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    Canadian Immigration Question: Is it necessary to hire a lawyer or a consultant to immigrate to Canada? (1) PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Title: Canadian Immigration Question: Is it necessary to hire a lawyer or a consultant to immigrate to Canada? (1) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Description: It is possible to apply for permanent residence in Canada by oneself. It is also possible to hire the assistance of an intermediary, which can be a professionally licensed and trained Canadian lawyer, specializing in immigration law or any consultant or paralegal. But we often saw cases, when the applicants who had all the chances to pass as independent immigrants failed to do so, for example, due to the mistakes in filling in application forms or because of incorrect behavior at the interview. That's why a lawyer is needed, to proficiently introduce the client to all immigration authorities and to properly prepare him for an interview, thus ensuring the successful immigration to Canada. Do you have further Canadian immigration questions? Call (403) 265-4496 or visit or visit today! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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