Rate versus Risk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rate versus Risk


Last week we discussed the concept of cumulative incidence ... Example: Biliary cirrhosis time to death data .use biliary cirrhosis data, clear. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rate versus Risk

Rate versus Risk
  • Two basic measures of the occurrence of new
    events (disease)
  • Cumulative incidenceRiskProbability
  • Incidence rateRateevents per time units
  • Last week we discussed the concept of cumulative
  • Commonly calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method
    when different follow-up times exist
  • Incidence rate of disease is somewhat less
    intuitive but is the more fundamental measure

Main Points to be Covered
  • Cumulative incidence and person-time incidence
    rate different but related
  • Hazard
  • Calculating a person-time incidence rate
  • Uses of person-time incidence rates
  • STATA commands for rates
  • Assumptions of survival and person-time analyses

The Three Elements in Measures of Disease
  • E an event a disease diagnosis or death
  • N number of at-risk persons in the population
    under study
  • T time period during which the events are

Two Measures of Incidence
  • The proportion of individuals who experience the
    event in a defined time period (E/N during some
    time T) cumulative incidence
  • The number of events divided by the amount of
    person-time observed (E/NT) incidence rate

Person-Time Incidence Rates
  • The numerator is the same as incidence based on
    proportion of persons events (E)
  • The denominator is the sum of the follow-up times
    for each individual
  • The resulting ratio of E/NT is not a
    proportion--may be greater than 1
  • Value depends on unit of time used

Incidence rate value depends on the time units
  • Incidence rate of 8 cases per 100 person-years
  • 0.67 cases per 100 person-months
  • 0.15 cases per 100 person-weeks

Assumption of Person-Time Incidence Estimation
  • A time units of follow-up on B persons is the
    same as B time units on A persons
  • Observing 20 deaths in 200 persons followed for
    50 years gives the same incidence rate as 20
    deaths in 10,000 persons followed 1 year
  • The rate is constant for the time period during
    which it is calculated
  • Rates calculated over long time periods may be
    less meaningful

Understanding the Difference between a Rate and
Cumulative Incidence
  • Rate can be thought of as how likely an event is
    to happen at any moment in time
  • Cumulative incidence is the result of applying
    that rate to a defined population for a specified
    period of time
  • A rate is calculated by using data from a time
    period, but the rate is assumed constant during
    that period (i.e., at any moment in time during
    the period the rate is the same)

Illustration of Rate versus Cumulative Incidence
  • The mortality rate in the U.S. population in 2001
    was 855 per 100,000 person-years (or 0.855 per
    100 person-years)
  • If everyone alive at the beginning of the period
    were followed for 5 years, the cumulative
    incidence of death (if the rate held constant)
    would be 4.2 at 5 years at 10 years it would be

Relationship between Incidence Rate and
Cumulative Incidence
  • A constant rate produces an exponential
    cumulative incidence (or survival) distribution
  • If know the instantaneous incidence rate, can
    derive the cumulative incidence/survival function
    or vice-versa
  • where F(t) cumulative incidence and
  • 1 - F(t) cumulative survival
  • e 2.71828 ? rate t time units

Constant Rate
Increasing Rate
Effect of high and low constant incidence rates
on cumulative incidence
  • Hazard is an instantaneous incidence rate
  • h(t) P(event in interval between t and t?t
    alive at t)
  • ?t
  • Hazard function
  • Shape of the relationship between time and
  • Constant rate, or constantly increasing rate,
    shown in previous slides are particular examples
  • Can take on any shape

Hazard function for mortality in general
Note on Person-Time Rates
  • Person-time concept may seem unfamiliar because
    often described as annual rate or annual rate
    per 100,000 persons or per 100,000 persons
    (i.e., person-time denominator is not made
  • Example The incidence of Pediatric
    Cardiomyopathy in two regions of the United
    States (NEJM, 2003)
  • 467 cases of cardiomyopathy in registry of 38
    centers (New England, Southwest) 1996 - 1999
  • denominator population estimates1990 census
    with an in- and out-migration algorithm ages 1 -
  • overall annual incidence of 1.13 per 100,000
  • Better to make person-time explicit incidence
    among children was 1.13 per 100,000 person-years

How to Calculate a Person-Time Rate Obtaining
the Denominator
  • Method 1 If have exact entry, censoring, and
    event times for each person, can sum person-time
    for each person for denominator
  • Method 2 If no individual data but have the
    time interval and average population size, can
    take their product as denominator
  • Some datasets may only have the average
    population size at risk

