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    麻雀-Mahjong PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: 麻雀-Mahjong - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: Mahjong is usually played with a group of four persons seated around a table. The tiles are shuffled, the dice are rolled, and the rituals of tile allocation and exchange begin. The game ends when the first player matches a hand of 14 tiles and so "calls mahjong," at which time the tiles are counted and a winner is chosen. The pleasure of mahjong is contained in the regular judgments that you will be required to make. Is it preferable to discard a tile and gain an advantage, or to continue with a good hand? When you win a hand, you feel both happiness and sorrow for not being bold enough to take a better alternative. You will learn a lot about your opponents while you play mahjong, and you will adjust your strategy according to their strengths and weaknesses, just like you would in poker. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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