why most
organizations are in ruts. Make that chasms.)
105Well-behaved women rarely make history.Anita
Borg, Institute for Women and Technology
106A Few Lessons from the ArtsEach hired and
developed and evaluated in unique ways (23
contributors 23 unique contributions 23
pathways 23 personalities 23 sets of
paramountRe-lent-less!Practice is cool (G
Leonard/Mastery)Team and individual Aspire to
EXCELLENCE ObviousEx-e-cu-tionTalent Brand
DuhThe Project rulesEmotional languageBit
players. No.B.I.W. (everything)Delta events
Delta rosters (incl leader/s)
107 We become who we hang out with!
108Measure Strangeness/Portfolio
Partners (, Quality)Innovation Alliance
PartnersCustomersCompetitors (who we
benchmark against) Strategic Initiatives
Product Portfolio (LineEx v. Leap)IS/IT
ProjectsHQ LocationLunch MatesLanguageBoard
109This is an essay about what it takes to create
and sell something remarkable. It is a plea for
originality, passion, guts and daring. You cant
be remarkable by following someone else whos
remarkable. One way to figure out a theory is to
look at whats working in the real world and
determine what the successes have in common. But
what could the Four Seasons and Motel 6 possibly
have in common? Or Neiman-Marcus and WalMart? Or
Nokia (bringing out new hardware every 30 days or
so) and Nintendo (marketing the same Game Boy 14
years in a row)? Its like trying to drive
looking in the rearview mirror. The thing that
all these companies have in common is that they
have nothing in common. They are outliers.
Theyre on the fringes. Superfast or superslow.
Very exclusive or very cheap. Extremely big or
extremely small. The reason its so hard to
follow the leader is this The leader is the
leader precisely because he did something
remarkable. And that remarkable thing is now
takenso its no longer remarkable when you
decide to do it. Seth Godin, Fast
110Innovation Index How many of your Top 5
Strategic Initiatives/Key Projects score 8 or
higher (out of 10) on a Weird/ Profound/
Wow/Game- changer Scale?
111Beware of the tyranny of making Small Changes
to Small Things. Rather, make Big Changes to Big
Things. Roger Enrico, former Chairman,
112Line Extensions 86 percent of new products. 62
percent of revenues. 39 percent of
profit.Source Blue Ocean Strategy, Chan Kim
and Renée Mauborgne
113 Five MYTHS About Changing BehaviorCrisis
is a powerful impetus for changeChange is
motivated by fearThe facts will set us
freeSmall, gradual changes are always easier
to make and sustainWe cant change because our
brains become hardwired early in lifeSource
Fast Company/05.2005
114 Radically Thrilling Language! Radically
Thrilling. BMW Z4 (ad)
115The role of the Director is to create a space
where the actor or actress can become more than
theyve ever been before, more than theyve
dreamed of being. Robert Altman, Oscar
116My only goal is to have no goals. The goal,
every time, is that film, that very moment.
Bernardo Bertolucci
118What We Know For Sure About InnovationBig
mergers by large dont workScale is
over-ratedStrategic planning is the last refuge
of scoundrelsFocus groups are counter-productive
Built to last is a chimera (stupid)Success
killsForgetting is impossibleRe-imagine is a
charming ideaOrderly innovation process is an
oxymoronic phrase ( Believed only by morons
with ox-like brains)Tipping points are easy to
identify long after they will do you any
goodFacts arentAll information making it to
the top is filtered to the point of danger and
hilaritySuccess stories are the illusions of
egomaniacs (and gurus)If you believe the
cause effect memoirs of CEOs you should be
institutionalizedHerd behavior (XYZ is hot)
is ubiquitous and amusingTop teams are
DittoheadsStatistically, CEOs have little
effect on performanceExpert prediction is
rarely better than rolling the dice
119Parallel universe/Exec Ed v res MBA End run
regnant powers/JKC Find done deals-practicing
mavericks/Stone-ReGo Bell curves/2016 in
2006 Non-industry benchmarking Everything
Portfolio V.C.s all! Hot language/Wow-Astonish
me-Insanely great-immortal-Make something
great Lead customers/PW-Embraer Lead suppliers
/Top decile RD Weird alliances Mottos/Paul Arden
(Whatever You Think Think the Opposite) Hire
freaks/Enough weird people? Weird Boards!!!
