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Diapositiva 1


Mario Albisinni. Elisa Marzilli. Federica Pintaldi ... 5|_| To ask for political asylum. Read the modalities. 4|_| For marriage. affective relationship ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Diapositiva 1

The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test related to Labour Force Survey
ad-Hoc Module on Migrants and their Immediate
Mario Albisinni Elisa Marzilli Federica Pintaldi
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Introduction Labour Force Survey
  • The Labour Force Survey (LFS) began on
    quarterly basis in 1959
  • It is the biggest and most complex sample survey
    - 75.000 households / 170.000 individuals
  • - average sampling rate 1/300
  • - statistics for small geographical areas (NUTS
  • The LFS is a survey of households that provides
    information about people's employment status and
  • Official source for employment and unemployment
  • Many Eu Regulations

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Introduction Labour Force Survey
  • In order to match EUROSTAT standards. on 2002
  • developed a new Labour Force Survey
  • It replaced the previous old survey in 2004
  • The main changes concern both content and
  • points of view
  • - the survey has become continuous
  • - from a PAPI technique to a mixed technique
  • - a new questionnaire
  • - new information

Since 2005 we have started to diffuse information
about non nationals
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
Ad hoc modules specific items every year
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Introduction Labour Force Survey
2000 Transition from school to working life
2001 Length and patterns of working time
2002 Employment of disabled people
2003 Lifelong learning
2004 Work organization and working time
2005 Reconciliation between work and family life
2006 Transition from work into retirement
2007 Accidents at work and work-related health
2008 Labour market situation of migrants
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
LFS Ad-hoc Module 2008
  • The aim is
  • complete identification of the population of
    migrants and their immediate descendants
  • comparable data at European level
  • comparison between migrants (and their
    descendants) and nationals about main
    characteristics of labour market

analysis of the factors affecting integration in
the labour market
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
LFS Ad-hoc Module 2008
In order to improve the quality of survey data
for migrants by decreasing language barriers we
conducted a cognitive test
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • the cognitive test is a method to reduce
    non-sample errors and improve the quality of the
  • the cognitive interview identifies the aspects of
    the question that lead to errors in the answers
  • the cognitive interview decomposes and codifies
    the thoughts of the interviewees when they answer
    a questionnaire
  • the purpose is to stimulate the respondents to
    suggest the difficulties encountered in answering

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • The cognitive process can be drawn up into 4
  • Comprehension the respondent tries to understand
    the question and its terms
  • Retrieval of relevant information from the
    memory the respondent retrieves and selects the
    information in order to be able to answer the
  • Decision-making (or judgment) process the
    respondent reflects on what is the correct answer
    and about personal experience to share
  • Answer process the respondent decides on the
    answer to be given and communicates it to the

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
AM 2008 Cognitive Test
  • Methodology
  • An interviewer accompanied by one observer
    conducted a face-to-face qualitative interview
  • Both the interviewer and the observer had a trace
    they had to follow and which allowed them not to
    go off the point
  • Each interview was registered in order to be able
    to listen to it again and transcribe it
  • A standardized scheme was compiled to evaluate
    the interviewees level of question comprehension

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • Sample
  • We interviewed a selected group of 30 migrants by
    sex. citizenship and professional status
  • The sample has been divided in two
  • - first 15 interviews test questionnaire

some questions were re-formulated because of
problems emerged - second 15 interviews test
new questions
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
The interview
  • The questionnaire contains 3 kind of questions
  • Questions to be tested read exactly the way they
    are written on the questionnaire to evaluate
    whether the terms are correct and comprehensible
  • Probe questions asked after the questions to be
    tested allow to examine more in-depth the meaning
    of the answers given
  • Questions for the observer allow to survey the
    non-verbal reactions of the communication process
    and suggest what kind of information should be
    written on for each question

Moreover the probe questions can be integrated
with other questions the interviewer may freely
elaborate regarding aspects that emerge during
the interview
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • The probe questions concern
  • problems relative to the question comprehension/
  • re-wording of the question by the interviewer
  • certainty of the answer given
  • strategy used for retrieving past information
  • opinion on a specific aspect discovered during
    the interview
  • reason for choosing a specific answer and the
    difficulties encountered in formulating it

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • The cognitive test questionnaire example

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
The analysis
  • The first step was to transcribe the dialogues of
    the interviews and notes of the observer.
  • For each question. we indicated
  • answer given
  • respondents difficulties
  • observers comments

