Title: Research in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
1Research in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Renzo Tomellini European Commission Chair of the
European Commission Inter-Service Group on
Nanotechnology Head of Unit Nano- and
Converging Sciences and Technologies EuroNanoFor
um 2007
Disclaimer Note that this presentation is not
legally binding and does not represent any
commitment on behalf of the European Commission
2Contribution to Global Output
Great role for RDI in such dynamics
Shares of World Manufacturing Output by
Civilization or Country, 1750-2000 (in
percentages. World100)
3Nanotechnology RD in FP6 Almost 1.4 billion in
more than 550 projects
Nanobio in FP6 and FP7 are not specific
actions but integrated in various
themes exploiting the  converging potential
EC funding by FP6 programme, M
4NMP FP6 projects, e.g.
- Some examples of EU FP6  nano bio projects
- Bio non bio interactions, communication of
the matter - Self assemblying and self organisation
- Molecular Machines and Artificial Mimics
- Nanostructured materials and composites
- Enzymes
- Carbon Nanotubes for Applications in
Nano-Biology - Supramolecular Architectures on Surfaces
- Various applications biofouling, functionalised
textiles, agricolture, food, packaging, - Fluidics
- Manufacturing, instruments
- Nanomedicine regenerative medicine targeted
drug delivery, diagnostics, theranostics - Safety (production, handling, use,
- Innovation related challenges metrology,
patenting, - Facilitating the dialogue research - business -
civil society
Two important drivers Health care Sustanible
5During last years research in nanomedicine has
been encouraged
- Ongoing EU FP6 portfolio is of 250 million
(25 million for studying the impact of
nanoparticles on health and the environment)
- Emphasis on treating diseases, not on human
6Why  nano for health care ?
7 e.g. diagnostics critical features
Courtesy of Dr. Peter Kaspar, bioMerieux S.A.,
8All issues have to be timely addressed
- More knowledge
- Education
- Research
- Infrastructures
- Capacity of application
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Patents
- Regulations
- Reliability
- Metrology
- Standards
- Risk assessment
- To be in tune with society
- Expected response to society needs, to peoples
expectations Balance and perception of risks and
benefits - and concerns
- Cultural attitude to novelty
- Conformity to ethical principles
Research needs money Innovation needs measures
some issues are better addressed at local,
national, EU or global level
9some challenges for RD I
- New and higher performance products and services
at reasonable costs - Creative research for substantial (not only
incremental) industrial innovation products,
processes and organisation - Sustainable and responsible development
- Â Consensual innovationÂ
- Exploitation of interdisciplinary approaches and
the  convergence of disciplines, like Nature
does - To be able to say  no and not trying to do
everything at all levels ?? subsidiarity
10e.g. education and training may be challenged
11e.g. peoples perception may be challenged
12Is existing regulations challenged ?
Current Chemicals Policy - GHS - REACH Tonnage
basis for REACHlt1t gt1t lt10t gt10t lt100t
gt100t lt1000t gt1000t
General product substances plus specific
products legislation
Specific products legislation
Intensity of toxicity control
Legislation Level From basic via specific product
legislation to env.,worker, consumer protection
Medical devices
Medicinal products
Information techno
Food packaging
Car industry Quality of petrol diesel fuel
Material glass ceramic
Worker protection
Consumer protection
13The European Policy in Nanotechnologyintegrated,
safe and responsible
Health, safety, environmental and consumer
14 research and innovation is  compositeÂ
loans / VC banks EIB/EIF States aids
RD public funding - technological risk
raising priorities standards, norms, rules,
National funds and ERA-NET
private funding - industrial risk
education infrastructures accelerate the tempo
15FP7 (EC) Budget
CO-OPERATION 32413 -Health 6100 -Food,
Agriculture and Biotechnology 1935
-Information and Communication Technologies 9050
-Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and
new Production Technologies 3475
-Energy 2350 -Environment (including
Climate Change) 1890 -Transport (including
Aeronautics) 4160 -Socio-economic Sciences and
Humanities 623 -Space 1430 -Security
1400 IDEAS (European Research Council)
4097 JRC 1751
50521 M
16- Funding for Nanotechnology RD in FP7
- Almost 60 activities in the calls opened in 2007
are directly relevant - Several themes and specific programmes
- 300-400M estimated for 2007, increasing after
2008 - In total doubling of the rate of funding
expected over duration of FP7 compared to FP6 - Workprogrammes for 2008 in late 2007
17 WP - NMP
- Evaluation criteria and thresholds
- ST quality 4/5
- Implementation 3/5
- Impact 3/5
- Overall 12/15
18Nanotechnology RD in the World
Global figures for 2006 in M (1 1.25)
2004 8 Billion
2005 10.5 Billion
2006 11.5 Billion
Source European Commission Lux Research
19 References http//cordis.europa.eu/nanotechnology
/src/eu_funding.htm FP7 http//cordis.europa.e
u/fp7/home_en.html FP7 calls http//cordis.europ
a.eu/fp7/dc/index.cfm Nanotechnology
homepage http//ec.europa.eu/nanotechnology/inde
x_en.html http//cordis.europa.eu/nanotechnology/
Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies An Action
Plan for Europe 2005-2009 http//cordis.europa.eu/
nanotechnology/actionplan.htm Additional
information on nanotechnology