120CEO track record of Innovation (nobody starts at
45!) System/GE-Immelt Strategic thrust
overlay Calendar Big Delta easier than
Small MBWA with freaks-weirdos/JKC MBWA/Boonies
labs V.C.-formal/Intel Acquire weird Childrens
crusade Old farts crusade Go Global at any
size Stop listening to customers Talent!/Unusual
sources-Hire innovators-V.C.s Eschew giant mergers
121Remember scale economies max out early Assisted
suicide! (Built to last Chimera-snare-delusion
) Burn your press clippings Forgetting
strategy Fire all strategic planners Tempo! Fina
l product bears little relation to starting
notion Design! Design! Design! (culture, not
program) All innovation Pissed-off people Gut
feel rules! Focus groups suck Weird focus groups
okay Be-Do philosophy
122Celebrations Culture-little as well as big Inno
(everyone-an-innovator) Life Wow
Projects Acknowledge messiness-pursue serendipity
Utterback) R.F.A. Culture of execution 4/40
decentralization, execution, accountability,
615AM EVP (S.O.U.B.)/Systems-process
un-design Diversity for diversitys
sake Women-Women-Women/customers (they are the
market, not a segment)-leaders Boomers-Geezers
(all the money)
123CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) culture/top-line
obsessed CIO (Chief INNOVATION Officer) Laughter F
acility-space configuration Experiments-prototypes
Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre
successes. Bizarrely high incentives (
penalties) We are what we eat/We are who we hang
out with (E.g. Staff-Consultants-Vendors-Out-sour
cing Partners/, Quality-Innovation Alliance
Partners-Customers-Competitors/who we benchmark
against -Strategic Initiatives -Product
Portfolio/LineEx v. Leap-IS/IT Projects-HQ
Location-Lunch Mates-Language-Board)
124Paul Arden, Whatever You Think Think the Opposite
125ARE YOU BEING REASONABLE? Most people are
reasonable thats why they only do reasonably
well. Source Paul Arden, Whatever You Think
Think the Opposite
126TRAPPED. Its not because you are making the
wrong decisions. Its because you are making the
right ones. We try to make sensible decisions
based on the facts in front of us. The problem
with making sensible decisions is that so is
everybody else. Source Paul Arden, Whatever
You Think Think the Opposite
127Making the safe decision is dull, predictable
and leads nowhere new. The unsafe decision causes
you to think and respond in a way you hadnt
thought of. And that thought will lead to other
thoughts which will help you achieve what you
want. Start taking bad decisions and it will take
you to a place where others only dream of
being.Source Paul Arden, Whatever You Think
Think the Opposite
128The best piece of advice ever given was by the
art director of Harpers Bazaar, Alexey
Brodovitch, to the young Richard Avedon, destined
to become one of the worlds great photographers.
The advice was simple ASTONISH ME. Bear these
words in mind, and whatever you do will be
creative.Source Paul Arden, Whatever You
Think Think the Opposite
129Which slogan would you choose for the VA?THE
museum, the first question is Wheres the loo?
the second is Where is the café? A visit to a
museum is an outing it should be entertaining as
well as elevating. Curators have to conserve art,
and directors are there to serve the public, the
curators and themselves. So put yourself in their
position. Which line are you going to choose? One
which will be effective with the public, or one
that preserves the dignity of the VA? To her
everlasting credit, Elizabeth Esteve-Coll, then
Director of the VA, chose the last
line.Source Paul Arden, Whatever You Think
Think the Opposite
130Life is not a journey to the grave with the
intention of arriving safely in a pretty and
well-preserved bodybut rather a skid in
broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out,
and loudly proclaiming, Wow, what a ride!
131From secret hideouts in South Asia, the
Spanish-Syrian al-Qaeda strategist published
thousands of pages of tracts on how small teams
of Islamic extremists could wage a decentralized
global war against the United States and its
allies. Washington Post/0523.06
132Immelt on Innovation breakthroughs Pull out
and fund ideas in each business that will
generate gt100M in revenue find best people to
lead (80 throughout GE)Source Fast
133Strategic Thrust OverlaySyscoMicrosoft
(Inet, Search)GE (6-Sigma, Workout, etc.)GSK
(7 CEDDs)Apple (Mac)Hyundai (et al.)
