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    5 Benefits Of Installing Aluminium Pergolas PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: 5 Benefits Of Installing Aluminium Pergolas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: Pergolas are the best of both worlds, as they let us enjoy nature while sitting in a modern landscape setting. Whether they are freestanding or with support, they are sure to define your outdoor space, provide shelter, and of course, a visual appeal! And who doesn’t need shade from the scorching heat of Dubai? Pergolas come in different materials like wood and aluminium. The task is to decide on which material suits your requirement and lifestyle. Initially, wood pergolas were built over walkways or to train the vines, usually in gardens and parks. But its fame caught up and these became a trend in no time. However, wood pergolas had several shortcomings like getting affected by weather conditions (moisture problems), susceptibility to pest and insect activity, and high maintenance costs. Aluminium pergolas came to the rescue! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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