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    Bulk Terminal Market Analysis PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: Bulk Terminal Market Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: Dry bulk is a commodity, which is shipped in large amounts and unpackaged situation by a bulk carrier. Generally, these dry bulk commodities are classified as major dry bulk and Minor dry bulk, major dry bulk comprises Grains, Coal And Iron Ore, Minor bulk includes Minerals, fertilizer, cement, woods, sugar, Bauxite/Alumina, etc. There are many transport companies which are specialized in dry bulk delivery. Dry bulk commodity is highly regulated in transport, the effect of an accident can cause badly to the environment. Iron ore is found in nature in the form of rocks, usually mixed with other elements, all forms of iron ore undergoes the various industrial processes. Steel industry is one the largest consumer of iron ore in the world. Iron ore is major bulk commodity with the largest volume trade in seaborne trade, over coal and grain. It comprises almost. Iron ore is the main bulk in a dry bulk commodity which contributes more than 30% in world seaborne trade of dry bulk. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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