Rate 6/9.583 0.626 per person-year 62.6 per
100 person-years
Method 2 Using average number of persons at risk
during time interval
10 persons at baseline 1 person at end of 2
years (6 deaths 3 censored before 2 years 9
losses) Formula Average number of persons at
risk N baseline N end / 2 11 / 2
5.5 Rate 6/5.5 over 2 years 0.545 per
person-year or 54.5 per 100 person-years
Person-time incidence based on grouped vs.
individual data
  • Szklo and Nieto use incidence rate when based on
    group data (average population at risk) and
    incidence density when based on individual data
  • This terminology distinction is not followed by
  • Average population method assumes uniform
    occurrence of events and of censoring during the
    interval (like life table)

Waiting Time Property of Incidence Rates
  • Waiting time to an event is reciprocal of the
    incidence rate (1/rate)
  • Eg, if rate 300 per 100 person-years, reciprocal
    is 1
  • (300/100 person-years)
  • (1/3) person-year
  • Average waiting time between events is 0.33
    person-year 4 person-months

Why Use Incidence Rates?
  • To calculate incidence from population-based
    disease registries

(1) Calculating a rate from population-based
registry of diagnoses
  • Research question What is the incidence rate for
    first diagnoses of breast cancer in Marin County
    and how does it compare with rates from other
  • Nearly all new breast cancer diagnoses are
    reported to the SEER cancer registry
  • How to obtain a denominator for a rate?

Large Population Person-Time Rates
Since the production of stable rates for cancers
at most individual sites requires a population
of at least one million subjects, the logistic
and financial problems of attempting to maintain
a constant surveillance system of everyone
in the population are usually prohibitive.
Breslow and Day, Statistical Methods in Cancer
Research Solution Do surveillance of all the
cancer diagnoses and estimate the population
denominator to get person-time at risk. To get
an incidence rate person-time denominator by the
group method requires only an estimate of the
average population size during the year (the
population at mid-year).
Average Population (Group data) rates versus
individual data rates
  • If losses are perfectly uniform, total
    person-time calculation for the denominator (and
    thus the rate) is the same whether based on
    average population size or individual follow-up
  • For large populations the rate will be nearly
    identical calculated by either method

Potential Weakness of Using Census Data
  • Calculating rates from census population data is
    very useful but caution is required as a full
    census is only done every 10 years
  • Interim estimates of population change are made
    by the Census but over 10 years denominators may
    become inaccurate

Invasive Breast Cancer Rates for Marin County
versus Other California, 1995-2000
Rates per 100,000 person-years Excluding 5 Bay
Area Counties
Census Denominators for Incidence
Rates are Estimates
The estimates of breast cancer incidence (number
of new cancers per year) most recently reported
for Marin and other areas of the country were
based on 1990 census information. Data from
Census 2000 have enabled researchers to
recalculate rates for Marin. Preliminary results
show that revised incidence rates for Marin
County based on the 2000 census are substantially
lower than the rates calculated using 1990 census
information. The discrepancy between using the
1990 and 2000 census data is due to projected
population growth differing considerably from
actual population growth.
Why Use Incidence Rates?
  • To calculate incidence from population-based
    disease registries
  • To compare disease incidence in a cohort
    (individual-level data) with rate from the
    general population OR to compare incidences
    between 2 or more general populations

(2) Comparing a rate from a cohort to the rate in
the general population
  • A cohort study of petroleum refinery workers
    followed up subjects for mortality for 36 years
    and found 765 deaths.
  • Research question Was the cohort mortality
    incidence high, low, or just average for those
    calendar years?
  • How would you calculate the mortality incidence
    in the cohort?

Example of Using Person-Time Rates for Cohort
  • Cohort of petrochemical workers
  • 6,588 white male employees of Texas plant
  • Mortality determined from 1941-1977
  • 137,745 person-years of follow-up time
  • 765 deaths
  • Overall death rate 765 / 137,745 person-years
  • 5.6 per 1000 person-years
  • Question Is this a high death rate?
  • Austin SG, et al., J Occupat Med, 1983

Cohort of petrochemical workers
  • Could calculate KM estimate of cumulative
    incidence (for 36 years of follow-up), but what
    is the comparison group?
  • Using the person-time rate, the observed rate can
    be compared to the rate that would be expected if
    the person-time rate from a reference population
    (eg, U.S. population) is applied to the cohort

Standardized Mortality Ratio
  • If U.S. death rates for age-sex-race-calendar
    period groups applied to the cohort, 924 deaths
    were expected in the cohort versus the 765
  • Ratio of 765 observed/924 expected 0.83. This
    is called a Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR).

