Title: Prehistoric Art
1Prehistoric Art
- 1. Prehistoric before development of writing
- 2. Paleolithic old stone age
- 3. Neolithic new stone age
- 4. Hominids human-like creatures
- 5. homo habilis handy man 1.9 1.5 million
years ago direct ancestor - 6. homo erectus man upright (standing) - 1.5
million years ago used fire - 7. Neanderthal 200,000 years ago 1st
religious beliefs (?) - 8. Homo sapiens man thinking
- 9. Cro Magnon earliest modern man
- 50,000-30,000 years ago
3Cave paintingsCro Magnon
4Lascaux Cave 15,000 BC
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6Man as stick figure
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9Chavet Cave lions hunting Bison
10Horse - Lascaux
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12hands signature of artist?
13Choppers used for chopping and scraping1.9
million years ago
14Triangular hand ax
16Hand ax 150,000
17Hand ax
18Neanderthal hand ax
19willow leaf blade- 16,000 bc
20Homo habilis 1.9 million years ago the first
too maker
21Homo erectus 1.5 million to 300,000 bc(could
make fire)
22Neanderthal v. Cro Magnon
23Horse carved from ivory
24Neolithic pottery 10,000 BCE
25Carved horse head
26Chavet - horses
27Cave bear skull placed atop a rock religion?
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29On left, Venus of Villendorf (Austria) 25,000 BC
30Ivory lion
31Venus de Brassempouy