RABIES VIRUS What s this? Morphology and structure Replication Pathogenesis Clinical symptoms Diagnosis Prevention and Treatment Morphology bullet-shaped; 45-100 ...
incubation time: several weeks to several years. Symptoms: ... Microbiological Diagnosis. Treatment and Prevention. Prevention. close observation of the animal ...
Immune evasion, a critical strategy for rabies virus Monique Lafon Institut Pasteur Paris Rabies virus triggers a strong immune response in the periphery Rabies ...
Transmission is direct, primarily via inoculation by bite, with ... The reservoir for rabies is the animal pool that circulates ... Administer RIG and vaccine ...
Transmission is direct, primarily via inoculation by bite, with ... The reservoir for rabies is the animal pool that ... (membrane bilayer) RNP. Cross ...
The reservoir for rabies is the animal pool that circulates ... i.e, opossum, bear, deer, coyote, etc. Low Risk Animal. Squirrels, chipmunks. Rats. Mice, voles ...
Immune evasion, a critical strategy for rabies virus. Monique Lafon. Institut Pasteur Paris. Academic press, Rabies Eds A.C. Jackson and W.H. Wunner ...
Small pox skin. Rabies nerves. HIV Immune system. Common Cold Respiratory system ... Used cow pox to prevent small pox. Used his own 11 month old son as ...
WHO Collaborating Centre for the Characterization of Rabies and Rabies-Related Viruses ... Subdermal inoculation / hind footpad. 11d course (sampled at 0, 5, 11) ...
Pneumonia of foals ... Many foals will cough, breath abnormally and, less ... or serum can be effective depending on the immune status of mare and its foal. ...
Pathogenic and attenuated rabies viruses induces differential host protein expression in the central nervous system: Implication of neuronal dysfunction
... endemic, with several hundred fatalities reported each year in the archipelago. Significant morbidity also exists from dog bite injuries, which often require ...
... cause of equine viral arteritis (EVA) that is a worldwide respiratory disease ... Black patches in the bailed green hay are areas filled with fungal spores. ...
... of mares and their foals with a protective antigen rather than by the IV ... or serum can be effective depending on the immune status of mare and its foal. ...
Rabies Nahed Abdel-Haq, M.D Division of infectious Diseases Children s Hospital of Michigan Rabies Virus Belongs to the genus Lyssavius (lyssa: rage in Greek ...
Rabies Lecture 6 Dr. Paul Bartlett, MPH., DVM., Ph.D. Transmission The virus is typically transmitted by being deposited under the skin, usually through a bite wound.
Compiled by Mrs J Wright DGHS SLIDE 1 SLIDE 2 Post mortem testing of the animals brain for the virus Pathology SLIDE 3 Rabies virus Rabies patient Human vaccination ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: Herman Retnandar Last modified by: Windows 7 Created Date: 9/17/2005 1:47:05 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
cette présentation a été réalisée par les étudiants de premier année master sciences d'environnement et les étudiants de master amélioration valorisation des ressources végétales (faculté des sciences ibn tofail à kénitra)
VIRUSES B 4.C Compare the structures of viruses to cells, describe viral reproduction, and describe the role of diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV ...
INFLUENZA Disebabkan oleh virus Orthoneovirus Gejalanya adalah demam, sakit kepala, nafsu makan menurun, nyeri otot, biasanya akan sembuh sendiri dalam 3-7 hari.
Here are some of the more common viruses and the diseases they cause. ... 2. Foot-and-Mouth Disease. 3. Rabies. 4. West Nile Fever. 5. SARS (Coronavirus) ...
Viruses Viruses are not a type of bacteria! Virus comes from the Latin word for poison. Viruses are so small they can only be seen with Electron Microscope.
VIRUS Aditya Pusparajasa, S.Si VIRUS???? Istilah virus berasal dari bahasa Latin venomi yang berarti cairan beracun Pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1883 oleh ...
Viruses What is a virus? Terminology Characteristics of a virus How are viruses structured? Structures and Shapes Retroviruses What is a virus? An agent that causes ...
Virus Notes Structure of HIV Exterior Viral envelope studded with glycoproteins which precisely fits a human cell surface receptor Inside is the capsid with 2 ...
Viruses Characteristics of Viruses Nonliving particle made up of nucleic acid & protein Nonliving because lack some characteristics of life Cause many diseases in ...
Viruses What are they? How do they work? Where do they come from? And What good are they? * Non-viral Infectious Agents Viroids- The smallest known particle that ...
Virus Notes Ch. 18 Sec. 1,2,3 Viruses and Cancer Many cancers can result from viral infections HOW? Because when a virus infects a cell it can cause genes in the cell ...
Adenovirus-African swine fever Foot and Mouth disease virus Polio virus Tobacco Mosaic Virus B. VIROID 1. A small circular piece of RNA with no capsid. 2. The RNA ...
Virus Replicaci n ARN a. Virus con una hebra de ARN se replican tomando como templados ARN. b. En retrovirus, el ARN viral sirve como templado para la sint sis de ...
Viruses Viruses are nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) wrapped in protein Typically the protein coat, or capsid, of an individual virus particle, or virion, is composed of ...
Is a Virus a Living Organism? Chapter 1 Properties of life Cellular Respiration Reproduction Metabolism Homeostasis Heredity Responsiveness Growth and development ...
virus by gomes.hada@gmail.com * Basic Competence 3.5 To describe characteristic Monera kingdom and communicate the role of its in life Material Lesson ...
... Viruses and Cancer Oncogenes/proto-oncogenes V-myc V-ras Viruses to know something about Herpes Simplex HPV human papilloma virus HIV human immunodeficiency ...
VIRUS Aditya Pusparajasa, S.Si VIRUS???? Istilah virus berasal dari bahasa Latin venomi yang berarti cairan beracun Pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1883 oleh ...
Viruses Chapter 18 Pg 489-499 This Powerpoint is hosted on www.worldofteaching.com Please visit for 1000+ free powerpoints What are Viruses A virus is a non-cellular ...
Viruses Viruses no cellular structure, no cytoplasm, organelles or cell membranes no metabolism on their own, cannot grow or respire Therefore are not classified as ...
Rabies is the deadliest disease known to man, with a 99.9% fatality rate. Less than a handful of people have ever survived rabies as far as we know. Know more: https://www.regentstreetclinic.co.uk/rabies-vaccine/