(Electronics, etc.)Different from Skunkworks
137Excellence1982 The Bedrock Eight Basics 1. A
Bias for Action 2. Close to the Customer 3.
Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4. Productivity
Through People 5. Hands On, Value-Driven 6. Stick
to the Knitting 7. Simple Form, Lean Staff 8.
Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties
138What is In Search of Excellence all
aboutPeople. Emotion. Engagement.
Exuberance. Action-Execution. Empowerment.
Independence. Initiative. Imagination. Great
Stories. Incredible Adventures. Trust. Caring.
Fun. Joy. Customer-centrism. Profit. Growth.
Brand You. Dramatic Differences.
Experiences that Make You Gasp. Excellence.
139ExIn 1982-2002/Forbes.comDJIA 10,000 yields
85,000 EI 10,000 yields 140,050
Excellence Index /Basket of 32 publicly
traded stocks
141Why in the world did you go to Siberia?
142The Peters Principles Enthusiasm. Emotion.
Excellence. Energy. Excitement. Service. Growth.
Creativity. Imagination. Vitality. Joy.
Surprise. Independence. Spirit. Community.
Limitless human potential. Diversity. Profit.
Innovation. Design. Quality. Entrepreneurialism.
143Business (at its best) An emotional, vital,
innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial
endeavor that elicits maximum concerted human
potential in the wholehearted service of
others.Excellence. Always.Employees,
Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners,
Temporary partners
144Business The Ultimate Creative Endeavor.
145Business The Ultimate Personal
Development-Growth Experience.
146Business The Ultimate Transcendent Service
148Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one
wild and precious life? Mary Oliver
149This is the true joy of Life, the being used for
a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one
the being a force of Nature instead of a
feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and
grievances complaining that the world will not
devote itself to making you happy. GB
Shaw/Man and Superman
152415/SqFt/WalMart798/SqFt/Whole Foods
1537X. 730A-800P. F12A.93-03/10 yr annual
return CB 29 WM 17 HD 16. Mkt Cap 48
155Its simple, really, Tom. Hire for ?s, and,
above all, promote for ?s. Starbucks middle
1561/100 Best Companies to Work for/2005
159Cirque du Soleil!
161Donnellys Weatherstrip Service Weymouth MA
163????????Weenie of the year, 2006
167To be a leader in consumer products, its
critical to have leaders who represent the
population we serve. Steve Reinemund/PepsiCo
170Good Thinking, Guys!Kodak Sharpens Digital
Focus On Its Best Customers Women Page 1
172Women are the majority market Fara
Warner/The Power of the Purse
173USA/F.Stats Short n (Very) Sweetgt50 of stock
ownership, 13T total wealth (2X in 15
years)gt7T consumer biz spending (gt50 GDP gt
Japan GDP) gt80 consumer spdg (Consumer 70
all spdg) 57 BA degrees (2002) ed social
strata, no wage gap60 Internet users gt50
primary users of electronic equipmentgt50 biz
tripsWimBiz Employees gt F500 10M 33 all US
BizPay from 62 in 1980 to 80 today equal if
education, social status, etc are equal60
work 46M (divorced, widowed, never
married)Source Fara Warner, The Power of the
174Cases!McDonalds (mom-centered to majority
consumer not via kids)Home Depot (Do it
everything! Herself)PG (more than house
cleaner) DeBeers (right-hand rings/4B)AXA
FinancialKodak (women emotional centers of
the household)Nike (gt jock endorsements new
def sports majority consumer)AvonBratz (young
girls want friends, not a blond
stereotype)Source Fara Warner/The Power of the
175To help revive the companys sales and profits,
McDonalds shifted its strategy toward women from
one of minority consumers who served as a
conduit to the important childrens market to one
in which women are the majority consumers and the
main drivers behind menu and promotion
innovation. Fara Warner, The Power of the Purse
176 1. Men and women are different.2. Very
different.3. VERY, VERY DIFFERENT.4. Women
Men have a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y nothing in
common.5. Women buy lotsa stuff.6. WOMEN BUY
A-L-L THE STUFF.7. Womens Market Opportunity
No. 1.8. Men are (STILL) in charge.9. MEN ARE
Womens Market Opportunity No. 1.