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
The analysis
  • We compiled a standardized scheme to evaluate the
    interviewees level of comprehension
  • interviewees question
  • answer modality
  • pertinence of the answer

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • The interviewees question comprehension

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • The interviewees question comprehension

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • The answer modality

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • The pertinence of the question with the
    interviewees condition

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • for each question. the combination of the
    information from the content analysis has allowed
    reconstructing a comprehension index
  • it was created adding the positive
    comprehension answers and dividing these per
    total number of answers

The index moves from 0 to 100 (max comprehension)

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • In relation to the comprehension index of wording
    questions we considered positive comprehension
  • Did the interviewee understand the question
    immediately? Modality yes
  • How many difficulty was for interviewee answering
    the question? Modality not much/not at all
  • Did the interviewee understand the time
    reference? Modality yes
  • Did some words of the question result not very
    comprehensible? Modality no
  • Other question comprehension problems? Modality

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test
  • In relation to the comprehension index of
    modalities of answer we considered positive
    comprehension answer
  • Were the answer modalities clear? Modality yes
  • Were the answer modalities exhaustive? Modality
  • How difficulty was for the interviewee have to
    choose an answer modality? Modality not
    much/not at all

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test results
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test results
The new wordings improved the comprehension
levels the average comprehension level of
wording question arises from 71 of the 1st group
to 87 of 2nd group
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test results
The main problems that could arise when using
cognitive test and how they can be corrected
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test some examples
Which is the main reason for coming to Italy?
1_To work 2_To study 3_For
family reasons (reunion. transfer) 4_For
marriage. affective relationship 5_To ask
for political asylum 996_Other
(specify____________) 997_Does not know
PROBLEMS The answer modalities were neither
clear nor exhaustive. The modality to work.
produced some uncertainties for those who came to
Italy to search for a job. R to create myself a
future. I cannot say for work because I did not
have a work contract I came to Italy to find a
job The reason changes in the time R To work.
Well. at first not to stay in Italy. My objective
was to go to Spain and continue to study. Then. I
had to stay in Italy because I did not have much
money anymore I found a job and stayed
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test some examples
Which is the main reason for coming to Italy?
1_To work 2_To study 3_For
family reasons (reunion. transfer) 4_For
marriage. affective relationship 5_To ask
for political asylum 996_Other
(specify____________) 997_Does not know
  • the first modality was divided in look for a
    job and to work
  • the verb was put to the past tense to focus the
    attention on the reason for migrating rather than
    on the reasons that subsequently came to create
  • a new modality was added short stay in Italy to
    go to another country to survey when Italy is a
    transitory destination rather than the reason for

Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test some example of results
In the 2 years subsequent to your arrival in
Italy. did you use one of the following services
supplied by public or private institutions/associa
tions 1_ Assistance for searching a job
2_ Professional training (including the one
on the workplace)
PROBLEMS the structure of the question resulted
to be complex and the time reference was not
always understood. I is it clear in the question
that we refer only to first two years? R No. I
understood the whole period
  • the wording of the question was simplified

During the first 2 years you lived in Italy. did
you use one of the following services
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test some example of results
Do you need to know better Italian to find a job
that is more adequate to your skills and/or
previous working experiences? 1_Yes
PROBLEMS the phrase structure resulted complex
interviewees asked several times to repeat the
question. three terms were not very
comprehensible Italian. skills and
adequate most of the interviewees answered only
the first part of the question (knowledge of the
Italian language) without considering the second
part of the question (work more adequate to ones
own skills and/or previous working experiences)
R what does Italian mean? The Italian
language or Italian as person? R adequate
though is difficult I would say better R to
persons who do not understand well Italian. the
question is too long. At first. one is not sure
of what it is all about R Instead of adequate.
I would say more right for the things you can
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Cognitive Test some example of results
  • the question was divided into two parts
  • in the first part. respondents are asked if they
    have an adequate job
  • if no we asked if the difficulty is because of
    poor knowledge of the Italian language

Do you have a job close to your studies and
competences? 1_Yes 2_No
To have a job close to your studies and
competences. do you need to improve the knowledge
of the Italian language? 1_Yes
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
Ad-hoc Module 2008 Cognitive Test
  • Conclusion
  • after a second cycle of interviews the
    questionnaire becomes definitive
  • the cognitive test has been particularly useful
    in order to set-up of the ahm 2008
  • we reduce the non-sample error that bias the
    accuracy of data

Cognitive test highlights hidden errors
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
The European Conference on Quality in Official
Rome. 9-11 July 2008
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