Obtaining an expected rate for comparison
Cause Specific SMRs
Austin SG, et al., J Occupat Med, 1983
Example of using both cumulative incidence and
incidence rates in the same analysis for
different purposes
End stage renal disease Cumulative incidence
(survival) within cohorts defined by age at
diagnosis Ratios of mortality incidence rates
in renal disease children compared with national
child mortality rates
McDonald et al., NEJM 2004
Another example of SMR Is mortality higher after
a fracture?
Bluic et al. JAMA 2009
(2b) Comparing hip fracture incidence in
different populations
Per 100,000 person-years
e Standardized to 1990 non-Hispanic white US
Why Use Incidence Rates?
  • To calculate incidence from population-based
    disease registries
  • To compare disease incidence in a cohort with a
    rate from the general population OR to compare
    incidence in 2 or more populations
  • To compare incidence from a time-varying exposure
    in persons while exposed and unexposed

(3) To compare incidence from a time-varying
exposure in persons while exposed and unexposed
  • Research question In a Medicaid database is
    there an association between use of non-aspirin
    non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and
    coronary artery disease (CAD)?
  • How would you study the relationship between
    NSAID use and CAD?

Calculating stratified person-time incidence
rates in cohorts
  • For persons followed in a cohort some potential
    risk factors may be fixed but some may be
  • gender is fixed
  • taking medications or getting regular exercise
    are behaviors that can change over time
  • Adding up person-time in an exposure category to
    get a denominator of time at risk is a way to
    deal with risk factors that change over time

Analysis of changing exposure and disease
  • Tennessee Medicaid data base, 1987-1998 are
    NSAIDs associated with CAD risk?
  • Same person could both use and not use NSAIDs at
    different times over the 11 years
  • Cant do cumulative incidence because would have
    to define groups by baseline characteristics
    without accounting for changes in subsequent

Ray, Lancet, 2002
Analysis of changing exposure with person-time
  • Person-time totaled for using and not using
    NSAIDs MI or CAD death outcome
  • 181,441 periods of new NSAIDS use in 128,002
    individuals 181,441 periods of non-use in
    134,642 individuals (matched by age, sex, and
    calendar date)
  • A person can contribute to the denominator both
    for use and non-use but only after a 365 day
    wash out period between use and non-use

Analysis of changing exposure with person-time
  • Rate ratio 1.01
  • Concluded no evidence that NSAIDS reduced risk of
    CHD events

Ray, Lancet, 2002
Calculating Rates in STATA
Declare data set survival data . stset timevar,
fail(failvar) .strate gives person-years
rate .strate groupvar gives rates within
groups Example Biliary cirrhosis time to death
data .use biliary cirrhosis data, clear .stset
time, fail(d) .strate D Y
Rate Lower Upper 96
747.04 0.1285 0.1052
0.1570 .strate treat Treat D Y
Rate Lower Upper Placebo
49 355.0 0.138 0.104
0.183 Active 47 392.0 0.120
0.090 0.160
Hazard function in Stata
  • sts graph, hazard

K-M survival curve for same data
Incidence rate (from previous slide) 0.13
deaths per person-year
10 yr cum incidence 0.2375
Immediate Commands in STATA
STATA has an option to use it like a calculator
for various computations without using a data
set. Called immediate commands. Example, to
calculate the confidence interval around a
person-time rate . cii person-time units
events, poisson E.g. 6 events occur in 10
person-years of follow-up . cii 10 6,
poisson 95 CI 0.220 1.306
(No Transcript)
Incidence rate
Cumulative incidence
Survival changing over calendar time
Summary Points
  • Person-time incidence rate (or density)
  • E/NT
  • Related to cumulative incidence
  • Not a proportion
  • Person-time incidence rate can be calculated with
    individual or average population data
  • Allows incidence estimates in large populations
    that are not completely enumerated
  • Allows comparison with population reference rates
    from other data sources
  • Allows accumulation of time at risk for different
    exposure strata
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