177The Perfect Answer
Jill and Jack buy slacks in black
178(No Transcript)
179Women dont buy brands. They join
1802.6 vs. 21
18110. Womens Market Opportunity No. 1.
182Continuing on page 73 A Guide to Womenomics
The Future of the World Economy Lies Increasingly
in Female Hands. (Headline.) More stats Around
the globe since 1980, women have filled two new
jobs for everyone taken by a man. Women are
becoming more important in the global marketplace
not just as workers, but also as consumers,
entrepreneurs, managers and investors. Re
consumption, Goldman Sachs in Tokyo has developed
an index of 115 companies poised to benefit from
womens increased purchasing power over the past
decade the value of shares in Goldmans basket
has risen by 96, against the Tokyo stockmarkets
rise of 13. A couple of final assertions (1)
It is now agreed that the single best investment
that can be made in the developing world is
educating girls. (2) Also, surprisingly, nations
with the highest female laborforce participation
rates, such as Sweden and the U.S., have the
highest fertility rates and those with the
lowest participation rates, such as Italy and
Germany, have the lowest fertility
rates. Source Economist, April 15, page 73
186 Add It Up!Doing it right
(Men buy things that other men will buy for
women. I buy things that women want.successful
jeweler/F)Greater workforce/global participation
rate (bigger contributor to GDP growth than
technology, China, India)Higher wages (more
seniority, promotionseven if not to
CEO)Women-owned businesses (answer to the Glass
187Forget China, India and the Internet Economic
Growth Is Driven by Women. Headline,
Economist, April 15, Leader, page 14
188Forget China, India and the Internet Economic
Growth Is Driven by Women. Headline. Even
today in the modern, developed world, surveys
show that parents still prefer to have a boy
rather than a girl. One longstanding reason boys
have been seen as a greater blessing has been
that they are expected to become better economic
providers for their parents old age. Yet it is
time for parents to think again. Girls may now be
a better investment. Girls get better grades in
school than boys, and in most developed countries
more women than men go to university. Women will
thus be better equipped for the new jobs of the
21st century, in which brains count a lot more
than brawn. And women are more likely to
provide sound advice on investing their parents
nesteg surveys show that women consistently
achieve higher financial returns than men do.
Furthermore, the increase in female employment in
the rich world has been the main driving force of
growth in the last couple of decades. Those women
have contributed more to global GDP growth than
have either new technology or the new giants,
India and China. Economist, April 15
1902000-2010 Stats18-44 -155 21(55-64
47 )
19144-65 New Customer Majority 45 larger
than 18-43 60 larger by 2010Source Ageless
Marketing, David Wolfe Robert Snyder
192The New Customer Majority is the only adult
market with realistic prospects for significant
sales growth in dozens of product lines for
thousands of companies. David Wolfe Robert
Snyder, Ageless Marketing
193Baby-boomer Women The Sweetest of Sweet Spots
for Marketers David Wolfe and Robert Snyder,
Ageless Marketing
194WOMAN of the Year Shes the most powerful
consumer in America. And as she starts to turn
sixty this month, the affluent baby boomer is
doing what shes always doneredefining herself.
Joan Hamilton, Town Country, JAN06
195Sixty Is the New Thirty Cover/AARP/11.03
197Women.Women business owners.Boomers-Geezers.S
ingle-adults (Urban)
198Fastest growing demographic Single-person
Households (gt50 in London, Stockholm,
etc)Source Richard Scase
199 of homes purchased by single women 1981, 10
2005, 20 of homes purchased by single men
1981, 10 2005, 9Source USA Today/02.15.06
201Women.Women business owners.Boomers-Geezers.S
ingle-adults (Urban)
204MasterCard Advisors
206 Disintermediation is overrated. Those who
fear disintermediation should in fact be afraid
of irrelevancedisintermediation is just another
way of saying that youve become irrelevant to
your customers. John Battelle/Point/Advertisin
g Age/07.05
208 support function / cost center/ overhead
209Are you Rock Stars of the Age of Talent
210Are you the Principal Engine of Value
AddedEg Your RD budget as robust as the New
Products team?
