Current Issues: Emerging Church - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Current Issues: Emerging Church


... down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and ... However, there is a danger of swinging the pendulum and being so focused on the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Current Issues: Emerging Church

Current Issues Emerging Church
  • Bethany Baptist Church
  • Jerry Sanderson
  • Spring Electives 2007

Lesson 6
  • Some quote from leaders of the Emerging Church.
  • Lets evaluate each one.

Rob and Kristen Bell
  • Life in the church had become so small. It had
    worked for me for a long time. Then it stopped
    working. The Bible is still the center for us,
    but it a different kinds of center. We want to
    embrace the mystery, rather than conquer it. I
    grew up thinking weve figured out the Bible,
    that we knew what it means. Now I have no idea
    what most of it means. And yet I feel like life
    is big again like life used to be in black and
    white, and now, its in color.

Mark Driscoll
  • No one is born with a clear comprehension of who
    God is. So, in an effort to know about, various
    philosophers and religious leaders have presented
    their speculations about God with seemingly
    endless and contradictory declarations. But God
    has chosen to lift the fog of human speculation
    with divine revelation. Whereas speculation is
    the human attempt to comprehend God, revelation
    is Gods communication to humanity with clarity
    that is otherwise impossible. The object of that
    revelation is the 66 books of Scripture.

John Burke
  • Maybe the reason our generation seeks God through
    Buddhism or Eastern mysticism before considering
    Christianity is because so many professed
    Christians dont actually believe what they say
    they believe. They say Lord, Lord, but dont
    do the Lords will(Luke 646). Ultimately, how
    we live reveals what we truly believe.

Dan Kimball
  • When we go beyond core beliefs with such
    certainty about a specific system of theology
    that was developed a long time after the Nicene
    Creed, that is where we differ. I lean toward
    more historic Nicene Creed orthodoxy, and I still
    remain overall conservative in my theology. Yet
    I do allow mystery and exploration in some areas
    of theological belief.

  • Nicene Creed. We believe in one God the Father
    Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all
    things visible and invisible.
  • And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten
    Son of God, begotten of the Father before all
    worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of
    Very God, begotten, not made, being of one
    substance with the Father by whom all things were
    made who for us men, and for our salvation, came
    down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy
    Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, and
    was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate.
    He suffered and was buried, and the third day he
    rose again according to the Scriptures, and
    ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right
    hand of the Father. And he shall come again with
    glory to judge both the quick and the dead, whose
    kingdom shall have no end

  • And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and
    Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and
    the Son, who with the Father and the Son together
    is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the
    prophets. And we believe one holy catholic and
    apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for
    the remission of sins. And we look for the
    resurrection of the dead, and the life of the
    world to come. Amen.

Why not just the Nicene Creed
  • What about the Protestant Reformation?
  • What about Augustine's refutation of Pelagius and
  • Council of Carthage's condemnation of
    Pelagianism ? (which occurred nearly a hundred
    years after the Nicene Council).
  • At the Council of Chalcedon, 126 years later, a
    statement was written which explained in simple
    terms the hypostatic union of Christ's two
    natures. That's what finally helped end a more
    than 200-year-long parade of heresies about the
    person of Christ and the doctrine of the Trinity.
  • Phil Johnson

  • Pelagianism is a theological theory named after
    Pelagius. It is the belief that original sin did
    not taint human nature (which, being created from
    God, was divine), and that mortal will is still
    capable of choosing good or evil without Divine
    aid. Thus, Adam's sin was "to set a bad example"
    for his progeny, but his actions did not have the
    other consequences imputed to Original Sin.
    Pelagianism views the role of Jesus as "setting a
    good example" for the rest of humanity (thus
    counteracting Adam's bad example). In short,
    humanity has full control, and thus full
    responsibility, for its own salvation in addition
    to full responsibility for every sin (the latter
    insisted upon by both proponents and opponents of
    Pelagianism). According to Pelagian doctrine,
    since humanity is no longer in need of any of
    God's graces beyond the creation of will, Jesus'
    sacrifice is devoid of its redemptive quality. -

Why not just the Nicene Creed
  • The Nicene Creed is referred to by Roman
    Catholics and Orthodox as the "symbol of faith,"
    and its recitation is often part of Christian
    worship services. In the Catholic Mass, it is
    also referred to as the "Profession of Faith. -
  • However, some evangelical Christians who take a
    view of sola scriptura reject the Creed (and
    especially its recitation), not necessarily for
    its content but simply because it is not found in
    the Bible. - Wikipedia

Karen Ward
  • I reference Scripture as the big S Story, a
    founding partner in a relational dance, as my
    friend Rachel Mee Chapman says, in the overlap
    of text, community, and Spirit. As such, my take
    on truth is that it is personal, and my view of
    authority is dynamic. For me, Christian truth
    takes flesh in the person of Christ, who in the
    name of the Father and in the power of the
    Spirit, leads Christian communities into truth
    and into him, as he is truth.

John Burke
  • When people ask the question, Dont all
    religions basically say the same thing, we can
    affirm that they do all say the same thing about
    what is right and wrong, the moral law.

Doug Pagiit
  • Complex understandings meant for all people, in
    all places, for all times, are simply not
    possible. Lanuage, situtation, specific issues,
    and peoples own preferences and insecurity all
    are involved in any belief system. There is no
    way to make a statement of substantive belief
    without these kinds of issues being at play.

Doug Pagitt - More
  • This was the case for Peter in Acts 1034-35
  • If Peter had been one who would have allowed his
    cultural and religious presuppositions to remain
    firm, and not moved in the way God had led he
    would have missed out on what God was leading him

Mark Driscoll
  • If both doctrine and practice are constant, the
    result is dead orthodoxy, which Pagitt is
    reacting against. If both doctrine and practice
    is constantly changing, the result is living
    heresy, which Pagitt is contending for. But if
    doctrine is constant and practice is constantly
    changing, the result is living orthodoxy, which I
    propose is the faithful third way.

  • The Emerging Church movement is varied and
  • Much of it is a reaction to the leaders bad
    experiences in legalistic church combined with
    their genuine desire to reach our post-modern
  • Many of those leaders wrongly connect truth and
    doctrine with their legalistic experiences

  • Many in the Emerging Church take the Post-Modern
    ideas of truth being either
  • Subjective
  • Unknowable
  • Uncertain
  • Experiential rather than Propositional

Remember, questions are OK, but.
  • The KEY is where we go for the answers
  • The BIBLE.
  • The Bible Alone accurately reflects reality
  • Where we come from, why are we here?
  • The fallen condition of the world around us
  • Moral law, right and wrong
  • Gods unchangeable character and attributes
  • Gods working in the world throughout history
  • The way to know God

D.A. Carson says..
  • There are some valid criticisms of Christianity
    of the modern period, sermons more didactic than
    narrative. However, there is a danger of
    swinging the pendulum and being so focused on the
    narrative that we miss or even disdain logical

  • Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church
    D.A. Carson
  • The Truth War John MacArthur
  • Emerging Church paper Gary Gilley
  • Books by Emerging Church authors
  • Listening to the Beliefs of the Emerging Church
    Editor Robert Webber
  • A New Kind of Christian Brian McLaren
  • A Generous Orthodoxy Brian McLaren
  • They Like Jesus but Not the Church Dan Kimball
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