Title: ME 814'3 T2: Compressible Flow
1ME 814.3 T2 Compressible Flow
- Instructor Maryam Einian
- Email mae345_at_mail.usask.ca
- CFD lab 1B85
- Discharge of compressed air from a tank
- Flow through a converging-diverging nozzle
3Discharge of compressed air from a tank
- Fill the tank
- Discharge the tank
- Observe the pressure and temperature variation
in time
- unsteady continuity
- steady energy equation
5Converging-Diverging nozzle
Application Propulsion and the High speed flow
of gases.
Mass Flow Rate Low Pressure at the
back ? More mass flow rate
6Subsonic Flow (Mlt1)
1- Nozzle isn't choked
2- Accelerates through the converging section
3- Reaches its maximum speed at the throat.
4- Decelerates through the diverging section.
5- Lowering the back pressure increases the flow
speed everywhere in the nozzle.
7Sonic Flow (M1)
1- Nozzle is choked
2- Accelerates through the converging section
3- Reaches its maximum speed at the throat. (M1)
4- Decelerates through the diverging section.
8Supersonic Flow (Mgt1)
1- Nozzle is choked
2- Accelerates through the converging section
3- Reaches its maximum speed at the throat.
4- Accelerates through the diverging section.
9Shock Wave
1- Nozzle is choked
2- Accelerates through the converging section
3- Reaches its maximum speed at the throat.
4- Accelerates through the diverging section.
5- Shock wave occurs.
6- Decelerates through the diverging section.
Conservation of mass
Conservation of momentum
Conservation of energy
11Isentropic Flow
A perfect gas
12Shock Wave
Highly irreversible
No isentropic process
13Mass Flow Rate
- To obtain the pressure distribution along a
converging-diverging nozzle. - To compare the experimental results with the
theoretical calculations.
15Data Acquisition
16What Do We Require To Obtain From The Raw Data?
17Dimensions of Converging-Diverging Nozzle
18A Summary of Important Quantities
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