211Department Head to Managing Partner, IS
HR, RD, etc. Inc.
212The PSF35 Thirty-Five Professional Service
Firm Marks of Excellence
213 The PSF35 The Work The Legacy1.
Practice Group If you cant explain your
position in eight words or less, you dont
have a positionSeth Godin)2. DRAMATIC
DIFFERENCE (We are the only ones who do what
we doJerry Garcia)3. Stretch Is Routine
(Never bite off less than you can
chewanon.)4. Eye-Appetite for Game-changer
Projects (Excellence at Assembling Best
TeamFast) 5. Playful Clients (Adventurous
folks who unfailingly Aim to Change the
World)6. Small Uneconomic Clients with Big
Aims 7. Life Is Too Short to Work with Jerks
(Fire lousy clients)8. OBSESSED WITH LEGACY
(Practice Group and Individual Dent the
UniverseSteve Jobs)9. Fire-on-the-spot Anyone
Who Says, Law/Architecture/Consulting/
I-banking/ Accounting/PR/Etc. has become a
commodity 10. Consistent with 9 above DO
214Point of View!
216Fleet ManagerRolling Stock Cost Minimization
Officervs/orChief of Fleet Lifetime Value
Maximization Strategic Supply-chain
Executive Customer Experience Director (via
217Big Browns New Bag UPS Aims to Be the Traffic
Manager for Corporate America Headline/BW/2004
218Purchasing Officer Thrust 1 Cost (at All
Costs) Minimization Professional? Or/to Full
Partner-Leader in Lifetime Value-added
Maximization?(Lopez Arguably Villain 1 in
GM tragedy/Anon VSE-Spain)
219HCare CIO Technology Executive (workin in a
hospital) Or/to Full-scale, Accountable (life
or death) Member-Partner of XYZ Hospitals
Senior Healing-Services Team (who happens to be a
221 CXOChief eXperience Officer
222CDMChief Dream Merchant
223CFOChief Festivals Officer
224CCOChief Conversations Officer
225CSOChief Seduction Officer
226CL OChief Lovemark Officer
227CPIChief Portal Impresario
228CWOChief WOW Officer
229CSTOChief Storytelling Officer
230CROChief Revenue Officer
231. Everyone lives by selling something.
Robert Louis Stevenson
234 Brand Talent.
235Organizing Genius / Warren Bennis and Patricia
Ward BiedermanGroups become great only when
everyone in them, leaders and members alike, is
free to do his or her absolute best.The best
thing a leader can do for a Great Group is to
allow its members to discover their greatness.
236Leaderships Mt Everest/Mt Excellencefree to
do his or her absolute best allow its
members to discover their greatness.
237 We are a Life Success CompanyDave Liniger,
founder, RE/MAX
238Our MissionTo develop and manage talentto
apply that talent,throughout the world, for the
benefit of clientsto do so in partnership to
do so with profit.WPP
239Leaders do people. Period. Anon.
240The leaders of Great Groups love talent and
know where to find it. They revel in the talent
of others. Warren Bennis Patricia Ward
Biederman, Organizing Genius
241PARCs Bob Taylor Connoisseur of Talent
244 Leadership231. Enthusiasm. Energy.
Exuberance.2. Action. Execution.3. Tempo.
Metabolism.4. Relentless.5. Master of Plan
B.6. Accountability.7. Meritocracy.8. Leaders
do people. Mentor. (Success creation
business.)9. Women. Diversity.10. Integrity.
Credibility. Humanity. Grace.11. Realism.12.
Cause. Adventures. Quests.13. Legacy.14. Best
story wins.15. On the edge. (Wildest chimera of
a moonstruck mind.) 16. Reward excellent
failures. Punish mediocre successes.17.
Different gt Better. (Only ones who do what we
do.)18. MBWA. Customer MBWA.19. Laughs.20.
Repot. Curiosity. Why?21. You Calendar. To
Dont. Two.22. Excellence. Always. 23.
Nelsonian! (Other admirals more afraid of
losing than anxious to win.)
245 Kevin Roberts Credo1.
Ready. Fire! Aim.2. If it aint broke ... Break
it!3. Hire crazies.4. Ask dumb questions.5.
