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    Tomsolut COACHING & CONSULTING PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: Tomsolut COACHING & CONSULTING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: Coaching is a solution and a goal-oriented support for people in their professional and private environment. It promotes self-reflection and is an intensive learning process firmly controlled by your motivation to change. As a coach Mannheim, I assist teams, individuals, and organizations in advancing decision-making processes or changes. As a coaching Mannheim, I assist teams, people, and organizations in the advancement of decision-making processes or changes. I am a certified "Systemic Coach" according to the framework guidelines of the Systemic Society,Berlin and the center for Systemic Research and Consulting Heidelberg. A paradoxical intervention is a measure in which the patient is deliberately prescribed a problematic behavior or symptom of a disease as a means of overcoming exactly that behavior or symptoms. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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