Pursue failure.6. Lead, follow ... or get out of
the way!7. Spread confusion.8. Ditch your
office.9. Read odd stuff.10. Avoid moderation!
246Sir Richards RulesFollow your passions.Keep
it simple.Get the best people to help
you.Re-create yourself.Play.Source Fortune
on Branson
247Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Steve Jobs
249 Insanely Great Language! Insanely
Great. Steve Jobs
250 Radically Thrilling Language! Radically
Thrilling. BMW Z4 (ad)
252CTOChief Thrills Officer
253CTOChief Transcendence Officer
256 Its always showtime. David DAlessandro,
Career Warfare
257CWOChief WOW Officer
259C!OChief ! Officer
261The Irreducible209/Sales122Tom
262The Irreducible209
263A frustrated participant at a seminar for
investment bankers in Mauritius listened
impatiently to my explanation of differences of
opinion among me, Mike Porter, Gary Hamel, Jim
Collins, etc. Finally, hed had enough. What, if
anything, he asked, do you believe for sure?
I mumbled something, but his query started
rumbling around in my mind. Three days later,
wandering on a Sunday in London, the idea of the
irreducibles occurred to meand I started
jotting down notes on stuff I do indeed believe
for sure. Before I knew it, a few days later,
the list had grown to 209 items. Hence The
Irreducible209 that follows.Tom Peters
2641. Hare 1, Tortoise 0. (Hare-y times.) 2. Tempo.
(O.O.D.A.) 3. MBWA. 4. Appreciation. (Motivator
1.) (Cant be faked. Good.) 5. Decency. 6.
Hurry. 7. Time out. 8. One matters. 9. Big
change. Short time. (Alt not work.) 10.
Excellence. Always. 11. Passion. Energy. Hustle.
Enthusiasm. Exuberance. (Move mountains. No
alt.) 12. You must care. 13. Emotion. 14. Hard is
soft. (Soft is hard.)
26515. Men. Women. Different. Contend. Connect. 16.
Women. Buy. All. (RU listening?) 17. Quality.
(Mind-blowing. Beyond 6-Sigma.) 18. Re-invent.
Re-pot. (Required.) 19. Jaywalk. 20. Big change.
Small of people. (Always.) 21. Experiment.
Now. 22. Failure. Normal. 23. Most failures,
most success. (Fail. Forward. Fast.) 24.
Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre
successes. 25. Women leaders. (Altered times.)
26. Extremism. (Good business. Bad
politics.) 27. Innovation source. Only. Extreme
irritation. 28. Smile.
26629. You must care. 30. Mentor. (Highest ROI.) 31.
Best roster wins. 32. Wow. (Okay in biz.) 33.
We all have customers. (Biz. Personal.) 34. All
contacts Experiences. 35. Cirque du Soleil.
(Peerless.) 36. Leaders create space for
growth. 37. Quests. (Only.) 38. High aspirations,
high results. (Self-fulfilling
prophecy.) 39. Attitude 1, Skills 0. (Mostly.)
(Attitude 1, Skill 0.3?) 40. Sometimes Skill
1, Attitude 0.1. 41. Must love, not like. 42.
Wegmans. (No excuses. Mere groceries.) 43.
Less than your best. Cheating.
26744. Brand You. (No alt.) 45. Self-sufficiency.
(Biggest LT turn-on.) 46. In the moment. 47. The
moment wins. 48. Tomorrow Never. 49. Action 1,
Plan 0.1. 50. Execution can be a system. 51.
Realism. 52. Own up. Move on. 53.
Accountability. 54. Work hard gt Work smart.
(Mostly.) 55. Feedback. Necessary. Fast. (R.F.A.
in RFA times.) 56. Customers. Listen.
Lead. (Paradox.) 57. On stage. Always. (GW,
FDR, RG Supreme actors.)
26858. Master statistical analysis. 59. Excellence
Set the table. 60. Legacy. (Will it have
mattered?) 61. Great. (Why not?) 62. Radicals
rule. (Think Olympics.) 63. !!! Good. 64. Red
1, Brown 0. (Red times.) 65. Talk. Listen. (Big
2. Master.) 66. Politics. (Normal-inevitable
state of affairs. Master.) 67. Student.
Forever. 68. Why? (Question 1.) 69. Dont
belittle. 70. Respect. 71. All we have this
moment. (Moments matter most?) 72. Now.
(Procrastination. Death.)
26973. Exercise. 74. Paint. (Leader. Portraits of
Excellence.) 75. Best story wins. 76. You must
be the change you wish to see in the
world. 77. Two big ones. Max.
(Priorities.) 78. No I in Team. (I in
Win.) 79. I in Win. (No I in Team.) 80.
Different 1, Better 0. (Better 0.1) 81.
Imitation Mistake. (Learn, from who?) 82.
Choose/battle the right competitor. 83.
Schools. Creativity. Entrepreneurship.
(Not.) 84. MBAs. Creativity. Entrepreneurship.
Leadership. (Not.) 85. Design. Under-rated.
Wildly. (Still.) (Everything.)
27086. You Calendar. (Calendar. Never. Lies.) 87.
Laugh. 88. Handshake. (Quantity. Quality.) 89.
Dont fold your hands in front of your chest.
Ever. (Never.) 90. Grace. (Works in biz.) 91.
Weird. Wins. (Weird times.) 92. Crazy times.
Crazy orgs. 93. Internet. All. 94. Women.
Boomers-Geezers. Market. All. 95. Passion.
(Repeat. So what?) 96. Energy. (Repeat.
So what?) 97. Hustle. (Repeat. So
what?) 98. Enthusiasm. (Repeat. So what?) 99.
Exuberance. (Repeat. So what?) 100. Smile.
(Repeat. So what?) 101. Care.
(Repeat. So what?)
271102. Simplicity. Redundancy. Resilience. Bloody-
mindedness. Visible optimism. (Success.)
103. Act. (Repeat. So what?) 104.
Appreciate. (Repeat. So what?) 105. Fun. (Biz.
Why not?) 106. Joy. (Biz. Why not?) 107. Sales
Life. 108. Marketing Life. 109. Long-term. Top
line. 110. Great company Creates the most
individual success stories. (RE/MAX) 111.
Talent first, performance byproduct. 112.
Sustained Wow 1, Shareholder value,
0.2 (Product, People.) 113. Commitment, by
invitation only. 114. Creativity, by invitation
only. 115. HR 1. (Ought to.) 116.
Face-to-face. (5K miles, 5 minutes.)
272117. Negotiation. Make all winners. (Save
face.) 118. Grace makes enemies friends. 119.
Network. 120. Invest in relationships. (Think
ROIR. Return On Investment in
Relationships.) 118. Relationship investment.
Forethought. Calendar item.
Intensity. 119. Innovation. Easy. (Hang out
with weird.) 120. Weird Win. (Weird
times.) 121. The bottleneck is at the top
of the bottle. 122. Good Board Weird Board.
(At least, surprising.) 123. No
contention, no progress.
273124. Crucial conversations. Crucial
confrontations. (Study. Learn. Do.) 125. Honest
feedback. 126. Gaspworthy. Yes. 127. Insanely
great. 128. Astonish me. 129. Make it
immortal. 130. Will you remember it in 20
years? 131. No small opportunities.
(Reframe.) 132. One playmate, one playpen
Enough. 133. End run. Sensible. 134. Allies are
there for the finding. 135. Find successes. Build
on successes. (Pos gt Neg. Encourage gt
Fix.) 136. Somebodys doing it today. Find
em. 137. Someone is living 2016 in 2006.
(Find em. Study em.)
274138. Dont benchmark, futuremark.
(2016. Happening. Somewhere.) 139. PMA. It
works. 140. There are no experts. (You are the
expert.) 141. Life is short. 142. Sustained
success. Fat chance. Make today matter.
(Sustained. Ha.) 143. Collaborate. (Networked
world.) 144. Go solo. (Individual. Unit of
Intellectual Capital.) 145. There are no
perfect plans. (Do. Wins.) 146. Plans motivate.
(Right or wrong. Sense of purpose.) 147.
Never rest. 148. Get some sleep. 149. Winning
Embracing paradox. 150. Ambiguity Opportunity.
275151. Resilience. 152. Relentless-ness. 153. None.
Above. Comeuppance. (GM. Sears. U.S.
Steel. DEC.) 154. Be